... _t~,.•.. ' _' ' . '/ THE JEWISH POST PAGE 3 ;' PAGE 2 THE JEWISH POST "Soch a funny business," he Keen interest is shown in the Y.M.H.A. Bowling lcague, and judging _ _o_a_"_a_o_o_a_._"_"_' ___~ Fund boxes and collect the balance of .~.~-------------- tIe money, while Toront() waited until said. "I come up to see mine . it took ten million to widen one street. the "Nadorim" promised during the by the way the boys are bowling, they boy, Sammy. He's walking should be ·able to pick a good team If you wish to be segregated, pushed High Holidays, it is announced. A ~ Jewish News in Brief " courteous reception and assistance is around in short pants like a lit­ for the coming tournament. B. J. Cut~ l ~ ~ I· .:+ _____"___ • ___ c __ •• __ __ •____ , __ •• __ .M__ •__ a__ ' ___ ' ___ __ '. __ 'M__ a__ o_"_'·.· back into one corner and travel three tle boy, mit a great big ting in lel' is heading .the averages, with IF· s!des of a square, then continue to requested for them by Mr. N. Schif­ I know a young man who was . I and Klotymuch washing his Robinson close behind. Others who JERUSALEM-Jews are not pub­ the trial, approached Dr. Leo Motzkin sleep on, but remember the old maxim fer, National Fund Director. his hands dat looks like a lemon, causing some grief to his par­ hands. are well up in aV·Erages are C. licans in Palestine, a check-up h-ere to this end. "God helps those who help them­ .~ _ .. _o_a_o_~_ft_a __ but it's a ball. Und den he puts -_-_0_ . ents. He was getting to be an I shall be very grateful if you Chevolsky, H. Swartz, B. Radis, P. shDws. There are 300 holders of Ii-· selves," WE DON'T DISCRIMINATE ',' it down und dey have an auction i ": alter bocher and his parents will find the space in your valu­ Spivak, A. Hershfield, W. Simon, and i quot' l:censes in [Palestine, and 299 of CHICAGO.-Th. Constructive Re­ Mr. North-enrler, insist on this work , ,. sale. Mine Sammy says '63.80,' C. Krupp. l. " ,:' , ' were worrying that perhaps he able column to print this as I these ure Christians and one, a Mos­ lief conference held here last week at going on at once or turn down the und it de highest bid, und dey * • • the call of leadcrs of the Joint Distri­ lem. Under the British mandate every Auditorium. They will get the Audi­ The Commercial Mutual· might miss the joys of matri­ feel that these parties are fully The next Y.M.H.A. dance will take bution committee and the United trow the ball to him. But you important railway station sells wine torium through and tell you to wait mony. So they talked him into entitled to the publicity.-C. H. place on Sunday, November 13th. and liquors. J'2wish campaign, was dec1ared. emi­ for your subway. Have an undel'~ Fire Insurance Co. never saw such a bunch of jeal­ We In!lurn Everythinr Everywbere it. G. Everybody welcome. : ( , nently satisfactory. Fresh inspiration standing that we get the Cross-town M. E. GHAN GENERAL AGENT ous cats. Dey're so mat dat he "I ' But you know how it is. In the Dear C. H. G. I'm with you. • • • JERUSALEM. - Lord Rothschild, was given to the workers by the re­ road beforc supporting the Auditor­ 317 McIntyre Blk. Winnipeg, Man. von it that dey chase him all The Y.W.H.A. held a re-organiza­ "i , Pbone. early twenties a man is very sus­ Honor to whom honor is due. on his golden wedding anniversary day ports ()f the work in Europe delivered ium. .... Office_, _0_.__ 88 738 0_,,_0 ___Rne. "52 087 . over de field and dey take it tion me·eting on Thursday, October by Dr. Rosen, Felix M. Warburg, Da­ •.. ceptible. He might marry any­ c",bled a reply to Prof. Chaim Weitz­ A NORTH ENDER. -"-, • * * avay from him and rub his face 27th, at the Y.M.II.A. Club Rooms. A mann's message of congratulations as vid Brown, Louis Marshall and others. body. A curI of hair, a toss of large number of girls were present I From Where Comes A Jew 'in de ground-und what for, for follows: "I am happy to see my Pales­ A feature of the conferenc·e was mo­ YOUNG HABONIM TO the head, a certain way of talk­ From Odessa and indications point towards a very tion pictures showing the work in th" nothing. It's a crazy business." tine dreams i>eing fulfilled." CLEAR N. F. BOXES ing, anything at all is reason good organization. Although not Lord Rothchild is' credited with be­ Jewish colonies taken and produced by The girl who had just joined -H. S. properly organized this year, .the enough for entering