Head of School SEARCH PROSPECTUS Fontbonne Academy MILTON, MASSACHUSETTS WWW.FONTBONNEACADEMY.ORG START DATE - JULY 2017 Partners in Mission School Leadership Search Solutions, LLC About Fontbonne Academy and its Mission ontbonne Academy, sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Boston, is a Catholic, college preparatory high school for young women. Fontbonne Academy fosters Gospel values and educational excellence. Tis inclusive community embraces diversity in Fmany forms. Trough the values of respect, responsibility, reconciliation and reverence, Fontbonne Academy promotes growth in spirituality, scholarship, and leadership of young women in the changing world. Terefore, Fontbonne Academy: t 0ČFSTUIFPQQPSUVOJUZGPSBMMTUVEFOUTUPIBWFBTQJSJUVBMFYQFSJFODFJOFEVDBUJPOUIBUPQFOT them to the Catholic heritage of the search for God and the expression of faith through concern for the dear neighbor. t &NQPXFSTTUVEFOUTUPDMBJNUIFJSJEFOUJUZBOEWPJDFBTXPNFOBOEEFWFMPQRVBMJUJFTPG leadership that they may live fully, courageously, and healthfully in a challenging world. t 1SPNPUFTBTBGF EJWFSTFMFBSOJOHFOWJSPONFOUXIJDIXFMDPNFTTUVEFOUTPGBMMGBJUIT fosters intellectual openness and social connection, and prepares students to become active, participatory citizens of the world. t $VMUJWBUFTBOBUNPTQIFSFPGBDBEFNJDJOUFHSJUZBOEIJHIFYQFDUBUJPOBOEJOTUJMMTBXPSL ethic that encourages students to be self-directed, active participants in their learning. t 1SPWJEFTIJHIDBMJCFSJOTUSVDUJPOBOEBUUFOUJWFJOEJWJEVBMJ[FEBDBEFNJDTVQQPSUUIBUBMMPXT students to discover the true reach of their abilities. t &OBCMFTTUVEFOUTUPJOUFHSBUFMFBSOJOHJOXBZTUIBUEFSJWFGSPNBOEBQQMZUPSFBMXPSME contexts. t 1SFQBSFTTUVEFOUTGPSIJHIFSMFBSOJOHXJUITUDFOUVSZTLJMMTBOELOPXMFEHFUPTVQQPSUIJHI academic achievement in a college curriculum. Our History 'PVOEFEJO UIFBDBEFNZUBLFTJUTOBNFGSPN.PUIFS4U+PIO'POUCPOOF BXPNBO of courage who re-established the Sisters of St. Joseph in France afer its suppression during the French Revolution. Under her leadership, the frst Sisters came to the United States. In Boston, the congregation taught in archdiocesan parochial schools, and also founded ministries of its own, of which Fontbonne is one. As a sponsored ministry, Fontbonne Academy further the Sisters’ charism – a direct outgrowth of the orders experience in revolutionary France – of reconciliation, unity and non-violence in the school’s academic programs, spirituality, and co-curricular activities. For six decades, Fontbonne has educated thousands of young women who are now sending their daughters and granddaughters to experience the special intellectual, social and spiritual PQQPSUVOJUJFTB'POUCPOOFFEVDBUJPOBČPSET 2 Fontbonne Academy Partners in Mission School Leadership Search Solutions, LLC FAST FACTS At Fontbonne – it’s all about the girls 18 8IJMFSFTFBSDIGSPN6$-"BOEPUIFSTDPOĕSNJU 'POUCPOOFLOFXBMMBMPOHUIBUBMMHJSMT Average Class Size $BUIPMJDTDIPPMTPČFSBQPXFSGVMBOEUSBOTGPSNBUJPOBMFYQFSJFODF*OGBDU BTHSBEVBUFTPGBO all-girls catholic school experience, Fontbonne graduates perform better on the SAT and arrive BUDPMMFHFNPSFDPOĕEFOUPGUIFJSNBUIBOEDPNQVUFSTLJMMT NPSFJOUFSFTUFEJOFOHJOFFSJOH and academic subjects, and more socially and politically