CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk Provided by Helsingin yliopiston digitaalinen arkisto Department of Computer Science Series of Publications A Report A-2012-2 Mixture Model Clustering in the Analysis of Complex Diseases Jaana Wessman To be presented, with the permission of the Faculty of Science of the University of Helsinki, for public criticism in Auditorium XIV, University of Helsinki Main Building, on 13 April 2012 at noon. University of Helsinki Finland Supervisor Heikki Mannila, Department of Information and Computer Science and Helsinki Institute of Information Technology, Aalto University, Finland and Leena Peltonen (died 11th March 2010), University of Helsinki and National Public Health Institute, Finland Pre-examiners Sampsa Hautaniemi, Docent, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Helsinki, Finland Martti Juhola, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Tampere, Finland Opponent Tapio Elomaa, Professor, Department of Software Systems, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Custos Hannu Toivonen, Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland Contact information Department of Computer Science P.O. Box 68 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2b) FI-00014 University of Helsinki Finland Email address: [email protected].fi URL: http://www.cs.Helsinki.fi/ Telephone: +358 9 1911, telefax: +358 9 191 51120 Copyright © 2012 Jaana Wessman ISSN 1238-8645 ISBN 978-952-10-7897-2 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-10-7898-9 (PDF) Computing Reviews (1998) Classification: I.5.3, J.2 Helsinki 2012 Unigrafia Mixture Model Clustering in the Analysis of Complex Diseases Jaana Wessman Department of Computer Science P.O. Box 68, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland Jaana.Wessman@iki.fi PhD Thesis, Series of Publications A, Report A-2012-2 Helsinki, Mar 2012, 119+11 pages ISSN 1238-8645 ISBN 978-952-10-7897-2 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-10-7898-9 (PDF) Abstract The topic of this thesis is the analysis of complex diseases, and specifically the use of k-means and mixture modeling based clustering methods to do it. We concern ourselves mostly with the modeling of complex phenotypes of diseases: the symptoms and signs of diseases, and the other multiple co- phenotypes that go with them. The two related questions we seek answers for are: 1) how can we use these clustering methods to summarize the complex, multivariate phenotype data, for example to be used as a simple phenotype in genetic analyses and 2) how can we use these clustering methods to find subgroups of sufferers of a particular disease, such that might share the same causal factors of the disease. Current methods for studies on medical genetics ideally call for a single or at most handful of univariate phenotypes to be compared to genetic markers. Multidimensional phenotypes cannot be handled by the standard methods, and treating each variable as independent and testing one hundred pheno- types with unclear true dependency structure against thousands of markers results into problems with both running times and multiple testing correc- tion. In this work, clustering is utilized to summarize a multi-dimensional phenotype into something that can then be used in association studies of both genetic and other type of potential causes. I describe a clustering process and some clustering methods used in this iii iv work, with comments on practical issues and references to the relevant literature. After some experiments on artificial data to gain insight to the properties of these methods, I present four case-studies on real data, highlighting both ways to succesfully use these methods and problems that can arise in the process. Computing Reviews (1998) Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.5.3 [Pattern Recognition]: Clustering J.2 [Applications]: Life and Medical Sciences—medical genetics, psychiatry General Terms: Clustering, Experimentation, Applications Additional Key Words and Phrases: Medical genetics, Psychiatry Acknowledgements I have been extremely lucky in being able to work with not just one but two world-class academy professors as my supervisors. I cannot properly express my gratitude to professor Heikki Mannila at the Department of Computer Science and the late professor Leena Peltonen-Palotie at the Department of Medical Genetics for all their encouragement and support. I also wish to thank Drs. Tiina Paunio and Mikko Koivisto, whose supervisory role in shaping this work has been crucial. Drs. Pauli Miettinen and Stefan Schönauer provided valuable comments on the semi-final draft. My pre-examiners Sampsa Hautamäki and Martti Juhola did a thorough job and without them, this work would be of a much lower quality. Any errors that remain are definitely not their fault, but that of the author. Everyone I have come to contact with during this multi-disciplinary work has been enthusiastic, supportive, and willing to share their expertise in their own fields. Especial mention