BALDUINIA, n. 64, p. 19-33, 04-XI-2018 http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/2358198035734 TAXONOMY, GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION, CONSERVATION AND SPECIES BOUNDARIES IN CALYDOREA AZUREA GROUP (IRIDACEAE: TIGRIDIEAE)1 LEONARDO PAZ DEBLE2 ANABELA SILVEIRA DE OLIVEIRA DEBLE3 FABIANO DA SILVA ALVES4 LUIZ FELIPE GARCIA5 SABRINA ARIANE OVIEDO REFIEL LOPES6 ABSTRACT For this study were performed observations in populations of Calydorea azurea Klatt and allied taxa, along of the ecosystems of the Río de La Plata Grasslands, geographic extent where occur this group. For the complementation of the data were examined collections deposited in the principal herbaria of southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, and were analyzed image of types and others collections available. All studied species were photographed and its populations geo-referenced. It are recognized six species: C. alba Roitman & Castillo, C. azurea, C. charruana Deble, C. luteola (Klatt) Baker, C. minima Roitman & Castillo and C. riograndensis Deble. C. azurea is cited for Brazil, C. charruana is added to Argentinian flora, C. luteola has its taxonomic delimitation established, and its occurrence is extended up to the northern Uruguay. The geographic distribution of C. riograndensis is reestablished, in view of three collections mentioned in the protologue are identified as belonging at others species. All species studied are described, illustrated through of photos, being presented data about geographic distribution, ecology and conservation. Keywords: Basin of Rio de La Plata; Bulbous; Ecology; Grasslands Ecosystems; Pampa Biome. RESUMO [Taxonomia, distribuição geográfica, conservação e limites entre as espécies no grupo de Calydorea azurea (Iridaceae: Tigridieae)]. Para este estudo foram feitas observações na natureza de populações de Calydorea azurea Klatt e táxons afins, ao longo dos ecossistemas campestres do entorno da Bacia do Prata, espaço geográfico onde se distri- bui o grupo em estudo. Para a complementação dos dados, foram examinadas exsicatas colecionadas nos principais herbários do sul do Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina e também imagem de tipos e outras coleções disponíveis. Todas as espécies foram fotografadas, tendo suas populações georreferenciadas. São reconheci- das seis espécies para o complexo de Calydorea azurea: C. alba Roitman & Castillo, C. azurea, C. charruana Deble, C. luteola (Klatt) Baker, C. minima Roitman & Castillo e C. riograndensis Deble. C. azurea é adici- onada a flora do Brasil, C. charruana é acrescentada a flora da Argentina, C. luteola tem sua delimitação taxonômica definida, tendo sua ocorrência ampliada até o norte do Uruguai e C. riograndensis tem sua distribuição geográfica reestabelecida, tendo em vista que três coleções atribuídas a essa espécie são identificadas como pertencentes a outras espécies. Todas as espécies são descritas e ilustradas através de fotos, sendo apresentadas informações sobre distribuição geográfica, ecologia e conservação. Palavras chave: Bioma Pampa; Bulbosas; Ecologia; Ecossistemas Campestres; Bacia do Rio da Prata. 1 Recebido em 10-08-2018 e aceito para publicação em INTRODUCTION 10-10-2018. Núcleo de Estudos Botânicos Balduino Rambo, Departamento de Ciências Florestais, UFSM. Calydorea Herbert (1843, p. 85) is a genus Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. of small seasonal perennials plants centered in 2 Biólogo, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Dom Pedrito, temperate South America (Roitman & Castillo, RS. [email protected] 3 Curso de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade da Região 2005, 2007; Deble, 2011; Deble et al., 2013, da Campanha, Bagé, RS. 2016), and according with the World Check List 4 Curso de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade da Região da Campanha, Alegrete, RS. of Iridaceae (WCI) includes 21 species (Barker, 5 Curso de Ciências da Natureza, Universidade Federal 2018). The genus can be morphologically do Pampa, Dom Pedrito, RS. 6 Zootecnista, Universidade Federal do Pampa, Dom characterized by its deceptively simple flowers, Pedrito, RS. [email protected] recognized by the absence of lipid trichomes, 19 free stamens, curved or twisted anthers at affinities are presented; moreover, maps of dehiscence, and filiform style branches that geographic distribution, photos, and a key to often extend between the stamens, and ending distinguish the species are also supplied. in one obtuse or shortly emarginated stigmatic area (Ravenna, 2003, 2005, 2009; Goldblatt & MATERIALS AND METHODS Manning, 2008; Chauveau et al., 2012). To conduct this study, collections from wild The here designated “Calydorea azurea populations of Calydorea were performed in group” includes species distributed on the northeastern Argentina, southern Brazil, and grasslands of Río de la