THE RESIDENCES AT CORINTHIA HOTEL LONDON THE RESIDENCES AT CORINTHIA HOTEL LONDON Introduction 10 WHITEHALL PLACE A private residence with privileged services A grand building previously owned by the United Kingdom’s Crown Estate is now the prestigious setting for a unique collection of private residences. Situated near the River "ames, Ministries of State and the official home of the British Prime Minister, 10 Whitehall Place offers a lifestyle designed for the world’s most discerning residents. World-class architects, designers and craftsmen have joined forces to create eleven palatial apartments and a magnificent penthouse. Along with a prestigious address, voluminous space and uncompromising quality, the residences offer access to the services of the adjoining Corinthia Hotel. Known as London’s 21st Century Grand Hotel, the Corinthia features two restaurants led by multi Michelin-starred Executive Chef Garry Hollihead and a spa recently voted London’s leading hotel spa by the readers of Condé Nast Traveller. Residents of 10 Whitehall Place have a private entrance to ESPA Life at Corinthia and a direct line to the Concierge and all services available to hotel guests, including 24/7 room service. 2 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE WHITEHALL A CENTRE OF POWER AND PRESTIGE Matters of state and the machinery of government are the preserve of Whitehall, the area between Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament. "is is where momentous decisions affecting millions of citizens are made and implemented. "is is where Heads of State and other visiting dignitaries discuss pressing world affairs. And now, at 10 Whitehall Place, this is where a small number of world citizens will soon take up residence. 4 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE 6 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE OPPORTUNITIES UNFOLD IN OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD… ...AND ACROSS THE RIVER A stroll across nearby Trafalgar Square will take residents Residents heading south will come across a panorama to the National Gallery’s vast collection of paintings. of cultural options. Practically opposite the Corinthia Next door, the National Portrait Gallery displays work Hotel, the Southbank Centre is an internationally ranging from Old Masters to photographs by the enfant respected collection of concert halls, art galleries and terrible. If residents feel the need for more inspiration performance spaces. A few minutes downriver stands (or provocation) they may walk along Piccadilly to a the Royal National "eatre and, further south, the Royal Academy art exhibition. After such highbrow Old Vic is a theatrical landmark dating back to 1818. pursuits, a dose of popular culture may be in order... A foray south of the river will be doubly rewarding fortunately, the West End theatres are not far away. to residents visiting Bankside. Here, the acclaimed As for stylish shopping, a taxi will whisk residents to Tate Modern gallery stands next to the reconstruction Bond Street in just 7 minutes. of Shakespeare’s Globe theatre. THE VIEW FROM THE PENTHOUSE TERRACE XI | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE Location OPULENT LIVING AT THE CENTRE OF LONDON LIFE Charing Cross, a landmark minutes from 10 Whitehall Place, is often regarded as the