KINEROS2/AGWA: MODEL USE, CALIBRATION, AND VALIDATION D. C. Goodrich, I. S. Burns, C. L. Unkrich, D. J. Semmens, D. P. Guertin, M. Hernandez, S. Yatheendradas, J. R. Kennedy, L. R. Levick ABSTRACT. KINEROS (KINematic runoff and EROSion) originated in the 1960s as a distributed event-based model that conceptualizes a watershed as a cascade of overland flow model elements that flow into trapezoidal channel model ele- ments. KINEROS was one of the first widely available watershed models that interactively coupled a finite difference ap- proximation of the kinematic overland flow equations to a physically based infiltration model. Development and improve- ment of KINEROS continued from the 1960s on a variety of projects for a range of purposes, which has resulted in a suite of KINEROS-based modeling tools. This article focuses on KINEROS2 (K2), a spatially distributed, event-based water- shed rainfall-runoff and erosion model, and the companion ArcGIS-based Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) tool. AGWA automates the time-consuming tasks of watershed delineation into distributed model elements and in- itial parameterization of these elements using commonly available, national GIS data layers. A variety of approaches have been used to calibrate and validate K2 successfully across a relatively broad range of applications (e.g., urbanization, pre- and post-fire, hillslope erosion, erosion from roads, runoff and recharge, and manure transport). The case studies presented in this article (1) compare lumped to stepwise calibration and validation of runoff and sediment at plot, hillslope, and small watershed scales; and (2) demonstrate an uncalibrated application to address relative change in wa- tershed response to wildfire. Keywords. Distributed watershed model, Erosion, Kinematic wave, KINEROS, Rainfall-runoff, Sediment. INEROS2 (KINematic runoff and EROSion), or well as a number of additional enhancements, resulting in K2, originated at the USDA Agricultural Re- KINEROS, which was released in 1990 (Woolhiser et al., search Service (ARS) in the late 1960s as a 1990; Smith et al., 1995). model that routed runoff from hillslopes, repre- The spatial scales for which this model was developed Ksented by a cascade of overland-flow planes using the can range from plot (<10 m2) to large watersheds on the or- stream path analogy proposed by Onstad and Brakensiek der of a thousand square kilometers. However, it has only (1968), and then laterally into channels (Woolhiser et al., been thoroughly validated for watersheds on the order of a 1970). Conceptualization of the watershed in this form en- hundred square kilometers where sufficient observations ables solution of the flow-routing partial differential equa- exist in experimental watersheds (Goodrich et al., 2004). It tions in one dimension. Rovey (1974) coupled interactive was originally developed as an event-based model. Simula- infiltration to this model and released it as KINGEN. After tion times can vary from tens of minutes for small plots to substantial validation using experimental data, KINGEN more than a day for larger watersheds depending on the re- was modified to include erosion and sediment transport as spective runoff response time. Computational time scales are dictated by adherence to the Courant condition (Rob- erts, 2003). Computational time intervals are automatically adjusted in the current model implementation, and the user Submitted for review in February 2012 as manuscript number SW 9639; approved for publication by the Soil & Water Division of can select the time interval at which simulation output is ASABE in June 2012. reported. Subsequent research with and application of The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. KINEROS has led to additional model enhancements and a The authors are David C. Goodrich, Research Hydraulic Engineer, I. Shea Burns, Senior Research Specialist, and Carl L. Unkrich, Hydrol- more robust model structure, which have been incorporated ogist, USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center (SWRC), Tuc- into the latest version of the model: KINEROS2 (K2). son, Arizona; Darius J. Semmens, Research Physical Scientist, U.S. Geo- The objectives of this article are to: logical Survey, Denver, Colorado; D. Phillip Guertin, Professor, School • and Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona, Tuc- Provide a brief description of the primary K2 son, Arizona; Mariano Hernandez, Research Professor, USDA-ARS model processes and attributes. SWRC, Tucson, Arizona; Soni Yatheendradas, Research Associate, • Describe prior K2 calibration and validation NASA Goddard Hydrological Sciences Laboratory and University of studies. Maryland, College Park, Maryland; Jeff R. Kennedy, Hydrologist, U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson, Arizona; and Lainie