Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment © November 2017 WECF ISBN 978-3-9813170-8-4 WECF – Women Engage for a Common Future The Netherlands / France / Germany www.wecf.org Plastics, Gender and the Environment Findings of a literature study on the lifecycle of plastics and its imPacts on women and men, from production to litter Authors Helen Lynn, OccuPational and Environmental Health Research GrouP, University of Stirling, UK. Facilitator for the Alliance for Cancer Prevention Sabine Rech, MSc in Biosciences, Westfälische Wilhelmsuniversität Münster, Germany Margriet Samwel-Mantingh, Senior Advisor Water and Food Safety, WECF Netherlands We are grateful to the following editorial reviewers Trang Nguyen (UN), Olga Speranskaya (IPEN / Eco- Accord), Irene Dankelman (Radboud University Nijmegen, IRDANA Advise) Layout: Caroline Schoon Photos by WECF, unless mentioned otherwise Cover photos: WECF, Zeehondencentrum Pieterburen Disclaimer This rePort is based on research carried out by WECF as Part of a cooPeration with UNEP and The Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA), and has not been published in this form by any of the other partners. The information and opinion expressed in this rePort are entirely the reflection of the authors and of WECF International, and cannot be attributed to any reviewers or Partners of WECF. The research which lead to this Publication was made Possible thanks to the financial assistance of the United Nations Environment Program. The Printing of this Publication has been made possible thanks to the assistance of the EuroPean Commission Framework Agreement ‘Women2030’ with WECF. The views exPressed in this Publication are the sole resPonsibility of WECF and can in no way be taken to reflect the official oPinion of either UNEP nor the EU. This Publication may be reProduced in whole or in Part and in any form for educational or non-profit purposes without sPecial Permission from the coPyright holder, if reference is made to the authors and the following link is provided www.wecf.org/publications/genderPlasticsxxx WECF Netherlands WECF France WECF e.V. Germany Korte Elisabethstraat 6 BP 100 St. Jakobs-Platz 10 NL - 3511 JG Utrecht F - 74103 Annemasse Cedex D - 80331 Munich Tel.: +31 - 30 - 23 10 300 Tel.: +33 - 450 - 49 97 38 Tel.: +49 - 89 - 23 23 938 – 0 Fax: +31 - 30 - 23 40 878 Fax: +33 - 450 - 49 97 38 Fax: +49 - 89 - 23 23 938 – 11 Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment Plastics, Gender and the Environment Findings of a literature study on the lifecycle of plastics and its impacts on women and men, from production to litter Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment Executive Summary The main objectives of the small scale funding during plastic production, usage and disposal. Very agreement and UNEP for the literature study little research is available on the exPosure of the “Gender and Plastics Management” are: to conduct work force to hazardous chemicals in the Plastics research on the links between gender and Plastics industry in less-wealthy countries. Moreover, on a consumPtion and Production, with focus on the global level there is very scarce gender imPacts of the chemicals used in Plastic Production disaggregated literature to be found about the on human health, as well as the roles of women number of workers in the plastic industry, and their and men as agents of change in reducing the exPosure to hazardous chemicals and resulting imPacts of Plastics on the environment (esPecially health effects during the several specific processes marine environment) and human health. of plastic production and plastic waste management (i.e. recycling, incineration). Not only Results of this research will provide information to during production, but also in daily life, plastics, for suPPort the content develoPment of the UNEA examPle Plastics from Packaged food, PVC flooring, Study on Marine Plastic debris and microPlastics, can release hazardous chemicals such as Endocrine and the GGEO (Chapter of State, Trends and DisruPting Chemicals (EDCs, affecting both men and ImPacts) in sections related to sustainable women. In addition, EDCs are also identified in consumPtion and Production, gender and ocean personal care and cosmetic products (PCCPs), of protection, land management, and waste which women are the biggest users. In resPonse to management. the finding that there is globally a considerable gaP Main findings from the literature study of knowledge about the health effects on men and Plastic production and consumption: The women working in the Plastic industry and Plastic packaging industry uses about 40% of the global waste management, evidence on the health risks plastic production, and households use about 