“ _PORTLAND i DAILY ESTABLISHED JUNE 83, 1862* TOL. !£ PORTLAND FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 12. 1873. 1HF. PORTLAND DAILY PRESS REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO LEI. Are Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the miscellaneous. Names of _MISCELLANEOUS. THE PRESS. Any Use in Influencing: PORTLAND PUBLISHING A T,. Character? CO., F. G. Patterson’s Real Estate Lost. Pleasant Tenement lor Rent. is e qui certain that At 109 Room, Kitchen and three FRIDAY MORNING, DEC. 12, 1878 they were held so Exchange St. Portland. Miss Scales*, Congress St,, and T. C. Sitting sleep- our byJ Gas and over the Store dryTo o d s LOOK. semi-savage forofatho BULLETIN. BETWEENHersey’s, Spring St., a red LEATHER PORTE- PARLOR,ing rooms, Sebago, Book LOOK. fathers, who their Terms : a corner of and Oak Streets. Good location , gave Eight Dollars Year In advance. To MONNAIE, containing a small sum of money and Congress children names mall tor a or Dentist. and wbat subscribers Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- Money lo Loan. Horse Car tickets. The finder will be rewarded by Physician Apply to Wm. H. JRR- Gossip Gleanings. betokening th,_ w|shed vance. Real Estate — them to and the leaving the same at this oflice. delU*3t RIS, Agent. deOdlw* at be, srrne holds Secuiity, in Portland, g, *u in re or S*1®8*"* 0**7^vicinity—Rents collected, taxes paid, &c., on DOWN spect to the the THE Nature’s tailoring—A potato Romans, and the MAINE""sTATE PRESS bought and sola. Apply to F. Found. To Let. patch. Hebrews, a0PATmuiwTDealer Greeks, as it does with our PATIERSON, In Real Estate, Office 13 SUM OF with ten suitable for ono or two American Is published Thursday Morning at $2 50 a fluent Block. MONET. Enquire at rooms, Indians every oc4dtf delO*lw CUMBERLAND HOUSEfamilies, at No. 7 Congress Place. Enquire at at the year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. A NAT. BANK. GOES A well-dressed wears a collar and present day. Then, too. there wis 406 Congress Street. <le6*lw PANIC PRICES! dog pants the House for in the sunshine. custom of giving an agnomen for Rates of Advertising: One inch of space, Sale or lo Lease. Boarders great virtue Wanted. * or of constitutes a “square.” House in the Western of Rooms to Let. distinguished service, which engtli column, 2$ Story part the OR 3 Gentlemen can be accommodated with acted in much $i50 first week; 75 cents per 12 finished for * per square daily ANEWcity, rooms, arranged two fam- 2 Board at No. 4 Locust street. SUIT of unfurnished front Rooms in Congress THE *» W?ek after; three insertions, or less, $1 00; continu- ilies, water anil water on each Honest, plain words best the ear of tinned closet, gas floor, drain- de9 lw* A Square, without board. Enquire 371 con- pierce ”Th»ar6The Y.?:or '’‘’"I? “The T" 0?.ce other after first 50 cents. Good,” Brave,” and it was a ing every day week, age perfect. Apply to F. G. PATTKSORN, 13 Fluent gress Street. deOdlw grief.—Shakespeare. Half three insertions or 75 foice in him to square, less, cents; one At an prompting perfect himself in week. $1 00; 50 cents per week after. B1<>ek.___dec6eod2w Lost. Immense Reduction from these PRICES particulars, the power of which cannot Special Notices, one third additional. Avoid a contest if the ev; of Dec. POCKETBOOK con- TO LET ! possible, for you can nev- be overestimated. But to come ('iiderhead of or ntng 4th, down to a more “Amusements,” and “Auction For Sale To Let. a small sum ot 00 ONtaining money. The finder will Cost, er be sure how a contest will end. recent date, it was the habit of Sales”, $2 per square per week; three insertions rewarded Pleasant Rooms With Board. parents in acres of land suitably by leaving the same at this Office. New or less $150. for early Gardening, Euglaud and Old not two him! House 40 x 30 two de9 dlw* TO THE England, Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State FIFTEEN feet, stories, 10 finished rooms _ nolOeodtf At 30* High St., S. S. KNIoHT. dred two WILL BE SOLD THE years ago, to call their children the Press has a good wells of water: three miles from Portland The last act of by (which large circulation in every part Wanted—Situation. hasensss—the tasting of joys cardinal for 00 one mile from Grand Trunk Depot in virtues, Scriptural or State) $1 per square for first insertion, Falmouth, To Let. were interjections, with wood ice house that wrung from crushed hearts. eveii by entire ^ cen^8 J>er square for each subsequent inser- house, stable, carriage