into a life­ i.ng the most active force for the crea­ James H. Becker. The Young Habomin will make their Columbia one of the new Hadassah chap­ Y. W H.A. proved to the community tion of a Jewish homeland in Pales­ rounds n'Ext Sunday to clear National long contract. But when he gets ters was having an argument that it has the making of a great tine, prior to the Chalutz influx fol­ /pHILADELPHIA. - Two hundred older, he is more difficult to with her boy friend about it. r Y.M.H.A. News l sister organization to the Y.M.H.A. thousand dollars was bequeathed the Grain Co. Ltd. lowing the Balfour Declaration. please. He is more wary of "G'wan," said he, "I bet you By M. Burns In its first year the club won the F·edel'ation of Jewish Cbarities here l Intermediate Girls Baseball champion­ feminine charm. He steps clear . in the will of Charles C. Shoyc,', who don't even know what Hadassah ' ship of Winnipeg. NEW YORK.-The new head of the Asbestos The Y.M.H.A. will hold a general died October 6. BONo'ED of embarass'ing entanglements. means." National Fund in United States is Dr. meeting on Sunday, November 6th, in * * .* ,.i : , "1 Pipe and Boiler Covering In short, he is a wise bird. "Sure I do," she retorted, "My . Joseph Krimsky, of New York. He is LICENSED their club rooms, Fishel' Building, at A. A. Hershfield, president of the , .. - LONDON.-The concession to ex­ q i, a well-known physician and a life-long . A check-up of the available father was born there." 2,30 sharp. Arrangements are under Y.M.H.A., was present at the me·et­ ,. ploit suIts in the Dead Sea has been ing and briefly outlined the necessity : "I Zionist. He succeeds Bernat.;d A. Ros­ Sure Fuel Saver GRAIN BROKERS material confirmed this bachelor • way to have a prominent· citizen of , i granted to M. Novomejsky, Russian • • enblatt. in his worst fears. There was However she was not nearly as Winnipeg deliver an address, and it of a Y.W.II.A. He offered tho assist­ engineer. Mr. Novomejsky wns the We know how ance of the board, whenever required. 20 YEARS really no one quite good enough. is the wish of the Board to have all NEW YORK.-Jews are contribut­ first applicant. It is learned however 144 Grain Exchange bad as the lady in the North End He also pointed out that it was the ',i ! .' member.s present. that Sir Alfred Mond's company is Experience in Winnipeg Girls there were a plenty, but no who was approached to become duty of the Y.l'vLH.A. to develop and ing largely to the quarter-million dol­ Not necessary to let fires out to • • • I also interested in the project. one of the propel' class, looks, educate the Jewish youth of WInni­ I,1 lar fund for the Holy Cross Roman do the work S. FRIEDMAN, a member of the Winnipeg Chap­ The Y.M.H.A. has entel'ed a team Catholic church of West 42nd street. Manager elegance, smartness and desira­ ter of Hadassah, and who replied in the City Basketball League, and if peg, and that it already had under 'its wing, a junior Y.M.H.A. of boys from Otto Kahn Is treasurer of the drive. Hilton Bros. Ltd. bility. It was a case calling for that she was sorry that she C. Krupps remarks are to be ,tak-eTI Guggenhein Brothers contributed $2,- LETTER TO THE EDITOR as a guIde, he has a team that will 13 to 18, who had the use of the club­ l 1 Phone 37168 E\,gs. 39 673 ADVERTISE IN importation, 'in view of the poor­ could not join as she was a 'Rou­ rooms for var.ious training. He spoke 000, Clarence Dillon, $1,000 and $50,- take some beating. 000 was contributed by five men, three Deferred IPayment if Desired THE JEWISH POST ness of the domestic product. manisha.' of the necessity of a community cen­ To the North End Voter:- So he hied himself to the 49 '" * * tre, such as would -be a credit to the of whom are Ott() Kahn, Adolph _~_~_a_g __ .:. * * * The championship Juvenile rugby Zukor and Jules S. Pathe. You will be asked to vote for an .:.,------------------------ states and travelled far and wide A Perhaps Story game between Y.M.H.A. and St. Jewish people of Winnipeg. Farther Francis P. Duffy, the priest Auditorium which will cost the tnx­ in search of She-who must be .J ohns, win take place on Saturday, The officers elected for" the year "Yes," said the big business 1927 and 1928 were as follows: Presi­ of the church is well-known and be­ payers $900,000, plus interest from You Must Come possessed.
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