See Page 8 To Fill Up Your Easter Egg Basket PAID BULK RATE PERMIT #17 WARNER,OK Ser\ling *Keefeton *G... ore *Porum *Warner *Webbers Falls 1 74469 Vol.25¢ VI Issue 25 FIVE STAR NEWS Wednesday, April 15, 1992 Twelve Pages Brinker Named As Scholar W.ARNER - Louise Brin­ ker, a sophomore nursing major at Connors State Col­ lege, has been named a Blerkoe Distlng'.rlshed Scholar for the 1991-92 academic year. She was only one of 25 chosen from among 1,000 appllca:its to be honored at Phi Theta Kappa's 74th Inter­ nationalConvention in Wash­ ington,DC recently. Mis. Brinker resides in Wagoner and setves as vice president for Mu Chi and for the Ok1ahoma/Arkansas Re­ gion of Phi Theta Kappa In­ ternational. AgraduateofDe war HJgh School, she ts the mother of three children - Dayna, 29; Denise, 28; and Warren, 27. Mrs. Brinker plans on going Warner High School student Rich Teague, pictured on a cot, is surrounded b! Red Cross nurses during the Sandy Lynne Foltz,Cristy Alexander,Carla Garnerand Kendra Fulbright on for her bachelor's degree American Red Cross BloodDrive, sponsoredby the WarnerKiwanis Club, held at 1st BaptistChurch of Warner admire a proclamationto the Warner Indian Club at a old-fashioned Okla­ aftergraduating from Connors. lastThursday afternoon. homa Native American luncheon and political rally held in Warner last The Connors' chapter Saturday at the Community Center. claimed a Continued Excel­ inmatelabor to remove graffiti lence Award and chapter Settle Reports On Legislature from privately owned build-· memberKim Seals was one of ings. The measure was re­ 10 recipients of a $5,000 OKLAHOMA CITY- Rep­ students could not re-enroll in turned to the Senate for con­ scholarship. resentative Bill Settle reports another schooluntil the terms sideration of House amend­ Representatives' attention of the original suspension have ments. ·---------· turnedback to the Housefloor been met. during the week of April 6-9, In addition.schools would 1992. as they began in earnest not have to provideeducational consideration of Senate bills services to such students in which cleared House commit­ the traditional school setting tees. until theschool determines the As of Monday, 168 Sen­ student is no longer a threat to a:e bills and joint resolutions himself, other pupils or the remained allve and awaited faculty. consideration by the full House Such services could be of Representatives. Lawmak­ provided through an alterna­ ers have until April 23 to pass tive school setting,home-based judgment on bills originating instruction or other appropri­ in the opposite house. ate setting. The bill was re­ After that deadline, con­ turned to the Senate for con­ ference committes comprised sideration of House amend­ of representatives and sena­ ments. tGrs will go to work. Those Senate Bill 916 would panels willspend the remain­ prohibit weaponson public or der of the session hammering private school property. Any out compromises on disputed person violating the proposed bills, including the 1993 state law would be guilty of a felony budget. and could be imprisoned for Senate Concurrent one year and/ or fined as much Resolution67 proclaimsApril as $5,000. 14as"Save the 45thDay". The The bill was returned to 2nd DistrictCongressional candidate Drew Edmolldsonaddresses the crowd resolution urges the federal the Senate forconsideration of at a old-fashioned Oklahoma Native American hncheon and political rally government to save the his­ House amendments. One of held in Warnerlast Saturday at the Community Center. tcric 45th Infantiy Brigade, the amendments included slated for near extlnction un­ language from a previously­ Native American Luncheon der a national cost-savingplan passed House bill on guns in toreduce U.S. militaryresetve schools. That House measure Declared A Success By Organizers strength. The unit comprises did not receive a hearing in a WarnerFHA studentsRita Carlton, Jamie Dunlap and Renee O'Dellman the approximately half of the Senate committee. ToeOld-Fashioned Native tend due to a prior commit­ canteen for the American RedCross Blood Drive hosted by the Warner state's National Guard mem­ The Department of Cor­ American luncheon held Sat­ ment, he did issuea citation to Kiwanis Club at 1st Baptist Ch�ch lastThwsday afternoon. bership. rections would be authorized urday.April11, raised$100.00 the Warner Indian Club on Lawmakersclarified lan­ to barter and exchange sur­ for a Native American Schol­ Saturday, April 11. 