NO.P.17024/14/2014-RC (FMS-338557) Government of India Ministr\' of Rural Development (Rural Conncctivit>' Division) KrishlBhawan, New Delhi, Dated; 25*^ Jan, 2016. To: Ms. Aruna Sharma, Principal Secretar}-, Madhya Pradesh Rural Road Development Authority, BIock-2, Floor-5, Paryavas Bhawan, Bhopal-462004. Subject: Clearance to the project proposals for new conncctivitj' under Phase XIV (2015-16 Batch-I) Regular PMGSY including Bridges to the State of Madhya Pradesh, considered in Empowered Committee Meeting held on 28'** Nov, 2015 under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). Madam, I am directed to refer to the project proposals submitted by the Slate Government of Madhya Pradesh under Regular PMGSY Phase XIV (2015-16 Batch-I) including Bridges to be taken up under PMGSY in Madhya Pradesh and to say that these proposals were consideied by the Empowered Committee in its meeting held on 28'^ Nov, 2014. On the basis of the recommendation of the Committee and the compliance report submitted by the State, the Ministry hereby accords clearance for the proposals as per summary given below:- Proposal ofroads and bridges under Regular PMGSY Phase XIV (2015-16 Batch-I)t Items Roads Bridges Total Value in Rs. Crore 1,201.58 209.79 1,41 lJt7* No. of Road 887 83 887 (Roads) Works/Bridges 83 (Bridges) Length 2,383.684 Km 7,194.96 m 2383.684 km (Roads) 7,194.96 m (Bridges) Habitations 1000+:5 1000+: 5 500+ : 820 SOO+ : 820 250+; 89 250+:89 <250 (incidentals): 25 <250 (incidentals): 25 Maintenance cost 53.57 (Rs. in crore) ♦ MoRD Share (60%); Rs. 764.03 Cr. Stale Share :Rs. 509.35 Cr (40%) + Rs. 137.99 (higher specifications cost) » Rs. 647.34 Cr. 2. The above sanction is accorded subject to the condition that tenders will be issued by the State only after complying with following issues and intimating the written compliance to NRRDA: a) The final details ofhabitations being benefitted will be intimated to NRRDA. b) The State will provide the list of R&D roads with details of technologies included in Batch -1 ofthe current proposal to NRRDA and also accordingly updated on OMMAS before tendering for R&D works. The sample DPRs of R&D roads will be scrutinized by NRRDA before issue oftenders. c) The Stale will review its DPRs as perobservations of NRRDA and will send some of the DPRs to NRRDA before issue oflenders. d) The State will freeze the Habitation details on OMMAS and intimate the same to NRRDA. e) The State will review the post construction 5-year Maintenance cost in consultation with NRRDA and issue tenders accordingly. f) The State will reconcile the sanction details on the OMMAS as per the clearances issued by the Ministry. g) The State will send the complete detail and approximate length of balance new connectivity proposal yet to be sent to Ministry along with the list of roads in soft- copy to Ministry and NRRDA. h) The Stale will rationalise the workload among PIUs to avoid overburdening of executive staff and send the revised status to NRRDA. i) The State will send the SQM inspection programme for the works in hand and its plan to institutionalise thesecond tier quality monitoring inselected districts. j) The Slate will ensure that ail DPRs are prepared as per the actual CBR test reports. In case there is any change In earlier reported CBR, necessary corrections will be carried out in the DPRs'estimates. k) The State will send the status of the compliance of the finance &accounting issues. 