Diabetes QoF Hertfordshire & West Essex GPs compared to England mths <=140/80 <=5mmol/l hertshealthevidence.org [email protected] to 31st of March of 31st to problems treated Obesity prevalence (certain conditions) (certain Diabetes prevalence pressure is <= 150/90 May Not Be CCG) within quintile by Significantly Significantly Significantly Significantly Details of conditions) (certain offered Significantly Better Worse Lower Higher quintile Different classification risk and examination Patients with diabetes who had a flu flu who a had diabetes with Patients Patients with diabtes who had kidney who kidney had diabtes with Patients method on foot who a had diabetes with Patients Patients with diabetes who's BP diabetes with is last Patients Patients with diabetes who's last blood who's blood diabetes with last Patients Smoking status recorded in last 12 mths mths 12 last recorded in status Smoking Newly diagnosed patients with diabetes diabetes with Newly patients diagnosed Measured total cholesterol (last 12mths) 12mths) (last cholesterol Measured total Smoking cessation support and treatment treatment and support cessation Smoking referred to education programme within 9 9 programme within education referred to IMD 2015 (higher is more deprived, ranked is ranked more deprived, (higher IMD 2015 HHE site August of proceeding 1st the in vaccination Last HbA1c is <=64mmol/mol in last 12mths last in is <=64mmol/mol HbA1c Last 12mths last in is <=75mmol/mol HbA1c Last Best Worst 12mths last in is <=59mmol/mol HbA1c Last Low High Period 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 2018/19 Target Data as of: Data Not Area Sex Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons Persons overrides 13/02/20 Unavailable Compared Compared To Printed: 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs 17+ yrs All ages All ages 18+ yrs N/A shading 21/02/20 Age Area Code Area Name Unit % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Index E92000001 England 6.9 86.5 70.7 71.0 78.7 61.1 69.2 80.1 81.7 70.5 73.4 94.2 95.2 10.1 - E54000025 Hertfordshire and West Essex 6.0 85.5 68.3 71.1 79.6 61.0 69.0 79.8 82.1 76.8 73.1 94.2 96.9 8.6 - E38000049 NHS East and North Hertfordshire CCG 6.0 86.1 68.7 72.2 80.8 62.5 70.4 81.3 82.8 71.1 74.1 94.6 97.3 9.0 13.3 U87882 LEA VALLEY HEALTH PCN 6.5 87.4 68.0 72.4 82.3 62.8 70.3 80.3 84.4 69.0 73.4 94.6 