t locoliQn-;-OoI.-.1ime .. to", HOfM of the News . '--I .......' ~ 206S5~...........,. • " .siI fe~, .:::. IS I .,. " a.Ns",... 4 , ..... .....e-"I~"'"II! o-c- _ ,-' Ale ao., ..........• WooIa. !CO.UNI '79.1333 rosse Pointe ews MII:4" , ...... JO •. ". .... J p... Complete .Neu. Coverage of AU the Pointe. Vol.,34-No.48 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1973 28 Pages-Two Sections-Section One HEADLINES Shores Accuses, Fuel Crisis 01'" • May Alter , WEEK InclneratorPlant Schedule Ai ComplJe4 by the , GrOlile Pointe Newll Board Votes to Wait for Of Double Billing Directives from St.te nunday, November U Before Making Own THREE TOP ENERGY Dec:ision A D V ISO R S to President Cities Discrimination over Charges Made on' Non. Nixon have announced that, Burnable Items Being Take" to Landfill: . By Jr.athy Duff 'lor the present, the nallon . Letter Un.nswered The School Board meet- will not have to resort to rationing gasoline or banning By Kath Duff . ing Monday night, No. vember 26, was some- Sundny driving to fight the The Shores is pretty b, urned up over the last h t f t b fuel shortage. Neither will few bills it has received from th.e Grosse Pointe- w a 0 • reat ecause drivers have to endure a 30c the Board members ac- tax on gasoline. The White ~li~to~ .~efuse Authority. The Authority, which has tually discussed an issue. House may approve, instead, JurlSdicltlon over the $6,000,000 incinerator built It' "'__ in Clinton Township, has been double billing The s ~()me standard op- a Sunday or'weekend ban on Sh erating procedure for gasoline sales in an effort to ores for "non.burnables" the village transports this year's School Board curb weekend trips that bum to a landfill. --------- up an estimatc<1 10 percent "It's more expellSive for to merely announce their of the gasoline sold weekly a elty to bw:n its rubbish at Saint John consensus opinion and in the U. S. the incinerator tban to bring vote unanimously after it to a landfill," Village Suo To Present hashing out their views • • • perintendent Tho mas K. in executive session. Friday, November Z3 JeHeris ~xplained to the The (opic was Christmas A FORD MOTOR CO. OF- trustees at tbe last council Yu.leCantata vacalion, or b"w to 5chedult: FICIAL, John A. ~Wint, an.d meeting Tuesday, November the vacation to "reserye the his three bodyguard, were 20. most amount of heating and ambushed and killed as they "All burnables have. to be North High Choir Fee. electric en erg y and still were returning home from taken to the incinerator' the d cause the least upset to stu. work in Cordoba, Argentina. landfill Is just for i t ~ m sture in Series of den.:;, teachers and parents. Swint, the general manager North High's cross country team brog'""'t tbe back row, (from left to right), are Assistant which cannot be burnt such Programs Joan Hanpeter, a trustee, 'fm. the Ford subsidiary in ... Id h' d th t. th the school its first State championship in Ithletla Coach J.' D. EDWARDS, Junior JIM FISHER, as 0 was mg machines, ma e e sugges Ion at I \: J::sa~ ~h~t' ::1 gupon~~~ Saturday, November 3, when the harrien finllbld SentorGARY KOPACKA, Sophomore BOB PELS- bed springs, old refrigerators, Saint John Hospital the opening days, Thursday "number one" in the State cross count .... -- &. MAW and Co-h TOM GAUERKE. All mem"~rs etc. will onc~ again present and Friday, January 3 and described as an outright as- "1 ......,.~ '" -. L." '0 Order Ope~ Trucks I its Christmas Can.-ta for 4, be dropped in order to save sassination. Investigators reo Grand Blanc. Team members in the front raw; ran I c:01led1ve, estimate:d total of 14,000 miles The Authonty felt that .t. WI heating the buildings on those ported the killers, about 15 (from left to right), are Senior JOHN DiMER. linc:e June 1 in preparabon for the State meet, some cities were taking burn. 1 S .patlents. an~ friends days, Her reasoning was that in all, fired machine guns CURIO, Senior TOM HA'MMER, Senior ED COKb Gauerke reported. abIes to the landfill to lower durmg the hol1day sea- most students take a few from their cars after they BRENNAN and Senior DAVE MARSTILLER. In costs. For this reason, they son. day:s to calm down from va. had blocked Swint's car and ------------ ! made an art>itrary ruling that The General Motors Chorus I catlon, and that c I ass e s the car that his bodyguards . N hHi h hI I all nt"n-burnables had to