SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 29, 2019 Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time tithing. In a daily Morning Offering we thank God for the Prosperity: Blessing or Curse? new day of opportunities and dedicate ourselves to living Dear People and Friends of Saint Joseph’s, these opportunities as a living offering of gratitude. Congratulations and Thank You to Father Tithing expresses our thankfulness to the Lord by Deogratias and the Eastern African dedicating the first 10% of our resources Community for a beautiful Mass in to the Lord and his work. Rooted in the Swahili followed by a reception last Scriptures, stewardship tithing springs Sunday and for the beginning of the from a true spirit of gratitude and new ministry at Saint Joseph’s to dependence on God. those from Eastern Africa — Ten percent can seem to be an Tanzania, Kenya, the Democratic extremely large amount, because we are Republic of the Congo, and Uganda. accustomed to using ALL 100% of our Thank you to all those who do not Time, Talent, and Treasure the way we speak Swahili, but were present to want. It can be unnerving to consider support our newest brothers and sisters to Cabbage Hill. giving away or returning to the Lord 10% of what we Today’s Scriptures provide a challenging have received; yet all we have, including the commentary on prosperity and success. Still ringing in opportunities for prosperity, come from the Lord. Tithing our ears are the words from last Sunday’s Gospel, “You is not equal giving, but equal sacrifice for the good of the cannot serve both God and mammon” (wealth). Most Gospel in proportion to our prosperity. people seek prosperity and success. Yet are they May all our opportunities be Blessings for us, blessings or curses for them? including our use of Time for “Discovering Christ.” In and of themselves, possessions and success are In the Peace of Christ, neither, but instead are the opportunity to be a blessing Fr. Allan Wolfe or a curse, depending on our response. The Lord is generous. Yet, this generosity must be seen as an Sacred Scripture for this Week opportunity to build up relationships—with the Lord and with others— and to serve. Otherwise, prosperity and Sunday, September 29 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time success very quickly can turn us toward the curses of First Reading: Amos 6:1a, 4-7 ingratitude, selfishness and indifference. Additionally, Second Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-16 having wealth or seeking wealth can lead us to depend Gospel: Luke 16:19-31 Monday, September 30 - Saint Jerome on and trust in it, instead of trusting in the LORD. First Reading: Zechariah 8:1-8 Gospel: Luke 9:46-50 The rich man in Jesus’ parable did nothing overtly evil to Lazarus. The rich man’s sin, passive as it was, was Tuesday, October 1 - Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus First Reading: Zechariah 8:20-23 grave, for he was indifferent to Lazarus’ plight. He seems Gospel: Luke 9:51-56 not to have even noticed him at his doorstep. So self- Wednesday, October 2 - The Holy Guardian Angels absorbed and filled with self-gratification, the rich man First Reading: Nehemiah 2:1-8 allowed his riches and success to become walls that Gospel: Matthew 18:1-5, 10 Thursday, October 3 blocked out compassion, sensitivity and love for others. First Reading: Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12 Gospel: Luke 10:1-12 These same traps of prosperity can be lying in wait for us, even if we do not consider ourselves rich. The Friday, October 4 - Saint Francis of Assisi - First Friday antidote to becoming infected with indifference, First Reading: Baruch 1:15-22 Gospel: Luke 10:13-16 ungratefulness, and self-centeredness is the awareness Saturday, October 5 - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos - that our blessings all come from God as opportunities for First Saturday us to care for one another. This awareness that these First Reading: Baruch 4:5-12, 27-29 Gospel: Luke 10:17-24 blessings are undeserved, and yet appreciated, directs us to be thankful stewards instead of stingy owners. Sunday, October 6 - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time As Intentional Disciples, two important practices First Reading: Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2:2-4 reinforce this awareness—a daily Morning Offering and Second Reading: 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14 Gospel: Luke 17:5-10 SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 29, 2019 This Week at Saint Joseph’s Saturday, September 28 Saturday, October 5 - Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos - ? Change margin to get most 4:00 pm Confessions First Saturday 5:00 pm Mass - Intention of David & Patricia Nicklaus (Elaine 8:15 am Mass - Thomas Crimmins (Maureen & Dave Ginther) Fritz) Sunday, September 