David Free News from the Field Brown University Library retrieves 36 years away, during which time it resided in long lost sword at least four private collections, and was the The U.S. District Court for the Eastern Dis- result of legal proceedings that lasted nearly trict of Virginia entered a judgment June two years and recovery efforts of more than 4, 2013, confirming that Brown University two decades. is the lawful owner of a Civil War-era sil- ver Tiffany presentation sword—the Rush University of California faculty senate Hawkins sword—reported stolen from the passes open access policy university’s collections in 1977. Colonel Rush The Academic Senate of the University of Hawkins led the 9th New York Volunteers California (UC) has passed an open access policy, ensuring that future re- search articles authored by fac- ulty at all ten UC campuses will be made available to the pub- lic at no charge. Articles will be available to the public via eScholarship (UC’s open access repository) in tandem with their publication in scholarly journals. The policy covers more than 8,000 UC faculty at all ten cam- The Rush Hawkins sword. puses and as many as 40,000 pub- lications a year. It follows more —“Hawkins’ Zouaves”—during the first two than 175 other universities who have adopted years of the Civil War. Fifty prominent New similar so-called “green” open access policies. Yorkers recognized his service with a Tif- By granting a license to UC prior to any con- fany silver presentation sword. The sword tractual arrangement with publishers, faculty includes a figure of a Zouave carved into members can now make their research widely the grip and a list of the 9th New York Vol- and publicly available, re-use it for various unteers’ battles inscribed along the blade. purposes, or modify it for future research It was presented to Hawkins in May 1863. publications. All research publications cov- Hawkins went on to great financial success ered by the policy will continue to be subject- as a lawyer in New York City and became ed to rigorous peer review. Learn more about one of the world’s leading collectors of incu- the policy and its implementation on the UC nabula, early printed books. Web site at http://osc.universityofcalifornia. The sword is from the original collections, edu/openaccesspolicy/. which Hawkins endowed to the Annmary Brown Memorial along with incunabula, Tidewater Community College, City of paintings, and artifacts of his Civil War service. Virginia Beach open joint-use library The memorial is one of Brown University Tidewater Community College (TCC) and the Library’s six facilities, and its collections are City of Virginia Beach launched a joint-use an invaluable resource for scholars of Renais- library in mid-August. The 125,000-square- sance learning and for art dating from the foot library, located on the TCC Virginia Middle Ages to the early 20th century. The Beach Campus, houses more than 128,000 sword returned to Brown this summer after items and offers the research capacity and C&RL News September 2013 398 New publications from ACRL ACRL announces the publication of two The access services departments in aca- new books—Finding a Public Voice: Us- demic libraries are literally and metaphori- ing Barbara Fister as a Case Study, edited cally at the front line of 21st-century academic by Danielle Theiss and Diane Kovacs, and librarianship. In both tangible and intangible Twenty-First-Century Access Services: On ways these departments, with their circulation the Front Line of Academic Librarianship, desk roots, are making great strides to facilitate edited by Michael J. Krasulski Jr. and Trevor access in an ever changing higher education A. Dawes. landscape. Finding a Public Voice: Using Barbara Today’s access services departments are ex- Fister as a Case Study shares vivid exam- panding their portfolios to include electronic ples of how academic reserves (e-reserves), librarians, inspired by increased cooperative the writings of noted and shared services, library leader and facilities management, blogger Barbara Fis- assessment initiatives, ter, are engaging with e-book lending initia- others and blazing a tives, and copyright leadership path for management. the profession on top- The ten chapters ics such as informa- in Twenty-First-Cen- tion literacy, scholarly tury Access Services: communication and On the Front Line of e-publishing, librarian career adaptability, Academic Librarianship highlight these roles and healthcare privacy rights. and services, while discussing the role access Throughout the collection, Fister serves services departments will continue to play as a model for fearless public expression, in the success of the library, as well as place speaking out about libraries and learning these services in the context of supporting and engaging in substantive debate. the academic mission of the institutions of Following her example, Theiss, Kovacs, which the libraries are a part. This work will and their contributing authors explore a be useful to access services practitioners in all range of subjects through the lenses of types of