![The American Legion Magazine [Volume 73, No. 3 (September 1962)]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
LEGIONTHE AMERICAN 15c • SEPTEMBER 1962 MAGAZINE rdope : : ... .. ...... GE 8 PRO s CON : "Should the United States Ban All Trade With Communist Countries?" The American SEPTEMBER 1962 Volume 73, Number 3 POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis 6. Ind. LEGION The American Lesion Magazine is published monihly at 1100 West Broadway. Louisville. Ky.. Magazine by The American Legion. Copy- right 1962 by The American Le- gion. Second-class postage paid Contents for September 1962 at Louisville. Ky. Price: single copy, 15 cents; yearly subscrip- tion. $1.50. Nonmember sub- scriptions should be sent to the Circulation Department of The THE BIG ISSUE & CON ARGUMENTS ON THE QUESTION: American Legion Magazine. P.O. -PRO Box 1055. Indianapolis 6, Ind. SHOULD THE U.S. BAN ALL TRADE WITH COMMUNIST COUNTRIES? 8 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: (R-Calif.) 21st District Notify Circulation Dept.. P. O. pro: REP. EDGAR W. HIESTAND Box 1055. Indianapolis 6. Ind.. con: REP. BERNIE F. SISK (D-Calif.) 12th District using Post Office Form 3578. At- tach old address label and give old and new addresses and cur- rent membership card number. ARE THE RESERVES REALLY READY? Also be sure to notify your Post 10 Adjutant. BY GEORGE FIELDING ELIOT Because great numbers of reservists are ready for active duty The American Legion our country can act with greater firmness in countering com- Executive and Administrative Offices munist threats. However, it is vital that we keep up this guard. Indianapolis 6, Indiana Charles L. Bacon, National Commander, The American Le- gion, Indianapolis 6, Ind. THE PRICE WE PAY FOR DOPE 12 BY RODNEY GILBERT The American Legion Publica- The penalty for narcotic addiction is levied against everyone. tions Commission: Edward McSweeney, Armonk, To get the dope they crave, addicts will engage in any kind of N. Y. (Chairman): Dan W. criminal activity. Mr. Average Citizen is the logical target. Emmctt. Palo Alio, Calif., Frank C. Love. Syracuse, N. Y., and Morris Meyer, Srarkville, Miss. (Vice Chairmen): Lang Arm- MIRACLES BY MAIL 14 strong, Spokane, Wash.; Charles E. Booth, Huntington, W. Va.; BY HERM HINES John Cicero, Swoyerville, Pa.; Roland Cocreham. Baton Rouge, If you think that all the scientists are working on missiles La.; E. J. Cooper, Hollywood, and nuclear devices you haven't been following the mail order Fla.; Clovis Copeland, Little Rock, Ark.; Paul B. Dague, catalogs. A steady customer tells you what you can expect. Downingtown, Pa.: Raymond Fields. Guymon, Okla.: Dave H. Fleischer, St. Louis, Mo.; Her- schiel L. Hunt, El Campo, Tex.; SPARE TIME TRAPPING 16 George D. Levy, Sumter, S. C; Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keokuk, BY MORRIE NAGGIAR Iowa; Lewis E. McCray. Tusca- loosa, Ala.: Earl L. Meyer, Al- Ever since the first colonists arrived in North America liance, Neb.; Robert Mitchler, trapping has provided an income for many. It is still a Oswego, 111.; Harold A. Shind- ler, Lafayette. Ind.; William F. good source of spending money and this article tells how. Taylor. Creensburg, Ky.; Benja- min B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn. A TALE OF TWO TEACHERS 18 The American Legion Magazine BY MAX GUNTHER Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue The story of two totally unlike teachers with one thing in New York 19, New York common—an amazing faculty for inspiring students with a love Publisher, James F. O'Neil of learning. The result was a remarkable crop of prize winners. Editor Joseph C. Keeley AN EASY-GOING WAY TO PHYSICAL FITNESS 20 Managing Editor Robert B. Pitkin BY GIL PAUST Art Editor Everyone agrees thatwe should get more exercise but who wants Al Marshall to make the effort? However, Americans are being tricked into exercising, thanks Associate Editor to gadgets and recreation that are beneficial. John Andreola Editorial Assistant NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 25 Eli L. Kerins Circulation Manager Dean B. Nelson Departments Indianapolis, Ind. Advertising Director EDITOR'S CORNER 2 NEWSLETTER 23 Robert P. Redden Midwestern YOU SAID IT 4 PERSONAL 37 Advertising Sales Office 35 East Wacker Drive Chicago 1, Illinois BRIEFLY ABOUT BOOKS 6 LEGION SHOPPER 44 Arden E. Roney & Assoc. SHOTS Publishers' Representatives ROD & GUN CLUB . .22 PARTING 48 580 South San Vincente Blvd., Los Angeles 48, Calif. Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. - . / V APPLICATION FOR YEARLY RENEWABLE TERM LIFE INSURANCE FOR MEMBERS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT - ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS - CHECK MUST ACCOMPANY THIS APPLICATION / '. Full Name Birth Date , Last First Middle Mo. Day Year Permanent Residence. street No. City State Name of Beneficiary- -Relationship- Example: Print "Helen Louise Jones," Not "Mrs. H. L. Jones' State Membership Card No..