bt, will appear on Saturday, De. should start on Monday so were in. Neither police nor I Men"s N:ght ort g At etACl Darke' d Cars! taken to the landfill in open I c.ember 8, at 1:30 ".m. Since that the students have a full Ford officials could give any' .., "" r I . i semi.trucks. while trash for I'"Its founding in 1933, the GM week before the weekend. motive for the killings. I 'V.'J- , H __..I B. F II J k d . Ithe 'incinerator had to be I Chorus has become one of She also mentioned the fact • •• . n " Ulge ononu at )0 a fl.ttac .e. brought in standard garbage II the most popular ahd active that absenteeism is high on Saturday, November U e I trucks. musical organizations in the those two days. GENERAL MOTORS an. December 4 SportsAward8 Niaht By V.an'dals'l "Our problem is that we Detroit Metropolitan area, The "lost" days would be nounced plans to shut down e i don't h av e any nat bed. Fr;ank Murch, conductor ~ked up in June. 15..of its nationlll plants for -------- -- I'trucks; all The Shores has and pianist, is serving his '8Dettema. Opposes :~~:tkJ~~':~~r:o~~:::n~ P:~leSt~:;.t ~~~~rittAwards Presented to Members of The Football Hund~~ ..d....~ ...~,..._ol.la~ 0._a •. ,..i.{~~..h..•,_r~.tir.;kLm..r.avg.ears ~~;~~.:: ..~.~J;,t~~~s~c- w~::m:u~~.tt,_e:.~._:,;t:.a~.'t :.=1 ~;~:ed~;~te!'d~r::r.~; -Pielllent forM.les.-to,:-s:s;trr;;:S~~~'=':;~ II -i:-Par!( e:fe~use :iid'~i11 lise," Mr: On Mo~ay December 10 oai'd should wait for direc- ventori~s." Dealers are ex. Get Shopping Done . Also Cited I I __ ,lty \.refferis said. at 7:30 p.m. the "Judelalres,.: tives frQm the State before perlencmg a far larger de- _ ------- Van d a 1 s apparently The Village superintendent a mixed .group of 2S adults tating any action. mand for G.M.'s smaller Men's Night in the ViI- Members of North High Schoo!'. undefeated were working overtime told the trustees that he hail will present a balanced pro: "If we now become patri. cars, and their plants that l~ ni football squad and its State champion erou c:ouDtry duri th d k h written a letter to Edward gram Of popular, modern and otic ~nd drop a few days produce the smaller cars ..ge, per.en ally popular team were among those honored JIlt week It the of W~ ~ N °fS Hoover, superintendent of the traditional music. from our January scbeduIe, have been working overtime. event, WIll be held Tues. 1973 Fall Sports Awards Night. Athletic cUredor 21 ~es ThY' dovemJr incinerator. So far, no answer The groUI) was organized tilen we could flDd ourselves • • • day, December 4. This is Ed'. Wernet conducted the program, wbleh aIIo in- ' an urs. ay,. 0-\ has been received on his some 20 years ago as the faced with a directive from Smutay, November %5 the evening set aside each eluded awards for golf g' is' -'AAI. than, m.lI' -..1_ vember 22, mflictlJ~g le~ter. Saint Jude Choral Group and the State that orders every f "b "f .. ' Ir.-aae .... ."&111" hundreds of dollars 10 'Mr. Hoover said that they was under the direction uf s~~l system to drop an ad. THE UNIVERSITY OF r:a~~~do o~eir r~~~~ ml~g, tlmettes and cheerleaders. dimage to windshields cannot check every load to Mrs. Geraldine Echenrod. ~ltional two weeks, in addi. MICmGAN, in r.pite of a line h' th Fl1ms were shown of the .'and windows of parked the laDdIllI, so they made the Its .current director is Bernie tion to the days we h a v e battle that ended in a 10-10 mas S oppmg wi no in. State cross country meet at Van Vliet, Mart Wickard aad cm in The Park City decision that non-burnables Beutel. Miss Barbara Man. a.lready dropped. I would just tie with Ohio State, Saturday terru~tions from the <lis- Grand Blanc. Saturday, No. Bill. Weiden~ch. and Farms ' must be carried into the land- .giallane is the accompanist like to sit tight, and announce afternoon, will not be going taff SIde. vember 3, in which 18 teams GrIc1den, Gelfen . fill in open semi.trucks.~ The Chevrolet Glee Cl~b that we are willing to comply to the Rose Bowl this year. This is the 28th year for' from nine Michigan regions Football coach Jim Kruckl .fte heaviest dama~e was The trustees, especially C. will appear on Wednesday, with recommendations made In a decision that surprised the Grosse Pointe Villa e I competed. Members of the introduced his team, wblch CAused to car owner~ m The Bradford Lun:ly, Jr., who ill December 12, at 7:30 p.m.
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