Plata (RPG), mainly in Uruguay, between October 2010 and December northern Campos of Brazil (Pampa Biome, sensu 2017. Additionally were evaluated specimens IBGE, 2004), Uruguay and Argentina, and the of Calydorea (including digital images) Mesopotamic Pampa, in Entre Ríos, northeast deposited in the following herbaria: B, CORD, Argentina (the delimitation of the RPG CTES, FCQ, FLOR, G, HAS, HBR, ICN, K, LP, following Soriano et al., 1992; Olson et al., MVHM, MVM, MVFA, MVJB, NY, P, PACA, 2001; Azpiroz et al., 2012). All taxa of the PY, R, RB, SGO, S, SI, SP, and US (herbaria group are very closely related and the acronym follows Thiers, 2018). Moreover, boundaries among them is difficult to species of Calydorea are also cultivated, and establish. However, the mentioned group have data about phenology and others aspects were distinctive attributes, resulting easy the observed. The morphological data mentioned in segregation of others species of Calydorea the key is based on the examined material (Ravenna, 2005). The mainly features are the (including live specimens), and the terminology following: (1) two-flowered spathes; (2) follows Goldblatt & Manning (2008), and perigone with outer and inner tepals similar Beentje (2010).The data for conservation are in shape and color; (3) tepals without based in the criteria of IUCN (2014). trichomes; (4) stamens with narrow linear filaments, at the base abruptly thickened, and RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS anthers twisted at dehiscence; (5) oblong With the data obtained are recognized six ovary, and the style not arranged with the species as belonging to C. azurea group: C. alba stamens, with style branches not grooved, and Roitman & Castillo (2005, p. 311), C. azurea stigmatic trichomes forming a crown at top (see Klatt (1882, p. 387), C. charruana Deble in Roitman & Castillo, 2005, 2007; Ravenna, 2005; Deble et al. (2013, p. 2), C. luteola (Klatt 1862, Deble, 2011; Deble et al., 2013). p. 563) Baker (1876, p. 188), C. minima Roitman In more one contribution for the knowledge & A. Castillo ex Deble (2011, p. 39), and C. of the genus Calydorea, we discuss the riograndensis Deble (2011, p. 35). The species taxonomy, geographic distribution, are presented in alphabetical sequence, conservation, and species boundaries in containing the following data: description, ma- Calydorea azurea group based mainly in terial examined, geographic distribution and observation of populations in the wild and habitat, ecology, size of populations and natu- exsiccates. All species studied are described, and ral history, conservation, and taxonomic comments about ecological data, taxonomic relationships. 20 Key to distinguish the species of Calydorea azurea group 1a.Style columnar; style branches fused … Calydorea charruana 1b. Style not columnar; style branches free for 2 mm or more ............................................ 2 2a.Perigone nearly campanulate. Tepals slight fused towards the base. Stamens with anthers up to 3 mm long, filaments up to 1.5 mm long .................................... Calydorea minima 2b.Perigone disciform. Tepals spreading, free towards the base. Stamens with anthers 4 mm long or more, filaments 2 mm long or more .................................................................... 3 3a.Style branches subulate, ending in an obtuse stigmatic area .................... Calydorea alba 3b.Style branches not subulate, ending in a truncate or emarginated stigmatic area ........... 4 4a.Plants robust, 20-40 cm high above the soil, growing in sedimentary areas near to Uruguay River. Perigone 44-56 mm in diameter .................................. Calydorea azurea 4b.Plants more delicate, 10-25 cm high above the soil, growing in grasslands and stony grasslands. Perigone 18-35 mm in diameter .................................................................... 5 5a.Perigone 24-35 mm in diameter. Tepals 5-9 mm wide. Seeds ca. 1.6-2 mm long, epidermis minutely foveolate................................................................................. Calydorea luteola 5b.Perigone 18-22 mm in diameter. Tepals 3-6 mm wide. Seeds ca. 0.9-1.5 mm long, epidermis smooth, with grooves ................................................................. Calydorea riograndensis 1. Calydorea alba Roitman & A. Castillo, slightly acute to obtuse. Filaments free, Bol. Soc. Argent. Botánica 40 (3-4): 311. 2005. yellowish, linear and wider at base, 2-3 mm Typus: URUGUAY. Artigas depto: “wet long; anthers linear, twisted at dehiscence, 4-5 grasslands” 9 October 2003, G. Roitman, G. M. mm long; pollen yellow. Ovary obovate, 4-5 × Tourn & M. Panziera s.n. (holotype: BAA 1.5-2 mm. Style yellowish, 8-10 mm long; style 25500!). (Figs. 1A, 2) branches filiform, at topnarrowed, 3-5 mm long; Description: Plant up to 20-25 cm high stigma obtuse, yellow or violet. Capsule
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