1490 CLOVE ROAD. STATEN ISLAND, NY 10301 WE SELL BREAKFAST Tel: (718) 816-1700 6:30AM - 11AM ATM AVAILABLE STORE HOURS: SEAFOOD DEPARTMENT WE TAKE PHONE ORDERS MON-SUN 7 AM - 9 PM NOW OPEN!! WE GLADLY ACCEPT: WWW. OLIVETREEMARKETPLACE.COM WE CATER FOR ALL OCCASIONS! FREE DELIVERY EBT, FOOD STAMPS, #OliveTreeMarketplaceSI WITH ADD’L $50.00 MINIMUM PURCHASE MANUFACTURERES COUPON facebook.com/OliveTreeMarketplaceSI PRICES EFFECTIVE: FRI SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU APR 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Grocery Sales More Savings! Assorted Varieties Malt-O-Meal Bag Cereal 2/$ 16-25 oz5 bag $ 29 Canola, Corn or $ 99 $ 99 Assorted Varieties Café Bustelo 3. Wesson 6 Jack Frost 1 Libby's or Café Pilon 10 oz Vegetable Oil gallon Sugar 4 lb Vegetables Coffee can jug bag 5/$ Produce Department 14-15 oz4 U.S. #1 can Idaho Yellow Assorted Varieties Potatoes Onions Chef BoyArDee Meat Pasta 2/$ ¢ . ¢ 5 Lb 5 79 lb Bag 9914-15 oz can Assorted Varieties- (excludes Lasagna) Luigi Vitelli California Mango Pasta Navel Oranges ¢ 4 lb bag Spring Mix, Baby Spinach, Premium Romaine or 9916 oz Dole pkg $ 99 4/$ . 2/$ Italian, American . 4 . 5 each each or Very Veggie 5-126 oz Riceland bag Extra Long Meat Specials Grain Rice USDA Inspected Beef Western Grain Fed Pork $ 99 Top Round Whole 50 lb19 Steak Pork Spare Ribs bag Better Valu $ 39 $ 99 Evaporated Filled Milk 3. 1. lb lb 4/$ 12 oz 3 can USDA Inspected Beef Western Grain Fed Pork Assorted Varieties Top Round Smoked Whole Betty Crocker Beef Roast Pork Shoulder Hamburger Helper $ 99 $ 59 3/$ Farm Fresh 2 1 5.1-6.9 oz5 lb lb Quartered ¢ box Chicken Legs 69lb Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch or General Mills Multi-Grain Dairy or Honey-Nut Cheerios Assorted Grapefruit, Trop 50 or Original or Light 2/$ Tropicana Orange I Can't Believe 16-18 oz7 Juice or Blends It's Not Butter box 2/$ $ 99 Assorted Varieties Nissin 59 oz 6 45 6oz carafe tub Ramen Noodles 6 Pack Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties 3/$ Tropicana Chobani 3 oz 5 pkgs Punches or Ades Assorted Varieties Greek Yogurt La Yogurt Assorted Varieties(exl.Prem, Steel,Protein& Glutn) $ 69 3/$ Quaker Instant Yogurt 10/$ 88 . 59 1oz 5.3 oz 3 Oatmeal crtn cup 46 oz cup 2/$ 11-15 oz7 Frozen box Assorted Varieties Reg Cut, Steak Fry, Crinkle Cut or Shoestring Ellios 6 or 9 Parade Assorted Varieties Slice Pizza Potatoes Capri Sun Drinks 10 Pk $ 99 2/$ . 2/$ 14.76-18.92 oz 28-32 oz5 box bag 6 oz 5 pouches 24 count Assorted Varieties 40 ct Family Parade Size Totino's Parade Waffles Assorted Varieties Pizza Rolls Apple Juice $ 99 Banquet $ 99 Classic or Basic 3/$ 2/$ 30 3oz 19.82 oz 64 oz 3 pkg Meals box 6.7-11.884 oz btl box We reserve the right to limit sales to 1 per family. Prices effective this store only. Not responsible for typographic errors. Some pictures are for design purposes only and do not necessarily represent items on sale. Groceries Canola, Corn or Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties- (excludes Lasagna) Jack Frost Wesson Riceland Café Bustelo Malt-O-Meal Chef Boyardee Luigi Vitelli Sugar Vegetable Oil Extra Long or Café Pilon Bag Cereal Meat Pasta Pasta Grain Rice Coffee $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 $ 29 2/$ ¢ ¢ . 