- . , Year Post No -Dept.. I apply for a Full Unit of Insurance at Annual Premium of $24.00 or a Half Unit at $12.00 The following representations shall form a basis for the Insurance Company's approval or rejection of this application: \ Are now working? 1. Present occupation? you actively \ Yes No If No, give reason- 2. Have you been confined in a hospital within the last year? Yes, -No- If Yes, give date, length of stay and cause 3. Do you now have, or during the past five years have you had, heart trouble, lung disease, cancer, diabetes or any other serious illness? Yes No If Yes, give dates and details I represent that, to the best of my knowledge, all statements and answers recorded on this application are true and complete. I agree that this application shall be a part of any insurance granted upon it under the policy. I authorize any physician or other person who has attended or examined me, or who may attend or examine me, to disclose or to testify to any knowledge thus acquired, and I waive on behalf of myself and of any person who shall have any interest in such insurance, all provisions of the law to the contrary. Dated- 19- Signature of Applicant GMA-3O0-6 ED. 1-62 OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, Home Office: Los Angeles PRINTED IN U.S.A. PROTECT YOUR FAMILY . with this low cost insurance through your official American Legion Life Insurance Plan, You have two choices: FULL UNIT offers a maximum of $8,000, depending upon your age at time of death. Cost—$24 per year. HALF UNIT offers $4,000 maximum coverage, depending on your age at time of death. Only $12 per year. Here's the amount of insurance, based on age at death: FULL UNIT HALF UNIT Up through age 34 $8,000 $4,000 From 35 through age 44 $4,500 $2,250 From 45 through age 54 $2,200 $1,100 From 55 through age 59 $1,200 $600 From 60 through age 64 $800 $400 From 65 through age 69 $500 $250 (Insurance terminates on 70th birthday) The insurance plan becomes effective on the first of the month following the date you apply, subject to the Company's approval. (Members remain insured while the Master Group Policy continues in force, provided contributions are made when due and membership in The American Legion is maintained.) This is but a brief description of the plan. When you become insured you will receive a certificate setting forth the details of your insurance. If your application is not accepted, your money will be refunded. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you date the application in September, Legion members who are residents of New York, North Caro- send it with your check or money order for $3 for half unit, $6 lina, Ohio, Texas, Wisconsin, Illinois, New Jersey, Florida, for full unit for remainder of 1962. Mail to: American Legion and Puerto Rico, should not use this application. Members in Life Insurance Plan, P.O. Box 5609, Chicago 80, III. if it is dated these states should write directly to the Chicago address for in a month not September, see page 24 for amount to send. plan description and application required by their states. liberal who has been viciously libeled by right-wing extremists. Someday, some- body is going to be sued millions for hav- ing tried to smear him. There being no communists, it follows that there are no pro-communists and fellow-travelers. Those people who have been so labeled are in reality simple hu- manitarians who know it is better to be red than dead. They have just been doing everything in their power to bring about peaceful coexistence and arc not being hoodwinked by all this business about patriotism. Someday, come the revolution, statues will be erected to them. A lean- while, we should appreciate what these fine people are doing in our behalf, and we should show our gratitude by continu- ing to buy their books and phonograph NO TRACE OF RED records, by going to see their plays and movies, by patronizing the people who country is most fortunate. Other Dhis sponsor nations — Russia, Yugoslavia, Poland, them on TV, and so on. East Germany, Cuba, etc. — are infested exciting" with communists but we don't have any ALL IS NOT LOST in the United States. This can be demon- Everybody has read about the flight of strated conclusively and it explains why convicted spy Robert Soblen, who various political figures keep reassuring jumped his $100,000 bail to fly to Israel. At this writing he is on his way home, but sports films us that there is no communist threat what- soever in this country. fighting every inch of the way. Indeed, there are fewer communists in However, we are indebted to The Wall the United States today than there were Street Journal for an illuminating foot- available FREE nazis in Germany at the close of World note to the story.
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