A Good Newspaper Completely Covers For Over 48 Years The Entire Buying Ever Loyal To An Territory Of This Ideal Community The Plymouth Mail Stable Community Vol. 48, No. 26 Plymouth, Michigan, Friday, May 11, 1934 $1.50 Per Year In Advance Local Artist Does THE FUN BEGINS Swanson Named Mural Paintings For Saturday, May 12 TOMORROW MORNING! Annual School Schools In Detroit Dig up your plants, sort New President Edward McCandlish. well Is Hospital Day, out your seeds and join the | Election To Be known artist and cartoonist who happy crowd at the Flower has done work for years on Washington and Detroit papers Market. By Business Men and is now a resident of Plym­ Visitors Invited Held On June 11 outh, has just completed some mural paintings for the Detroit Plymouth Hospital Joins Directors Of Chamber Of board of education and the Dear­ Candidates Have Until born school board. In Observance Of Day Dave Galin Now Commerce Elect Offi­ A few days ago he started some May 26 To File Their new mural work on the Ruthruff Throughout Nation Petitions With Clerk cers For Next Year school .in Detroit and expects to be busy at this work for another Smokes His Own New Executive H a s i two or three weeks. I Date Marks Anniversary . Terms Of Claude Buz­ Tomorrow, Saturday, is going Mr. McCandlish has lived in 1 Of Florence Nightin-| Home Cured Hams Pro­ Long Been Active i to be an important day for the Plymouth for nearly two years zard, Herald Hamill Plymouth Court Plymouth lovers of flowers and Music Festival and because of the fact that most duced At Plymouth Member O f Business ' gardens, for it is the day set aside of his work takes him out of gale Regarded As The and George Burr Ex­ for The Flower Market in Kellogg I town, his contacts with local Greatest Nurse Purity Market Group IsOrganized Park. It will be the one day when To Be Big Event residents have not been close. pire—Who Can Vote you may exchange some bulb' 1 Some effort has been made to ■ Saturday. May 125 is National j years** Plymouth ^residents The annual election in Plym- Herbert Swanson, for a number , slip or root of some flower that have him do some work at the of years associated with the1 is abundant in your own gar­ Schoo! Children Of city hall, but nothing so far has ?sKS y toterStod toTbe^usli SXw aWe Io homJ^ District No. 1. Frac- Lady Maccabees Create den. and that some other flow- I Plymouth Motor Sales company, come of the plan. nf^hp factthift thisStv now hS i hams and meats. Dave Galin of tional this year wiU be on Mon- local representatives of the Ford I Court For Boys er lover does not possess, for County To Take Part * of the test little hospitals to the Plymouth Purity market day -June 11. at which tune two Motor Car company, has been i something that you are anxious ?hS naS of Michigan? DuriiS having a few days aeo completed trustees will be elected for a term elected president of the Plymouth And Girls to secure. It is urged by the com­ In Program May 19 mittee in charge that you care­ the lFttle over one brief veS it the construction of a new smoke- °f years to succeed Claude Chamber of Commerce, succeed­ has been in existence the Plvm- i house at/ the rear of his market. S- Bboard and Herald F. Ham- ing Paul J. Nutting who has giv­ During the past two months a fully label your plants when you Three thousand yards of plaid nas Deen in existence. tne riym M Galin ha_ not , erected dl. and one for a penod of two en freely of his time to the or­ few of the Lady Maccabees have bring them down to the park to­ gingham is being distributed iouth hospital has grown rapidly • a very convetoetoot onlyerected succeed George Burr who ganization during the past two been busy helping their Junior morrow. Even though you have among fifteen hundred children most’o/th^tSne’lt will *bePODen to- appointed by the Board o< years. Members organize a court which not listed your name with the of rural Wayne County schools But Is Injured most of the time. It will be open staUed his own sausage making Education to fill the vacancy Mr. Swanson has already as­ shall be known as the Plymouth committee in charge, the ex­ to make the costumes for the folk all day Saturday to visitors. machinery which is now in i created when Russell Roe mov«H sumed his duties and is devoting I Court. change is open to every one. dance, “The Highland Fling.” [Alex Taylor Badly Hurt Why a National Hospital Day ”__.. - out of the district. much of his time with Secretary 1 Any child up to the age of 15 which will be presented as part on May 12? operation. Candidates whose names are to Berg Moore working out a pro­ who has Maccabee Insurance is of the Music Festival in the Coli­ That date was selected because . improve_ | In Accident Last Florence Nightingale was bom on meiLt;s’ Mr.