96.7 9.6 - E82042 ABBEY ROAD SURGERY 7.4 91.9 82.0 74.2 73.7 67.4 74.2 81.8 90.6 76.3 67.0 96.8 97.2 8.5 27.0 E82063 THE MAPLES 5.4 91.4 80.4 76.0 88.6 63.3 70.9 80.4 88.0 57.1 73.5 94.2 97.5 9.2 19.4 E82079 CROMWELL MEDICAL CENTRE 7.0 81.3 56.3 71.2 68.4 64.2 69.6 80.0 83.6 33.3 76.8 94.8 98.3 14.4 20.8 E82081 CUFFLEY AND GOFFS OAK MEDICAL PRACTICE 5.7 89.6 74.0 74.0 78.4 64.1 72.4 83.7 82.7 85.4 78.6 96.2 95.1 10.9 7.6 E82115 STOCKWELL LODGE MED.CTR. 6.8 87.0 54.1 70.2 78.0 58.4 66.5 77.6 84.9 71.4 67.0 92.0 96.5 8.4 17.2 E82123 WARDEN LODGE MEDICAL PRACTICE 6.7 77.2 50.8 63.6 90.3 53.2 62.5 75.5 74.8 76.0 74.8 91.6 96.0 7.5 18.4 E82133 HIGH STREET SURGERY 8.0 91.0 78.0 75.4 75.8 69.9 76.0 84.1 90.8 66.7 82.1 99.2 95.2 10.9 19.9 E82638 STANHOPE SURGERY 6.2 92.2 75.7 78.6 90.1 67.6 74.4 81.9 81.6 95.0 69.6 93.6 97.0 8.0 25.3 U81398 HITCHIN AND WHITWELL PCN 6.0 82.8 67.2 69.9 75.6 59.5 68.1 78.6 76.5 65.9 74.7 93.7 94.7 6.5 - E82044 THE PORTMILL SURGERY 5.6 85.6 75.7 75.9 70.6 65.1 73.5 83.9 83.0 78.4 76.7 92.8 98.2 5.8 9.4 E82053 BANCROFT MEDICAL CENTRE 6.0 82.4 68.3 61.6 75.8 52.0 59.0 70.0 71.9 71.1 73.4 94.4 92.7 5.2 10.4 E82075 REGAL CHAMBERS SURGERY 6.6 79.7 56.6 73.5 78.2 62.0 73.0 83.5 75.9 59.1 74.8 93.7 94.4 8.7 10.6 E82626 WHITWELL SURGERY 6.0 88.5 72.3 75.4 75.0 68.5 74.6 83.1 78.5 14.3 73.1 94.2 93.3 7.8 11.3 U82047 ICKNIELD PCN 5.3 91.8 75.8 72.7 85.7 73.6 82.4 89.7 90.3 61.5 80.9 90.3 97.6 4.9 - D81047 ASHWELL SURGERY 5.3 91.8 75.8 72.7 85.7 73.6 82.4 89.7 90.3 61.5 80.9 90.3 97.6 4.9 8.8 E82008 THE NEVELLS ROAD SURGERY 7.9 93.9 89.4 90.0 78.2 70.9 78.1 88.8 95.0 41.7 87.4 91.1 96.6 9.0 17.4 E82082 BIRCHWOOD SURGERY 7.4 90.2 71.2 73.9 79.6 67.8 76.1 85.1 84.7 54.5 82.4 94.7 99.8 7.6 17.5 E82099 THE BALDOCK SURGERY 6.0 93.8 84.0 74.9 80.7 65.8 73.0 85.4 92.0 64.7 79.2 96.8 100.0 10.1 11.5 E82104 THE SOLLERSHOTT SURGERY 6.3 81.6 55.6 64.8 40.0 62.8 66.7 78.5 82.4 58.3 80.5 96.0 96.8 4.7 13.3 E82661 THE GARDEN CITY SURGERY 7.3 77.2 60.8 69.7 69.2 61.3 67.4 77.2 74.0 83.3 72.4 91.5 98.6 10.3 19.1 U55812 STEVENAGE NORTH PCN 6.8 84.4 66.4 66.0 78.6 58.8 66.3 77.8 78.4 68.9 68.3 95.8 97.5 9.8 - E82005 STANMORE MEDICAL GROUP 7.0 91.8 77.4 73.4 88.4 62.6 70.2 81.7 89.3 71.3 69.8 95.9 97.9 10.5 17.0 E82089 CHELLS SURGERY 6.6 64.7 37.3 51.1 74.6 54.1 61.1 71.7 48.9 67.9 64.0 97.5 97.4 10.4 17.0 E82111 THE SYMONDS GREEN HEALTH CENTRE 6.8 