PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.-YOL. 15. PORTLAND, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 19, 1878. TEBMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, REAL ESTATE. MISCELLANEOUS. Our Jfew York Letter. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS. THE PRESS. PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. BOOKKEEPING. For Sale. with TUESDAY MOUSING, BURCH 19. Hard Time.-Idlera and At 109 Exchange St., Portland. and 6table good sized lot. The bouse Ike Cawe at An and Ac* has 10 rooms, is fitted for two and AS experienced Bookkeeper HOUSE families, la AHEAD USUAL ! Them—Talaias la tk« Woodi-Tbr Terms: Eight Dollars a Tear in advance. To good repair. The stable ha9 three Btalls. 3 minutes Ways eountant, having leisure would like to Wo do noi read letters and communl mail subscribers Seven Dollars a Tear if in ad- walk from City Hall. Would for farm anonymous ol New Talk paid take charge of a set of books, or exchange land Charily, ranee. single near Portland. Inquire of cations. The name and address of tile writer are In double entry, but a of A. requiring portion mhl8d2w* E. EATON, 130 Exchange St. all cases Indispensable, not necessarily for publication his time- References first class. Ad* THE MAINE STATE PRESS but as a of faith. dress guaranty good New York, March 18, 1878. “BOOKKEEPER,” Press Office. D. We cannot C. B. FISK & CO.’S undertake to return or is a marlG FOR preserve com- published every Thursday Mobning at <2.50 dlf SALE, We rarely have go uneventful a week ai this year, U paid in advance at <2.00 a year. Homestead of the late John munications that are not used. Merrill, situated has been. Business stagnation we are aocne in Falmouth, on the line of the Maine Wanted—Agents. THE Centeral tooted Sates of Advertising: One inch of space, the Railroad, about one mile from the in Cum- to; political asphyxia has been the order ALE and in to sell a bouse- Depot Kvkrt length of column, constitutes a “square.” |\1 female, every town, berland. contains about thirty acres of first rate regular attache of the Press is tnrniebsd of ItA hold article out. by 10 land, thiogs since the adveot of the Hayes admin- <150 per square, daily first week: 75 cents per just Sample mail, with good buildings, also-wood lot of eleven acres. with a Card certificate cents; 6J cents. Wo. G. countersigned by Stanley T. week alter; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- dozen, SMITH, Enquire of J. T. Merrill, t59 Federal Street, F. W. istration ; a snspeosion of social convivialities marlgdlw*69 Devonshire street, Boston. Pullen, Editor. All railway, steamboat and hotel ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. Talbot, 47 Commercial Street, or FENWICK it a will confer a concomitant of the season of Lent. Bat the Hall square,three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one MERRILL, near the premises. mnrtSdSw* managers favor upon us by demanding week, $1.00; 50 cents week after. Tenement Wanted. of dullness jast now seems more all per Opening Spring credentials every person claiming to represent, our dense,more per- 8p cial one Clothing Notices, third additional. a central and desirable not far from location, A Good Farm For onrnal. vadiDg thaui it ever was before; there is no life, Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction INCongress Square, consisting of eight or nine Sale, in on no animation Sales,” $2 00 per square per week; three insertions rooms, with modern conveniences. Can wait a few Cumberland the line of the M. anywhere. There are plenty of or C. It. R.‘ H miles from Cumberland less, $1.50. weeks if necessary. References first class. Address SITUATED Centre, OUST MARCH 16. A Postponed Danger. people moving too and fro all the while; It is Advertisements Inserted in the “Maine State “RENT,” Press Office.”mh13dtf containing about 65 acres, with buildings thereon, SA.TTJH.IDA.ir, The defeat of the Southern natural there should be in a Peess" (which has a large circulation In every part will be sold April 13, 1878, at ten o’clock a. m.. at postal-clairus populous city; bat of the Sta for auction, unless sold at private sale. :e), $1 00 per square for first insertion, public previously bill is a matter of great interest to the cci'uu- they saanter along in a listless and iocooser- and 50 ce its per square for each Bubseqnent insertion. Any information will be given bv the subscriber, on Free exhibition of One Hnndred Thousand Dollars worth of Address all communications to WANTED TO GXOHMB. the premises. E. D. MERRILL. nearly New Style Spring Garments. try. It would have been