& LAcfrossE/MADisoN (6og) MnwAURE "i4i NORTm=RN wlscoNslN (7i5) #aaurk:Zi4i|;!e#7S8t6o #€}%=e?6%g,7Sgu#So^7V.e Ballgame 196S2nd Milwaukee (414)273-7474 afty84Z.?£35T`n Sti La Crosse 546oi Boom 625South2ndst Rainbo`^/'s End 417 Jay Street, La Crosse M"waukee (414)277-5040 +#*rfurs5Applegatecourt Boot camp 209 E National Milwaukee (414)643-6900 i:yopit!Tg#if36i#W.GrandAve. C'est La Vie 231 S 2nd Milwaukee (414)291-9600 EL+#t#')'2i5f$3Ej5VAshlngton EL#iawl3(`fu§).z85rge.#82SL %:#iLff4hit|'„t8t,t..WriFowardAve Emeralds 801 E Hadley St, ELEL#+6b`872¥5"B9St.. Milwaukee (414) 265-7325 i:3°€f#re4t(`7f§|'8%e#;tr6eet. :'iugjd*|he2Y:tMiRE)ukee(414)643-5843 Wolfe's Den 302 E. Madlson Eau Claire (715ys32-9237 The Harbor Room 117 E. GTeenfield Aye. JT's Bar and Grill 1506 N. 3rd Milwaukee (414)672-7988 Superior (715)-394-2580 The Maln 1217 Tower Ave Fat:¥n¥j,#ibJaaruE:tc(5:4f3u8T.n8t3!:unge Superior, WI (715)392-1756 &Eui2iu°Y7#;3#°.32S2t5WWW.totheoz.com y2¥NCW:t#'fiiisw#RX+i:4)347-1962 Moma's 1407 S. First St Milw (414)643ro377 ELffiJRR¥R##3v3iELELs3% Nut Hut 1500 W Scott ffiEj:ills,Pwi|!i€i%Y.iR8# Mlwaukee (414)647-2673 SWITCH 124 W National NormAsrmN wlscoNslN col Milwaukee (414)220-4340 Crossroads 1042 W. Wisconsin Ave. The fazzbah Bar a Grille 171Z W pierce St. Appleton (920)830-1927 Milwaukee(414)672-8466 w\^r\^r.tazzbali.com Rascals Bar a Gr" 702 E. Wls., Appleton (920)954-9262 This ls It 418 E Wells, Milw (414)278-9192 Brandyis 11 1126 Main, Green Bay 020H37-3917 Triangle 135 E National, Milwaukee (414)383-9412 G#+#y`(;:af#;#r, Walkert pint 818 S 2nd st (414)643-7468 SASS 840 S. Broad`^/ay,Green Bay (920W37-7277 Woody's 1579 S. 2nd, Milw (414) 672-0806 #+¥2E£#2R.asffi.ELGreenBay sourimNmscoNslN(ac2)rmOrmTE 94 North 6305120th (Off I-94) I(enosha }E;![;ifiopro5R[;adway301S.Broadway,GreenBay (262)857-3240 JODee's 2139 Racine St, Racine (Z62)634-9804 XS Niteclub 1106 Main Street, Green Bay What About Me? 600 6th St Racine G62xp20171 fr22rm#'#si+#f:92O,651.,2z6 The Office 513 East State Rockford, IL 015ys50344 Blue ute 1029 N 8th, Sheboygan (920ys57-1636 0h Zone 1014 Charles St Rockford, rL 015)964-9663 Oap E«Zenlz)/irm4z«Z qerz; ~ Exquisite Escort services provided for Both Male & Females p Also specialEzing ln Bachelor, Bachelorette & Birthday parties(4.4)759.?%;3°urgnys&ga'S„fibe#e,S##&Lesbians! 27 frotlceth.. Another year has passed us, and boy do I feel older! I have made a News Year's resolution to drop those extra 20 pounds I have been carrying the past two years and I may actually keep my promise to myself this time. You see, I have been having some problems of the physical kind lately, and if I want them to go away I guess I will have to start living my life a little more healthy. (As long as I can keep drinking beer, I'm ok!) You may have wondered what happened to the colorful covers on this and the last issue © Mihaukee Sales of gwcst. I wasn't kidding about having a few physical problems. A badly swollen foot 4144184512 meant I haven't been able to do much walking, lifting or standing the past several weeks. P.O. Box 510666 I.ast issue was the first time in two years we went to press with me absent. I still did the Mitwaukee,Wl 53ae layout and printing plates, but that was it. Instead of inviting disaster, we decided to skip the four color cover for the next couple of issues until I am back in full swing. ©OutsideMihaukee Unlike our "sister" publications in the Wisconsin LGBT Community, gz"Sf is the only 800-578-3785 Wisconsin LGBT publication that actually owns its own printshop and does its own Production & Printing printing. While this keeps costs much lower so we may offer what we think is the best P.O. Box 19611 advertising bargain in the state, it also is a huge commitment on everyone who puts this Green Bay, WI 54sO5 thing together. If you read the names in the Masthead to the right you will see how many E-Mail for News, releases, calendar, ads people are involved in getting gwesf in your hands. I want to take a moment and thank the Quest staff for their dedication and hard work. Most of this job is anything but glamourous. editor@quest-online.(om Next month we will get another printing press; our fifth. We will at last have the Wet) Site: opportunity to bump up to a larger format similar to Gay Cfel.cago Magrzl.#e or I¢zve#der http://quest-online.