1 Dr.T.VISHNUKUMARAN Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil Language and Translation Studies Dravidian University; Kuppam. 517425 Andhra Pradesh Phone- 9493371545 - 9443886174 e.mail. [email protected] I)EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Assistant Professor in Tamil since 2006 - German Translator From May 2005 to December 2006. - Resource Person From April 2004 to April 2005 in Central Institute of Indian Languages. Mysore. - Tamil Lecturer in University college 2012- 2013 academic Year. - Research Associate- State Council of Educational Research and Training. Kerala State- 1.9.1999 to 31.8.2008. - Junior Research Fellow – International School of Dravidian Linguistics from 16.2.1997-10.7.2008 in Trivandrum. II) Specialization : German- English- Malayalam- Tamil Translation , Siddha Theories , Sangam Literature . - - III) SUB EDITOR - SIRTEDUDY^P. - EDITORIAL MEMBER - Modern Tamil Research 2 IV) Professional Experience: Ph.D. Guidance 1. One candidates was awarded Ph.D. degree under my guidance. 2. Two candidates were awarded M.Phil degree under My guiadance At Present 3 Scholars are doing PhD under my guidance. V) Publications Publications Books 1, NOVEL- The Questions not asked by Vethalam ^TIXR^ByBXI^BTB- Published by Sahithya Academy – New Delhi. 2012/ISBN-978-81-260-3354-6 2. Women Poets in Modern Tamil Poetry-©¢tBT_IN ]LzBTFB.- Published by Dravidian University. 3. Listening-Speaking –Reading-Writing ^ByG ,^LI, TXDY{I , <¸¢I(Translation from English to Tamil) Published by South Indian Historical Documents Publication , Nagercoil. 2006. 4.Varmasasthram TMDXIYO. 2003 by South Indian Historical Documents Publication , Nagercoil. 3 5. German Nattu Thenaliraman- ]EM}JXy{]IKXQYOXM} - 2001 by South Indian Historical Document Publication , Nagercoil 6. Tholkappiyam Dictionary - 2000 by International School Dravidian Linguistics, Trivandrum 7. Vadhai Worship and other Essays - 1999 by South Indian Historical Documents Publications. Nagercoil Vi)Published Papers in Journals 1. 197¥PXz_GtBXyDY~L{¢ A- Native Life in Travancore –DX«^TMXP Journal’s Name: THALAM- Sep 2013, Chennai. 2. =BK^T]DXQ~LyGTPY=BK^T]DXQ~LGXI_TB.The themes which are not mentioned in other novels but in ERKANAVEY CHOLLAPPADDA MANITHARKAL Journal’s Name: Kaalagattam. January 2013.Nagercoil 4 3. ]I´ut BTF ^MX ,Telugu Poet MO. Journal’s Name: Chirredu january .2012 ISSN.2249-1961 4.IMY JXTB ]DXQ MP|I NIX{I« 7QuBX JXT´ - The reality which the Tamil novels forget to discuss and the Novel Aalangaal Journal’s Name .Chirredu .september.2011 ISSN.2249-1961 5. JM¢ D¾{IYO{_I ^JXtBY J_Bt EXOTX 7IYTXDYB. The Jaarava aathivasikal who laugh at out history Journal’s Name . Chirredu .september.2011 ISSN.2249-1961 6.]LX¯z_M MXP Meaning Change- Journal’s Name :«I Du Muthalcahangu August2011. 7. JTK ]I´u 8QtBYN- Modern Telugu Literature Journal’s Name : Chirredu April- 2011 8. ?]TX¯ ]LX¯¶ ©IYIX LPtBY}P¢. Everything borns newly Journal’s Name : Chirredu January – 2011 9.I{¢T ^JXtBY TXDXT ?¯ BGº 5 The Novel Waarsavil oru Kaduval from the Philosophical view 10. WXN} ]T]Vt <}P 8G« IY_H BT_INN´The place of Wessex of Hardy and the concepts of Thinai= Dravidamalar, Dravidian University -2007 11.DuB 8QtBYN BXy T²_M Poverty in Sangam Period, Journal’s Name : Eazhayin kumural .June1995 12.W¾N{ G~M} (Hurriat dubman) Eazhayin kumural .June1996 13.LXtTKXNB. Pillaiyaar who drinks milk . Sept . Eazhayin kumural 1996 14. Purananuru- A content Analysis- Published by RESEARCHER’S VIEW- Kerala University Research Association ISSN 0971-1457. VI)PUBLISHED IN BOOKS AS CHAPTER 1.DYQ~LIYBXO<§LOIYNXtBLPYN:_ONXG- Periyar college.Trichy 31.1.2013 ISSN no 2.