_ /,mcriqmi _wHU'Sa.fcX.'"”*"-} ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 30, 1910. I'TVS?ZSSSTiTir.’^rr 1 LOCAL AFFAIRS. Bar Harbor at 4.30 Instead of at 3, aa at “Besides being s composer, Mr. Biggins ii StfemuraunM. present; leaves Ellsworth at S.B3 instead s violinist, and with his orchestra fillet of at aa at There will be no MW ADTIMIMWIim Tin WMK. 4.47, present. many engagements with the sommei Sunday train hereafter. people dnrlng the past season, amon| Admr notice—Rat Isaac N Cole. eon of T. which Were receptions and dances given at Solomon J Trc worry—Notice* of foreclos- Wealey, Mr. and Mrs. 0. ure. who ia Univer- the Sea Side inn, Pot and Kettle dab, and A Bowie, attending Bo*top small piece of paper in check form Ralph B Cushman—Shoots for sals. at the homes of Mrs. Dave Morris, H B Stan sity, spent the Thanksgiving recess with Cassatt, will settle wood—Columbia sraphophone for op any account. Isn’t that sals. relative* in Bheron, Maas. Walter Ladd and others. Mr. Higgini Ellsworth much better and a great deal Greenhouse. came to Bar Harbor from Ellsworth in quicker Blvswiu, Ms: Hon. John A. Peter* and wife enter- than it out in bills? Not Jane, 1908.” counting Eben P Webber—Caution notice. tained a family party at dinner on only thal. but you will sleep much Banooa. Mn: Thankegiving day. Out-of-town guests It is announced that Hon. John A. Peten eaeier nights when you know your Fred H Clifford—Advertising agency. were Dr. William C. Peters and wife and and John F. Knowlton aftei Jan. 1, next, Iam Portlawd, Mn: will be associated in the of law money is safe. Better open up an ac- Henry W. Cushman and family, of Ban- practiee at Portland Rendering Go—Portland bone and Ellsworth. The offices now I count in our bank. For further in- meat meal. gor. occupied by Mr. Peters will be used, and a general law formation call any time. Remember New Yobe; Among the Ellsworth boys at borne from business will be carried on. Mr. Knowl- your money is at Balaam Pillow Co—Plr twigs wanted. college for the Thanksgiving recess were always your disposal ton, who has been clerk of courts of Han- jrst the same. Robert King and Arthur Parcher, from cock county for twenty years, and was ad- SCHEDULE OP MAILS Bowdoin; Clarence Tapley, from Colby, mitted to the bar in 1900, now enters upon We pay liberal Interest on sucb AT ELLSWOATW POSTOPStCB. Harry Jordan and Ralph Holmes from the k. the active practice of law, and his many accounts. 4% on savings. Cali In 'feet Oct. 10, 1010. University of Meine. j friends in the State will be pleased to or write for The annual of the particulars. mails aaoBtsun. meeting Congrega- learn that he takes up the work of his pro- Paon tional from Wart—7.18 a m; 4.as and AM p m. parish, adjourned Sept. IS, fession under such favorable auspices. From East—ll.QS. 11.46 am; 4.41 and 10.62 p m. will be held In the chapel on Monday, The association of Mr. Peters and Mr. HAIL CLOSES AT SOSTOSSICB. Dec. at 7.30 m. A attendance ia S, p. large Kdowlton seems to be a favorable Gome one, Wear—10.30,11.15 a m; 4 and • p m. aa business of will desired, importance not for but also for Gome East—0.46 am; 4 and! only themselves, the pm. come before the meeting. many people who will have businees rela- UNION TRUST COMPANY mall Registered should be at poetofllce half H. Fremont Maddocka, of North Ells- tions with their office. an hour before mall closes. worth, has moved bla family to the city No Sunday mail. Fred B. Aiken, of Ellsworth, marked an OF ELLSWORTH. for the winter. They will occupy the Poatofflce open on Sunday from • to 10 a m. important milestone in bis business career over the T. E. Lee store on apartment* this month, when he completed his fifti- Weter instead of the bouse street, Emery eth year in business here. Mr. Aiken has and Profits, Herbert F. was at borne from Surplus $170,000 Monaghan on Main aa intended. Capital, street, been continuously in the same business Bangor for Thanksgiving. i News was received here this week of the during that time, though to his original Deposits, $1,245,000 Herbert who hss been at % Foster, awsy death of Misa Bernice Patten, daughter of stove and tinware business he has from school, has returned home. Alderman W of North Absolute Absolute Con- George Patten, time to time added other departments. Kl. Security, Permanency, Mrs. C. H. Hodgman, of Bath, is tbe Ellsworth. Miss Pstten, who had been He has been longer in business than any Repairs > servative and guest of Mra. Harry