(om £I/crtyles. I have been planning for this all year, acquiring press equipment, new book fublisher Mach Mariucd in) making machines and getting us ready. Now I need to hear from you. Many people I ask (onvibutors:NewsMikePltgivck, think gwcst should stay the smaller size. We cram a lot of news in there and that makes Oap tosfamie Oubeng & Stee the type really tiny! Moving to 8.5 by 11 fomat would allow us more room for news and vangas (rfumus: Glen fry (aRa§) bigger type. It would also benefit advertisers with larger ad sizes. Whichever you prefer, I Left Hid6, Uncle Barfe want to know. You can email me directly at [email protected]. I am always eager PTnductfon: Mark Mariucci VA) to hear opinions regarding gz"st including criticism as long as it is constructive. Photography: Steve vangas In this issue, our work-a-holic news editor Mike Fitzpatrick presents his yearly recap of MkeFiitapatrick,htryRltrdiards what he feels are the most newsworthy stories for 2005. Mike spends countless hours Mvedsing: M.ulwTeddy preparing the news and getting it ready for press. He also does a daily update on our Statewide:Martin) website, www.quest-online.com. We are currently the only LGBT publication that updates Printing, Bindery, Delivery information on the web every day. Click on qun (Quest News Update) for the latest Greg,lori,Marti,Jeremy,Andy,Za including links to other websites with stories from all over the world. Getting the news to you on time has been our primary focus the past two years and will continue in 2006. I think everyone is aware how messed up this country is becoming. i##isit#if;a:j:Fg?:a.¥# There are so many issues that we as the LGBT community must face. We can achieve LGBT community. Queste 2005 AIl anything we set our mind to, but we have to know what's going on in the first place. gwcs/ has chosen to bring you that news. We hope to see more people get politically involved in 2006, especially with the Gay Marriage Amendment in Wisconsin looming ahead. Its easy to be involved, and you may find it a lot of fun as well. I encourage each :¥#i##niibi:alfri:: of you to make a new year's resolution to help out with your favorite charity, join a non-profit group and volunteer, encourage all your friends to get registered to vote. Even talking to family and friends about the challenges we are facing is a great start. Just like my diet I have chosen to follow, the key is to get started and then stay-motivated. Together we will all win! (Now will someone please hurry up and invent a calorie-free great tasting :::::_:::=-_=-:_:_::::_:=_:::_-::::::-:-i':-:: beer. We are living in the beer capital after all!) Mark Mariucci aka ZA Publisher Mffi 3 arate sessions of the I£Sslature. BARNEY FRANK: ffBITTER BATTLE "I think by 2008, people will say, `Do we really need to have IN 2008 MASSACHUSETTS an angry, divisive debate over a non-issue," Frank said. "The WIARRIAGE BALLOT" question for the 50 legislators is: Do they want to make this a Washington, DC - Rep. Barney Frank sees an .`angry, divi- front-page issue again, leading the TV news?" sive" fight ahead for Massachusetts if a proposed constitution- al amendment to ban gay marriage reaches the 2008 state bal- M.NNESOTA SPEC.AL ` lot. The congressman blamed backers of the initiative petition ELECTIONS SEE DEFEAT for trying to provoke a new fight despite a lack of controversy FOR ANTl-GAY CAND.DATES over same-sex marriage. "Basically, they're the disturbers of the St. Paul - The outcome of two recent apecial elections in Minnesota could make civic peace," the Democrat said in a wide- it harder for opponents of gay marriage to ranging Associated Press interview put a constitutional ban on the ballot next Thursday. "We now have social peace in November. Both houses of the Legislature Massachusetts. They're the ones who want must vote first to put the measure on the to stir it up ... This is a non-issue in ballot, and the DFL controlled Senate has Massachusetts." blceked the propesal so far. The Massachusetts Family Institute said Now voters have chosen two new DFL the 124,un certified signatures it gathered senators who oppose a ban on gay mar- for the petition, nearly double the number riage, and both of them replace required, was a sign of strong public sup- Republicans who favored the amendment. port for outlawing same-sex marriage. "All DFL Senate Majority Leader Dean they want is an opportunity to vote on the Johnson says he intends to hold a commit- definition of marriage," said the group's tee hearing on the proposal.
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