E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 155 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2009 No. 183—Book III House of Representatives DIVISION D—DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, larly in accounts where the final appropria- ference agreement includes $30,000,000 for a HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, AND tion is different than that of the budget re- new competitive grant program to provide EDUCATION, AND RELATED AGENCIES quest. Further, these statements also shall transitional jobs activities instead of APPROPRIATIONS ACT, 2010 include the effect of the appropriation on $35,000,000 as proposed by the House and The Departments of Labor, Health and any new activities or major initiatives dis- $40,000,000 as proposed by the Senate. The Human Services, and Education, and Related cussed in the budget justifications accom- conference agreement provides an additional Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010, put in panying the fiscal year 2010 budget. $15,000,000 for these activities within the Re- place by this division incorporates the fol- TITLE I integration of Ex-Offenders program, result- lowing agreements of the managers. Funds DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ing in a total of $45,000,000 for transitional for the individual programs and activities jobs activities. The conferees direct the De- EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION within the accounts in this division are dis- partment of Labor to consult with the De- played in the detailed table at the end of the TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT SERVICES partment of Health and Human Services’ Ad- statement of the managers for this Act. (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) ministration for Children and Families in de- Funding levels that are not displayed in the The conference agreement includes signing the grant competition and awarding detailed table are identified within this $3,828,530,000 for Training and Employment grants, consistent with House Report statement of the managers. All references Services instead of $3,802,961,000 as proposed 111μ09220. In addition, the conferees note within this explanatory statement to the Re- by the House and $3,798,536,000 as proposed by that funds should be used to leverage other covery Act mean the American Recovery and the Senate. Of the amount appropriated, resources to support program growth, con- Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law $1,772,000,000 is an advance appropriation for sistent with Senate Report 111μ0966. The con- 111μ095). fiscal year 2011 as proposed by both the ference agreement includes bill language al- In implementing this conference agree- House and the Senate. lowing up to 10μ09percent of funding for tran- ment, the Departments and agencies should Within the total for the Dislocated Worker sitional jobs activities to be available for be guided by the language and instructions Assistance National Reserve, the conference evaluation of such projects or transferred to set forth in House Report 111μ09220 and Sen- agreement does not include bill language to the Department of Health and Human Serv- ate Report 111μ0966 accompanying the bill, allow up to $30,000,000 of this appropriation ices or the Department of Justice for support H.R. 3293. In cases where the language and to be made available to the Career Pathways of transitional jobs activities as proposed by instructions in either report specifically ad- Innovation Fund as proposed by the Senate. the Senate. The House bill included a provi- dress the allocation of funds, each has been The conferees urge the Secretary to give fa- sion to ensure that a sufficient portion of reviewed by the conferees and those that are vorable consideration to grant applications funds available for transitional jobs activi- jointly concurred in have been endorsed in from States whose allotment for dislocated ties would be used for an evaluation of the this explanatory statement. worker employment and training activities program. In cases in which the House or the Senate in Public Law 111μ098 was less than their al- Within the amount provided for Pilots, report requests or directs the submission of lotment for such activities in Public Law Demonstrations and Research, the con- a report, such report is to be submitted to 110μ09161. The conference agreement includes ference agreement also includes $5,500,000 as both the Committees on Appropriations of bill language to suspend section 173(e) of the proposed by the House to continue a program the House of Representatives and the Senate. Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Section of competitive grants to address the employ- Section 516 sets forth the reprogramming 173(e) of the WIA facilitated the transition ment and training needs of young parents. requirements and limitations for the Depart- from the Job Training Partnership Act for- The Senate did not include funds for this ac- ments and agencies funded through this divi- mula to the WIA formula; however, the WIA tivity. The Department should continue to sion, including the requirement to make a formula has been in effect for a decade and award these competitive grants based on the written request to the Committees on Appro- the transition is complete. The conferees criteria outlined in House Report 110—231. priations of the House of Representatives note that suspending this provision will The conference agreement includes and the Senate 15 days prior to reprogram- allow more funds to be available to respond $48,889,000 for the following projects in the ming, or to the announcement of intent to to natural disasters and mass layoffs. Nei- following amounts: reprogram funds in excess of 10 percent or ther the House nor the Senate proposed a Project Amount $500,000, whichever is less, between programs, similar provision. Access Community Health Net- projects, and activities. The conference agreement designates work, Chicago, IL for a job Departments and agencies funded in this $78,410,000 for migrant and seasonal farm- training initiative .................... 400,000 division shall submit statements on the ef- worker formula grants instead of $78,610,000 fect of this Act to the Appropriations Com- as proposed by the House and $78,310,000 as Alabama Institute for the Deaf mittees within 45 days of enactment of this proposed by the Senate. In addition, the con- and Blind, Talladega, AL for an Act, pursuant to section 518. The Commit- ference agreement designates $5,700,000 for employer training and job de- tees on Appropriations of the House of Rep- migrant and seasonal farmworker housing velopment initiative ................. 200,000 resentatives and the Senate expect that instead of $5,500,000 as proposed by the House Arkansas State University-Beebe, these statements will provide sufficient de- and $5,800,000 as proposed by the Senate. Searcy, AR for a training pro- tail to show the allocation of funds among Within the amount provided for Pilots, gram for employment in the programs, projects, and activities, particu- Demonstrations and Research, the con- natural gas industry ................. 200,000 b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H14081 . VerDate Nov 24 2008 07:32 Dec 10, 2009 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\A08DE7.194 H08DEPT3 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE H14082 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 8, 2009 Project Amount Project Amount Project Amount Atlanta Christian College, East City of Richmond, CA for the Finishing Trades Institute, Phila- Point, GA, for training and cur- Richmond BUILD Pre-appren- delphia, PA, for weatherization riculum development ................ 350,000 ticeship Construction Skills & job training programs ............... 100,000 Baltimore City Mayor’s Office of Solar Installation Training Flathead Valley Community Col- Employment Development, Bal- Program .................................... 700,000 lege, Kalispell, MT, Career Op- timore, MD, for YouthWorks .... 575,000 City of St. Petersburg, FL for the portunities through Retraining Beth Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, Summer Youth Internship/ and Education ........................... 100,000 NJ for a job training initiative 275,000 Green Workforce Readiness Florida Manufacturing Extension Blackhawk Technical College, Training Program ..................... 300,000 Partnership, Celebration, FL, City of West Palm Beach, FL for Janesville, WI, to provide job for the Florida mobile outreach its Youth Empowerment Cen- training to the unemployed and skills training program ............ 100,000 ters ........................................... 400,000 incumbent workers ................... 1,000,000 Fordham Bedford Children’s Closing the Digital Gap, Lansing, Services, Bronx, NY for job Brevard Workforce Development MI for a computer-based job placement, training, and work- Board, Rockledge, FL for a job training initiative .................... 250,000 force development .................... 100,000 training initiative .................... 1,000,000 Coastal Enterprises, Inc., Bridge to Independence & Career Wiscasset, ME for workforce Fort Belknap Indian Community, Opportunities, Danbury, CT for training and evaluation at the Harlem, MT, Fort Belknap 477 job training and job placement 100,000 CEI Green Business Investment Employment & Training, Sum- Bristol Community College, Fall and Job Creation Initiative ...... 250,000 mer Youth Program .................. 100,000
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