INDEX MEETING 8th MAY, 1933 A~inistration Exuenses Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts •...... 7 Artramont-Crossabeg Road .• £50 from Contingency Fun for Repair ••....••••• 46A Assistant Surveyor John Kehoe - resignation of .•.............•• 21 Auditor's Report, Mountgarrett Bridge Committee ••....•..•••••.. 53 Ballinacoola Lane (Curracloe) .•...••••••••.•.••..............•. 45 Barnland Lane ................................................... 44. Board of Health Transfer Plots at Bunclody ......•............•• 41 Boira Rates .................................................... §-8 Bryan Captain Tony and Rates Boira ••••......•••••.....••......• 5-8 Bu.ildings Value of ...........................................•. 54 Bunclody Dispensary Residence transfer of plots to Board of Heal tho •••. 41 Cagney Janiel and Rates ••........•......••.•................... 15-16 camolin Park Road .............................................. ~9-40 cement Works Drinagh re-opeming of •.•...............•...... .. )4 to 39 Clonroe Lane................ .. .. .......................... 45 Coast Erosion Fortune and oran, Slade •...................... 53 Collector 0IByrne ......•.....................................4-5 ColI ect ors Poundage •................................ 4 .... 12.... 1)-r14-17 Collect ion of Rat e ••.•..................••.......... }-:8-12-17 Contingency Fund withmrawals Road 219 -220 •......••• 46 do do do £50 for Artramont-Crossabeg Road ••...... 46A Cork Co. Counoil Reinstatement Evicted Tenants ...... 54 Criminal Injury applications Compensations Hall-Dare R. W•.•••••• 16 do do do Guards and 5/- for Reports .... 16 Credit Note John Doyle,Ballydarragh •...•.••......... 5-6-14-15-17 Crossabeg Artramont Road £50 from Contingency Fund for Repair •..........• 46A County Hall Conversion West Wing Foreman •••........• 5~-52 Courthouse Gorey use of ••...............•........•.. 16-56 Cummer Lane •..••..........•......................... 45 Cullen James P. & P. Act Licence •.............•..... 53 Cummins Mrs . (Deceased) Vote Condolence J.Murphy,M.C.C •.. 57 Curracloe Roads Development Association complaining ••..• 42 Danger Signals .......................................... 43 Derating v Half Land Annuities United Farmers Association •••.......• 57 Derelict Farms .......................................... 54 Development Association Curracloe and Roads •............ 42 Doyle John complaint Credit Note •....•............. 5-6-14-15-17 Drinagh Cement Works ••........••..................• 34 to 39 Dunne A.(R.C.) Complaint John Doyle Credit Note •..• 5-6-14-15-l7 Elgee John,Solicitor, Removal houses on Road 519 •.. 46A Evicted.Tenants Compulsory reinstatement Evicted Tenant s •. 54 Factory Sugar Beet New Ross ••....•....•.•..•......• 48 to 51 Farms Derelict .................................... 54 Farmers Protection Association Preceedings for Rates •.. 57 Fertilisers and Seeds Scheme ••.........•..............• 23-24-25 Ferrycarrig Bridge £50 from Contingency Fund repair Artramont and Crossabeg Road.46A Foreman in Charge Conversion West Wing Co. Hall ••...••• 51-52 Forrestal stown Lane .................................... M Furlong ,1 . (Furlong & Hanrahan) South st., New Ross P. 0: P. Licence ......... 53 Garda Siochana Reports Criminal !njury applications 5/- each ••.•• 16 Garrynisk Lane ......................................... 43 Gorey Courthouse •...••................................ 16-56 .Grant Road Imprevement •............................... 27 to 33 Hall Dare applications Criminal Injuries .............. 16 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES Index Ctd. PAGE Harman Joseph and non-payment of Rates ••................. 15-l6 Hennessy J. South st., New Ross P.& P. Licence •.....•... 53 Houses on Road 519 - Removal - J. Elgee •................• 46A Inspectors - Sheep Dipping approval of •.............••..• 34 Kehoe John Assistant Surveyor resignation of ••..•.......• 21 Kehoe Patrick Harbour Master Kilmore increase wages by 5/-••.•• 25 to 27 Kilmore Harbour aster Increase of Wages •................ 25 to 27 La.nes ~Minor Relief Schemes) .••.....•...................• 43-44-45 Land Commission and Coast erosion Fortune and oran,Slade53 Local Lo ans Fund. New Ross Urban Council and withheld money ······55 cCarthy M. (R.C.) expenses Harm~n and Cagney •........... 15-16 Main Road New Ro ss Urban Council will not maintain ••..... 52 inor Relief Schemes and Lanes ........................... 43- 44-45 Uountgarrett Bridge Committee - Report of Auditor .•••.... 53 ount St. Benedict Rates on •....•........................ 5-8 Murphy John .C.C. Condolence death of Aunt Mr~ . Cummins.57 l~ ew Ross Sugar Beet Factory ............•................• 48 to 51 do do will not maintain main roads ••.....•..........• 52 OtByrne P. Rate Collector •.............................