LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 414 BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING January 30, 2012 Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a board meeting should contact the superintendent's office as soon as possible in advance of a meeting so that special arrangements may be made. CONSENT AGENDA A consent agenda has been established by the board in order to eliminate the time-consuming task of acting on routine and repetitive business items. These items are now placed in a consent agenda package and will be voted on at one time. If you see an item on the consent agenda that you would like to have publicly discussed, please discuss your concern with a board member prior to action on the consent agenda. Lake Washington School District Acronyms AYP - Adequate Yearly Progress LEAP: Learning Enhancement & Academic Planning B/CR: Board/CEO Relationship MSP: Measurement of Student Progress CADR: College Academic Distribution Requirements NEVAC: Northeast Vocational Area Cooperative (25 high schools north and east of CBA: Classroom-Based Assessments Lake Washington, King & South Snohomish CDSA: Common District Summative Counties) Assessments NSBA - National School Board Association CIP: Continuous Improvement Plan OSPI: Office of Superintendent of Public CLT: Central Leadership Team Instruction CTE: Career & Technical Education Policy Governance: A governance process used by the school board. Sets forth “ends” (goals) DIBELS: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early that the superintendent must reach, while abiding Literacy Skills by “executive limitations.” Ends include the DLT: District Leadership Team (manager level district’s mission. Executive limitations provide and above, includes both certified and classified) the boundaries for how the superintendent and staff can get to the goals. See the board policy EALR: Essential Academic Learning section on the web site for more information. Requirements Quest: Highly capable program for students in EL: Executive Limitations (See Policy grades 1-9 Governance, below) RCW: Revised Codes of Washington ELL: English Language Learners SALT: Strategic Advisory Leadership team ER: End Results (formerly known as ENDs). Goals set forth by the board, including the STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and mission of the district. Mathematics GLE: Grade Level Expectations (state) WAC: Washington Administrative Codes GP: Governance Process (Board) WaNIC: Washington Network for Innovative Careers HCP: Highly Capable Program WASL: Washington Assessment of Student HSPE: High School Proficiency Exam Learning (state test required under No Child Left KPI: Key Performance Indicators Behind Act). WASL replaced by HSPE and MSP. LC: Learning Community - The district is divided into four learning communities. Each WLPT: Washington Language Proficiency Test one is made up of a high school and the WSSDA: Washington State School Directors elementary schools and junior highs that feed Association into it. The four learning communities are: Eastlake, Juanita, Lake Washington, and 5QL: 5 Stars for Quality Learning (staff Redmond. development program on integrating technology into the classroom) January 26, 2011 Jackie Pendergrass President, Board of Directors Lake Washington School District No. 414 Redmond, WA 98052 Dear Mrs. Pendergrass: I am transmitting herewith the agenda for the Board of Directors’ regular meeting of January 30, 2012 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room of the Resource Center, 16250 NE 74th Street, Redmond, WA. Order of Business 1. Convene, Roll Call 2. Approve Agenda 3. Board Reorganization 4. Consent Agenda 5. Non-Consent Agenda 6. Superintendent Report 8. Legislative Update 9. Board Follow-Up 10. Future Agenda Items 11. Debrief 12. Board Member Comments 13. Adjourn Sincerely, Chip Kimball Superintendent LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT Board of Directors’ Meeting L.E. Scarr Resource Center Board Room January 30, 2012 Time Action Policy Tab Page 5:30 p.m. Convene, Roll Call Approve Agenda Board Reorganization – President, Vice President, & Legislative Representative Consent Agenda GP-8 (Annual Agenda Planning) . Minutes – Dec. 12, Jan. 9, and Jan. 23 special board meetings, 1 1 and Jan. 9 regular board meeting . Human Resources Report 2 10 . Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) 3 12 Plan Approval, 2011-12 . Change Order No. 44 4 13 Lake Washington High School Modernization . Change Order No. 2 5 14 Helen Keller Elementary School Modernization . Change Order No. 4 6 16 Carl Sandburg Elementary School Modernization . Change Order No. 4 7 17 Redmond High School Addition . 