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It is ex- House and Barn on Bnrch the Syracuse type,” - officials at Sy- pected that the case will be argued cco Millionaire, racuse University today announced ^ Before the Appellate Division in PRESIDENT NOW His Blue Sedan Found In Young that an appeal to higher courts will i January. Moinitani Bum to Ground be taken to uphold its action in dis- J The pretty co-ed Is now working A CHEESE MAKER Mi: 11 Days, Is lo - missing Miss Beatrice O. Anthony,' in an insurance office in Bingham­ 1 _ • ■ Brother’s Garage At Mays After the Dwelling I 21, of Binghamton, N. Y. ton. She wants to come back to Inherited Plant from His Miss Anthony was dismissed from school and learn, to he a teacher, cated; y s He Just Took the university last spring at the end but she said today thr.t she guessfed Father— ^Produces 800 LBs. Landing— Chief Finds Im Once Saved. of her junior year, admittedly with­ she would Be an old woman Before of Cheese Weekly. a Little Vacation. out cause, and started a court action the courts got done wrangling portant Clues on Car; to Be reinstated. Justice Edward N. about her status. Plymouth,-'Vt., Sept. 27.— A 21-day-TOld baby, his three- President CoSiidge is a cheese maker. Poultry Farmer’s Bonds St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 28.— Rich­ year-old Brother and h'T father and 100 YEARS OLD, HAS The chief executive inherited THE WHOOPING COUGH mother had a narrow escape ftom from his father. Colonel John ard J. Reynolds,' 21-year-old mil- BEGIUM AWAITS Avon, Sept. 28.— George M. Coolidge, shares in a small To Be Forfeited Today; ‘liohaire whose disappearance from Being burned to death. last night Buck, of Hebron, who celebrated cheese factory, it became his night cluB haunts along Broad­ when all the Buildings on the 25- his 100th Birthday last Novem­ acre farmi owned By John RattI, on known today. way started a nation-wide hunt, to­ VISIT OF STORK ber Is suffering au attack of In addition, milk from one Search Continues. whooping cough at the home of day said he planned to return to Birch Mountain Road, -were de­ of the Coolidge farms goes stroyed By fire. When the head of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Buell, New York, stopping for a day or here. The centenarian has. Been daily to the cheese making the family noticed th glare of the Hammonton, N. J., Sept. 28.— A two on his way there at Chicago. \ greatly weakened by the Illness, plant. fire about 9 o’clock, after the entire William Bruce, 73, famous fugitive from justice, Willis Beach, Detectives located Reynolds here If a Boy, W3I Be Named Al­ But is consideraBly Improved to­ family h.*i Mtired, Both the house cheese-maker, dlrect^^ the oper­ 52-year-old poultr/ farmer charged 'ft/ last night in a small restaurant day. and the barn were ablaze. The ation of the cheese making es­ with “ aiding ap.d abetting” the where he was dining with another mother and her infant baBe left the bert and If a Girl, Eliza­ taBlishment.- young man and a girl. After first house in their night clothes. The HerBert Moore, cousin of the murder of Dr. William Lilliendahl, denying that he was the .missing other child was carried from the beth. president, “ Uncle” John Wild­ 72, was being sought all over New millionaire, Reynolds admitted his h ou se''!’, his father’s arms still ROMANCE BLASfED er, fiddler,'‘:And Edward Blan­ Jersey today. An all-night search B y , identity, but said he had made no *v >x' sleeping. They were cared for over chard, another Coolidge rela­ state troopers failed to disclose his effort to hide his identity while night By neighbors. _ tive, are Interested in the Brussels, Sept. 28.— All Belgium whereabouts. visiting here. When Mr. Rattl disco-vered the ■ cheese factory. ' It was rumored that Beach had Reynolds said he left New York fire. It had gained great headway. is anxiously awaiting the visit of BY GIRL’S FATHER The plant, which produces fled to Delaware. He vanished early Sel)tember 17 for Chicago and came Mrs. Ruth Letcher. 