passed had there not qnent sort of way, qnite In contrast with- the POR LAND PUBLISHING CO. marl3 eocl2w# been discovered in the rebel archives' evi- brisk, eager fashion in which they harry on, Farms lor Sale. when they have work in band that their hearts for a Farm in the A dence that the claims embraced in it had property Country. The balance of our WINTER GOODS have been removed to our basement are no house and two tenements, nod let subscriber will sell two farm3 and longer offered lor are set npoo. ENTERTAINMENTS. CITY containing as been and allowed the Con- with about about 75 acres each and situated on “Pleasant sale desirable garments lor the present season, bat will be sold to those who desire them at OhEITLV passed upon by 5,000 feet oi land. Will rent THE Then there is the procession of idlers, well, and likely to advance in value. Apply to Hill” Freeport, Me., 3 miles trom Freeport village REDUCED PRICES. TO DO JUSTICE TO OUR IMMENSE STOCK WE SHOULD REQUIRE THE federate government. The charge that tb e always and miles from “Oak Hill Station” on the M. C. large, bat at FOURTH ENTERTAINMENT. E. UPflAM, Exchange Street. 1| ENURE SIDE OF THIS PAPER, ACCORDING TO OUR SPACE WE WILL SPEAK OF WHAT present greally in excess of Us or- feb25 eodlm R. R. The farms adjoin, and will be sold separately WE contractors had been paid was repea ted jy CAN. dinary proportions. There is no the Lfctare or together, to suit purchasers. Pleasantly situated, mistaking Peoples and Concert Course, made by Republican Representatives r.nd look of well wooded, good water, good buildings and good or- hopelessness that repeated disappoint- INDIA STREET CHURCH, chards. Will be sold low. stoutly denied by Southern members. E ven ments have fixed in Hues LOST AND FOUND" tools. For upon their faces. Also stock and farming further particu- SPRING OVERCOATS Mr. the Postmaster-General of Wednesday Evening, March 20tb., 1878. lars and terms inquire of MRS. JANE MORANG, Reagan, the Taey have been bred to city life, know noth- Adm’x. on the premises, or of A. R. SAVAGE, recommeD Lecture Lost* are full as long as were last fall. Bobtail Coats Confederacy, upon whose dation ing of any hardier are hindered by %Savings Bank Block, Lewiston, Me. they Men’s CHILDREN’S occupation,and are not are half a and suitable the evening of March lath a PACKAGE eod3t&w3wl2 graceful; only coat, Young the Confederate did by t omestic ties or lacx of or mhl6 r.ot hes- meaos REV. W. lor Congress acted, iooptnesi GEO. BICKNELL. ON marked J. At cberson, care of Joel W. Merrill, only the auction shops. a itate to that the front for Subject “gpaams.” Alms House. The finder will leave it at the Police We sell handsome say government property searching home*, where nature pours Station or at the Alms House. For Sale. forth abundant Doors open at 7.15 o’clock. Lecture to commence in the hands of the contractors and post- treasures, to all who seek them marl6 d3t Oak Street near Ocean Street, Deering, two at 8 o’clock. Evening tickets 25 cts Black Overcoat masters at the outbreak of the Reb from her generous and exhanslless store. ■_mr18d3t ON new bouses, 8 rooms, bath room, pantry and Diagonal DEPA RTMENT. sllion was They subsist as as clo?et3. There houses are thoroughly built, and will either turned over to the authorities at Wash- long they can on the odds and ends be sold at a great bargain. Also 20 house lots for for BOARD. $10.00. remaining from the earnings of more prosper- sale very low. Terms to suit. Inquire on the prem- ington or held by the the insurgent govern- -- .. i.._ ous theu Loan Exhibition ises of J. P. TYLER. The same Coat last season sold for $14.00, Light days; they levy contribations npoo The youDg men of with the time*. ment subject to the demand of the Federal msr!3 d2w Gray and Slate colored Worsteds at $10.00, to-day keep pace la this branch we claim to their kinfolk and — AT — Board Up Town. particular acquaintances, till that The SHOftT JACKET and CEATBEB hare far all authorities, and that these men wete not furnished or unlurnished with all surpassed previous efforts. source of snpply fails and after that board; FOR SALE. PAWT8 of are of the they dis- ROOMSthe modern conveniences—water closets, bath by-gone days things past. In the first place our stock is far more paid by the rebellious states the sum due ARMY & NAVY HALL. and Hotel and Overcoats A appear and are neither seen nor heard of room, hot and cold water on same one of the elegant Fancy Diagonal peculiar and cultivated taste must be the only re- extensive and any floor; lAiverv Miable for sale.
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