81.8 71.1 67.4 87.5 55.8 63.2 80.2 74.4 37.5 71.9 92.6 96.4 10.9 18.0 E82641 MANOR HOUSE SURGERY 5.8 89.4 66.4 54.0 68.9 48.2 56.6 65.3 87.2 87.5 65.7 93.2 96.0 3.7 11.8 U80335 STEVENAGE SOUTH PCN 6.8 83.6 62.6 72.2 75.1 59.8 68.3 80.1 78.5 62.3 73.0 93.8 97.4 12.1 - E82035 KNEBWORTH & MARYMEAD MEDICAL PRACTICE 6.6 87.2 75.3 73.2 69.1 62.7 70.6 82.7 79.9 18.5 75.6 94.9 98.2 12.2 12.4 E82056 SHEPHALL HEALTH CENTRE 6.9 87.2 64.1 75.8 73.8 62.1 71.6 83.5 86.3 58.3 73.6 95.0 97.4 11.8 19.5 E82086 KING GEORGE SURGERY 6.3 80.8 60.1 72.0 77.5 59.5 68.1 78.3 76.7 73.7 74.1 90.8 97.3 8.6 16.9 E82093 BEDWELL MEDICAL CENTRE 7.3 81.0 52.9 69.4 80.0 56.2 64.4 77.6 74.4 76.1 69.0 95.2 96.9 16.5 20.7 U58973 STORT VALLEY & VILLAGES PCN 5.1 86.7 66.0 73.6 85.8 61.3 70.2 83.0 85.3 76.1 71.5 94.2 97.9 8.7 - E82021 MUCH HADHAM HEALTH CENTRE 5.9 85.4 69.5 70.2 78.9 63.8 71.4 83.2 88.6 89.5 69.2 95.3 98.3 10.1 10.1 E82067 CHURCH STREET PARTNERSHIP 4.9 84.8 60.5 74.6 81.6 62.3 70.0 82.6 81.5 94.4 65.5 91.1 97.7 8.4 6.7 E82074 SOUTH STREET SURGERY 4.7 86.6 70.1 70.8 89.2 58.9 68.2 80.4 82.4 80.5 71.6 94.9 99.5 8.7 7.0 E82100 CENTRAL SURGERY 5.7 88.0 63.5 79.3 88.9 60.2 71.1 86.6 87.7 19.2 77.2 94.7 96.2 8.2 9.2 E82654 PARSONAGE SURGERY 4.8 90.5 69.2 70.6 63.6 67.0 73.3 83.7 95.5 100.0 76.5 97.8 96.4 9.2 6.8 U15138 HERTFORD AND RURALS PCN 5.1 86.7 70.6 73.1 89.3 65.1 72.5 83.2 86.2 70.5 74.8 94.8 96.9 8.2 - E82007 HANSCOMBE HOUSE SURGERY 4.5 89.8 68.9 77.7 93.0 66.0 74.8 87.7 84.5 82.4 79.6 96.4 99.6 8.2 8.6 E82024 WALLACE HOUSE 5.7 85.4 67.1 72.5 89.8 67.1 72.7 83.1 89.4 35.3 80.0 95.9 96.3 12.3 9.7 E82057 WARE ROAD SURGERY 3.9 82.3 64.6 65.1 94.1 58.3 67.4 78.9 72.0 100.0 67.4 92.4 93.2 5.9 7.4 E82102 CHURCH STREET SURGERY 5.9 89.6 77.1 79.4 92.9 71.2 79.4 89.3 88.2 83.3 78.2 94.7 95.7 6.2 8.6 E82109 CASTLEGATE SURGERY 4.9 86.5 76.8 70.6 88.9 59.4 68.4 78.7 83.9 71.4 66.1 96.9 98.5 6.7 8.7 E82121 WATTON PLACE CLINIC 5.1 83.0 66.5 64.2 64.3 59.0 64.2 72.6 91.0 92.9 63.7 88.9 97.7 6.6 8.2 U48691 WARE AND RURALS PCN 5.8 88.4 76.6 72.3 87.5 65.2 73.5 84.3 84.6 88.2 73.4 94.5 96.8 8.3 - E82038 PUCKERIDGE & STANDON SURGERY 5.6 86.3 72.8 62.8 87.9 65.4 73.8 85.2 84.0 72.2 74.6 90.5 96.6 7.9 7.6 E82092 DOLPHIN HOUSE SURGERY 5.9 92.4 88.0 78.4 88.4 68.6 75.3 85.5 90.2 90.2 74.9 96.1 96.7 8.8 8.9 E82126 ORCHARD SURGERY 6.1 82.1 63.4 71.6 82.4 61.2 72.4 82.1 73.9 85.7 64.9 98.1 