- Galin states. be printed on the official ballot gram for the ensuing year. The eligible for membership whether seum at the State Fair Grounds. ihat dale in 1820 "Ev« since I came to Plym- be, used °n the eleventh have new president hopes to make its parents arc Maccabees or not. Annual Clean-Up Detroit, Saturday.* May 19. The Sunday Eve mat uate in , mind that t0 flle a nominating petition the ensuing year one of the most The object of the Court is to children will dance “The High­ turiS Sia^'of flS? »ntrlbS’i»“e da” I woulFha™ my . with, the Secretary of the Board successful in the history of the teach Juniors the benefits of land Fling" to the music of bag­ tunes because, of ^tne contnbu- sausaee room and of Education between the dales organization. home protection, to cultivate the pipes. I Making a desperate effort to tion she made to the nursing pro- room xD> ♦ smoke-house of May 12 and May 16. inclusive. Roy Crowe, manager of the spirit of love, fraternity, honesty And Paint-Up To avoid a headon collision with fession and the development of J?®?8? 11 took These petitions must be signed by The Scottish folk dance will be another car on Seven Mile road hospitals. So when a National ly yea,s to accomplish this. Michigan Bell Telephone com­ Obedience patriotism and sociabil­ the final presentation of the year Sunday. Alex Taylor of Plymouth fifty qualified, registered school pany’s business in this district ity. Hospital Day was suggested, it La?\ haJlpy a?d P£°ud to an’ electors. Those who registered last by pupils who have been studying drove his machine through a was fitting that her birthday an- eT t,hat home-made pro- was elected vice president. Mr. The court is in charge of a Start On Monday folk dancing in a three-fold fence and over the side of an year or before with the school Crowe has been active in Cham­ Court Director and an assistant. program under the direction of embankment at the Booth stock niversary be selected for this im- ?xe?r kee5' district need not re-register. ber of Commerce work for many Ladies Leila Heller and Edith portant date in health develop- i^g wUh a promise that I made Other qualified electors may years and at the meeting of the Honey have been choosen for Miss Mary Collinge, supervisor of farm, receiving severe injuries ment. It honored one outstanding J? A^ P^P1® ‘n Plymouth To Make Cam­ Music, of Michigan State College. and almost completely wrecking in hospital management. October. 1927. that I will en- register at the Superintendent's directors held a few days ago, he these offices. The work is very On the same day three thou­ his car. Mr. Taylor, who con­ office at the high school, or with stated that he would be glad to similar to that of a hive and all The staff of the Plymouth | ♦Kis,n£5s«ln the Secretary of the Board of continue his activities in behalf the offices in it .are. filled by the paign This Year Show sand and rural school children of ducts a jewelry store on Penni­ hospital, especially anxious to 1 m^Prx r that Wayne county will join their man avenue, was driving his car have every one in and around , M-arhet will be a credit to this Education anytime before Satur­ of the organization during the Juniors. They will meet the third Results voices in rendering folk songs ' towards Northville about 6 day, June 2. On Saturday. June forthcoming year. Wednesday afternoon of each they have studied during the o'clock. As he neared the turn Plymouth know more about its ' community. 2. the board of registration will Roy Fisher was re-elected as month at 4 o’clock at the Mac­ 'in the road he saw a machine work, joins in the national" ob- ' “I have selected a man who be in session between the hours treasurer, a place he has held cabee hall. Plymouth's annual clean-up year. The children, ranging from servance of Hospital day. On this has learned the sausage trade in week starts Monday. May 14. On the fourth to the tenth grades, coming from the west and fear­ of one and eight p.
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