academic libraries, and to library and collaboration and partnerships, question- information science graduate students and ing the status quo, bravery, and new modes faculty interested in learning more about access of learning. services operations. Representing the diversity and creativity Finding a Public Voice: Using Barbara in academic librarianship, the nine chapters Fister as a Case Study and Twenty-First- in Finding a Public Voice are intended to ig- Century Access Services: On the Front Line of nite continued dialogue and inspire readers Academic Librarianship are both available for to find and express their own public voices, purchase in print, as e-books, and as print/e- following Fister’s inspirational example. book bundles through the ALA Online Store; This volume is recommended reading for in print and for Kindle through Amazon.com; librarians interested in information literacy, and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in scholarly communication, e-publishing, and the United States or (770) 442-8633 for inter- the future of the profession. national customers. September 2013 399 C&RL News longer hours of a college library along with the ber of adjustments and additions to bring materials, programming, and children’s area of new and improved functionality to users. a public library. TCC students and city residents This latest version includes an update to the will enjoy the full scope of the library’s offer- user interface that makes searching and us- ings. Funding for the $43 million library, which ing articles faster, easier, and more intuitive will employ 125, is split: 83 percent came from than on the previous iteration. SpringerLink is TCC and 17 percent from the City of Virginia available through iTunes for Apple products Beach. Construction began in June 2011. and on Google Play for Android devices. FRASER digital library releases Carnegie Mellon Libraries completes archival documents from the early Pittsburgh Jewish Newspaper Project days of the Federal Reserve Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Libraries The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has re- have completed the Pittsburgh Jewish News- leased newly digitized archival material, mak- paper Project, a digital archive documenting ing FRASER (Federal Reserve Archival System daily life in the Pittsburgh Jewish commu- for Economic Research) the largest digital nity from 1895 to the present. Three weekly collection of Federal Reserve historical ma- newspapers and a weekly newsletter are ar- terials. These documents offer a glimpse into chived: the Jewish Criterion (1895–1962), The the founding of the Federal Reserve and its American Jewish Outlook (1934–62), and The policymaking activities. In light of the Federal Jewish Chronicle (1962–present), along with Reserve’s centennial, librarians and archivists the Y-JCC newsletter series published by the have supplemented FRASER with hundreds Young Men and Women’s Hebrew Associa- of documents, maps, charts, and illustrations tion, the Y-IKC, and the Jewish Community culled from two renowned sources—the Na- Center (1926–76). tional Archives at College Park, Maryland The six-year project was proposed by CMU (NARA), and the Harry S. Truman Library and Trustee Anne Molloy, executive director of the Museum in Independence, Missouri. These Posner Fine Arts Foundation and librarian at documents highlight specific themes related Rodef Shalom Synagogue. Molloy proposed a to the history of the Federal Reserve System. collaboration to digitize the historic Pittsburgh In addition to the archival materials just Jewish publications housed in the Rodef made available, FRASER also contains selected Shalom Library and Archive, the Rauh Jewish papers from Marriner Eccles and William Archives at the Senator John Heinz History McChesney Martin Jr.—two important chair- Center, and The Jewish Chronicle office files. men from Federal Reserve history—as well as The collections—in paper and on microfilm speeches from the chairs and governors, and —were heavily used and deteriorating. The policy documents. The collection is available full-text archive, providing an unparalleled at http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/. look back into more than a century of life in Pittsburgh, is fully searchable, free, and open Springer’s SpringerLink mobile app to the public at http://ptfs.library.cmu.edu/pjn. now available on Android Springer recently announced the release of ASERL and WRLC create Scholars Trust an Android version of its SpringerLink mobile The Association of Southeastern Research Li- app, along with an updated user interface. In braries (ASERL) and the Washington Research January 2012, Springer released the first ver- Library Consortium (WRLC) have signed an sion of the app on Apple iTunes, which gave agreement to create Scholars Trust, combin- scientists, researchers, and students anytime/ ing the contents of their respective shared anywhere access to Springer’s content from print journal collections under a single re- their iPhones and iPads.
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