F o r T h e P e o p l e A NEWSLETTER OF THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION http://www.abrahamlincolnassociation.org VOLUME 17 NUMBER 4 WINTER 2015 SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS Bernice A. King 2016 Banquet Speaker Daughter of Coretta Scott King and Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Bernice A. King is the Chief Exec- family partnership, Bernice served utive Officer of The King Center, as a law clerk in the Fulton County which was founded by her mother Juvenile Court system. There she in 1968. Born the youngest daugh- realized that a growing number of ter of the late Coretta Scott King teens have been double victims: and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., first of society and second of an Bernice began her oratorical jour- ineffective legal system based on ney when she spoke in her moth- retribution instead of rehabilita- er’s stead at the United Nations at tion. She has served as a mentor to age 17. In the summer of 2000, 5th-grade girls at an inner-city she narrated the Lincoln Portrait Atlanta elementary school. In with a symphony orchestra in Kiel, 2007, Bernice spoke at the inaugu- Germany. She is a graduate of ration of the Coretta Scott King Spelman College with a Bachelor Young Women’s Leadership of Arts degree in Psychology, and Academy (CSKYWLA), where Berrnice A. King holds a Master’s of Divinity and a she gave the charge to the 6th- elevate the way they Think, Act, Doctorate of Law degrees from grade girls who would be attending Live, and Lead. She received the Emory University. She received the new, all-girls school. She 2009 Lifetime Achievement Advo- an honorary Doctorate of Divinity spearheaded the global events that cate Award from the National Coa- degree from Wesley College. She took place in Washington, D.C., to lition of 100 Black Women, Inc. is a member of the Georgia State commemorate on August 28, 2013 As an author, she has to her credit Bar. On January 30, 2007, the first the 50th Anniversary of the March a compelling and inspiring book, anniversary of her mother’s death, on Washington and her father’s Hard Questions, Heart Answers: Bernice returned to her alma mater famous “I Have A Dream” speech. Speeches and Sermons. at Spelman College to announce the establishment of the “Be A Bernice has founded Be A King, At the banquet, Governor Jim King Scholarship in honor of whose mission is to re-brand and Edgar will present the Spirit of Coretta Scott King.” With a strong re-image generations of people to Lincoln Award to Ms. King to concern for youth, community, and honor her father. form of a question of course, was Lincoln’s Birthday “Who are Lincoln and Washington?” Lincoln’s Birthday should be de- Should Be a This is a common mistake, because a clared a federal holiday for at least number of states have added Lincoln seven reasons: Federal Holiday to the observance of the holiday on the third Monday of February, and 1. Polls consistently show that Abra- By Boardman W. Kathan much advertising combines the two ham Lincoln is considered one of the presidents. The truth is that the U.S. greatest presidents in American his- The writers were wrong! During the Congress merely moved Washing- tory, if not the greatest; 2014-15 season, the TV game show ton’s Birthday to that Monday, a day Jeopardy included a clue on the pop- that will never coincide with his 2. The 16th president provided the ular kids’ tournament regarding the birthdate of Feb. 22, and efforts to two people honored on Presidents’ include Lincoln have failed in com- (continued on page 2) Day. The correct answer, in the mittee. 2 A NEWSLETTER OF THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION FOR THE PEOPLE LINCOLN FAMILY MOVES his life. During these formative years remembered Thomas Lincoln as a fine FROM KENTUCKY Lincoln received most of his formal edu- cabinet maker and house joiner; his skill TO INDIANA cation, suffered deep sorrow at his moth- and craftsmanship appear in extant piec- er’s and sister’s deaths, received loving es today, his work known especially for By Wiliam Bartelt encouragement from his stepmother, the star-and-streamer pattern and the hole Member of the Board of Directors realized the vastness of America during -and-tooth design on cherry corner cup- his flatboat trip to New Orleans, and be- boards. The Abraham Lincoln Association gan forming his social and political In this bicentennial year celebrating Indi- We reached our new home about the time the thought. ana statehood, we recognize both the State [Indiana] came into the Union. It was a Lincolns’ crossing of the Ohio River into wild region, with many bears and other wild Despite critical debate about Lincoln’s the new state and the superb woodwork animals still in the woods. There I grew up. relationship with his father, during the of one of Indiana’s