20% should be investigated and addressed Particularly of the global plastics for consumer products. in less-wealthy countries beginning with Studies found women buy basic consumer goods imPlementing current health and safety legislation. such as food, health items, clothing and household Management of waste: Taking a global products more often than men. Men more often perspective, the low income and lower-middle buy expensive goods like cars and electronic income countries disPose of far less amounts of equiPment. Studies showed also that two thirds of municiPal solid waste than the high and uPPer- the global consumPtion of Plastic material took middle income countries. Nevertheless globally place in the wealthiest regions: NAFTA, Western landfilling of waste is still the most common EuroPe and Japan. Thus, to some extend these facts practice. The EU collectively exports almost half of could let us conclude that women in the wealthiest the Plastics collected for recycling, at least 87% of regions are imPortant stakeholders to reducing which goes to China. plastics in basic consumer goods. However, the plastic consumption per person in less-wealthy Although the household use of plastics in less regions is much lower than in wealthier countries, wealthy countries is much lower than in wealthy due to an inadequate collecting and processing countries, the less wealthy countries contribute to infrastructure, the release of Plastic litter into the a large extend to Plastic litter in waterways and environment can be much higher in the less Oceans due to the Poor or lacking waste wealthy region. It is forecasted that in the Period management. Globally 80% of the marine litter is 2015-2020 the global market for flexible Plastics land-based; five Asian countries contribute with will grow annual by 3.4 %, with the annual growth more than half to the marine litter. rate in India and China exPected to be between In addition, incineration is a Part of Plastics 9.4% and 6.9% resPectively. management and dePending on the country these Plastics and hazardous chemicals: Studies, mainly practices can be under controlled or uncontrolled from wealthy countries showed that both men and conditions. Informal waste workers and Pickers are women can be at risk from hazardous chemicals imPortant for collecting and recycling of waste in i Findings of a literature study: Plastics, Gender and the Environment countries without formal waste management. However, the amount and tyPe of ingested Plastic More women earn livelihoods in the informal waste particles, and consequently the risks for human and recycling sectors than in similar formal health upon consumption, depends on several occupations. factors and may vary between countries, sPecies and PoPulations of fish and seafood. To Prevent PET and PE is for waste Pickers and recyclers the future damage to human health and wildlife, most valuable Plastic and the most often recycled. intentionally added microPlastics in PCCPs, such as However imPorted Plastics or those collected from in toothPaste, shampoos, baby care products or a landfill, may be too dirty for recycling. Men are cleaning and maintenance Products, needs to be more Prone to collect high value recyclables than prohibited as they are apparently easy to replace women. by harmless substances. Waste management, i.e. recycling behaviour, Environmental behaviour and gender roles: cannot be generally attributed to males or females, Research showed women tend to perceive various but there are gender roles, which may differ hazards as more risky in comparison to men and between cultures. As a consequence, exposure to are less willing than men to imPose health and health hazards may differ due to such gender roles. environmental risks on others. However, waste Key findings regarding the global Practices on management cannot generally be attributed to waste management are: international efforts males or females, but there are gender roles, which should be made in Particular to reduce the wealthy may differ between cultures. Educational countries Plastics waste disPosal, targeting women camPaigns on all levels targeting decision-makers, as imPortant stakeholders; infrastructure for men and women, and male and female consumers adequate recycling Practices should be on, for example, the consequences of purchasing, communicated and established; formal and reusing and disPosing of Plastic consumer goods, informal landfilling and incineration should be imPacts and sources of microPlastics in the minimised, and the needs of men and women in environment and in food, microPlastics in PCCP, the informal waste sector should be addressed. and adequate Plastic waste management need
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