XLV, VOLUME PRIOR,ONT.,FRIDAY, FEBRUARY15th,1929. ‘Number8. SHORTCO ENmn Death of Mrs. John Phillips TT Ts Mourned In Commu AR2NNPRPIORRIOR LEADS THE LEAGUE RSESA NCE| _InParliament’sPressGallery _ nity SuowT cou OVIN RTHEPR CE | Interesting CommentFromthe House of Comnions The deathtook place inthe Mans- “WITH MARGIN OF TWO POINTS ’ MARKFO Prepared Specially forThe Chronicle, Queries Invited field suburb on Sunday last of Mrs. AEtteTndanSce HasBeenIncreasingSteadilyandThere Is' John Phillips, a lady who lived most S --UnusualEnthusiasmAmong theStudents—| || of her life here and who was held in Renfrew Finished Strong in Second Place—Almoniein Lastséssion thehouse. opened. in high regard by a large circle of - Third Place and Seven Points Behind the Lead- ManyAdult Pupils.AmongThoseRegistered.|, would happen if we doubled. the friends. Deceased’s. maiden name|- ‘storm anddrift, Nature -was in an grain production of western Canada. was Amelia Rose Sinn and she was -ers—Locals Won From Almonte in Gvertimé Jangyy mood, stern, cold, “repellent. Pricesmight be cut so badly . that a daughterof the late William. F. | Attendanceatthecoursesorgan-||paultryraising. On Wednesday Mr. ‘This. year the scene is changed. “All ‘the farmers now in the west could ized by Mr, A. H.Martin,agricul- M. H. Cockburn tookcharge of the ‘Sinn, a gentleman who was once After a defeat in Almonte on Monday of last week the Arnprior night lone the soft feathery flakes hardly make a living. sextet won from that team in the local rink on Friday and poultry: killing and plucking work. ~ of snow fell, covering .the. city like widely known throughout eastern from » tural representative,in.agriculture 1,OnFeb. 18th Dr. Spencer of Bow-~ -Expenditures—There will be much Canada because of his connection ‘Carléton Plaec on Monday, thereby cinching the league leadershin, and domestic science, with Anprio? a blanket.It hung: heavilyonthe exiticism of the estimates. Criticism with the Allan steamships, She was While the locals were thus employed Renfrew secured five wii manvillewill takeup some-special roofs of the houses, mantled the cold as thecentre, have aroused.unusual work in veterinaryscience : and on. of the estimates in the other fel- born in Quebec almost. 70 years ago, their concluding five games and were serious contenders for the initia] interest throughout thecommunity. “statues of ourheroic’ dead on Par-. low’s constituency. Back home the but as a child she came to Arnprior position. _ While Renfrew and Arnprior were racing neck to neck Feb.i9th and 20th Mr.GordonLa- Tiament Hill, cluttered wp thestreets ‘Theregular -gttendance..at.this febvreandtwo assistants willcon- member. will boast of what he. got ‘and here, following the death of her for the leadership, Almonte, who were at one time tied with Arnprisr and sidewalks, -held up the. cars. ‘for his own constituency... : writing is from #00 to 110 and im:an- duct. -a-two-day swine. marketing father, she was reared by the late for first place in the league race, flopped badly losing Thenby noon the weather “turned ~ Pewer Policy—There will “be a five of eight addresstothecombined ‘class-.on. course... During these two days the Carl F, Sinn, who «was indeed: a . games in the second half of the schedule. At one time Pembro0ke Tuesdaylast.Myr.Martinstatedthat soft, the ‘streets. borethe aspect of conflictbetween the privaté owner appeared to be in the running and marketing and raising of swine will belated spring—nature. wasin a father toher, | os would have tied Almonte for third as faras he knew this- class con-. “group, the government-ownership-if. Mrs. Phillips was a member of place had they not lost at home on Monday evening. be dealt with in detail...his work milder mood... Whatdoes that pre- Carleton Place stituted arecord for this seagon’s will ‘beillustrated: with- slides and kpossible members and. the govern- Emmanuel church congregation and was never in the race. Their only victory of the season was secured sagefor the coming session? Does “ment omnership-at-any: cost crowd, in Almonte. _. classes throughout Ontario. demonstration material. =. - : ‘it mean. a.softer. spot in the heart once was a valued member of the Thegirls’. class completes... t1: “yAt the openingof:theafternoon in regard to Beauharnois Canal and} chei: there; to that church on “»-s- ' ALMONTE 2—ARNPRIOR3. home nursingworkon Friday ‘and of man? Or possibly thingsgo by other power projects. “session.Mayor: Mulvihill and-Mr.. R.. day afternoon the funeral took place| The Arnprior team displayed the Miss Rammage will be onhandon]A.Jeffery were invited by Mr. Mar-| opposites! A far away ring around! Railways—Two battles will devel- Ven. Archdeacon Saddington con- the moon ‘means an. approaching op on this question. First. there is old fighting spirit which has so of- Monday: morning. tocommence -:a: tinto address. theclasses briefly. ducting the services and many