Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Vol 1 No 2 Summer 2011 incorporating Islington History Journal Dip into history at Ironmonger Row Cultural and historical importance of public baths celebrated in words and pictures Trams below ground: the Hungarian connection l Victorian social history and business ideas from Beale’s store’s records l Strength in unity and workers’ history in TUC library l Archaeology along the railway from King’s Cross to Kent l Artist Geoffrey Fletcher’s Islington pictures l Scandal of baby farming: The Ghost of Lily Painter book launch l Inspiration from tough lives for Islington novel The Street l Your local history questions answered l News and events About the society What we do Memories, reviews, old photographs, Islington Archaeology & ideas sought… contribute to this journal History Society Committee hesocietyarranges President lectures,walks,visits Wewelcomecontributions, streetsorbuildings?Send RtHonLordSmith Tandoutingsinrelation includingarticlesonlocal theminforourtireless ofFinsbury tothearchaeologyand history,memoriesandmore researcherMichaelReading historyofIslington. academicpieces. –andmaybeotherreaders Vice-president Weliaisewiththecouncil Eachpagetakesabout500 –toanswer. MaryCosh andothersinmattersof words,andmostarticles lSeeLetters,page6 planninganddevelopment takeuponeortwopages, Chairman and acting torecordandprotect butdon’tworrytoomuch Copyright secretary Islington’ssitesthatareof aboutwordcount. Copyrightofeverythingin AndrewGardner archaeologicalandhistorical Welikereceivingpictures, thisjournallieswiththe [email protected] importance. butpleasecheckthatwecan creatorunlessotherwise Wealsoaimtodocument reproducethemwithout stated.Whileitcanbedifficult Membership and events archaeologicalfindingsin infringinganyone’scopyright. totracecopyrightownership CatherineBrighty theborough. Deadlinefortheautumn ofarchivematerials,we 8WynyattStreet Localhistoricaland is15August. makeeveryefforttodoso. London literarywalksarearranged EC1V7HU forgroups. Ever wondered…? Any questions? 02078331541 Doyouhaveanyqueries ContacteditorChristy Why archaeology? aboutIslington’shistory, Lawrance(detailsright). Treasurer Archaeologyisnotjust PhilipAnderson aboutwhatisburied;it phlpandrsn6@ includesstructuresand Join us and benefit from membership btopenworld.com fragmentsthatstillexist,and thepeoplewholived, Membersreceivethis making,building Committee members workedanddiedinthem. journalandareinvitedto restoration,architecture, KathleenFrenchman Weareheretoinvestigate, 10talksayearwithguest entertainmenthistory, PeterFuller learnandcelebratewhatis speakers,andotherevents. health,crimeandpolitics. MichaelHarper lefttous. Werunawiderangeof Membersalsoreceivethe DerekSeeley talks,withtopicsgoingfrom journalfourtimesayear. Our website Romangardenstothe Non-membersarealways Academic adviser Gotowww.iahs.org.ukto Routemasterbus,theKing’s welcomeattalks–weinvite LesterHillman,former findoutmoreaboutusand Cross/StPancrasstation a£1donationtowardsthe visitingprofessorLondon findoutaboutourevents. redevelopment,map- speaker’sexpenses. MetropolitanBusiness School,London (photocopiesacceptable) $ MetropolitanUniversity Membership form Newsletter editor Membershipperyearis:£10single;£12jointatsameaddress;concessions£6;joint ChristyLawrance concessions£8;corporate£15 [email protected] c/o6Northview Name(s).................................................................................................................................... TufnellParkRoad LondonN70QB Address.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................. The Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Telno/email(ifweneedtocontactyou).............................................................................. ispublishedfourtimes ayear I/Wewouldlikesingle/joint/concession/jointconcession/corporatemembership,and encloseachequepayableto“IslingtonArcheology&HistorySociety”for................. ISSN2046-8245 Pleasereturnthisform(photocopiesacceptable)to:IslingtonArchaeology&History PrintedbyCLPHolborn Society,8WynyattStreet,LondonEC1V7HU 16BaldwinsGardens Cover picture: Ruth Corney Cover LondonEC1N7RJ 2 JournaloftheIslingtonArchaeology&HistorySociety Summer2011Vol1 No2 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Incorporating Islington History Journal Vol 1 No 2 Summer 2011 The architectural revolution began here he pictures in this issue of street demolition in Finsbury Park T(page 23) bring to mind the work Contents of one of our founding members, Harley Sherlock. With others of his generation of News 4 architects who qualified in the MP’s Victorian records returned to Islington