needs to go to all my co-authors in the schizophrenia paper; to Dr. Verneri Anttila and professor Aarno Palotie for their dedication to finding out what was going on with the migraine data; and to Dr. Nelson Freimer and his group in the University of California for collaboration and hospitality during the temperament work. Many fellow students shared this long road. To mention just a few, I want to thank MSc Jukka Kohonen and Drs. Matti Kääriäinen, Niina Haiminen, Pauli Miettinen, Jussi Kollin, Pekka Parviainen and Esa Junttila for both the friendship and the science. In addition to students in the same department, Drs. Marylka Uusisaari and Laura Uusitalo, MSc Suvi Ravela, and my sister Dr. Jenni Antikainen, among others, have been able to share my ups and downs without sharing my fields of sience. My parents Airi and Pentti Antikainen have always encouraged me to study and learn and have been able to convince me it is fun, which is one of the best heritages one can give to one’s children. My husband Petri Wessman made this work possible by providing not only encouragement and financial stability, but also all of that which really matters in life. v Notation and abbreviations 1x function with value 1 if x is true and 0 otherwise A, B datasets a, b arbitrary values, functions, or random variables, as specified in the text C, D partitions of a set of observations, or equivalently, clusterings d number of variables in a dataset, or, equivalently, number of columns in a dataset, or, as a result, number of dimensions in a model E[a] expected value of a E[a|b] expected value of a given b F a set of functions f any function, as specified in the text g counter used for clusters in a clustering model, or groups in a population, or components in a mixture model H entropy i, j indices K the larger one of the values k for two alternative clusterings K0 the smaller one of the values k for two alternative clusterings k number of clusters in a clustering model, subgroups in a population, or components in a mixture model L likelihood M a clustering model N number of observations (individuals) in a data set, or, equiv- alently, number of rows in a data matrix Nab number of pairs of observations satisfying certain conditions, as specified in the text n used for any integer, as specified in the text C na number of observations having cluster label a in clustering C vii viii na,b number of observations having cluster label a in one clustering and cluster label b in another o number of parameters in a model p(a) probability of a p(a, b) joint probability of a and b p(a|b) probability of a given b. S(C, D) a similarity function between clusterings C and D T arbitrary time period t counter for iterations in an algorithm a(t) value of a on the t’th iteration of an algorithm v number of partitions in a cross-validation scheme Y a data matrix, or equivalently a data set of size N individuals × d variables yj the j’th row in a datamatrix Y , or, equivalently, the j’th individual in a data set yji the ith element of yj, or equivalently, the value of the i’th variable for the j’th individual yj,obs the observed (non-missing) values in yj y·l the l’th column (variable) for any row (individual) in Y zgj class label, taking value 1 if the j’th individual belongs to the g’th cluster / subgroup / mixture component zˆgj an expected value estimate of zgj zj a class label vector for the j’th observation/individual zˆj an expected value estimate of zj θ parameter vector for any model, as specified in the text κ used for Cohen’s κ, a measure of agreement between two classifications µ the mean, either the vector of a multivariate Gaussian dis- tribution, or equivalently, the mean of observations in a particular cluster πg mixing proportion of the g’th component of a mixture model or g’th subgroup in a population, or, equivalently, the cluster propability of the g’th cluster Σ the covariance matrix of a multivariate Gaussian distribution φ the likelihood function of a Gaussian distribution ADI-R Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised AMI Adjusted Mutual Information BIC Bayesian information criterion ix Cκ Cohen’s κ DISC1 a candidate gene for psychotic disorders (Disrupted in Schizophrenia 1) DSM-IV Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition DTNBP1 a candidate gene for schizophrenia, also known as dysbindin 1 (Dystrobrevin Binding Protein 1) EM Expectation-Maximization (algorithm) HA Harm Avoidance, a scale in TCI ID identification number/code for an individual in a dataset JI Jaccard Index MH Meila H-index MI Mutual Information NFBC1966 Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966 NMI Normalized Mutual Information NS Novelty Seeking, a scale in TCI RD Reward Dependency, a scale in TCI P Persistence, a scale in TCI PC Pairwise Concordance (Rand Index) PCA Principal Component Analysis SD Standard Deviation TCI Temperament and Character Inventory YF The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Complex diseases .
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