R. Levick, Senior Re- • Describe K2 validation and calibration procedures search Specialist, USDA-ARS SWRC, Tucson, Arizona. Corresponding with ideal and with minimal observations. author: David C. Goodrich, USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research • Present case studies of K2 applications with multi- Center, 2000 E. Allen Rd., Tucson, AZ 85719; phone: 520-670-6381, ext. 144; e-mail: [email protected]. scale calibration and validation and in an un- Transactions of the ASABE Vol. 55(4): 1561-1574 2012 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ISSN 2151-0032 1561 gauged watershed. Table 1. Selected sample of prior studies using K2. • Watershed Location Discuss calibration and validation of K2 and Study and Area Application comparable models. Zevenberger Northwest Evaluation of a variety of storm • Describe on-going and future development of K2. and Peterson Mississippi event hydrologic and erosion K2 is open-source software that is distributed freely via (1988) (1.9 ha) models the internet, along with associated model documentation Guber et al. Eastern Maryland Evaluate the uncertainty in model (2010) (3.55 ha) predictions of the manure-borne and example input files (www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/kineros). bacteria overland transport The companion ArcGIS-based Automated Geospatial Wa- Kalin and Treynor, Iowa Comparative assessment of tershed Assessment (AGWA) tool (Miller et al., 2007; Hantush (13.6 ha) KINEROS2 and GSSHA for www.tucson.ars.ag.gov/agwa) automates the time- (2006) hydrology and sediment Zielger et al. Northern Vietnam Effects of land cover transitions on consuming tasks of watershed delineation into distributed (2004, 2007) (9.1 and 12.3 km2) buffering and acceleration of model elements and initial parameterization of these ele- overland flow ments for K2. This tool uses commonly available, national Nikolova Malki Iskar River Flood risk prediction under land GIS data layers to fully parameterize, execute, and visual- et al. basin, Bulgaria use change (2009) (21.2 km2) ize results for both the Soil and Water Assessment Tool Michaud and Southeast Arizona Flash flood forecasting with (SWAT; Arnold et al., 1998) and K2 models. The theoreti- Sorooshian (149 km2) typical ALERT data constraints cal background of the most current versions of K2 and (1994) AGWA, with example applications, is presented by Sem- Schaffner South-central New Flash flood prediction using near mens et al. (2008). Like K2, AGWA is open-source soft- et al. York and northeast real-time National Weather Service (2010) Pennsylvania radar-rainfall estimates ware available from the AGWA website. This site also con- (six watersheds, tains documentation, supporting references, tutorials, and a 64.0 to 624 km2) user forum. Support for K2 and AGWA is typically accom- plished by e-mail and phone communication. In selected dimensional flow can be assumed. A typical subdivision, cases, users experiencing problems can e-mail their input from topography to model elements, of a small watershed files to K2 and AGWA developers to allow in-house de- in the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental is illustrat- bugging. We also welcome visitors to the USDA-ARS ed in figure 1. Further, user-defined subdivision can be Southwest Watershed Research Center to work with model made to isolate hydrologically distinct portions of the wa- developers on application projects and/or model improve- tershed if desired (e.g., for large impervious areas, for ab- ments. On an intermittent basis, AGWA training classes rupt changes in slope, soil type, or hydraulic roughness, have also been conducted in a computer classroom setting. etc.). Attributes of each of the model element types are summarized in table 2. Watershed characterization is important to estimate both K2 DESCRIPTION the geometric characteristics of watershed modeling ele- K2 is a distributed model that is applicable from plot to ments (e.g., slope, flow length, area) and the factors affect- watershed scales and has been successfully calibrated and ing infiltration and routing (e.g., soil hydraulic properties, validated on experimental watersheds with high-resolution hydraulic roughness, land use, and land cover). Ideally, a inputs and observations up to 150 km2 in size. K2 is an high-resolution topographic survey derived from lidar or a event-based model that estimates runoff, erosion, and sed- real-time kinematic (RTK) GPS survey would be available. iment transport in overland flow (hillslope), channel, deten- A distributed set of tension infiltrometer or rainfall simula- tion pond, urban, injection, and non-pressurized culvert tor measurements, coupled with soil textural and bulk den- model elements. Table 1 lists a sample of studies that em- sity analyses sufficient
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