1 4 lb 6 gallon 19 50 lb 3 10 oz 16-255 oz 9914-15 oz 9916 oz bag jug bag can bag can pkg Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Non Dairy Café La Llave Café La Llave Café La Llave Eight O'Clock Folgers Tetley Coffee-Mate Sugar Sweet N Low Espresso Decaf Espresso Espresso Coffee Instant Coffee Tea Bags Coffee in the Raw Sweetener Creamer 2/$ 2/$ $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 $ 69 $ 49 $ 99 4. 5. 2. 5. 4. 2 4. 3. 1. 8.8 oz 8.8 oz 10 oz 11-12 oz 8 oz 72-100 ct 22 oz 2 lb 100 ct brick brick can bag jar box btl box box Assorted Flavors Peanut Butter, Berries or Original Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, MultiGrain or Assorted Varieties - Raisin Bran, Mini Wheats, or SteelCut, Gluten Free, Antioxidants, Fiber, or Assorted Varieties(Excl.Prem, Steel,Protein & Glutn) Original or Sugar-Free Kind Cap'n Crunch General Mills Kellogg's Kelloggs Post Honey Ouaker Quaker Mrs. Buttersworth Healthy Grains Cereal Honey-Nut Corn Flakes Rice Krispies Bunches of Protein Instant Syrup Clusters Cheerios Cereal Oats Oatmeal Oatmeal $ 99 $ 88 2/$ 2/$ $ 49 $ 99 2/$ 2/$ 2/$ 3. 2. 7. 5. 2. 4. 7. 7. 7. 11 oz 12.5-14 oz 16-18 oz 13.5-18.7 oz 12 oz 28 oz 9-13 oz 11-15 oz 24 oz pouch box box box box box box box btl Nature Valley Oat Squares & Cups or Assorted Varieties Multi-Grain, Rice, or Oatmeal Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Ibarra Fiber-One Quaker Beech-Nut HappyBaby HappyTOT Apple & Eve Mott’s Mott’s Mexican 90 Calorie & Chewy Baby Cereal Stage 2 Stage 4 Apple Juice 100% Apple Apple Juice Chocolate Regular Bars Granola Bars Blends Blends Juice 6 pk $ 69 2/$ 2/$ $ 49 2/$ 2/$ $ 49 2/$ 2/$ 3. 6. 6. 2. 3. 3. 2 6. 5. 19 oz 4.1-7.44 oz 6.1-7.4 oz 8 oz 4 oz 4.22 oz 48 oz 8 oz 64 oz pkg box box canister pouch pouch btl btl btl Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties All Flavors Parade Northland Dole Apple & Eve Juicy Juice Capri Sun Hawaiian Punch Sunny D Azul Apple Juice Cranberry Pineapple Sesame St 100% Juice Drinks 10 Pk Fruit Juicy Red Drinks Coconut Juice Juice Juice 6 Pk Juices 8 pk With Pieces 2/$ 2/$ $ 99 2/$ $ 49 2/$ 3/$ 4/$ ¢ 3. 6. 2. 5. 3. 5. 4. 5. 99 64 oz 64 oz 6 oz 4 oz 64 oz 6 oz 64 oz 64 oz 16.5 oz btl btl cans boxes btl pouches btl btl can Mango, Guava or Strawberry/Banana Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties 20 & 28 Qt Mira Del Monte Sun Maid Mott’s 4 C Better Valu Pompeian Colavita Colavita Tropical Nectars Pitted Prunes Raisins Applesauce Iced Tea Evaporated Canola & Olive Extra Virgin Pure Olive Oil 3 Pack Mixes Filled Milk Oil Blend Olive Oil 4/$ $ 49 $ 49 2/$ $ 99 4/$ $ 88 $ 99 $ 99 5. 2. 2. 4. 4. 3. 8. 7. 6. 6.7 oz 7 oz 9 oz 23-24 oz 50.2-70.3 oz 12 oz gallon 17 oz 17 oz crtns box box jar canstr can jug btl btl Superfine, Honey, Maple or Traditional, Fudge or Dark Chocolate Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Regular or Mini Domino Golden Blossom Betty Crocker Cake Mate Pop Secret Betty Crocker Quaker Pringles Parade Light Brown Honey Brownie Mix Candles Microwave Fruit Snacks Rice Cakes Potato Snacks Marshmallows Sugar Popcorn Mega Pack $ 99 $ 99 4/$ ¢ $ 69 2/$ 2/$ $ 99 ¢ 1. 