SOUTH BRUNSWICK, KENDALL PARK, NEW JERSEY, APRIL 2, 19.70 Newsstand 10c per copy Two suits have been filed in ~stffl5tlall5rTrrtpair thedntent and- ~ The doctrine "of res judicata fer undue hardship if he could" the Superior Court of New purpose of the zone plan and states that-a matter already re ­ not uso the premises for his Jersey against South Brunswick zoning ordinance. solved on its merits cannot be work, in which he porforms Township as the result of zon­ litigated , again unless the matter light maintenance : and minor The bank contends further has been substantially changed. ing application decisions made that the Township Committee repairs on tractor-trailer at the Feb. 3 Township Commit­ usurped the function of the Mr. Miller contends that in trucks used to haul material tee meeting^ Board of Adjustment by con­ failing to approve the recom­ for several concerns. ducting Wo separate- public mendation of the Board of Ad­ The First National Bank of justment and in denying the ap­ The character of existing Cranbury has filed a civil ac­ hearings of its own in addition to the one'held by the Board of Ad­ plication, the Township Com­ uses in surrounding properties tion against the, township, the is in keeping with his property, justment. ... ............ : mittee was arbitrary, capri-_ Board of Adjustment and the -clous,- unreasonable; discrlm.- he contends, and special .rea­ First Charter—National—Bank- - Further, the bank says thew inatory, confiseatory-and con­ sons exist for grhntlngthe vari­ in an effort to overturn the' committee granted the variance trary to law. ance. Township Committee's ap­ without having first obtained a proval of the latter bank's ap­ review by_the PlanningBoard of He contends in the suit the Mr. Miller also contends the plication to per mlf construction ' off-street " parking ' require­ promises - arp located in a light - Township Committee-failed- to of a : bank on Georges Road, ments or a site plan approval by ' industrial zone and the char-' make its determination from the Dayton. the Middlesex County .Planning acter of the neighborhood, is record produced by the Board Board. such that adjoining proppjties of Adjustment, and that the pur­ Richard L. Miller, whose bid would not be adversely affected. ported reasons for denial were to be permitted to build a ga­ It consequently asks that the He also™ alleges he would be not based on nor substantiated rage on Route 1 was denied by by the record. the Township Committee, has- .variance be'set aside and the ‘ eparably damaged and suf­ flled a suit to overturn that de- application'll eniedr“— — cision. In the second suit, Mr. Mtllej Listed as defendants in that of R.D. 2, Monmouth Junctii suit are the Township Commit­ states that he has property of tee, the township, and Walter 1,600 feet in depth with 246- Shouse, building inspector. foot frontage on Route 1 between According to the complaint New Road and Stouts Lane, filed by tho First National Bank which is, ' located in a light “Of“ Cranbury7 which has plans-----industrial zone, where tho frontage requirement Is HOC to locate a building near the dent of South Brunswick and a feet. * A three-part arts program First Charter National Bank has been set up by tho South" member of the .Library Board, site, the Board of Adjustment M r.’Miller applied for a zon­ Brunswlck Public Library in lias consented to have the li­ conducted a public; hearing on ing and uso permit in October recognition of emphasis on the brary show color art slides the use variance application on 1969 from the building inspector arts during- National Library of his work at various after­ Dec. 17 and subsequently rec- for permission to use a personal Week, Apr. 12-18. noon and hvenlnghoiirs through- brnnTonded'~{fie‘T6wii3nip"CS!ir=-'' garagFtobo' constructed’ on’tho - out the week. mittee grant the variance. George Segal,, internation­ property for housing and ser­ These slides will bo shown vicing tractor-trailer trucks. ally-known sculptor and resl- The Township Committee - with appropriate recorded' mu­ conducted a public hearing on The application was denied sical accompaniment. the application on Jan. 20, a because it was. for a personal A musical activity program' hearing which was adjourned garage in a light Industrial zone Church Will until Feb. 3, at which time for pre-school age children will on a lot lacking required front- be initiated and will run through “the variance was granted, - age. - - - - - — — -—:------ Present- TDrug-- spring". '. '" ' ~ Accbrding___to the.; com­ Mr. Miller later applied to Parents Interested in having plaint, the lot lrivolved-.falls - the Board of Adjustment for a their children participate in the partly within a residential i iTsS varlancp._and after a public Abuse Movie program for three - to - five partly within a commercial hearing in DeceniberT thebpard year-olds" "sUbuld contact" tho - zone, and, as