<IYBXQ]IXBX~LNDYP~LBOXIY- Published by Thiruvalluvar University 2012. 3.=BK^T]DXQ~LyGMKIB?¯M²LX_T - Published by Vallikannan Literray forum ,Rajapalayam 4. TXDXT ?¯ BGº – I{¢T ^JXtBYQY¯|¢- Karuppanna College Muththor- 4.01.2010 5. ©PJX¨PY L¾DY BGXJY_Q, L¾DY¢_P LXGB¶ 6TPYBXK D¾NXK ¢_PB_R MXPYN_M{I´. Changing the thurais in Purananuru Poems. Karthikeyan publication Decemer 2010 . ISBN 978-81-920471-02 6 6.LXOIYNX¾} LXGBR 8|IYN I{¢T{IY} IXtB (The Influence of Indian Philosophy on Bharathi’s Poems. Bharathyaar Literary Forum , KOVILPATTI 2010. 7. IMYSTK} =BK^T ]DXQ~LyG MKIB - M² LX_T (A review on the Novel Erkanavey Sollapatta Manithakal. Therkaththi Padaippulakam .2010. ISBN 9768190944007 8. 6_M~LN^JXtBYDuB~LXGB_R6 IQY}^I_T- The need of Structuralism to approach the Sangam Literature. Journal’s Name : Tamil Neyam, Coimbatore 2010. 9.©PJX¨PY DMXIXK(Peace in Purananuru ), The Association of College Teachers – Kanyakumari District s 2010. ISBN- 13-978-81-909074-2-2 VII)Translated Poems – 1. = 6OD} – BXQ_LOT}. Published in the magazine Chirredu. june. 2012 ISSN.2249-1961 from German to Tamil 2. JX}NX- Published in the magazine Chirredu. june. 2012 ISSN.2249-1961. from German to Tamil 3. L~© Published in the magazine Chirredu. January 2013 ISSN.2249-1961. from German to Tamil 4. ^BTBRXBY~ ^LXK«}§_O Published in the magazine Chirredu. January 2013 ISSN.2249-1961. from German to Tamil 5. 8S|¢^LXKTX TG Published in the magazine Chirredu. January 2013 ISSN.2249- 1961. from German to Tamil VIII)PAPER PRESENTAION IN SEMINAR/ WORKSHOP/ CONFERENCE (International/National/Local) Sl, Title of the Paper Seminar Title Organized by no 7 BGDX National Seminar on the CIST &Periyar Management perspective of University . 28.3.14 ]LX¯RXIXO Tamil Classical Literature ©PJX¨²{ National Seminar on Central University Tholkappiyam thinai concept of Tamilnadu & IY_H¢_PB_R Thiruvaarur20.3.14 MXPYN_M{I 6_M~LN National Seminar on Arignar Anna Arts Tholkappiyam and modern college & CIST. ^JXtBY VIews attor ]IXBX~LN 6.3.14 6P-JIY-?¸tB- National Workshop on CIST. &NGP college PATHINEN KEEZH KANAKKU Coimbatore-3.3.14 LIY]KzBZ BHt ¥B ²^JXtBY National Seminar on CICT & Pathirrupaththu Laksmipuram LIY²~L{¢ College DYQ~LIYBXO« 6 ©PJX¨²~ National Seminar on CLASSICAL CICT& Chikkayya LITERATURE FROM THE VIEW OF Nauakkar College LXGBR MODERN LITERARY THEORIES Erode.23.1.14 <IY¾_Hº6_M~© 7 6z_MtBXQ~ National Seminar on Resent UGC & Saint sacred Trends in Resent Tamil Novels College, ©IYKuBRM Thiruppathoor16.3. ©_KºB 2013 8 DYQ~LIYBXO<§ National Seminar on CICT& Periyar Chilappathikaaram college.Trichy LOIYNXtBLPYN 31.1.2013 :_ONXG 9 IMYSYD¾NQYD National Workshop on Modern Victoria College. Tamil literature Palakad 24.1.2013 JXTB 10 Malayalam and National Workshop on Mapping Sangam Literature Kerala. Central University Kasarcode17.1.13 11 <IYBXQ National Seminar on CICT – ]IXBX~LN Tholkaapiam Dictionary, Thiruvalluvar University, March DYP~LBOXIY 2012 8 12 The importance of Translation Workshop on Tamil – Kannada Translation Sahitya Akademy Bangalore18, 19.4.12 13 6PYº{IR{IY National Seminar on Modern St Sacred College. Tamil Novels Thiruppathtur 8Nu IMY JXTB 9/12/11 14 6P-JIY-IY¯tP National Seminar on Kanyakumari Classical Tamil from Teachers various Perspectives Association 4.2.11 15 CICT & ISDL. National Seminar on Proto Tamil Trivandrum22,23,2 Lexical Traces of Malayalam Malayalam 4.2.2011 in Purananuru 16 =BK^T National Seminar on Literary Vallikannan creation of South Tamilnadu Literray forum ]DXQ~LyG MKIB ?