1) The Stale will send thestatus of the payment of pending Final Bills of the contractors and its financial closure on the OMMAS. 3.While clearing these proposals, theCommittee made the following observations: a) The State will ensure adherence to its completion plan sent for incomplete works. b) The State will pay special attention to lAP districts to conclude thepending contracts and expedite the in-progress works, c) The Stale will ensure that the balance maintenance fund commitment as per contracts will be credited in maintenance AJc of SRRD.A separately and elTorts will be made to utilize it. d) The State will upload the PCI value of roads for planning the maintenance and Up- gradation. e) The State will upload all the ATRs sent lo NRRDA on OMMAS, and send all pending ATRs for on-going works for which the letters have been issued by NRRDA till Dec, 2014. f) The Slate will send its plan for systematic atid intensive training of PlUs and contractor personnel. g) The Slate will make all efforts to financially close the physically completed road works. h) The State will clear thepending accounting issues. i) The Stale will publish the Road-List on hard copy as well a.s on DVDs and make it available to Hon'ble Members of Parliaments and other State representatives. j) Citizen information boards will be displayed in local language and the board will be placed in a prominent location in the benefitted habitation (s) lor each road-work being executed underthis programme, k) The executing agencies will re-check the BoQ and the estimates while giving technical sanction before tendering the work. Yours faithfully, EDclosure: District-wise abstract and Road-list (Y.S.Dwivedi) Director (RC) Copy to:- PS to Hon'ble Minister (RD)/ PS to MOS(RD-SB)/ PPS to Secretary (ROyPPS to AS&FA/PS to AS (RD)/ PPS to JS (RC)/DirectOT (RC-YSD)/Dir(RC- PMK)/DS(RC-PR). Copy also to: 1. Prof. Anil Singhal , Deptt. Of Civil Engineering,Govt.College of Engineering, Jabalpur 2. Prof. Sushil Mittal, Deptt. OfCivil Engg. M.A.N.I.T., Bhopal. 3. Prof. Mrs. Vandana Tare, Deptt. OfCivil Engg, S.G.S.I.T.S. Indore. 4. DirectDr(Tech.)/Director(P-T)/Dir(P-II)/Director(P-III}/Director(F&A),NRRDA,New Delhi. 5. Shri Ganesh KJiadanga, Technical Director (NIC-NRRDA), New Delhi. Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana Road List for attachment with Sanction Letter - District Wise Abstract State : Madhya Pradesh Sanction Year : 2015-2016 Batch : 1 Collaboration : Regular PMGSY Sr.No. District No of Road Length MoRD Cost State Cost (Rs Total Cost Maint. Cost Habs (1000+, 500+, 250+, <250, Total) Works (Kms) / Bridge (Rs Lacs) Lacs) (Rs Lacs) (Rs Lacs) Length (Mtrs) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Road Proposals 1 Anuppur 2 12.500 611.48 511.49 1,122.97 35.18 (0 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 2) 2 Balaghat 27 63.775 1,217.24 901.16 2,118.40 142.40 (0 , 1 , 26 , 0 , 27) 3 Bhind 50 107.338 3,018.33 2,123.89 5,142.22 239.70 (0 , 50 , 0 , 0 , 50) 4 Bhopal 1 2.900 94.28 67.73 162.01 6.48 (0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1) 5 Damoh 39 120.000 3,603.87 2,541.20 6,145.07 267.97 (0 , 39 , 0 , 1 , 40) 6 Datia 38 84.000 2,303.05 1,600.40 3,903.45 188.27 (0 , 38 , 0 , 1 , 39) 7 Dhar 16 42.350 1,858.37 1,374.32 3,232.69 99.27 (3 , 8 , 6 , 0 , 17) 8 Dindori 6 14.520 384.78 271.68 656.46 32.42 (0 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5) 9 Gwalior 36 78.665 2,195.51 1,574.28 3,769.79 176.02 (0 , 36 , 0 , 3 , 