98.5 6.5 8.7 E82130 THE MEDICAL CENTRE BUNTINGFORD 5.8 85.4 63.1 71.4 88.5 59.5 69.9 81.8 78.3 100.0 72.6 94.7 96.5 8.5 8.4 U87508 HODDESDON & BROXBOURNE PCN 6.2 86.9 70.3 74.8 86.0 61.1 69.4 81.8 84.2 73.6 76.7 96.8 98.1 10.9 - E82006 THE LIMES SURGERY 6.1 83.6 62.7 73.6 84.6 59.7 67.6 79.2 78.0 87.5 68.1 96.6 96.7 8.9 13.6 E82061 AMWELL SURGERY 6.3 81.9 70.2 72.2 79.7 58.6 66.0 77.6 74.7 75.0 73.8 97.1 98.1 12.6 14.7 E82088 HAILEY VIEW SURGERY 6.9 92.9 78.6 73.4 91.4 65.1 71.3 86.5 92.7 68.4 85.4 96.8 99.1 14.1 12.6 E82090 PARK LANE SURGERY 5.9 90.4 69.2 80.3 86.9 62.0 73.6 85.3 93.5 74.2 79.5 96.8 98.5 8.5 10.8 E82620 HAILEYBURY COLLEGE 0.36 100.0 100.0 50.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 0.00 100.0 88.5 - 0.72 8.7 U01150 PEARTREE & BRIDGE COTTAGE SURGERIES PCN 6.1 82.0 62.6 69.7 82.6 62.8 70.4 79.5 74.9 54.5 71.3 93.8 97.8 7.5 - E82019 BRIDGE COTTAGE SURGERY 5.2 78.5 56.3 64.9 91.7 64.6 69.9 78.3 76.9 58.8 72.3 90.4 95.3 5.7 7.0 E82040 PEARTREE LANE SURGERY 6.7 84.1 66.5 72.7 77.8 61.6 70.7 80.3 73.8 53.5 70.6 96.6 98.9 9.0 15.8 U19152 WELWYN GARDEN CITY A PCN 5.4 87.8 73.1 74.5 72.3 65.0 72.7 83.9 90.2 97.8 75.6 95.4 98.5 9.3 - E82041 THE GARDEN CITY PRACTICE 6.0 84.2 71.9 71.3 72.7 60.4 68.7 82.2 86.1 92.6 77.5 93.9 97.4 9.5 11.9 E82062 HALL GROVE GROUP PRACTICE 6.1 91.9 79.9 80.1 74.4 69.6 76.9 87.5 96.1 100.0 77.8 97.5 98.7 9.8 13.7 Y02639 SPRING HOUSE HEALTH 3.5 81.5 52.5 61.8 63.6 58.8 66.4 74.8 78.6 100.0 64.7 91.6 99.0 8.2 15.0 U71089 HATFIELD PCN 2.8 90.6 75.6 75.8 77.3 66.6 76.5 85.4 91.3 73.1 83.2 94.3 96.7 4.6 - E82002 WRAFTON HOUSE SURGERY 7.5 89.9 76.4 76.4 88.9 68.4 74.1 83.9 87.2 82.9 74.1 94.5 97.6 14.8 15.8 E82018 LISTER HOUSE SURGERY 6.7 83.2 63.6 73.2 71.9 60.8 69.2 77.4 85.0 78.0 75.5 98.9 96.4 8.9 15.0 E82023 BURVILL HOUSE SURGERY 5.7 84.0 65.1 68.9 79.2 59.0 66.7 78.6 77.2 71.0 77.0 89.7 93.8 6.8 15.4 E82058 POTTERELLS MEDICAL CENTRE 2.8 90.6 75.6 75.8 77.3 66.6 76.5 85.4 91.3 73.1 83.2 94.3 96.7 4.6 12.3 Diabetes QoF Hertfordshire & West Essex GPs compared to England mths <=140/80 <=5mmol/l hertshealthevidence.org [email protected] to 31st of March of 31st to problems treated Obesity prevalence (certain conditions) (certain Diabetes prevalence pressure is <= 150/90 May Not Be CCG) within quintile by Significantly Significantly Significantly
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