E. Rowe. teaching in Everett, Maas., died at a other merchant in Ellsworth, and has tbe Management Painstaking Service— interior ot an for Mrs. Alice J. March is spending s few hospital, following operation further distinction of being the oldest' these four form the foundation which this < upon days with relatives in Hampden. appendicitis. stove-dealer in the State. He started in George business here Nov. with his from Frida business edifice has been erected. Montelle W. Abbott, of Bncksport, has The many friends here of Mrs. Harry L. 20, 1880, B. H. and O. R. under Frank E. t entered F. U. Burrin'* insurance office. Crabtree, who last week underwent a brothers, Aiken, And these four we to guarantee you in Con- severe at the Paine the firm name of Aiken Brothers. O. R. Lewis L. Mrs. George R. Caldwell left last week surgical operation hospital in Bangor, will be pleased to Aiken withdrew from the partnership in Gosaelin ai nection with any and all business which you may to visit friends in Boston and vicinity. learn that she ia doing finely, and 1866 and B. H. Aiken in 1878, aince which take for tt in our hands. Mrs. C. H. Voee left last week for Port- time Mr. Aiken has conducted the busi- place while recovery ia likely to be slow, it ia l. ynwooe land to spend tbe holidays with friends. ness alone. For all but a few months of Your account is solicited. also likely to be complete. here a few respectfully Albert A. was boms from that time he has been located on State Joy Presque The concert and ball of the Dirigo Chirles M. Isle for street, having occupied his present loca- Thanksgiving, returning Monday. athletic dub last Wednesday evening was \V hi teem UNION TRUST COMPANY tion about thirty years. He has served Harry E. Rice came home from Wood- well attended. The concert included tensive rej the city as mayor, councilman, alderman land for Thanksgiving, remaining a few music by Monaghan’s orchestra, moving ledge ia bei OF ELLSWORTH. and assessor, and waa county commis- days. pictures, illustrated songs and a short ot the water-wheels lower, thus giving sioner six years. Sept. U, 1910 Albert F. Stockbridge and family, of farce, and singing by the male and mixed them better power. Bar Harbor, in Ells- quartet of the high school. J. Maddocks returned home spent Thanksgiving GOLDEN WKDUINi;. Sidney worth. Roy C. Haines, J. T. Rosello and Harold Monday evening from the Eastern Maine Gould returned from a where Rev. J. P. Simonton, ol Mllbridge, spent Monday bunting Col. John F. Whitcomb an<l Wife general hospital, be had been three of several at No. 21 weeks for an abdominal which Thanksgiving in this city with his son, trip days plantation. Victims of a Surprise. operation, Dr. F. F. Simonton. The game was an was successful. largest captured owl, Fifty years ago ou Thanksgiving day (it very which called them up by telephone on the Artbnr McDonald, ol Berlin, N. H., came that year on Nov. 29) Col. John F. way home, though they did get a fleeting •pent Thanksgiving with his brother, Whitcomb and wife, of Ellsworth, em- LAKEWOOD. and a shot at a bull moose. Dr. J. T. McDonald. glance flying barked on the matrimonial sea. Together Bernard Wilbur is witb his grandfather, Through the removal to Ellsworth of they weathered storms of the uncharted Charles A. Haynes has been spending a Simon Garland, this winter. Charles A. Thompson, who has bought sea, and now in the calm of with week with his cousin, Norris Hodgkins, life, farm on the Miss Edna E. Warren visited her home and friends in Boston. the Essington Surry road, friendly craft within bail on ail sides, in Otis during Thanksgiving. there will be a change in the manage- they look back npon the fifty years of their “BANK” YOUR SALARY WITH US. Miss Cora Rirhardaon, of Bar Harbor, ment of the Lake house, at Phillips Lake. voyage as one long pleasure trip. Frederick Garland is confined to the | herewith ber of a bank an for spent Thanksgiving t N Tliaadvantagee good not exclusively tbe parents, Mr. Thompson has been host there the On this their house w itb rheumatic trouble. Daniel Thanksgiving day year r b end near-rich; the modestly salaried man can and should Richardson and wife. jr past five years. He will be succeeded by family friends planned a little golden Edward Garland has returned from Otis, hive the Unsocial protection and conveniences which modern Martin L. Adams and of yU family, Bangor, A. L. Foster, of East Eddington.
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