E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 2018 No. 62 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was until word came out about the expose Congress: Why isn’t anyone doing any- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- on CBS, its stock was doing pretty thing about it? Where is the FAA? pore (Mr. BISHOP of Utah). well, too. Where is the DOT and the committees In order to reward investors while f of jurisdiction here in the House of still selling seats at rock-bottom tick- Representatives? I hear the Senators DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO et prices, however, Allegiant pushes are doing something about it. TEMPORE their aging, secondhand fleet of 99 out- Why have there been no hearings and The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- dated aircraft beyond their limits. But, so little response from the Federal fore the House the following commu- hey, apparently, in corporate America, Government? ‘‘60 Minutes’’ made a nication from the Speaker: profits are more important than peo- compelling case that the regulators are ple, even if carrying people safely is WASHINGTON, DC, not doing their jobs. Host Steve Kroft April 17, 2018. supposed to be your main concern. said: ‘‘Over the last 3 years, the FAA So far, the only thing to crash with I hereby appoint the Honorable ROB BISHOP has switched its priorities from ac- to act as Speaker pro tempore on this day. this airline is its high-flying stock tively enforcing safety rules with fines, PAUL D. RYAN, price, which is down 11 percent since warning letters, and sanctions, which Speaker of the House of Representatives. word of the CBS story first came out, become part of the public record’’—so f because ‘‘60 Minutes’’ documented inci- we would all know about the safety of dent after incident—more than 100 in a MORNING-HOUR DEBATE these airlines—‘‘to working quietly less than 2 years—of aborted takeoffs, with the airlines behind the scenes to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- unscheduled landings, smoke-filled fix the problems’’—yes, at the backs of ant to the order of the House of Janu- cabins, cabin-pressure loss, and other the American people that they are sup- emergency situations. ary 8, 2018, the Chair will now recog- posed to protect. A former prosecutor at the FAA with nize Members from lists submitted by This airline, Allegiant, with 3.5 times 30 years of experience says: ‘‘You the majority and minority leaders for as many serious emergency incidents know, if, God forbid, there is an acci- morning-hour debate. as any other airline, might be a special dent, I think there will be a lot of peo- The Chair will alternate recognition case or it might just be typical, but we ple saying, ‘Well, we knew. We knew between the parties. All time shall be just don’t know. And the American equally allocated between the parties, and we did nothing.’’’ Mr. Speaker, Allegiant Air is a trag- people just don’t know. and in no event shall debate continue If the FAA isn’t doing a good job of beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other edy waiting to happen. And they really should know better, and we as a coun- making sure Allegiant Air is safe, what than the majority and minority leaders try should know better, because the else are we missing about the airlines? and the minority whip, shall be limited CEO of Allegiant is none other than We ought to demand that the experts to 5 minutes. one of the founders of ValuJet. inside and outside of Congress get the f Do you remember them? They were facts and all the people are account- able. ALLEGIANT AIR the cut-rate airline that was appar- ently cutting corners on safety to Now, I understand that the dirtiest The SPEAKER pro tempore. The boost their position with stockholders. word in the conservative dictionary is Chair recognizes the gentleman from But they aren’t flying anymore be- ‘‘regulation,’’ and, frankly, it is not Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. cause ValuJet flight 592, with 110 peo- clear that the downside in regulatory ´ Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, the ple on board, plunged into the Ever- oversight happened exclusively or even CBS News program ‘‘60 Minutes’’ de- glades after taking off from Miami more rapidly since our current busi- voted more than half their show on International Airport 22 years ago. nessman and TV host President took Sunday to a 7-month investigation into What we learned after the fact was office; but I think it is clear that fol- Allegiant Air, a low-budget airline that the airline drove up profits, lowing the rules being transparent and based in Las Vegas. pushed its fleet to the edge, took extra being accountable in American indus- The segment was called ‘‘Allegiant freight in cargo holds to make extra try, especially the airline industry Air: The Budget Airline Flying Under money, and cut corners on the safety of where millions of lives are at stake the Radar.’’ According to CBS, Alle- its passengers. And you know what every day, ought to be a top priority. giant is one of the most profitable air- happened. People died. When I sit down to dinner with my lines in the U.S. and made a healthy We have seen this before, which leads family, I want to know the chicken and profit for 60 straight months. And up to the very important question for vegetables on my plate are safe to eat. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H3345 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:52 Apr 17, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17AP7.000 H17APPT1 lotter on DSK3G9T082PROD with HOUSE H3346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 17, 2018 My car, my gadgets, and my flight Banquet. This wonderful event will knowing this man was the attorney for home all deserve rigorous scrutiny. I take place this Thursday, and this the President—and authorize the war- want to know that the water my grand- year’s festivities will be extra special rant and to know his job was on the son drinks is clean. because we will be celebrating the 50th line and his neck was on the line The American people are losing con- anniversary of the University of Miami showed great courage, something we fidence, Mr. Speaker, that the people Sports Hall of Fame. all in America should respect and hold who are supposed to be watching out I am a proud University of Miami up as an admirable quality in a man for us are really watching out for us Hurricane, where I earned my doc- who exhibits the best characteristics of when we eat, drink, breathe, travel. torate in education. I am married to our citizenry. There is a big drive in Congress to Dexter, a fellow UM Cane. My stepson Then Mr. Rosenstein, a learned attor- cut government budgets, cut red tape, and daughter-in-law, Dougie and Lind- ney who didn’t feel that attorney-cli- crusade against regulation. The other say, are graduates of University of ent privilege was being infringed upon, side demonizes regulation almost as Miami Law School, as is my step- sent the case to the Southern District much as the President demonizes im- daughter Katherine Lehtinen. So the of New York, where other lawyers who migrants. But I just want to make sure Lehtinen clan, we are real boosters of were trained took the case to a judge, that, when the Federal Government the University of Miami Hurricanes, who was also learned in the law, who and this Congress are cutting budgets, and we wish all the best to the guests said the warrant should issue. we are not cutting corners that allow and participants of the banquet. Attorney-client privilege is alive and airplanes with Americans on them, Congratulations to the University of is being dealt with in the proper fash- with anybody on them, with human Miami for its Sports Hall of Fame 50th ion in Judge Wood’s courtroom. She is beings on them, to fly out of the sky so Anniversary. properly seeing to it that it is re- that companies can make better prof- Go Canes. spected, but that information that is its. f not that of an attorney-client privilege The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- will be revealed to the American pub- ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGE bers are reminded to refrain from en- lic. gaging in personalities toward the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The For some reason, a lot of people President. Chair recognizes the gentleman from today who normally are talking about f Tennessee (Mr. COHEN) for 5 minutes. the Second Amendment are talking Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, on this about attorney-client privilege like it CONGRATULATING UM-NSU CARD day, as a lawyer and as a Congressman, is the biggest legal principle in our ON 25TH ANNIVERSARY I want to express my appreciation for country’s fabric. What is more impor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the Department of Justice, the FBI, tant than anything—and attorney-cli- Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from Mr.
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