¯ Rajapalayam M²LX_T 20.6.2010 17 Folklore and the modern National Workshop on Relevance Calicut University society of Folklore and folkloristics 16 and 17 of March 2010 18 TXDXT ?¯ National Conference on Modern Karuppanna Tamilliterature College Muththor- BGº – I{¢T 4.01.2010 ^JXtBYQY¯|¢- 19 The Similarity of Bhakthi WORKSHOP on Tamil & Kannada Sakithya Academy Poems in Tamil & Kannadam Translation Ooty on13,14,15,16 and 17 march of 2009. 20 Various aspects of Vaadhai National Seminar on South FOSSIL & Worship Indian Folklore TamilDept. Kerala University 14,15/2/08 21 Prepared text materials for National Convention on Testing CIIL Evaluating students and Evaluation In Tanjore 29.03.2008 to31.03.2008 9 22 DY{IBR} National Seminar on Siddhas UGC & Periyar University 2007 ¬v^DXyG LPYN ^BXyLX 23 Sidhdha’s Respiration Theory World Folklore day . Dravidian and Application University 22/8/2006 24 Prepared Graded syllabi for Workshop for the Preparation of CIIL Mysore Evaluating students item resources for concept based ,29.02.2004 to continuum of Graded Syllabi in 03.03.2004 Tamil 25 Prepared Tamil Learning Workshop for the Preparation of CIIL- Mysore materials Video script for Tamil lessons of ,29.03.2004 to Bhasa Mandakni 7.04.2004 26 M}K} All India conference of SRF - Scott Christian College. Nagercoil B¯uBXQYTX_I DLA- Chennai 13/3/04 27 Various aspect of Sidhdas All India conference of Dravidian Chennai June 16 Poems Linguistic Association DLA 28 Case Markers in Modern Tamil All India conference of Dravidian Kuppam ,17-21 Linguistic Association June 1996DLA 29 Problems in Tamil teaching All India conference of Dravidian Trivandrum 22-26 Linguistic Association June 1995 30 Vaatai Worship in National Seminar on Dravidian FOSSIL- Kerala Kanyakumari District Folklore. University 29,30 oct.1988 VIII)Invited Lectures and Chairpersonship at National or International Conference/Seminar .etc Sl, Title of the Lecture Title of Conference/seminsr Organized by API no (whether score International/national) 1. ]IXBX~LN{IY ]IXBX~LN{IY Arignar Annaa 10 College& CICT. 6_M~LN 8QtBYN{ 10 ^BXyLXy IYPKXºt^BXyLXB 6/3/14 6~L_GB 2 ]IXBX~LN«LP National Workshop on CICT& KRS College 10 Tholkppiyam teaching 29/1/13 ¢_PB¶ 3 ©PJX¨²BL{I National Workshop on CICT& University of 10 Purananuru – Kerala. 2.2.2003 «_P 4 JT K{IMY JXTB Modern Literary trends ( District Anakkam.Nagercoil. 10 Level) 13/10/11 JT K{IYPKXº Modern Tamil Literture Sivanthi Adhithanar 4 College. 10 Nagercoil.12/10/11 . ix) Membership/Participation in Bodies/ Committees on Education and National Development . : 1. BOE Meeting regarding question preparation for UG Tamil – Bangalore University from 05,07,08,and 9 of March 2014 Bangalore. 2. BOE Meeting regarding question preparation for UG Tamil – Bangalore University from 23.9.2013 to 26.9.13 Bangalore 3. Workshop on Preperation of Xi Text book kerala- from 7.9.13 to 9.9.13 Trivndrum 1.
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