39) 10 Harda 14 53.450 2,250.07 1,532.70 3,782.77 119.34 (0 , 14 , 0 , 0 , 14) 11 Hoshangabad 54 160.890 5,147.60 3,564.53 8,712.13 370.85 (0 , 56 , 2 , 0 , 58) 12 Indore 1 3.740 118.38 82.70 201.08 8.39 (0 , 1 , 0 , 0 , 1) 13 Jhabua 1 2.200 61.73 43.14 104.87 4.91 (0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1) 14 Khandwa 9 17.800 583.13 414.82 997.95 40.36 (0 , 9 , 0 , 1 , 10) 15 Khargone 7 18.075 548.02 377.79 925.81 40.35 (0 , 6 , 1 , 0 , 7) 16 Mandla 1 2.320 65.03 45.30 110.33 5.19 (0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 1) 17 Mandsour 31 93.320 3,091.82 2,208.07 5,299.89 209.30 (0 , 31 , 0 , 1 , 32) 18 Morena 21 36.514 1,192.43 816.62 2,009.05 81.55 (0 , 21 , 0 , 0 , 21) 19 Neemuch 2 4.000 161.48 116.65 278.13 8.94 (0 , 2 , 0 , 0 , 2) 20 Rajgarh 87 227.605 6,830.51 4,881.53 11,712.04 508.24 (0 , 88 , 1 , 1 , 90) 21 Ratlam 3 11.950 372.83 264.18 637.01 26.68 (0 , 4 , 0 , 0 , 4) 22 Satna 58 125.395 3,170.16 2,331.74 5,501.90 279.69 (0 , 59 , 5 , 8 , 72) 23 Sehore 54 148.420 4,939.07 3,475.60 8,414.67 331.42 (0 , 55 , 1 , 1 , 57) 24 Seopur 15 49.350 1,304.09 929.04 2,233.13 110.19 (0 , 16 , 0 , 1 , 17) 25 Shahdol 7 24.820 584.15 417.84 1,001.99 55.38 (1 , 3 , 3 , 0 , 7) 26 Shajapur 49 122.250 4,019.88 2,828.71 6,848.59 273.01 (0 , 51 , 0 , 0 , 51) 27 Shivpuri 89 232.618 6,604.37 4,585.07 11,189.44 522.07 (0 , 89 , 2 , 4 , 95) 28 Singrauli 19 110.010 2,715.75 1,938.61 4,654.36 245.63 (0 , 5 , 19 , 1 , 25) 29 Tikamgarh 43 117.520 3,136.96 2,335.27 5,472.23 269.05 (0 , 43 , 0 , 0 , 43) 30 Umria 15 47.230 1,081.49 768.48 1,849.97 105.47 (1 , 1 , 14 , 2 , 18) 31 Vidisha 92 248.159 7,015.25 4,952.68 11,967.93 554.06 (0 , 92 , 1 , 0 , 93) Roads Total 887 2,383.684 70,281.11 49,877.22 1,20,158.33 5,357.79 (5 , 820 , 89 , 25 , 939) Long Span Bridge Proposals 1 Alirajpur 7 870.000 543.55 1,900.92 2,444.47 0.00 - 2 Anuppur 3 180.000 190.76 262.38 453.14 0.00 - 3 Balaghat 5 690.000 469.15 1,613.27 2,082.42 0.00 - 4 Betul 1 105.000 60.26 194.24 254.50 0.00 - 5 Datia 1 225.000 108.34 611.80 720.14 0.00 - 6 Dewas 4 270.000 255.19 479.41 734.60 0.00 - 7 Dhar 3 306.000 320.69 954.50 1,275.19 0.00 - 8 Gwalior 2 252.000 142.84 675.68 818.52 0.00 - 9 Harda 5 257.330 219.22 391.84 611.06 0.00 - 10 Hoshangabad 4 283.350 445.63 700.47 1,146.10 0.00 - 11 Indore 1 105.000 67.97 287.85 355.82 0.00 - 12 Khandwa 11 915.000 746.88 1,759.82 2,506.70 0.00 - 13 Khargone 1 120.000 53.14 249.09 302.23 0.00 - 14 Panna 2 225.000 118.04 367.22 485.26 0.00 - 15 Rewa 3 145.000 200.86 408.99 609.85 0.00 - 16 Sagar 2 120.000 120.97 222.74 343.71 0.00 - 17 Sehore 1 60.000 76.81 105.85 182.66 0.00 - 18 Seoni 1 125.000 105.83 315.33 421.16 0.00 - 19 Shahdol 3 115.000 134.63 195.36 329.99 0.00 - 20 Shajapur 8 820.000 591.00 1,340.91 1,931.91 0.00 - 21 Sidhi 1 50.000 36.56 54.23 90.79 0.00 - 22 Singrauli 2 150.000 147.32 225.92 373.24 0.00 - 23 Umria 12 806.280 965.92 1,539.49 2,505.41 0.00 - Bridges Total 83 7,194.960 6,121.56 14,857.31 20,978.87 0.00 - Grand Total 970 9,578.644 76,402.68 64,734.52 1,41,137.20 5,357.79 - Page 1 of 1 Generated On : 25/01/2016 11:22 AM Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana Road List for attachment with Sanction Letter Sanction Letter No :17024/14/2014-RC FMS338557 Sanction Date : 25/01/2016 State : Madhya Pradesh Sanction Year : 2015-2016 Batch : BATCH 1 Collaboration : Regular PMGSY Note : All Costs are in Lakhs and Lengths are in Kms.
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