2012 OSPI Energy Efficiency Grant 8 18 Resolution No. 2119 . Constructability Review Report Approval 9 19 Rose Hill Junior High School Replacement . Donations 10 20 AGENDA January 30, 2012 Page 2 Time Action Policy Tab Page Non-Consent Agenda Superintendent Report EL-3(Communication & Council . STEM School Update to the Board) Legislative Update GP-3 (Board Job Description) Board Follow-Up EL-3 (Communication & Council to the Board) Future Agenda Items EL-3(Communication & Council to the Board Debrief GP-2(Governing Style) Board Member Comments Adjourn _________________________________________________________________________ 7:00 p.m. Worksession Topic: Executive Session re Collective Bargaining & Personnel Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room __________________________________________________________________________ Next Board Meeting: February 27, 2011 5:00 p.m. Worksession Topic: Executive Session re Personnel Location: Superintendent’s Conference Room 7:00 p.m. Board Meeting Location: Board Room L.E. Scarr Resource Center 16250 NE 74th Street Redmond, WA 98052 OFFICIAL MINUTES LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 414 Board of Directors' Special Board Meeting December 12, 2011 The special board meeting was called to order by President CALLU TO ORDERU Jackie Pendergrass at 4:00 p.m. Members present from Lake Washington School District: ROLLU CALLU Jackie Pendergrass and Doug Eglington. Members present from Snoqualmie Valley School District: Marci Busby and Caroline Loudenback. A petition to transfer a collection of neighborhoods in the TOPIC Northeast corner of the City of Sammamish (Camden Park neighborhood) from Snoqualmie Valley School District into the Lake Washington School District has been received. The members of the negotiating team from each district met to consider the factors that guide the territory transfer process. The members recommended that the territory transfer be denied. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENTU U ____________________________________U Jackie Pendergrass, President __________________U __________________ Chip Kimball, Superintendent Diane Jenkins Recording Secretary OFFICIAL MINUTES LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 414 Board of Directors' Special Board Meeting January 9, 2012 The special board meeting was called to order by President CALLU TO ORDERU Jackie Pendergrass at 5:30 p.m. Members present: Jackie Pendergrass, Nancy Bernard, Doug ROLLU CALLU Eglington, Chris Carlson, and Siri Bliesner. The board convened into executive session at 5:30 p.m. to EXECUTIVE SESSION discuss personnel items. The board reconvened at 6:45 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 p.m. ADJOURNMENTU U ____________________________________U Jackie Pendergrass, President __________________U __________________ Chip Kimball, Superintendent Diane Jenkins Recording Secretary OFFICIAL MINUTES LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 414 Board of Directors' Special Board Meeting January 23, 2012 The special board meeting was called to order by President CALLU TO ORDERU Jackie Pendergrass at 5:30 p.m. Members present: Jackie Pendergrass, Nancy Bernard, Doug ROLLU CALLU Eglington, Chris Carlson, and Siri Bliesner. The board convened into executive session at 5:30 p.m. to EXECUTIVE SESSION discuss personnel items. The board reconvened at 8:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENTU U ____________________________________U Jackie Pendergrass, President __________________U __________________ Chip Kimball, Superintendent Diane Jenkins Recording Secretary OFFICIAL MINUTES LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 414 Board of Directors' Meeting January 9, 2012 The board meeting was called to order by President Jackie CALL TO ORDER Pendergrass at 7:00 p.m. Members present: Jackie Pendergrass, Doug Eglington, Nancy ROLL CALL Bernard, and Siri Bliesner. Present: Deputy Superintendent Traci Pierce. Doug Eglington moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by APPROVAL OF AGENDA Nancy Bernard. Motion carried. OATH OF OFFICE Deputy Superintendent Traci Pierce administered the oath of office to Jackie Pendergrass, Chris Carlson, and Siri Bliesner. HOST SCHOOL Karen Dickens, Principal, showed a video depicting Audubon AUDUBON ELEMENTARY, and the many languages spoken at the school and the various PRINCIPAL KAREN activities/programs. They have 565 enrolled, 14% English DICKENS Language Learner population of 14. She highlighted their vision and mission statement and the pillars used to support instruction to ensure that all students develop their potential. RECOGNITION Traci Pierce highlighted the proclamation from the Governor’s SCHOOL BOARD Office proclaiming January as School Board Appreciation APPRECIATION month. As volunteers, she thanked each of them for their dedication. LAKE WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 414 Board of Directors' Meeting January 9, 2012 Stephen Bryant, Principal on Special Assignment, and Kevin NATIONAL BOARD Teeley, President, Lake Washington Education Association, CERTIFIED
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