All within five minutes: H[DFWFHQWUHRI/RQGRQ$JODQFHDWWKHPDSEHORZFRQ¾UPVWKLVHQYLDEOHORFDWLRQ 1. Changing the Guard at Buckingham Palace EHWZHHQWKH5LYHU7KDPHVDQGD5R\DO3DUNDQGEHWZHHQ:HVWPLQVWHUDQGWKH:HVW(QG 2. Horse Guards Parade &RQQRLVVHXUVRI¾QHFXLVLQHZLOODOVRQRWHWKDW:KLWHKDOO3ODFHLVHVSHFLDOO\ZHOO 3. The Houses of Parliament with Big Ben 4. Ten Downing Street, home of the Prime Minister SODFHGIRUYLVLWVWRPDQ\RI/RQGRQ¶VEHVWUHVWDXUDQWVLQ&RYHQW*DUGHQDQG6W-DPHV¶V 5. The sign of a prestigious address 7ZR¾QHUHVWDXUDQWV1RUWKDOODQG0DVVLPRDUHHYHQFORVHURIFRXUVHªQH[WGRRUDW 6. Hungerford Bridge and the London Eye WKH&RULQWKLD+RWHO)URPDOOSRLQWVRIYLHZ:KLWHKDOO3ODFHLVLQWKHULJKWSODFH 7. The Palace of Westminster 8. Nelson’s Column at Trafalgar Square 9. The church of St Martin in the Fields 1 2 3 OXFORD CIRCUS ROYAL SELFRIDGES SOHO OPERA HOUSE NEW BOND STREET THE DELAUNAY COVENT PICCADILLY GARDEN CIRCUS THE SAVOY OLD BOND STREET 4 5 6 SCOTT’S THE NATIONAL NOVIKOV GALLERY FORTNUM & MASON EMBANKMEEMBANKMENT TATE MAYFAIR MODERN TRAFALGAR SOUTHBANK NATIONAL SQUARE CENTRE THEATRE 10 WHITEHALL NOBU PLACE HYDE PARK ST JAMES’S LONDON EYE GREEN PARK PARK 10 DOWNING STREET WATERLOO WESTMINSTER BUCKINGHAM HARVEY PALACE NICHOLS HOUSES OOF PARLIAMEPARLIAMENT 7 8 9 HARRODS BELGRAVIA WESTMINSTER ABBEY VICTORIA SLOANE SQUARE 10 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE Location LUXURIANT PARKLAND LUXURY PASTIMES 5HVLGHQWVLQVHDUFKRIJUHHQHU\QHHGQRWYHQWXUHIDUD¾HOG-XVWDFURVV+RUVH*XDUGV3DUDGH 2WKHUQHDUE\SDODFHVDUHWKHJUDQGHGL¾FHVGHGLFDWHGWRXSVFDOHVKRSSLQJ±WKHUHWDLO VFHQHRIWKHDQQXDO7URRSLQJWKH&RORXUFHUHPRQ\OLHV6W-DPHV¶V3DUNWKHROGHVW5R\DO3DUN SDODFHVRI5HJHQW6WUHHWDQG%RQG6WUHHW+HUHUHVLGHQWVZLOO¾QGJDUPHQWVDQGDFFHVVRULHV LQWKHFDSLWDO&UHDWHGDVDGHHUSDUNE\.LQJ+HQU\9,,,LQWKHSDUNZLWKLWVODNHLVD EHDULQJWKHPRVWVRXJKWDIWHUGHVLJQHUODEHOV7KHZRUOG¶VOHDGLQJMHZHOOHUVDQGZDWFKPDNHUV KDYHQIRUGXFNVJHHVHDQGHYHQSHOLFDQV%RUGHULQJWKHSDUNDUHWKH3DODFHRI:HVWPLQVWHU DUHZHOOUHSUHVHQWHGLQ%RQG6WUHHWZKLOHJHQWOHPHQVHHNLQJ¾QHWDLORULQJDQGVKLUWPDNLQJ QRZWKH%ULWLVKVHDWRIJRYHUQPHQW6W-DPHV¶V3DODFHDQG%XFNLQJKDP3DODFHUHVLGHQFHRI ZLOOKHDGIRUQHDUE\6DYLOH5RZRU-HUP\Q6WUHHW&RQYHQLHQWO\IRUUHVLGHQWVWKHQHDUHVW +HU0DMHVW\WKH4XHHQ EUDQFKRI+DUURGVLVLQWKHOREE\RIWKH&RULQWKLD+RWHOQH[WGRRUWRWKHLU/RQGRQKRPH 12 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE 10 WHITEHALL PLACE THE SETTING FOR A RADICAL CHANGE IN POLICY "roughout its life, officials based at 10 Whitehall Place have steered government policy and set the laws of the land. Now the rules have changed. "e over-riding policy today is to create unique London residences that meet the particular needs of the world’s cosmopolitan elite. Taking an uncompromising stance, Corinthia has drafted-in highly skilled artisans to craft ultra-luxury living accommodation. Specifying the finest, materials and finishes, the policymakers have set their sights high. An illustrious past LATE EDWARDIAN MEETS EARLY 21ST CENTURY 10 Whitehall Place has an illustrious KLVWRU\RISXEOLFVHUYLFH&RQVWUXFWHG E\WKH%ULWLVK0LQLVWU\RI:RUNVIURP WKHLPSUHVVLYHHGL¾FHKDV been described as ‘Classical public DUFKLWHFWXUHZLWK,WDOLDQDWHHOHPHQWV¶ In 1911, the Builder magazine proclaimed WKDWLWµZLOOEHRQHRIWKH¾QHVWEXLOGLQJV LQ/RQGRQ¶0RUHUHFHQWO\DIWHUDOPRVW DFHQWXU\DVDPLQLVWHULDO+4WKH EXLOGLQJDQGLWVHOHJDQWO\DUFKHGEULGJH RYHU6FRWODQG3ODFHZDVDFTXLUHGE\ Corinthia hotels. The grand façade and elegant proportions remain, but the LQWHULRUKDVEHHQWRWDOO\WUDQVIRUPHG Originally devoted to public use, 10 Whitehall Place, next door to the luxurious Corinthia Hotel, is now devoted to just twelve households. 