29 - Twenty-Sixth Sunday 9:30 am Legion of Mary Day of Spirituality - Church 4:00 pm Confessions in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Mass - People of the Parish 7:30 am Confessions 8:00 am Mass - Ed Darrenkamp & Ted Martin (John F. Sunday, October 6 - Twenty-Seventh Sunday Kirchner) in Ordinary Time 7:30 am Confessions 9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing 8:00 am Mass - Pat Kachnoskie (Mike & Pat McGee) 9:15 am CCD - Religious Education Building 9:15 am Tipitina’s - Hospitality, Friendship, Faith Sharing 10:00 am Confessions 9:15 am CCD - Religious Education Building 10:30 am Mass - People of the Parish 10:00 am Confessions 12:45 pm Confessions 10:30 am Mass - Cheryl A. Smythe (Mary Byerly & Family) 1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - Mr. & Mrs. Angel 12:45 pm Confessions Bustillo (Robert Carballo) 1:30 pm Mass - Extraordinary Form - Intention of Joan Monday, September 30 - Saint Jerome DeBakey 6:30 am Mass - Michael Gallagher (JMR) LEGION OF MARY: Legion of Mary’s Day of Spirituality will 9:00 am Legion of Mary - Good Shepherd Room be held at St. Joseph Church on October 5 starting at 7:00 pm RCIA - Religious Education Building 9:30am with registration followed by recitation of 7:00 pm Boy Scouts - Scout Room the Rosary at 10:00am, Legion Tessera prayers, Tuesday, October 1 - Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus Confession, Mass, Lunch and concluding with 6:30 am Mass - Thaddeus Eshleman (Linares Family) Benediction at 2:00pm. Calls will be made to de- 8:00 am Morning Prayer termine attendance. Questions? Call Lydia Zim- 8:15 am Mass - James Shannon (Family) merman at 717-872-2483. 6:30 pm Cub Scouts - Scout Room FLOWERS FOR THE CHURCH: Main altar (2 vases) or 7:00 pm Parish Council - GSR the Blessed Mother or Saint Joseph side altars can be or- dered to celebrate a happy occasion, for a special intention Wednesday, October 2 - The Holy Guardian Angels or to remember a loved one who has died. The cost per 6:30 am Mass - Robert R. & Richard C. Stumpf (Vonnie vase is $50.00. The High Altar is available October 6, 13 & Kirchner & Family) 20. The Blessed Virgin Mary Altar - October 20 & 27. The 6:00 pm ChristLife - GSR, SFR, Tipitina’s, Msgr. Smith Social St. Joseph Altar - October 13, 20 & 27. Orders are needed Hall 2 weeks in advance. Call Judy at the rectory, 717-397- Thursday, October 3 6921. 6:30 am Mass - Pius W. Schreiner (Mary, Marie & Helen CELEBRATE OUR PARISH’S GERMAN Schreiner) HERITAGE! at October GermanFest on 8:00 am Morning Prayer Friday, October 18 from 5:30-10:00pm in 8:15 am Mass - David Dangeleit (The Osborn Family) the Msgr. Smith Social Hall. Homemade 7:00 pm Mass - Parishioners & Benefactors - 133rd food, drink, a live band and fellowship for all. Tickets will be Anniversary Mass of the Dedication of the Church on sale after all Masses the weekends of October 5/6 & (St. Joseph Parish) October 12/13. Tickets purchased by October 13 are Friday, October 4 - Saint Francis of Assisi - $10 for adults, $5 for children (8th grade or younger). For more information contact Eileen Hostetler at 717-288-3111. First Friday Also don't miss the decorating and food prep party on 6:30 am Mass - Norman C. Hohenwarter Sr. (Rev. Norman Thursday, October 17 at 5:30pm. Hohenwarter Jr. ) 8:15 am Mass - Extraordinary Form - Intention of Anna THE FALL VENDORS AND CRAFTERS BAZAAR: We are Lesher (Ed & Andrea Ostrowski) canceling the Fall Bazaar Vendor and Craft show, on Satur- 6:30 pm Prayer Group - Religious Education Building day, October 26, due to lack of interest. We continue to brainstorm other fundraising ideas and events. Thank you 7:30 pm Mass - Aldo Celotto (Donna D’Agostino) for your understanding. SAINT JOSEPH CATHOLIC CHURCH LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA September 29, 2019 Intentional Discipleship "Gaze upon him, consider him, contemplate him, as you desire to imitate him.” ~ Saint Clare of Assisi Consider becoming an adorer or a substitute. You can choose the time that would work best for you. Call 717-397-6921 to schedule your hour. Open Hour(s) Monday - 7:00pm - 8:00pm Tuesday - 12:00am - 1:00am Wednesday - 1:00am - 2:00am Perpetual Adoration is held in our Holy Family Chapel. The Blessed Sacrament is reposed during all Masses and Sundays from 7:45am until 2:45pm. INDIVIDUAL & PARISH RENEWAL THRU INTENTIONAL DISCIPLESHIP As athletes must train to become proficient in their sport, so Christians must cultivate our relationship with the Lord through the habits or disciplines of discipleship. To be strong enough to enter through the narrow gate, we must constantly nurture and deepen our relationship with the Most Blessed Trinity. Plan on renewing this relationship by participating in the ChristLife process beginning Wednesday, October 2nd.
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