a "transitional recommended — the Township" ILbeSeekers," a'30-minutecol- library to register as soon as lot", can be utilized for pro-, Committee grant the applica­ orfllm ~'about—drug-abuse, will possible, since registration will fesslonal and business- offices'- tion. , be shown; In the sanctUary~bf- tin —be limited, provided the building is resi­ Community Presbyterian Church A serlos orsketclringclassos- dential in character. Mr. Miller Had earlier re- of the Sand Hills,. Cuyler Road, wlll also begin Saturday, Apr. - '... , , , - quested a similar-variance at Kendall Parkpon Saturday, April 18, at 10 a.m. Registration The First National-Bankjrf ...whtch tln l0 the garage wastobe IT, at 7:30 p.m. will be at tho library and par­ • Cranbury says-that the Ftost - 5el back 250. feet. The later ticipants only need to supply Charter Bank did not r equest a applicatlon called for a set back The film, originally produced a regular pencllr charcoal penj/ vaHancejfrom-tnese provisions_____^Q£^gQ for.tho N. Y. State Narcotics Con cil, and a sketch pad.' or show special reasons why it trol Commission,-features-lnter- _ ---------- _0- -should not conform with-those _The Township CorfJBiltteef,' viewk with former teenage drug provisions. The plaintiff con­ _ whichVHad-previously denied the addlctsand is geared to the teen­ tends' the building Is not.resf-" first application, consequently^ age and college ago group. "Library Booked " " -dentlal In character. ruled It must .deny- the-second '"Fono\vIng:.ihe_fy m ,th e .. also, since the two applications, .The South BrunsWek Public Li- " . The First National Bank of Paul C.-_Walker, minister of the brary; meeting room will be used It felt, were substantially the _Tfadit?onally. March Is supposed to come in liken lion and go out _ Easter. Sunday, but also with this spring lamb now being the tender .Cranbury, also contends the church,- will moderate* a discus­ byjhe "Sayrevlllcroffice of the U.S. - variance cannot be done without same and It was barred from sion. —----- " ----------------- Census Bureau tO"train ccnsus en­ like a lamb. But this year It was more the reverse, not only with one age of two months. The lamb and its mother, along with others, substantial detriment to the granting' the variance by the All adults and'teenagers' are In­ umerators . on Apr. _8, - 100,, 15,_and , of the worst snow storms of the season falling upon the area on roam the orchard and field at Cortelyou Farms. * public good and will sub- doctrine of res judicata. vited to attend. 20. ' ' '— Z S Bank Hopes To Start Construction American Legion Post 401 Breaks Of $200,000 Facility This Week round For 1st 1ermanent Home Ground breaking ceremonies Bank Is about to open a new of Newark, the forming of a directors, administrative offi­ Ground breaking ceremonies Estimated cost of the bulld- Tho post was chartered In A member of the Dayton were held recently for the new office In Spotswood and has oth -_ . - holding company to be called cers and staff. ------- ■ for the first permanent home -ing^ Is $17,000. The approxl- 1948 and Incorporated In 1957 Presbyterinn Church and stu-' South Brunswick office of the er offices In Metuchen', North Fidelity Union Bancorporation. Formation of this new. of the Dt.John Farnkopf Ameri­ mately~50 members of the post' and named In honor of a local dent In local schools, ho enlist­ National Bank of New Jersey to , Brunswick, Middlesex,'’and Now company’’ will enable The Na­ can Legion Post 401, to be built have been meetlng'at the-Mon- . fighter pilot who died during ed In the Air Force In 1943 ■ 'be constructed at the corner —Brunswick. ___ _ Under theproposal ea’chofthe tional Bank ■ of New Jersey to on Major Road, Monmouth Juno— mouth Junction First Aid Squad World War 11. ' and received his wings and of New Road and Route -277 affiliating banks -will become; bring expanded services Into tion, were held Saturday. Building.' , Lt. Farnkopf was- born.in ^commission fronf the Air Force Last month Mr. Hill an­ Monmouth Junction In 1923 Jt will replace the bank's subsidiaries of the new holding the 1 greater Middlesex County Plans for the post, to be com­ Members of the building com­ School~at-Foster Field in Vic- nounced in a joint statement present office located-in the company and will retain Its re- area, Including special loanar- pleted by the, end of the sum­ mittee ar e Edward Breese, John - on- his—grandfather's' farm on -torla-,-TeKr-"7 tt-- iV,.............- ..Kendall Park Shopping Center. with C. Malcolm Davis.chalr- • spectlve corporate name and ■ rangements and trust services, mer, call for a. frame colonial Major Road which Is adjacent In August 1944, Lt. Farnkppf man of the-boahd of directors, Identity, and will continue' to and to" enter the International structure compatible with SW7 Dye J r ., Francis Hansen, James to the s ite .
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