Profile Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg, zt”l A loving daughter speaks of “the power of his mind, the softness of his heart” By Dr. Aviva Weisbord I t was the first day of shiva. It’s hard to say which persona was than surely we had worth in the eyes of Three local rabbis came in and asked predominant in our upbringing, the the Ribbono Shel Olam [God]. For us, “How did your father raise you? truth-seeker or the one whose love was years, one of my sisters was convinced We need to hear as much as possible!” so all-encompassing. My father’s pur- that Hashem looked like our father, That question was repeated throughout suit of truth was legendary. As a child, possibly with a longer beard! Our the shiva and I began to realize that the he decided to learn the fundamental early picture of Hashem as a loving, true question was, “What was it like to purpose of this world and what God caring Being came from this identifica- have a gadol for a father?” wanted from His people. He was tion of Him with our father. The answer to that is quite simple: It determined to set aside all precon- When I was 18 and had all the was exactly the same as having a ga d o l ceived notions, all the stories and inter- answers, I queried my father about an for a reb b i , a guide and advisor — only pretations he had heard and to find the interaction he had just had with a mo r e so. My father was a servant of objective truth of Torah. His way of younger sibling. “I don’t want to judge Hashem and a man of truth, and these life would follow the path set out in you...” I began. He quickly interrupt- qualities permeated ever y aspect of his the words of the Creator and in the ed me: “Of course you should judge life and of our lives with him. Th i s actions of His servants. me. You need to observe and ask means that there was a rare consistency One thing he knew from his studies about what you see. Then you’ll to his existence with no differen c e was that example was far more power- decide if that’s how you want to live be t w een his outside and home worlds. ful than talk. Because of this, my your life. That’s the way you learn.” We lived with the same relentless search father never lectured to us — or at “That’s the way you learn.” Perhaps for truth and for rat z on Has h e m [Go d ’s us; we were to absorb his approach that was the most powerful lesson he will] that all his students experienced, through observing his conduct. At the taught: Think, always think. Think the same gentleness and attentiven e s s same time, he encouraged and even honestly, think fearlessly, think without that he displayed to ever yone — chil- demanded questions from us. And worrying about what others will say or dr en, students, Jew and non-Jew alike. there was never a question undeserving think about you. That’s how to serve Th a t ’s why there wer e no surprises dur- of serious consideration. He listened God, how to discover what He wants ing sh i v a; all the stories had similar intently, with great concentration and from you. themes and paralleled our own experi- patience. Of course, he was always It was not necessarily easy to grow ences. The sheer volume of individuals quick to gently point out any weakness up with this! My father was incapable and communities whose lives my father in the question — “Think again how of evading or sugarcoating the truth. touched took us aback, but every t h i n g that question could be much stronger” He was also very sparing with his else matched what we knew of this — or any flawed assumptions underly- words, unless he saw that the listener unique individual. ing it — “That would be a beautiful needed an elaboration to truly grasp question, if your premise were correct.” the point. One couple told us that Aviva Weisbord is the second of the Knowing that even our silliest ques- they received a halachic decision from Weinbergs’ six children. She is married tions would be heard and judiciously my father that was exceedingly difficult to Rabbi Beryl Weisbord, mashgiach analyzed provided the foundation of to live with. “He had done his job,” ruchani of Ner Israel Rabbinical our self-concept. After all, if this great the husband said. “He gave us the College. Dr.Weisbord is a licensed psy- man, busy with the affairs of the decision. But your father sat with us chologist in private practice in Jewish Nation throughout the world, for over an hour, giving us the strength Baltimore. thought our existence was worthwhile, JEWISH ACTION Winter 5760/1999 (continued from page 26) we were walking. I commented to my no obligation to commit suicide. At to carry out the halachah. It was an father, “Wow! Now that’s something that instant, I understood that my cur- incredible example of the power of his to aim for!” rent behavior was killing me. Those mind combined with the softness of “Look how the American culture has ten minutes with him saved my life.” his heart.” rubbed off on you,” he responded. There was never any burden too My siblings and I sensed that my Thirty years later, that comment still heavy for him to lift off of our shoul- fa t h e r ’s method of teaching bore a strik- helps me maintain my focus. ders or our hearts. There was never a ing resemblance to Rashi’s description I’m not the only one whose perspec- request that went unanswered or an of Moshe and Aharon in Exodus (7:2), tive was changed with a small com- hour that was too late to offer comfort, “M oshe transmitted exactly as he heard ment or an aside from my father. His solace and advice. Our parents went it from Hashem and then on a weekly four-hour Ah a r on would present it in round-trip to teach in a small a more palatable fashion to community of unaffiliated Pha ro a h ”: He pres e n t e d Jews. Many times they didn’t the unvarnished truth, but get home until 2:00 in the he was able to give it over morning, but if my father in a manner that could found a note on his pillow, readily be understood and he would meet us at 6:30 acted upon. a.m. to help us with our For example, I remem- homework. ber walking out of the Ironically, as accessible as neighborhood grocery as a he was to family, talmidim nine-year-old, having and total strangers, my father spent a nickel for an ice was such a complex person cream cone. I was joyous- that it was difficult to fully ly licking it when I met know him. We used to say my father walking home that only two people truly from the yeshivah. He understood my father: Rav took one look at me, Yitzchok Hutner, zt”l, and smiled and said, “Haochel my mother. Theirs was a rare bashuk domeh lekelev.” partnership, spanning 54 [Talmudic saying: “Eating years of building, working in the street is canine and reaching out to others as behavior.”] I heard the an Avrohom and Sarah team. love and gentle humor Most of the time, my and accepted the rebuke. father waited for us to From then on, I took my approach him with our ques- chances on the ice cream tions, problems, or issues. arriving somewhat melted, However, if he saw some- when I could eat it in the thing that needed improve- privacy of my home. ment or redirection, he made With one short sen- Rabbi Shmuel Yaakov Weinberg, 1923-1999 sure to let us know. It was tence, this master teacher the same way in the world of could accomplish months’ worth of talmidim [students], as well as strangers the yeshivah. He never imposed his growth in his children or a re-ordering who heard him speak, or people who will but was there to make an impact of our priorities. Although sometimes went to him for advice have mentioned when a student was ready for it. But if it was not pleasant or inviting to con- to me again and again how a single he saw a need, whether in an individ- template change, we were able to comment turned around their thinking ual or the Klal, he took the initiative to accept his words with complete trust, and even redirected their lives. meet it. That’s why he took a strong knowing that he always spoke truth One young man in his 20s told me stand in the late ’50s to start the and that whatever our father said was a he was caught in a relationship dilem- Mechinah [preparatory] program at reflection of God’s will and came from ma and had been immobilized for Ner Israel. Even my grandfather, Rav pure love. When vinyl tops were first months. “The Rosh Hayeshivah told me Ruderman, zt”l, who had so coura- introduced on cars back in the late that while it’s true that I’m obligated to geously founded the yeshivah with his ’60s, I saw one of the newer models as be sensitive to the other person, there is JEWISH ACTION Winter 5760/1999 rebbetzin in the hostile American cli- teach secular and non-Orthodox thought and depth of understanding mate of the ’30s, hesitated to commit groups, he persevered in his efforts, as req u i r ed to navigate the rivers of Tora h the yeshivah to this kind of expansion.
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