YEARBOOK of the CHURCH OF GOD 1951 CLERGY BUREAU of the CHURCH of GOD ANDERSON INDIANA 1951 LOOK HERE. • • YEi\RBOOK of tlze for the Best in Sunday-School Papers Price ~L)O The Sunday-school paper is an essential part of the class. Its aim is to teach in an interesting and appealing way, by stories and experiences, the ideals which determine the highest type of Christian personality. These papers supplement the Sunday-school lessons with much of the material following the same theme. Write for prices and sample copies of the four fine Sunday-school papers. ANDERSON GOSPEL TRUMPET COMPANY INDIANA Til F Cl ..EHCY BUBEAU CONTENTS SECTION I SECTION II Anderson College In Memoriam __ 7 Alumni Association _____ ______ ___ 7 Organization, Directory of Theological Seminary _____ . ___ ____ 6 Executive Council of the Anderson Camp Meeting _______ ________ 25 Church of God ____ __ ___ ______ _____ 21 Christian Education, Board of _____ ___ _ 8 Gospel Trumpet Company Officers of _____ ___ ___ __ _ _____ __ _: _ Church Extension and Home Missions 22 FOREWORD Board of -------- --------- _ _ _____ _______ . 12-l3 Ministerial Assembly, General, Officers of _ __ __ _________ ____ __ ________ __ __ 21 Clergy Fare Certificates_ __ 11 The compilation of a book such as this is a very tedious and expensive task, Commission on Peace ____ ----- 24 Subsidiary Boards, Officers but the job becomes a little easier each year as more of our ministers get their Displaced Persons ____ _____ ____ __ __ ___ __ 24 of --- ----- --------- ---------------- 21-24 registration blanks into our hands earlier and in better form. It is very im­ World Service Commission_ ___ _____ __ ____ __ 17 Easter Sunday for Twenty Years ___ 25 portant that we have complete information from each church. We are discontinuing the listing of state camp meetings, ministers' meet,ings, Foreign Missionaries, Directory of 16-17 SECTION III and officers of state organizations. We were never able to get complete and National Woman's Missionary Church Lists accurate information for these listings because in many states these matters Society ___________ __ _______ _ 14-15 Congregations ____ ____ ____ __ ___ _____ 79-117 were not decided until after the Yearbook was in print. However we are listing Pacific Bible College___ _ __ _____ _ 10 Correspondents for Churches a correspondent in each state who will be able to furnish such information. Without Pastors ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ Regional Ministers' Conventions 25 77 It is of interest to note that an increase is shown in each of the totals on the Ministers _____ ____ ______ __ ________ ____ ___ 27 _ Sectional Ratification Committees__ 19 76 summary page. On the page of state totals we continue to list the valuation of Summary ____ ______ __ ___ ____ _____ ___ ___ ____ _ 118 church property as it was given to us for the 1950 Yearbook. We hope to revise State Representatives ___ __ __ ___ __ ____________ _ 18 1951-1952 Calendars __ __ __ __ ___ ____ _______ _____ 121 this listing about every five years. World Service __ ___ ____ ___ __ __ _________ __ __ 5 State Totals _ ______ ________ ___ ____ 119 Our constant aim is to render better service to the Church; to this end we solicit your continued suggestions, co-operation, and prayers. LAWRENCE E. BROOKS, Registrar ELAINE J . KEENEY, Secretary ABBREVIATIONS USED IN YEARBOOK A . B. I. ----------------- Alberta Bible Institute N, __ _ _ ------ ------- North A. C. T. S. __ ------- --- · --- -- --- _ _______ Anderson N.E. -- --- -----·--·------ _Northeast College & Theological Seminary N.W. --- --------- -- -- ---- -------- -------------- - Northwest Asst. Pastor _______ __ ________ _Assistant Pastor P. B. C. _Pacific Bible College Ave. ________ ___ Avenue P.O. - ___ ___ __ __ __ Post Office Blk. ____________ _ _ Block S. ___ ____ ___ _South E.