late 1950s, he saw that low-rise Deco cinema plans thrown out high-density housing could use exactly the same economy of land as high-rise Poolingthememories 7 tower blocks – and went on to Ironmonger Row Baths and a radical move in public sanitation demonstrate it. A human aspect was returned to new Lettersandyourquestions 8 building, carrying the spirit of Lubetkin Why school names changed, a blue plaque mystery and Plymouth Rock – “nothing is too good for ordinary people” – and recognising the Tramsbelowground–theHungarianconnection 10 importance of community. Children The determined Islington MP, a controversial visit and London’s trams playing outside should be within earshot of a mother calling from the Victorianvalues 12 top floor. Beale’s store of Holloway: banquet diaries, cakes by post and patented bread My mother was a school teacher in south London at that time. Newly Beneaththerails 14 housed children would come to school Archaeology by train from King’s Cross to Kent, with a new study reviewed starry-eyed and exclaim: “It’s like a palace in the sky!” Most of them had Showsofstrengthinworkers’unity 16 never known indoor plumbing before. The huge range of material in the Trades Union Congress Library Collections It is easy to rue the day that large estates were built, some – let’s be fair Coffinplates 17 – very good but many very bad. In Recognise an ancestor’s name? context, large numbers of people needed to be housed, as quickly as Adifferentviewofafamiliarcity 18 possible, at minimal cost. It worked for Geoffrey Fletcher – an artist, writer and Islington enthusiast who was a short time. fascinated by off-beat London Renovated street properties as social housing have worked better here in Babyfarming:aVictorianscandal 20 Islington than the alternative of postwar Caitlin Davies describes the story that influenced her book, The Ghost of Lily housing developments in other parts of Painter; plus review of the book and its launch London, many of which have reached or passed their estimated lifespans. Inspirationfromtoughlives 22 Through chance, luck and sometimes Kay Brellend on her novel, inspired by life in the worst street in north London incompetence, we have been left some of the finest streets and squares in the Publicationsandbookshop 24 capital, and some of the most attractive streetscapes in the country. Events 26 Andrew Gardner Directoryofsocietiesandmuseums 29 Chairman Islington Archaeology & History Society IslingtonArchaeology&HistorySocietyevents 31 Journal of the Islington Archaeology & History Society Summer 2011 Vol 1 No 2 3 news In brief MP’s papers returned to Islington Archivists to tweet across the globe Atalkonaformer “Iwouldliketofinda Thepapersarestillbeing Islington’sMPvisitto suitablehomeforallthese cataloguedsoarenotyet Archivistsaroundtheworld Hungaryorganisedbythe paperswheretheycould availabletoview. willbeableaskeachother IAHShasresultedina bekepttogetherandcould AndrewGardner,IAHS questionsanddiscusstheir collectionofhispapers beavailableforresearch chairman,said:“Itwas collectionsattheTwitter beingreturnedtoIslington. byanyoneinterestedin wonderfultohearfroma AskArchivistseventon ArchivepapersofSir knowinghowamoderately directdescendent. 9June.Theevent,which GeorgeRadford,LiberalMP wealthyVictorianfamilylived. “Asthelocalhistorycentre willhavethe#AskArchivists forIslingtonEast1906-1917, “Iamhopingtocometo hasanumberofRadford hashtag,willallowarchivists arenowintheIslington thistalkandwouldbevery documents,itwillbe andothersonTwittertoget LocalHistoryCentre. interestedtofindoutmore marvelloustoseethisgrow incontactwitheachother. aboutmygreatgrandfather’s intoaveryvaluable The find and a talk activitiesandhisvisitto collectiononamanwho An old-fashioned stink Whileclearingouta Budapest.” shouldbeverymuchbetter pervades the library relative’shouse,SirGeorge’s Thepapersinclude known.Itishugelyexciting. greatgranddaughterHelen Radford’sdiariesspanning “ManythankstoHelen Ifyouthinkthere’safunny Mortoncameacrossalarge over40years,traveljournals, Mortonforhervery smellneartheleafletrackin collectionofhispapers. correspondencewithsome generousdonation,toTom yourlibrary,itcouldbethe MsMorton,whois well-knownpeople,alotof LormanforputtingRadford scratch‘n’sniffcards treasureratOxford’s familycorrespondence,his backonthemap,andto advertisingtheDirt: the SomervilleCollege,sawthat willandestateaccounts, MarkAstonatthelocal filthy reality of everyday life, theIAHSwashostingatalk householdreceiptsand historycentre.” attheWellcomeCollection. abouthisvisittoHungary, accounts,bookswrittenby lSeeTrams under ground – Thecardshavepanelsthat
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