March-April 2015 VOL. 30 THE VIDEO REVIEW MAGAZINE FOR LIBRARIES N O . 2 IN THIS ISSUE Life Itself | ALA Notables | Vaccines: Calling the Shots | Robin Williams Remembered | Kids for Cash | Sex (ed): The Movie scene & he d BAKER & TAYLOR’S SPECIALIZED A/V TEAM OFFERS ALL THE PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND EXPERTISE TO FULFILL YOUR LIBRARY PATRONS’ NEEDS. Le n more about Bak & Taylor’s Scene & He d team: ELITE Helpful personnel focused exclusively on A/V products and customized services to meet continued patron demand PROFICIENT Qualified entertainment content buyers ensure frontlist and backlist titles are available and delivered on time SKILLED Supportive Sales Representatives with an average of 15 years industry experience DEVOTED Nationwide team of A/V processing staff ready to prepare your movie and music products to your shelf-ready specifications KNOWLEDGEABLE Full-time staff of A/V catalogers, backed by their MLS degree and more than 43 years of media cataloging expertise 800-775-2600 x2050 [email protected] www.baker-taylor.com scene & he d Spotlight Review Life Itself HHHH not resuscitate” order until the day he died. Magnolia, 120 min., R, Beginning with Ebert’s definition of cinema DVD: $26.98, Blu-ray: as “a machine that generates empathy,” this BAKER & TAYLOR’S SPECIALIZED A/V TEAM OFFERS $29.98 bio-pic covers Ebert’s career and personal Film critic Roget Eb- life—from his early days at the Chicago Sun- ALL THE PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND EXPERTISE Publisher/Editor: Randy Pitman ert knew he would not Times up through his popular TV show and TO FULFILL YOUR LIBRARY PATRONS’ NEEDS. Associate Editor: Jazza Williams-Wood live to see this docu- final years. While Ebert was both celebrated Copy Editor: Kathleen L. Florio mentary based on his and criticized for his thumbs-up-or-down same-titled 2011 mem- judgments, he was also the first film critic to Editorial Assistant: Chris Pitman oir. In a particularly win a Pulitzer Prize. Included are interviews Graphic Designer: Carol Kaufman poignant scene, Ebert with directors Martin Scorsese, Werner Her- Le n more about Bak & Taylor’s tells director Steve James (Hoop Dreams) that zog, Errol Morris, and Ramin Bahrani, along Marketing Director: Anne Williams his thyroid cancer has metastasized to his with critics A.O. Scott and Richard Corliss. Scene & He d team: spine. Ebert died in April 2013, at the age of Extras include deleted scenes, an interview Contributing Writers 70. Filmed during what would be the last five with director Steve James, and a Sundance ELITE months of his life, the renowned critic here tribute to Ebert. Unflinching and engrossing, Kathleen C. Fennessy, Reviewer, shares his regret that he never got to say good- this inspirational appreciation of America’s Helpful personnel focused exclusively on A/V products and Amazon.com bye to his contentious “frenemy” Gene Siskel, most influential film critic is highly recom- customized services to meet continued patron demand Susan Granger, SSG Syndicate who concealed his brain cancer diagnosis in mended. Editor’s Choice. (S. Granger) 1998, fearing that Disney would replace him Donald Liebenson, Reviewer, Entertainment Weekly, Amazon.com on Siskel & Ebert. That secrecy affected Ebert so much that he was determined not to make PROFICIENT Maureen Puffer-Rothenberg, Librarian, the same mistake, even as numerous surgical VL at ACRL Valdosta State University, GA Qualified entertainment content buyers ensure procedures left him without a lower jaw and Video Librarian will be exhibiting at unable to normally eat, drink, or speak. Ebert’s frontlist and backlist titles are available and Stephen Rees, Librarian, formerly with the Association of College & Research Bucks Co. Free Library, Levittown, PA wife, Chaz, is equally forthcoming, admitting Libraries Annual Conference in Portland, delivered on time for the first time publicly that she met Roger OR, from March 25-27. Please drop by our Frank Swietek, Associate Professor at Alcoholics Anonymous. Chaz also reveals booth (#671) to say hello! of History, University of Dallas, TX that she was not aware that Roger had a “do SKILLED Supportive Sales Representatives Additional Contributors: TABLE OF CONTENTS with an average of 15 years industry Sean Axmaker experience Carson Block Video Newsbriefs 6 Relationships & Sexuality 66 Charles Cassady DEVOTED Books Into Movies 8 Food & Spirits 66 Ted Fry Nationwide team of A/V Fran Gardner Mixed Media 10 Business & Economics 68 processing staff ready to Phil Hall Video Movies 18 Computers & Technology 68 prepare your movie and music products to your shelf-ready Tom Keogh TV on Video 47 Sports, Games & Recreation 69 specifications Michael Sandlin Key to Star Ratings 51 Crafts, Arts & Hobbies 69 Video Reviews The Arts KNOWLEDGEABLE 51 69 Video Librarian (ISSN: 0887-6851) is pub- Children’s 51 ALA-VRT Notable Videos 2015 70 Full-time staff of A/V lished bi-monthly by Video Librarian, 3435 NE Nine Boulder Dr., Poulsbo, WA ALA-ALSC Notable Videos 2015 History & Current Events catalogers, backed by their 98370. Subscriptions: $64 for one year 54 72 MLS degree and more than in the United States; $69 (US) in Canada Psychology & Self-Help 55 Travel & Geography 73 43 years of media cataloging (includes GST); $86 elsewhere. Address all expertise correspondence to Video Librarian, 3435 NE Religion & Philosophy 56 Biography 73 Nine Boulder Dr., Poulsbo, WA 98370. Peri- odicals Postage Paid at Poulsbo, WA and at Social & Political Issues 57 Series Update 79 additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Video Librarian, Teen Issues 60 Japanese Anime 80 3435 NE Nine Boulder Dr., Poulsbo, WA 98370. Copyright © 2015 by Randy Pitman. Education 61 Music/Dance 82 All rights reserved. Telephone/Fax/E-mail Language Arts 62 Distributor Addresses 86 Subscriptions: (800) 692-2270 Nature, Math & Science 62 Title Index 88 Editorial: (360) 626-1259 Advertising: (800) 265-7965 Health & Fitness 63 Advertiser Directory 88 Fax: (360) 626-1260 E-mail: [email protected] Spotlight on Fitness 64 Final Frame 90 Web: www.videolibrarian.com Childbirth & Parenting 65 800-775-2600 x2050 [email protected] www.baker-taylor.com MARCH/APRIL 2015 3 VIDEO LIBRARIAN VIDVID LIBRARIAN LIBRARIAN AD-Sprd_10_Layout AD-Sprd_10_Layout 1 1 2/4/15 2/4/15 1:54 1:54 PM PM Page Page 1 1 VVISIONISION F IFILMSLMS i sis p proudroud t oto a announcennounce i titss e xexpansionpansion i nintoto EdEducatorsucators p pleaselease c ocontact:ntact: s [email protected]@visionfilms.net f oforr u universityniversity c lclassroomassroom p pricing,ricing, s cscreenings,reenings, LiLibrariesbraries a andnd I nInstitutions.stitutions. ststudyudy g guidesuides a andnd s pspeakingeaking e engagments.ngagments. 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