16 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE A luxurious future 5(6,'(17,$/5(1(:$/%(+,1'$&/$66,&$/)$d$'( Residents and their guests stepping through the elegant portal of An impressive building :KLWHKDOO3ODFHZLOOGLVFRYHUVSDFHVDQGVSHFL¾FDWLRQVGHYRWHGWRXOWUD transformed to meet the needs of individuals OX[XULRXVXUEDQHOLYLQJ$VWXQQLQJSHQWKRXVHDQGHOHYHQJUDQGDSDUWPHQWV who are hard to impress. VKRZZKDWFDQEHDFKLHYHGZLWKDVLQJOHPLQGHGYLVLRQWRFUHDWHWKH XOWLPDWH/RQGRQDGGUHVV7KHODYLVKO\DSSRLQWHGDSDUWPHQWVWDNHµVSDFLRXV¶ WRQHZH[WUHPHVDQGµTXDOLW\¶WRDOHYHOUDUHO\VHHQ$WWKHVDPHWLPHWKH opulence here is subtle and sophisticated. These residences are designed IRUGLVFHUQLQJLQGLYLGXDOVZKRNQRZWKDWWUXHOX[XU\KDVQRQHHGWRVKRXW 18 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE A grand entrance WELCOME TO CALM EFFICIENCY AND ELEGANCE 6WHSSLQJWKURXJKWKHSDODWLDOHQWUDQFHSUHYLRXVO\XVHGE\JRYHUQPHQWPLQLVWHUV UHVLGHQWVRI:KLWHKDOO3ODFHZLOOEHJUHHWHGE\DPHPEHURIWKHKRXU &RQFLHUJHWHDP$OWHUQDWLYHO\WKH\PD\GULYHLQWRWKHVHFXUHFDUSDUNDQG WDNHWKHSULYDWHKLJKVHFXULW\OLIWWRWKHHQWUDQFHKDOORUXSWRWKHLUDSDUWPHQW 7KHVSDFLRXVKLJKFHLOLQJHGHQWUDQFHKDOOJLYHVDIRUHWDVWHRIWKHHIIRUWOHVV HOHJDQFHWREHIRXQGRQWKHEXLOGLQJ¶VXSSHU¿RRUV$ZRUNLQJ¾UHSODFHVWDQGV EHWZHHQHERQLVHGPDFDVVDUSDQHOOHGDOFRYHVZKLOHEHVSRNHIXUQLWXUHDQG lighting creates a welcoming air of comfortable grandeur. A tailor-made deep- SLOHUXJVWDQGVRQWKH¿RRURISROLVKHG%RWWLFLQR,WDOLDQPDUEOH The imposing double doors are crafted from burnished bronze and the metal balustrades have a matt-black finish. 20 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE Design inspiration (/,7(5(6,'(1&(65(48,5((/,7('(6,*1(56 The architecture and design at 10 Whitehall Place has been entrusted to specialists With flair and ingenuity, The designers specify the ZLWKZRUOGFODVVFUHGHQWLDOV*$'HVLJQKDVDUHQRZQHGUHSXWDWLRQLQWKHXOWUDOX[XU\ the designers take a bespoke, highest quality materials individual approach to each and employ the most KRVSLWDOLW\VHFWRU7KH¾UPKDVFRPSOHWHGPDQ\SUHVWLJLRXVSURMHFWVLQFOXGLQJWKH assignment. skilled artisans. DGMRLQLQJ&RULQWKLD+RWHODQGVSD%XLOGLQJRQLWVVXFFHVVQH[WGRRUWKHSUDFWLFHLV FUHDWLQJWKHLQWHULRUVRIWKHSHQWKRXVHRFFXS\LQJWKHXSSHUWZR¿RRUVDW:KLWHKDOO 3ODFH*RGGDUG/LWWOHIDLUDQRWKHULQWHUQDWLRQDOO\UHVSHFWHGSUDFWLFHLVGHVLJQLQJRWKHU DSDUWPHQWVRYHUORRNLQJ:KLWHKDOO3ODFH:LWKLPSUHVVLYHWUDFNUHFRUGVERWK¾UPV excel at their craft. 22 | 10 WHITEHALL PLACE Design inspiration AT CORINTHIA, HOSPITALITY IS AN ART AND A CRAFT CARE AND CRAFTSMANSHIP WITHOUT COMPROMISE $VWUROOWKURXJKWKHDGMRLQLQJ&RULQWKLD+RWHOJLYHVPDQ\FOXHVWRWKHDUWLVWU\DQGFUHDWLYH In the hotel’s sumptuous &UDIWLQJWKHPRVWGHVLUDEOHPRVWUH¾QHG/RQGRQUHVLGHQFHVWDNHVVNLOOWDOHQWDQG WDOHQWHPSOR\HGZLWKLQWKHUHVLGHQFHV7KHOREE\OLIWGRRUSDQHOVDUHFUDIWHGIURPXQLTXH Hamilton Suite, floral motif plaster FRPPLWPHQW7RFRPSOHPHQWWKHODUJHOLYLQJVSDFHVDQGKLJKFHLOLQJVZRUOGFODVVGHVLJQHUV moulding lines the PHWDODOOR\VVDQGHGDQGSROLVKHGWRIHDWXUHWKHLPSUHVVLRQVRIOHDYHVJDWKHUHGIURPORFDO wide, curved stairwell. KDYHVSHFL¾HGWKH¾QHVWPRVWVRXJKWDIWHUPDWHULDOV$OOWKHGRRUVDUHFRQVWUXFWHGIURP

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