engaged. At Fontbonne it is and always has been all about the girls. From classroom to athletic feld, to the stage or the one-to-one tutorial, each young woman gains courage, confdence, wisdom and grace as she becomes a Fontbonne woman. &NQPXFSFECZUIFGBDVMUZBOEFBDIPUIFS UIFZPVOHXPNFOPG'POUCPOOFFNCSBDF leadership roles both within the classroom and in their co-curricular activities. Tey experience the freedom of being their true selves and forge life-long friendships. For generations, Fontbonne Academy has specialized in the ways girls learn. Tat is why the math, IFBMUI ĕUOFTTBOETDJFODFQSPHSBNTBSFEJČFSFOUćBUJTXIZ'POUCPOOFHJSMTBSFBDBEFNJDBMMZ 8:1 ready to excel in college. Blended with the mission of Fontbonne, that is why our graduates are Student-Faculty empowered for tomorrow and wherever their lives lead them. Ratio Academics at Fontbonne Academic excellence is both the standard of accomplishment and the outcome of each student’s time at Fontbonne Academy—academic excellence as measured by her reach and her grasp. Fontbonne admits students with a range of demonstrated academic ability with 200 promise of achievement in a rigorous Virtual high school college preparatory program. Honors courses (including DMBTTFT "1DMBTTFT BOEJOEJWJEVBM AP and Honors) study opportunities create a rising available through ladder of academically challenging on-campus coordinator DPVSTFPČFSJOHT Fontbonne believes in mastering GVOEBNFOUBMTLJMMTBOEBDRVJSJOH GPVOEBUJPOBMLOPXMFEHFUIBU will support the widest range of Partners in Mission School Leadership Search Solutions, LLC Fontbonne Academy 3 Class of 2016 College Acceptances American International .FSSJNBDL$PMMFHF College .PVOU)PMZPLF$PMMFHF Amherst College /FX:PSL6OJWFSTJUZ "OOB.BSJB$PMMFHF Northeastern University Arcadia University Notre Dame University Arizona State University 0CFSMJO$PMMFHF Assumption College 1BDF6OJWFSTJUZ Auburn University 1BSTPOT4DIPPMPG Babson College Design Barnard College 1SBUU*OTUJUVUF Barry University 1SPWJEFODF$PMMFHF Bates College 1VSEVF6OJWFSTJUZ Bentley College 1SJODFUPO6OJWFSTJUZ #FSLMFF$PMMFHFPG.VTJD Quinnipiac University Boston Architectural Regis College Center 3FOTTFMBFS1PMZUFDIOJD Boston College Institute Boston University Rhode Island School of Brandeis University Design Bridgewater State Ringling School of Art University and Design Brown University 3PBOPLF$PMMFHF Bryant University Rochester Institute of #VDLOFMM6OJWFSTJUZ Technology $BSOFHJF.FMMPO Roger Williams University University Catholic University Rutgers University Chapman University Sacred Heart University $MBSL"UMBOUB6OJWFSTJUZ Saint Anselm College $MBSL6OJWFSTJUZ Saint John’s University Colby-Sawyer College Saint Joseph’s College Columbia University PG.BJOF College of the Holy Saint Joseph’s University Cross Saint Leo University College of Charleston 4BJOU.JDIBFMT$PMMFHF Connecticut College 4BJOUćPNBT"RVJOBT Cornell University College Curry College Salem State College Dartmouth College Salve Regina University Dean College Savannah College of Art Drew University and Design Drexel University Scranton University &MNJSB$PMMFHF Seton Hall University &MPO6OJWFSTJUZ Simmons College &NFSTPO$PMMFHF 4LJENPSF$PMMFHF &NNBOVFM$PMMFHF Smith College &NPSZ6OJWFSTJUZ Southern New Hampshire University &OEJDPUU$PMMFHF Stanford University Fairfeld University Stonehill College Fitchburg State College 4VČPML6OJWFSTJUZ Florida Southern College Syracuse University Fordham University Temple University (CONTINUED) Framingham State Trinity College Academics College Tufs University 'SBOLMJO1JFSDF$PMMFHF Union College George Washington University of Alabama FEVDBUJPOBMDIPJDFTBUUIFDPMMFHFMFWFM&MFDUJWFPČFSJOHTHFOFSBMMZSFQSFTFOUPQQPSUVOJUJFTUP University University of Arizona BDRVJSFIJHIFSMFWFMDPODFQUTPSGBDJMJUZJOUIFDPSFEJTDJQMJOFTBU'POUCPOOF8FCFMJFWFUIJTJT Georgetown University University of Dublin Georgia Institute of Trinity College the best use of academic time at the secondary level. Technology University of Hartford Goucher College University of Loyola ćFDVSSJDVMVNJTBMTPOPUFXPSUIZGPSHSBEVBUJPOSFRVJSFNFOUTJOUXPBSFBTPęFOMBDLJOH Hampton University Chicago Harvard University 6OJWFSTJUZPG.JDIJHBO in schools today-the Fine Arts curriculum in music, drama, and visual arts; and our health and )BSWFZ.VEE$PMMFHF University of NC - Hofstra University Chapel Hill wellness program, which aims to give young women lifelong value in understanding women’s Ithaca College University of New Hampshire +BNFT.BEJTPO health, wellbeing, ftness, and mental and emotional health. Combined with Fontbonne’s focus University University of Notre Dame John Carroll University POTQJSJUVBMGPSNBUJPOBOEWBMVFTFEVDBUJPO UIFTFSFRVJSFNFOUTIFMQUPCBMBODFMJGFJOBOEPVU University of +PIOT)PQLJOT 1FOOTZMWBOJB of school for young women today. University Villanova University Lehigh University Vassar College 'BDVMUZXPSLDMPTFMZXJUITUVEFOUTBOEQBSFOUTUPCFTVSFNBUFSJBMJTUIPSPVHIMZVOEFSTUPPE -F.PZOF$PMMFHF Washington University Loyola University at St. Louis BOERVFTUJPOTBSFBEESFTTFEBOEBOTXFSFE-FBSOJOHBU'POUCPOOFJTBQBSUOFSTIJQPG Lynchburg College Wentworth Institute of Lynn University Technology professional educators, involved and interested parents, and motivated students. Timely ."*OTUJUVUFPG 8FTUFSO/FX&OHMBOE communication supports students in their progress through our curriculum, and engaged Technology College ."$PMMFHF1IBSNBDZ Westfeld State College & Health QBSFOUTXIPIFMQNBLFTUVEZUIFQSJPSJUZJOUIFJSEBVHIUFSTEBJMZMJWFTIFMQUPBUUBJOUIFCFTU Wheaton College .BOIBUUBO$PMMFHF 8IFFMPDL$PMMFHF .BOIBUUBOWJMMF$PMMFHF academic performance. 8PSDFTUFS1PMZUFDIOJD .BSRVFUUF6OJWFSTJUZ Institute .BTTBDIVTFUUT$PMMFHF Worcester State College of Art Yale University .D(JMM$PMMFHF 4 Fontbonne Academy Partners in Mission School Leadership Search Solutions, LLC FAST FACTS Students represent 46 Greater Boston Communities and… 3 Foreign Countries The Position Te Head of School represents Fontbonne Academy to all of its constituencies and to the HFOFSBMQVCMJD XIJMFTFSWJOHBTUIFTDIPPMTTQPLFTQFSTPO.PTUJNQPSUBOU UIF)FBEPG4DIPPM JTBSPMFNPEFMJO$BUIPMJD GBJUIĕMMFEMFBEFSTIJQGPSGBDVMUZ TUBČ QBSFOUT BOETUVEFOUTBOE bears responsibility for the integration of faith and learning. 4FSWJOHBTUIF$IJFG&YFDVUJWF0ďDFSPG'POUCPOOF"DBEFNZ UIF)FBEPG4DIPPMJT EJSFDUMZSFTQPOTJCMFGPSUIFNBOBHFNFOUPGUIFTDIPPM XIJDIJODMVEFTFOTVSJOHTVďDJFOU resources, sound fscal management,
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