1992 at Blood Drive Helps With Supply guage in the state's Open plus agricultural goods for arship for a senior at Warner the luncheon. showing appre­ Meeting Act with Senate ew other food, feed or seed prod­ High School. ciation for the club raising The American Red Cross son, Jason Hartin, Joy 832. Toebill specificallywould ucts of comparable value. The proceedsfor the wild money forthe scholarshipand Blood Drive. sponsored by the McGrew. Jimmie Etharidge allow any person attending a Senate em 752 also would onions will be used by the to recognizing our Native Warner Kiwanis Club on and Carol Archer. public meeting to record the require the departmentto keep Kenwood Chorus to assist in Americans. Speaker Glen D. Thursday, April 9, at the First As usual, Countryside p1oceedtngsby videotape, au­ complete records of such defraying expenses for a trip Johnson, Chief Clerk/Admin­ Baptist Church 1n Warner, was Estates led the way among lo­ dbtape or by any other method. transactions. The measure where they will compete for an tstratorlanyWarden andRep. judged a success by both the cal businesses and organiza­ The onlyrestriction isthat was foiwarded to the gover­ award (The Kenwood Chorus Settle signed the citation. American Red Cross and by tions as the nursing home had stich recording would not be nor. is a group of students between the local club. sixteen of the potential donors. al:owed to interfere with the Prisonerscould be put to 5 and 10 years of age and of DHS Holds 34 of the 38 that at­ Special thanks to all the ccnduct of the meeting. The work removing gang graffiti Native American descentfrom tempted to donate were ac­ volunteers who helped make m�asure was foIWarded to the under Senate BUI 627. The the Kenwood School District Public Hearings cepted. Those who came to the drive successful. Among governor. bill would amend the Prison­ near Tahlequah). The Oklahoma Depart­ donate include: LaraineMiller. those are the Warner High Courts would be able to ers Public Work Act to allow The Warner VFW was ment of Human Services has Pat Farrar, Brian Toney. School FHA. including LeAnn retain jurisdiction over delin­ political subdivisions to use given a large amount of cooked scheduledfive public hearings Delorse Jordan. Betty Shell. Ogdon, RachelCalav an, Carla qt.ent minors after they pass beans that they used Satur­ to gatherinformation for a long­ Vesta Burkhead. Amanda Garner, Renee O'Dell, Rita age1 7 under Senate em 905. Webbers Falls day evening for one of their range plan for services for Murray,Karen Jackson,Cindy Carlton, Jamie Dunlap, Shelly TI.e measure would allow the events in their organization. persons with developmental Kaiser, Paula Holder, Dixie Gullett. Rich Teague, Candace crurtto ensure the delinquent Hosts Blood Drive The event was deemed disabilities. Conrad. Michael K. Clemons, Condrey, Sheila Rogers and child will complete payment There will be a Red Cross successful as several organi­ The public hearings are Paul Mccrary, Bonnie Wilson, Candy Hammons. Warner on any court-ordered resutu­ Blood Drive on Monday. April zations from Warner, includ­ being held in response to rec­ Terrie Watts. Katrina Watts. Kiwanis Club membersJoanna Ucn or court costs. The bill 20. from 11 am. to 3 pm. at the ing the recipient of the schol­ ommendations in the Senate Brenda Hockenberry. Brenda Moore, Paul McCrary. Dixie wc.s forwarded to the gover­ Webbers Falls School Audito­ arship, the chorus and the Joint Re:;olutlon 16 Commit­ Rhodes, Virginia K. Murray, Conrad, Margie Burris, Curt nor. rium. WarnerVFW, benefited. tee Report issued in March. Rhonda Bailey, J.D. Wiggins, Smith and Laraine Miller, and Senate Bill 720 would Refreshments will be All area school board Among the scheduled Tony Andre, Curt Smith, Dee to the First Baptist Church. put new restrictions on stu­ provided by the ladies of the candidates. Congressmen, hearings ts one on April 24, McAfirey, Nola Harris, Rich for use of their facilities. Also dents who have been sus­ 1st Baptist & Isl Assembly of Senators. Representatives. from 2-4pm. at the W.P. "Bill" Teague. Carroll Tolleson. thanks to Charley Addy for pended for a violent act or an God Churches in Webbers Sheriffs and Court Clerk can­ Willis Skill Center, located at Candace Condrey. Victoria helping to straighten up after act showing deliberate or Falls. didates were invited to the 1400S. Hensley 1n Tahlequah. Bullock. Karen Glover, Bar­ the drive. reckless disregard for the For further infomiation, luncheon. bara Watson, Gary Updyke, The next drive will be held health and safety of faculty contact LaNell Boyer. RN. at Although Representative See Page S To Fill Up Daphane Kerley, Leo Smith- at a future date 1n the fall. and other students. Such 489-3283. Bill Settle was unable to at- Your East�r Egg Bask�t Page 2 FIVE STAR NEWS Wednesday, April 15, 1992 Vol. VI Issue 25 large, it only look four of them to make a dozen. Another had apples, and sold cider. He Tenkiller Cherokee Castle wouldn't sell less than five gallons at a time, though, be­ by Leif Olson cause he wasn't going to waste a whole apple, just to make one gallon. carries a message from our There was one old guy lips to His. Today, we say. WEBBERS FALLS who alleged that he made the "Read my lips", a mimic at­ best scarecrows in the county.
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