3. 5. 99 2. 4. 4. 1. 99 9-12 oz 12 oz 18.3-19.9 oz 24 - 36 ct 4.8-9.6 oz 8 oz 4.4-7.23 oz 6.8-7.1 oz 10 oz cntnr btl box box box box pkg cntr bag Plain or Plain or Iodized Assorted Varieties Regular or Light Original or Light Diamond Crystal Morton Mc Cormick McCormick McCormick McCormick Knorr Hellmann's Hidden Valley Iodized Salt Salt Parsley Flakes Onions Minced Garlic Minced Grinders Chicken Mayo Ranch Dressing Bouillion ¢ ¢ $ 59 $ 49 $ 99 $ 49 $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 99 99 1. 2. 2. 2. 6. 3. 1. 4 lb 26 oz .25 oz 2 oz 3 oz .22 - .5 oz 35.3 oz 20 oz 8 oz box canister btl btl btl btl jar squeeze btl Assorted Varieties in Oil or Water in Oil or Water Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Luigi Vitelli Parade Del Monte Sweet Baby Ray's Starkist Chicken of the Sea Icy Point Libby's Hormel Balsamic Yellow Ketchup Barbecue Sauce Chunk Light Solid White Tuna Pink Salmon Vegetables Chili With Vinegar Mustard Tuna Beans $ 49 ¢ ¢ $ 99 ¢ 4/$ $ 79 5/$ 2/$ 2. 88 99 1. 99 5. 2. 4. 4. 17 oz 20 oz 24 oz 18 oz 5 oz 5 oz 14.75 oz 14-15 oz 15 oz btl squeeze btl btl can can can can can Assorted Varieties Regular or Spiral Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties White or Brown Pampeano Betty Crocker Parade Idahoan Idahoan 4 C Jack Rabbit Bombay Carolina Corned Beef Hamburger Macaroni & Mashed Mashed Bread Crumbs Small White Basmati Rice Whole Grain Helper Cheese Potatoes Potatoes or Lentil Beans Brown Rice $ 99 3/$ 2/$ $ 29 $ 99 $ 69 2/$ $ 99 4/$ 2. 5. 1. 1. 2. 1. 3. 5. 5. 12 oz 5.1-6.9 oz 5.5 -7.25 oz 4-4.1 oz 26.2 oz 8-15 oz 16 oz 4 lb 1 lb can box box pouch box canister bag bag bag Original or Gold Parboiled Long Grain Assorted Varieties Plus, Collezione or Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties 150 or Shapes, Bows or Spirals Assorted Varieties Riceland Uncle Ben's Barilla Luigi Vitelli Luigi Vitelli Luigi Vitelli No Yolks Ronzoni Wacky Mac Parade Extra Long Parboiled Rice Gluten Free Fideos Organic Whole Potato Gnocchi Noodles Quick Cook Veggie Pasta Grated Grain Rice Pasta Wheat Pasta Pasta Pasta Cheese 2/$ $ 99 $ 99 ¢ $ 29 $ 69 $ 99 $ 59 2/$3 $129 6 9 1 9912 oz 1 16 oz 117.6 oz 1 12 oz 1 5 lb 10 lb 12-16 oz 10-16 oz 12 oz 3 oz bag bag box pkg pkg pkg pkg box pkg jar Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Red Pack Cento Parade Ragu Hunt's Luigi Vitelli Victoria Nissin Nissin Nissin or Tuttorosso Tomato Paste Crushed or Whole Spaghetti Spaghetti White Clam Pasta Sauce Bowl Noodles or Cup Noodle Ramen Noodles Tomato Sauce Tomatoes Sauce Sauce Sauce Ramen Bowls Very Veggie 6 Pack 5/$ 5/$ $ 19 $ 69 ¢ $ 99 $ 49 5/$ 5/$4 3/$5 2 3 1 221.5-45 oz 9924 oz 1 15 oz 4 24 oz 4 8 oz 6 oz 28 oz 3-3.31 oz 2.6 oz 3 oz can can can jar can can jar bowl cup pkgs Non - Foods Double Roll Assorted Scents Blue Sparkle or Green Burst Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties Parade Parade Tide Simply Snuggle Clorox Sun Marcal Fitti Bath Tissue Paper Towels Liquid Detergent Fabric Softener Concentrated Dish Detergent Napkins Diapers or 4 Pack 12 Pack Bleach Training Pants $ 69 $ 99 $ 99 $ 99 $ 79 3/$ $ 99 $ 99 .
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