Office of Management and Budget § 1312.27 by the division/office of primary inter- sified material in the possession of the est to ensure that access is granted office. only to material over which OMB has (b) OMB Form 87. One copy of OMB classification jurisdiction. Form 87 will be attached to the docu- ment, and one copy retained in the ac- § 1312.25 Storage. countability control file for each ac- All classified material in the posses- tive document within the area of re- sion of OMB will be stored in a GSA-ap- sponsibility of the ACC. Downgrading proved container or in vault-type or destruction actions, or other actions rooms approved for Top Secret storage. removing the document from the re- Under the direction of the EOP Secu- sponsibility of the ACC will be re- rity Officer, combinations to safes used corded on the OMB Form 87, and the in the storage of classified material form filed in an inactive file. Inactive will be changed when the equipment is control forms will be cut off annually, placed in use, whenever a person know- held for two additional years, then de- ing the combination no longer requires stroyed. access to it, whenever the combination (c) Working papers and drafts. Work- has been subjected to possible com- ing papers and drafts of classified docu- promise, whenever the equipment is ments will be protected according to taken out of service, or at least once a their security classification, but will year. Knowledge of combinations will not be subject to accountability con- be limited to the minimum number of trol unless they are forwarded outside persons necessary, and records of com- of OMB. binations will be assigned a classifica- (d) Typewriter ribbons. Typewriter rib- tion no lower than the highest level of bons, cassettes, and other devices used classified information stored in the in the production of classified material equipment concerned. An SF–700, Secu- will be removed from the machine after rity Container Information, will be each use and protected as classified used in recording safe combinations. material not subject to controls. De- Standard Form–702, Security Container struction of such materials will be as check sheet, will be posted to each safe prescribed in § 1312.29. and will be used to record opening, (e) Reproduction. Classified material closing, and checking the container will be reproduced only as required un- whenever it is used. less prohibited by the originator for the conduct of business and reproduced § 1312.26 Control of secret and con- copies are subject to the same controls fidential material. as are the original documents. Top Se- Classified material will be accounted cret material will be reproduced only for by the office having custody of the with the written permission of the material. OMB Form 87, Classified Doc- originating agency. ument Control, will be used to estab- lish accountability controls on all Se- § 1312.27 Top secret control. cret material received or produced The EOP Security Officer serves as within OMB offices. No accountability the Top Secret Control Officer (TSCO) controls are prescribed for Confidential for OMB. He will be assisted by the Al- material, but offices desiring to con- ternate TSCOs in each division/office trol and account for such material Holding Top Secret material. The should use the procedures applicable to ATSCOs will be responsible for the ac- Secret material. Information classified countability and custodianship of Top by another agency shall not be dis- Secret material within their divisions/ closed without that agency’s author- offices. The provisions of this section ization. do not apply to special intelligence ma- (a) Accountability Control Clerks. Each terial, which will be processed as pre- division or office head will appoint one scribed by the controlling agency. person as the Accountability Control (a) Procedures. All Top Secret mate- Clerk (ACC). The ACC will be the focal rial produced or received in OMB will point for the receipt, routing, account- be taken to the appropriate ATSCO for ability, dispatch, and declassification receipting, establishment of custodian- downgrading or destruction of all clas- ship, issuance to the appropriate action 133 VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:55 Feb 26, 2010 Jkt 220010 PO 00000 Frm 00145 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220010.XXX 220010 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR § 1312.28 5 CFR Ch. III (1–1–10 Edition) officer, and, as appropriate, obtaining a (a) Transmittal of Top Secret material. receipt. Top Secret material in the cus- The transmittal of Top Secret material tody of the TSCO or ATSCO will nor- shall be by personnel specifically des- mally be segregated from other classi- ignated by the EOP Security Officer, or fied material and will be stored in a by Department of State diplomatic safe under his or her control. Such ma- pouch, by a messenger-courier system terial will be returned to the appro- specifically created for that purpose. priate ATSCO by action officers as Alternatively, it shall be taken to the soon as action is completed. OMB Form White House Situation Room for trans- 87 will be used to establish custody, mission over secure communications record distribution, routing, receipting circuits. and destruction of Top Secret material. (b) Transmittal of Secret material. The Top Secret Access Record and Cover transmittal of Secret material shall be Sheet (Standard Form 703) will be at- as follows: tached to each Top Secret document (1) Within and between the fifty while it is in the possession of OMB. States, the District of Columbia, and (b) Inventory. The Associate Director Puerto Rico: Use one of the authorized (or Assistant Director) for Administra- means for Top Secret material, or tion will notify each appropriate OMB transmit by U.S. Postal Service ex- office to conduct an inventory of its press or registered mail. Top Secret material by May 1 each year. The head of each office will no- (2) Other Areas. Use the same means tify the EOP Security Officer when the authorized for Top Secret, or transmit inventory has been satisfactorily com- by U.S. registered mail through Mili- pleted. Each Top Secret item will be tary Postal Service facilities. examined to determine whether it can (c) Transmittal of Confidential material. be downgraded or declassified, and the As identified in paragraphs (a) and (b) inventory will be adjusted accordingly. of this section, or transmit by U.S. Discrepancies in the inventory, indi- Postal Service Certified, first class, or cating loss or possible compromise, express mail service within and be- will be thoroughly investigated by the tween the fifty States, the District of EOP Security Officer or by the Federal Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Bureau of Investigation, as appro- (d) Transmittal between OMB offices priate. Each ATSCO will retain his/her and within the EOP complex. Classified division’s inventory in accordance with material will normally be hand carried the security procedures set forth in within and between offices in the Exec- this regulation. utive Office of the President complex by cleared OMB employees. Documents § 1312.28 Transmission of classified so carried must be protected by the ap- material. propriate cover sheet or outer enve- Prior to the transmission of classi- lope. Top Secret material will always fied material to offices outside OMB, be hand carried in this manner. Secret such material will be enclosed in and Confidential material may be opaque inner and outer covers or enve- transmitted between offices in the EOP lopes. The inner cover will be sealed complex by preparing the material as and marked with the classification, indicated above (double envelope) and and the address of the sender and of the forwarding it by special messenger addressee. The receipt for the docu- service provided by the messenger cen- ment, OMB Form 87, (not required for ter. The messenger shall be advised Confidential material) will be attached that the material is classified. Receipts to or placed within the inner envelope shall be obtained if Top Secret or Se- to be signed by the recipient and re- cret material is being transmitted out- turned to the sender. Receipts will side of OMB. Classified material will identify the sender, the addressee, and the document, and will contain no clas- never be transmitted in the Standard sified information. The outer cover or Messenger Envelope (SF Form 65), or envelope will be sealed and addressed by the Mail Stop system. with no identification of its contents. 134 VerDate Nov<24>2008 08:55 Feb 26, 2010 Jkt 220010 PO 00000 Frm 00146 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\220010.XXX 220010 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with CFR.
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