October 23, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1403 COL Villaronga has been responsible for the lieved in her dreams to see Itta Bena develop Lady Bird Johnson celebrated the launching of donation of over $175,000 in scholarships for into a vibrant, healthy place for growing up the first jet service, an American Airlines 707, local graduating seniors. He continues to and growing old. out of Love Field. Later, in November of 1963, serve veterans in his community alongside his In the pursuit of her vision, Mrs. Collins at- the airport hosted an historic moment during wife. His tireless efforts have made Central tended and graduated from Mississippi Valley one of the most shocking days that our coun- Texas a place that we’re proud to call home. State University, and then continued her edu- try has ever lived through, the assassination of COL Villaronga’s patriotism and commitment cation by receiving a Master’s Degree at Mis- President John F. Kennedy. It was at Love to service reflect the very best values of Cen- sissippi State University. Post-graduation, Mrs. Field where First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy tral Texas. He is a hero who has devoted his Collins began her career with over 30 years in stood by Lyndon Johnson’s side as he was life to defending our freedoms abroad and education—serving as a teacher, an adjunct sworn in as President. serving his community at home. I join his wife, professor at Mississippi Valley State Univer- Today, countless Americans rely heavily on Julia, along with his family and friends in wish- sity, and as a recognized member of many Love Field’s convenient access to air travel ing him the best in the years ahead. civil and spiritual boards. and the first class amenities that it provides for f In August 1996, Mrs. Collins was elected to travelers. Love Field stands as a model for serve her first Mayoral term in the city of Itta other municipalities in how to manage and BAHA’I BICENTENARY Bena, Mississippi. After sitting four years out grow a self-support airport of this caliber. I am of office, Mrs. Collins’ continued vision in- proud to recognize Dallas Love Field during HON. ILEANA ROS-LEHTINEN spired her to return to office and serve a sec- this important milestone, and I look forward to OF FLORIDA ond term in 2005. Still hopeful to see a pro- experiencing even more positive growth and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gressive Itta Bena, Ms. Collins returned to change at Love Field in the coming years. serve a spiritual led third term in 2009. How- Monday, October 23, 2017 f ever, due to the poor economic state of Itta Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Mr. Speaker, on the Bena, Ms. Collins refused a salary, and IN RECOGNITION OF ALFRED 200th anniversary of the birth of Baha’u’llah, served this final term pro bono. WILLIAM DE SANTIS, SR. the founder of the Baha’i Faith, it is with great Amongst Mrs. Collins many noteworthy ac- pleasure that I send warm greetings to the complishments, is her dedication and the suc- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Baha’i community of South Florida and be- cess she achieved in not only getting the IRS OF NEW JERSEY yond. to remove the city’s lien, but also to abate it’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Baha’is have thrived in the United States for more than $200,000 tax debt. Monday, October 23, 2017 over 120 years, making the world a better Mrs. Collins has been married to Reverend Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to place by being good citizens, serving their Johnny Collins for forty-nine years. They have communities, and working with those around honor Alfred William De Santis, Sr. for his 55 one son, John Paul Collins, a daughter-in-law, years of service to the Port-Au-Peck Chemical them to promote the common good. With over and five grandchildren. At this juncture during five million followers around the world, the Hose Company No. 1 in Oceanport, New Jer- her retirement, her ultimate aspiration is to sey. Mr. De Santis’ outstanding record will be Baha’i Faith continues to promote continue her works in the improvement and Baha’u’llah’s message of justice, unity, and celebrated at the company’s 40th annual ‘‘Old livelihood of her citizens of Itta Bena, while re- Timer’s Night,’’ which Mr. De Santis himself peace, as it calls for equality, education, inter- maining close and led by her relationship with faith harmony, and international cooperation, originated. Christ. Mr. De Santis’ leadership and commitment and an end to racial prejudice. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me to the department is evident. A Life Member Despite the Baha’i message of peace, Ba- in celebrating Mrs. Thelma Collins, for her and Ex-Chief, Mr. De Santis began his service ha’is in Iran continue to endure severe perse- dedication and service to the great city of Itta with the company in March of 1962. In addi- cution because of their faith. In the last two Bena, Mississippi. tion to his election as Chief of the Oceanport Congresses, I have been honored to introduce f Fire Department in 1971, Mr. De Santis also a resolution which condemns ‘‘the Govern- served as Captain, Secretary and Treasurer of ment of Iran’s state-sponsored persecution of DALLAS LOVE FIELD CENTENNIAL the company. He was elected Company Presi- its Baha’i minority and its continued violation CELEBRATION dent for six terms. He remains an active mem- of the International Covenants on Human ber of the company and is dedicated to his fel- Rights.’’ Last year the House unanimously HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON low fire fighters, organizing the annual ‘‘Old passed this resolution, sending a strong mes- OF TEXAS Timer’s Night’’ celebrating and honoring mem- sage that Iran must be held accountable for its IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES bers for the past 40 years. actions, and we continue to garner strong bi- Monday, October 23, 2017 In addition to his service with the Oceanport partisan support for a similar measure, H. Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Fire Department, Mr. De Santis was a mem- Res. 274, this year. ber of the Fire Police Division for 30 years and As we celebrate the bicentenary of the birth Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor the centen- served as Secretary of the Oceanport Relief of Baha’u’llah, let us remember his words: ‘‘so nial of Dallas Love Field Airport, which cele- Association and Secretary of the Exempt As- powerful is the light of unity that it can illu- brated one hundred years of operation this sociation of Oceanport for 35 years. He also minate the whole earth.’’ In our quest for jus- month. Since the airport’s opening in 1917, held leadership positions with the Ex Chief’s tice and peace, we must all work together to Dallas Love Field has experienced tremen- Association of Eatontown, Oceanport and combat religious persecution whenever and dous growth and positive change that has strengthened the Dallas area in a multitude of West Long Branch. wherever it is found Mr. Speaker, once again, I join with the ways. Today, Dallas Love Field stands as an My best wishes to the entire Baha’i commu- Port-Au-Peck Chemical Hose Company No. 1 invaluable gateway for North Texas. nity on this very special occasion. in honoring Alfred William De Santis, Sr. on Dallas Love Field is rich in history and cul- f his outstanding record of accomplishment. Mr. ture. The airport was initially opened as an De Santis has dutifully served Oceanport for HONORING THELMA COLLINS Army Air Service field, named for Lieutenant 55 years and his selfless commitment is truly Moss Lee Love, the eighth aviation officer to deserving of this body’s recognition. HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON be killed and the 10th fatality in Army aviation. f OF MISSISSIPPI However, as flying became more accessible IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES airlines. started conducting commercial flights RECOGNIZING ‘‘MOTHER’’ ROSA out of Love Field and eventually the airport MCKIE Monday, October 23, 2017 was made the headquarters for Southwest Air- Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- lines when the company was founded in 1971. HON. NYDIA M. VELA´ ZQUEZ er, I rise today to honor and celebrate the re- Throughout American history, it has stood as OF NEW YORK tirement of Ms. Thelma Collins, who has tire- an important landmark, not only for the City of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lessly devoted herself to the betterment of Itta Dallas, but for the entire United States as well. Bena, Mississippi, through her works as a The airport has hosted aviation pioneer Monday, October 23, 2017 Servant Mayor for 12 years. As a native to this Charles Lindbergh, after recently finishing the Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Delta community, Mrs. Collins has always be- first flight from New York to Paris. In 1959, to recognize the life and service of ‘‘Mother’’ VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:09 Oct 24, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23OC8.012 E23OCPT1 E1404 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 23, 2017 Rosa McKie, who for the past 50 years has His commitment to excellence and citizenship CELEBRATING THE SERVICE AND shown tremendous dedication to the commu- reflect the best values we hold as Americans. ACHIEVEMENTS OF CAPTAIN nity of the Mason Temple Church of God in I join his family, friends, and colleagues in sa- DENNIS DEWINE, U.S.
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