91, observed her fi9th wedding anniversary the The barn was too far gone to save, the stork to the royal palace, which about 890 pounds of cheese yesterday shortly Before he was to here a day later. other day by taking a few swimming lessons. You never can tell when hut only the roof of the house was may Bring an heir to fhe Belgian each week, Is going in for have Been confronted with three burning. Charles F. Volkert, who three to five pound cheeses swimming will come in handy, you know. Her granddaughter. Florence throne. witnesses who said they saw a man Boltret. Venice. (Calif.) high school aquatic star, is showing her how. saw the flames from a distance hur­ Boston Couple Ran Away to neatly packed in small boxes. resembling him drive away from ried to ' ■ e scene, and he and Ratti Sometime between the first and Heretofore the regular 30- the murder scene shortly after Dr. \ drew water from the well and By the tenth of October, a salvo of pound cheeses have been pro­ STONE THROUGH WINDOW Lilliendahl was murdered twelve the use of wet bags fought the guns Is expected to announce to the Detroit to Marry But Po­ duced. Seventy cows from vari­ days ago. His attorney, Edison KILLS NOTED PHYSICIAN flames in the roof to a standstill, world that Princess Astrid is the ous farms furnibh the milk -Hedges, admitted that Beach was NO WAR BETWEEN temporarily saying the house. from which the cheese is made. mother of a royal offspring. If it is lice Arrest Them. In hiding on his advice. Chicago, Sept. 29.— Authori­ Meantime the barn was burning Warrant Sworn Out ties today sought the thrower v f rapidly and was reduced to ashes a son, one hundred and one guns will be fired In honor of the event. A warrant charging Beach with FORD-GEN. MOTORS an enormous rock, which, By the time the fire In the house complicity in the murder was sworn hurled through a street car win­ was extinguished. If it is a daughter twenty-one guns Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28.— Two will announce the arrival; out by Justice of the Peace George dow last night, killed Dr. Fritz Second Fire. tearfully romantic youngsters from BROTHER OF FORD E. Strouse, when a preliminary E. Reichardt, prominent physi­ Both Princess Astrid and Prince jir^ ABout midnight, pe:uaps because Boston, both of them in police cells search failed.to reveal any trace of cian and surgeon. sparks from the smouldering ruins Leopold, the eldest son of King Al­ President of Latter Says bert and heir to the Belgian throne, plan to be married in Detroit this the poultry raiser. Beach has ad­ The rock, believed to have of the B .rn started it, fhe house mitted carrying un » clandestine been thrown By some person Qf are at the royal palace in anticipa­ week despite the indignant angry IS FOUND DEAD again took fire and this time it was tion of the event. correspondence with Mrs. Margaret There Is Enough of Busi­ abnormal strength, crushed the burned to the ground. The well had protests of the girl’s father. Lilliendahl, widow of the murdered physician’s skull, and set more May Be Called AlBert been practically emptied by the pre­ If the child Is a prince, it will he Roland Colby, 21, is the boy. The man, who is free on $25,090 bail as ness For Them Both. than a score of passengers into a vious battle against the flames and named Albert, Prince of Belgium girl is Dorothy Richardson, 18; a material witness. panic. nothing could he dor^j to save the and Count of Hainant. If the new- the protesting father is Edwin ?T. Body Discovered In Vacant To Forfeit -iail The tragedy occurred Just Be­ dwelling. comer is a girl, she proBaBly will be Richardson, Boston Businessman. Assistant Prosecutor S Cameron neath the Chicago, Milwaukee Mr. Ratti cannot offer apy ex-, named Elizabeth after her grand- who is hurrying to this city to House Just Purdiased By Hinkle will appear Before County Milford, Mich., Sept. 28.— There & St. Paul railway viaduct near planation as to how the fire* started mother. Judge William A. Smathers in Mays Fullerton avenue. prevent the marriage.
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