at- ‘two-weeks’ sewing class. The “Bothhave been instrumentaltosome storm—the fireworks may breakat the. conflict between the C.N.R. and. tending as a last tribute of respect. ten won games for them when they ~€lasses in cooking will continue dur- extent in the outsanding success: of: ‘the ‘bighouse on the hill and before ‘theC.P.Ry as ‘to development of the The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. P. ovecame a two-goal lead to defea Very long. ee Ne ae Ue | North. -. Ing the next twoweeks... : : -the courses. The=addresses” were -Here there will pe much |: Murphy, Thos. Brennan, Michael | rag chewinDg. It will be the task of the Almonte team ‘on Friday even- The boys attendingtheagricultral brief,; Mayor Mulvihill extending a|: Delaney, Clarence May, George ing and banish the last hope of that _ ¢lass spent theweekin-rope splic-' ‘warm ‘welcome to those who are. at- His Excellency, the .Governor- the members to hold the railway to Sinn and Chas, Muleahy and among reason. and sanity. yet finally may sextet of climbing to second -posi- ing, killing, dressing, plucking. and. tending the classesand Mr.Jeffery General, opened parliament withthe those present from out of town was tion in the league standing. judgingpoultry,live stock - judging’ dwelling briefly onthe - economic speech fromthe throne. Speeches succeed. Our memories on past a brother, Mr. G. Maxwell Sinn, a railway scapades have notyet fail- The visitors scored two in the .- and seed. judging. On Tuesday,. valueofthe classes toArnprior and from the throne of course are not former Arnprior boy who today. oc- first frame;-near the close of the Mr,E. H.Marston of the© poultry. the still greater valué to accrue to speeches from the throne—therefore ed. ‘The object must be to give cupies a place of prominence in the serviceto the people. Mere -ag- third the locals tied it up andput department O.A.C., Guelph, gave’ ‘the members of theclass in the fund wemay speak freely in regard to business life of Montreal. grandizement of one railway at the across the winning goal in the sec- bothclasses some valuable hints on’ of information such a. course offers. them. Theydonottell much, The Surviving are two sisters and two expense. of another cannot be tol- ond: overtime period. It-was- a ‘customs’ scandal was not in the brothers, Mrs. McLean of Trail, B.C. erated. Railways will come up game that was packed with thrills speech during the stormy. session. Mrs. John Mulcahy of Arnprior, G. from gong to gong. There were The greatthings seldom are. Events again on the C.N_R. refinancing plan M, Sinn of Montreal and George MER | and the *C.N.R.’s purchase of other thrills galore for every yan but the OR Sinn of Arnprior. i TH OF F have a way of happening without SUDDENDEA boys who had previously wagered lines... Needless to say that will 7 being foretold. .This much may be Flowers were pillow from Miss involve a. battle. The hardshells small and larger sums were certain- said of the speech this year—it was Marion Sinn, Detroit; sprays, Mr. f among our men of high finance ly on their toes all the way well delivered. The voice of His and Mrs. G. M. Sinn, Montreal; Mr. The locals started with Sargent, would like to keep the C.N.R. poor and Mrs. George Sinn, Arnprior; _ WilliamN. Bennett Succ Excellencyisclear and well modu- for several reasons— Tim Mulvihill, Anderson, Ollie Mul- umbsto Acute Indigestion—| lated... His enunciation is. perfect.) Myr. and Mrs. Chas Mulcahy, Arn- (a) It would always be held up as vibill, Olivier and Kennedy and the . Held InHigh Regard.by Bell TelephoneCo.— Heis asplendid’ example of the prior; cut flowers, Master Morris alternates were Graham and Fergu- an unholy example of govern- Muleahy. trained “statesman, developed in the iment ownership. son. ‘Almonte started with Horten, ..Funeral Here WasLargelyAttended lt atmosphere .of Great Britain, (by A poor C.N.R. would be a poor Honeyborne, Houston, Smith, Ed- - Thecommunity was: shocked on] vice ‘wasconducted. by Rev. J. MIsupreme training ground of. states-~ competitor of the C.P.R, SuggestionsFor.ao monds.and Gerald McCabe and their TIM MULVIHILL . manship. ; . alternates included Fraser, Brace- ‘Mondaywhen word ‘was. received. MacDonald, .. Grace-St... Andrew’s f (ce) If the C.N.R. is held in an who scored Arnprior’s first goal last impossible fmancial condition it|. well,Little and Morris McCabe. Friday and was largely instrumental ~ here that Mr. William N. Bennett churchminister andthe remains laid} Revision of The _ ‘Phe opening period saw the Al- to rest in the . Armprior.. cemetery. The members of the old guard . -will mean the continuance of high in “slipping the skids” under the haddied withstartling suddenness The funeral was-held under theaus- were there. Mr. King is looking - freight. rates—that will be glory ‘Monte squad with the edge all the visiting Almonte team.
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