early pioneers. Indiana years Thomas Lincoln signifi- With these words Abraham Lincoln de- cantly influenced Abraham’s develop- ment. Speaking of himself, Abraham scribed the Lincoln family’s arrival in Editor’s Note: The Abraham Lincoln As- Indiana around December 11, 1816 — reportedly said that although his father taught him to work, he “never learned . sociation has published a 2016 Calendar the date the territory gained statehood. picturing the furniture of Thomas Lincoln. Young Lincoln was only age 7 when . to love it.” Chiefly young Lincoln per- - Indiana became his home for the next 13 formed farm work, although in the off See pages 5 and 8 for how you may obtain years and 3 months: almost a quarter of season he also helped in his father’s car- one of the calendars. pentry activities. Years later, neighbors (continued from page 1) life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; have not recognized Lincoln’s Birthday. It is true that in some respects the Civil indispensable leadership to save the Un- 7. The existence of the Lincoln Memori- War has never ended. Thousands of peo- ion when 11 states had seceded and al, dedicated in 1922, as the western an- ple participate in Civil War Round Ta- formed the Confederate States of Ameri- chor of the National Mall demonstrates bles, and thousands don the blue or gray ca and the Civil War was fought; his preeminence, along with the monu- uniforms for battle re-enactments, and ment to George Washington. The Greek the Confederate Flag is still fought over, 3. Lincoln led the fight to abolish slav- temple for Lincoln and the Egyptian obe- 150 years after the end of the Civil War. ery, a cruel and inhumane institution lisk for Washington are the only memori- It is past time that we put down our mus- which ran counter to all American ideals als to U.S. presidents on “America’s kets, uniforms, battle flags, and fierce of freedom, equality, and justice. The backyard.” rhetoric and recognize that we are a unit- recent Steven Spielberg film Lincoln ed country, one nation indivisible, and demonstrated the wheeling and dealing Lincoln’s Birthday has never been a fed- that we focus our attention on a world that was required to get the 13th Amend- eral holiday, but the fact that it is an offi- divided by geopolitical fault lines, con- ment passed; cial holiday in 7 states and is added to fronted by environmental degradation, Washington’s day in many more states and threatened by extremists who would 4. Two of the most important pieces of indicates that the 16th president was far destroy the relics of antiquity and the literature in American, if not human his- more than just the favorite son of Illinois. advances of human civilization. tory, were contributed by Lincoln: the Washington’s Birthday should be re- immortal Gettysburg Address, and the stored to its original date of February 22, The Rev. Boardman W. Kathan was ordained by the Second Inaugural Address; and the several states can then decide, as Chicago Association of Congregational Christian they always have the right to do, whether Churches, served congregations in Illinois, Minnesota, 5. Lincoln was the main exemplar of to acknowledge both holidays, combine and Connecticut, and has a book soon to appear, what has been called “American civil them, or ignore them. American Holy Days: The Heart and Soul of religion” or what Benjamin Franklin Our National Holidays. called “public religion.” Outstanding There will be those who will object to examples include the addition of “under making Lincoln’s Birthday a federal holi- God” to the Gettysburg Address, and his day. Some will say that it would make 2 prophetic understanding of the complici- holidays in the month of February. They Give a membership to someone ty of the northern states in the existence forget that New Year’s Day and Rev. you think might enjoy the ALA — of slavery; Martin Luther King, Jr., Day are both in A Great Holiday Gift! the month of January, and that Veterans 6. In his famous debates with Stephen Day and Thanksgiving are both celebrat- It is easy to do so by using the ALA website at: Douglas and his addresses on the way to, ed in the month of November, with the abrahamlincolnassociation.org as well as in, the White House, he re- Friday after Thanksgiving thrown in for claimed the founding documents of the good measure. Or call Mary Shepherd, toll-free country, recalling for his fellow citizens at (866) 865-8500. that all men are created equal and that There will be opposition on sectional or they are endowed by their creator with regional grounds, since southern states FOR THE PEOPLE A NEWSLETTER OF THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN ASSOCIATION 3 DNA Tests: Nancy Hanks is Daughter of Lucey Hanks On October 21, 2015, The Nancy Hanks nal, not just a news release.
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