house, a YOUNG MAN to work in a Grocery Store, verses of the Sacred Text. n and remainder on Story in Store No. 135 Middle Street,over BOTTOM. tic heuery. $ cash, term of years. BYor drive a team. Address Ibis usage, which has been the butt of much Address all Enquire of SECONDShaw's Tea Store. Inquire at No. 137, across STOCK OF DRY GOODS communications to S.,” Press Office. the poor wit, while it had S. BUCKNAM, on the Premises. de2«2w_“A. entry. de5tf Great minds, like are in faults, had also to rec- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Heaven, pleased ommend a Falmouth, Dec. 11, 1873, d&wlm50 though the it, broad foundation of sense, doing good, ungrateful subjects of which our VESSEL WANTED. House to Let, their favors are barren in return.—Rowe. present system does not in any 57 BRIGGS way possess. It and BUSINESS CARDS. Park Street, containing ten rooms, & CO., might it did foster cant FORJSALE. VESSEL to load Ship Knees for the Navy Yard HOUSEGas, Furnace, Sebago, Water Closet, Coal and hypocrisy, it was often haish - and un- A at Washington, D. C. House, &c. Ren; $550. Apply to - ■ Richmond papers pitifully entreat the buz- couth, but said this About Two Hundred H. of Pine BENJ. S T O R having against It, we have FOGG, E, zards to said all. On the other J. H. HOOPER, L TAYLOR, de4dtf Corner ot Fore & Exchange Streets. come there aud in mercy to the suf- hand, it gave to ordi- Timber nary life, in 305 fering citizens the streets. particularly respect to the female within miles of 1T8 COH1HEBCUL STREET. Congress Street, scavenger of the 1$ Long Pond and 2$ of Bridgton To Let. portion family, a sanctity it has never UPHO LSTEREE Center. Apply to del tf since or possessed. A woman who bore the H- B. unfurnished Rooms to let at Corner and Since the of Nos. 31 and 33 Free FLINT. FURNISHED No. 2 Tolman Place. Congress generality persons act from name of Charity must have been St, OFFER THEIR much almost in- de8d2w* NORTH BRIDGTON, ME. dec3 tf impulse more than from principle, men human to have been hard-hearted Wanted--—-Situation 1 are and severe; MANUFACTURER OF neither so good nor so bad as we are while wbat a apt barrier against temptation, FOR By a young- man to drive a or to To Let. Brown Sts. to think them,—Hare. what au Far lor SALE. team, incentive to virtue, must have been Suits, Lounges. Spring No. hers learn a trade. Wages not so much of an 29 Myrtle Street. Apply to “Whole Stock over whose cradle a fond mother Beds, Mattresses, House No. SO Brnmhall Street. HOUSE JEFFERSON had but COOLIl)GE, Another has felt itself called breathed the name ot object, want work. Addres deldtf 88 Commercial Street. paper upon to Piety! In spite of the McDonough Patent Bed L.onget, En- House is in order Gas restraint' that modern life seeks perfect throughout, “G. correct an error of the types. It says: “For to put upon and new Furnace and G.,” Press Office. there is ameled Chaim, &c, rHIS Fixtures, Water, cement- us, something of this in us still. ed Cellar. There is a new del tf UNTIL JANUARY one of the worst of spirit Stable on the lot which TO LET. 1st, men, read one of the A little gir whose CJfAll kinds of done. will be sold with the house or removed. BARGAINS bright eyes, golden hair repairing neatly Furniture wisest.” and are boxed and matted. oct5-’60TT&Stt Call on or address Small Tenement. of happy laugh the delight of the home WANTED BOARDERS. Enquire circle OREN of W. W. almoit always receives some HOOPER, Good Carr, 1W Newbury street. pet name; de6eod2m Hooper, Eaton & Co., BOARD can be bad at 49 no20 AT A white say, lor tf GREATER THAN AT AUCTION. COST. boy met a colored lad the other example, “Sunny.” When some one W. C. Wilmot Street. of the hundred CLARK, and asked him what he had a short daily troubles has changed For Sale no22 *2w day, such this To Let. joyousness into discontent, it is curious 103 FEDERAL No. 42 Pleasant Street. at the nose for? “I ’spect so it won’t itself to notice how STREET, Inquire PARLOR and square room over it, with or poke soon this will be cast and HOUSEHouse from 2 to 5 o’clock P. M. House Wanted. We bare one of off, A without board; also, smaller rooms. the into other people’s business.” the darkness break into if 5 Doors East of Temple fit., Portland. Oct. 13th. ocl3dtf one having a good HOUSE locat- no7dtf light, some slight pleasantly No. 4 Cotton Street. remark is made, such ANYed worth from three to five thousand dollars !®“We mean what we say.
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