•• 45 o 'Hanlon Mark and non- acceptance Rod Tenders •........•.. 41 O' Kelly M. (Deceased) Condolence Sean T. O'Kelly ......... l Order Rabies 1933 •.....••..••....•...................•.•. 34 Payment Road Contractors ••.....•......................... 54 poisons and Pharmacy Act Licences Hennessy J. Cullen J. Furlong Michael (Furlong & Hanrahan) •......•. 53 Poundage Fees Rate Collectors •...•••••••••..•..•.•••.•.•• 4-12 Rabies Order 1933 .............•.......................... 34 Rate Collect ion •.....................•••..•..••........• 3-8-12-17 do on Boira ........................................... 5-8 do Mount st. Benedict •••.•.•....................•••.•• 5-8 do Sal tee Islands ..................................... 8 do Proceedings against Farmers. Farmers Protection Association •...... 57 Rathduff Lane No .2 •....................•.••••........•• 43 Reports Garda Siochana and Criminal Injury ... .... ....... 16 Resignation John Kehoe, Assistant Surveyor ............... 21 Road Contractors Payment of ••........................... 54 Road Camolin Park •.•..............••••.•...............• 39-40 do Curracloe Development Association Complaint of •.••• 42 do Danger Signal s on •................................• 43 do Improvement Grant •................................. 27 to 33 do 219 and 220 Contingency Fund £25 ••................. 46 do 519 hou ses removal from •..................... .. .... 46A Saltee I sland Rates ..................................... 8 Scholarship Scheme University Elegibility of Candidates.40 Scheme Seeds and Fertilisers •.•.•....••.......•.•••.•••• 23-24-25 Scheme Univers ity Scholarship Scheme Elegibi1ity of Candidates •..... 40 Seeds and Fertilizers Scheme ••.........................• 23-24-25 Sheep Dipping Order - Approval of Inspectors ••.........• 34 Small Dwellings Acqu isition Acts •. Administration expenses .• 7 do do Applications for Loans •.•........ 6-17 to 21-23 to 25 SUgar Beet Factory for New Ross •••.•••••.............. 48 to 51 Taghmon Unemployed ••.............................. ... 46A to 48 Tenants Evicted Compulsory reinstatement ••...........• 54 Tenders for Roads Complaint of non-acceptance ark Hanlon ••• 41 Unempl07ed able-bodied Waterford Corporation ••.............• 56 do at Taghmon •................................. 46A to 48 united Farmers Association Land Annuities v Derating •.• 57 University Scholarship Scheme - Elegibility of Candidates·····~40 Valuation of houses to cease when improved •.•.........• 54 Waterford Corporation and maintenance of able-bodied Unemployed •......... 56 West Wing Co. Hall conversion - Appointment Foreman i n Charge 51- 52 Yoletown (Ballycullane) Lane •..........•.•.•...•....•.• 45 © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES _ ~~--=----= ..,._1 WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL -------------------------- EETING 8th MAY, 1933 . I NU T E S County Hall, {.J. FRIZELLE, iEXFORD • Secretary, Wexford County Council © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES I The onthly meeting of Wexford Oounty Oouncil was held in Oounty Oouncil Ohamber, Wexford, on 8th -ay , 1933· Present r. • Doyle (Chairman) presided; also llessrs . John Brennan, James Clince, P. Colfer, R. Oorish, John Culleton, John Curill3ins, T. F. D' Arcy, Janes Gaul, Col . C•• Gibbon, James Hall , Patrick Hayes, fm . P. Keegan, Thomas eyler, Thomas ~cOarthy , Sean O' Byrne, iss O' Ryan, 001 . Quin, James Shannon, yles Smyth and James E. If alsh. The Secretary, Assistant Secretary, 00. Surveyor, 00 . Solicitor, Rates I nspector, and the following Assistant Surveyors ere cal so in attendance:- essrs . T. Treanor , R. J . Ennis, Thomas Oullen, John F. Birthistle a_nd P. O' Neill . The ' inutes of last meeting were confirmed. PAY'ENTS Treasurer ' s Advice Jote for £3277 .17.6d. was exrunined and signed THE LATE • O' KELLY . DUBLIN The following in reply to vote of condolence in the death of his brother Hr . O'Kelly, was read from -r . Sean T. O'Kelly, Vice - President, Executive Oouncil ~- liThe Vice-President d-esires me to request that you will be good enough to convey to your Oouncil his sincere thanks for their kind sympathy in his r ecent bereavement . "I aIil also to express the Vice- Presi dent ' s apprecia.tion of your personal message of condolence . II The fol lowing resolution was proposed by r . O'Byrne and seconded by ~r . D' Arcy:- "That reply to vote of condolence by Wexford County Oounc il received frofJ or . Sean T. 0 'Kelly, Vice- President, Executive Oouncil, be inserted on this day ' s 1iinutes . \I Passed. OONFIRMATION OF lHNU TES OF FI NANOE OOMMITTEE The Minutes of Finance Oomrj ittee in respect of meetinc held on 13th April, 1933 , vere submitted as follows :- © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES • • FRIZELL!, • © WEXFORD COUNTY COUNCIL ARCHIVES _. - - -- -
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