------------ --- -- -- --- ------ --- ----- -- ___ East S.E. __ Southeast Evang. ----------- - . _____ _____ ___ Evangelist St. - __ _.. ... Street G. W. ---· · ---- _ Gospel Worker S.W. -- ---- ------------ Southwest Hgwy. --- - ---- - ___ _______ ___ ____ Highway W. -- -- --- --- ----- ---------- --- ·-- ---- -- ---- -------- ----- West M. S. ---------- --- ____ ___ ___ _Min.isterial Student W.M.S. - _____ Woman's Missionary Society G. S. --- -- --- ---- ·- - ____ _______ __ Graduate Student Printed in U.S.A. 2 3 SECTION I THE CHURCH OF GOD WORLD SERVICE For directory of commission see page 17 to your Church of God World Service is composed of seven general causes of the Church set up by or under the Sunday Sermon control of the General Ministerial Assembly. The policies and operation of the World Service office come under the direction of the World Service Commission. on Saturday The World Service Commission is composed of fifteen members, eight of whom are elected by the General with a Ministerial Assembly and seven of whom are appointed by the constituent boards. These, together with the Exec­ utive Director, make up the World Service Commission. Webster-Chicago Each year the World Service Commission receives from each member board a statement of the board's proposed asking of the general Church, with justifica- ~~ C. W. Hatch tion for that asking, such as showing present reserve WIRE RECORDER funds, if any, expected income, present needs and expan­ sion plans. It shall arrange from these board presentations an equitable budget You can be your own severest critic in the for meeting the needs of the program which it approves and shall present this privacy of your study when you rehearse sermons approved budget to the General Ministerial Assembly for adoption and support m advance to give them new inflections and add by the ministers of the Church. color if needed. A Webster-Chicago portable wire Throughout the year, an executive committee composed of one representative recorder plugs into an AC outlet and it is as easy All church activities are helped with a from each general board meets regularly to supervise and co-ordinate the general to use as a telephone when you want to record or Webster-Chicago Wire Recorder promotional work of the Church through the World Service office. They appoint listen. It records up to an hour on a fine strand of an Executive Director to carry on throughout the year. stainless steel wire which may be "erased" and used thousands of times or preserved indefinitely. It C. W. Hatch is Executive Director and E. E. Wolfram and Charles V. Weber comes complete with carrying case, sensitive hand­ are Field Secretaries for the World Service office. type crystal microphone and 3 spools of wire. PURPOSE The purpose of the World Service organization is threefold: 1. To educate in stewardship and church finance. 2. To co-ordinate the promotion and solicitation of all boards. 3. To enlist the whole Church in the whole task of saving the whole world. SHUT-INS get new inspira­ CHOIRS hear Svnday's tion when they can actually choir harmonies exactly as WORLD MISSIONS BUDGET FOR 1950-51 hear every prayer, hymn the congregation will and Percentage and a:o~nouncement of the wire- reco1·ded rehearsals Foreign Mission~ .......... ...... .......... ___ ____________ __ ___ ____ .. ____ __ ___ ________ __ .465 previous Sunday's ser..,ice permit the learning of recorded in church fo1· new, intricate harmonies Home Missions . ____ ___ ____ _____ __ ___ -- ---- ------------- -- ---- ------------------------------------------ .18 them. qukk~r and more surely. Anderson College and Seminary-------- ------- ----- --.. _____ _.. _______ _____ __ .. __ ___ _ .16 Pacific Bible College ___ ___ __ __ -------- ------ ---.. ·----- ______ _____.. ____ _____ __ ____ _.. ___ _ .06 Board of Christian Education and Youth __ ____ ___ __ ____ . __ ________ __ _____ .05 Price $149.50 Free Literature __ .... ___ _____ __ .. __ ___ _______ _______ ____ ___ ____ .. _____ _____ ___ ______ _____ __ .04 Prices subject to change without notice Ministers' Pensions and Aid ____ ___ __ __ ______ ____ __ ___ ___ ----- -- -- -- ------------- - .045 On all charge orders add 25 cents Handling Fee. The amount of $1,000,000 as the boards' asking for this year was unanimously approved by the General Ministerial Assembly in regular session at Anderson in FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE June, 1950. CATALOG NO. 51 CHRIST'S WORLD SERVICE DAY Dictation ~Iodel listed on page 337 Terms hsted on page iii Each year as a grand climax to the Church's World Missions giving, the first Sunday of the Anderson Camp Meeting is set aside as a time in w~ich large If you don't have a catalog, write for gifts from all parts of the country are brought to Anderson, and there, m a great your copy today. service on Sunday afternoon, are laid on the altar and dedicated to the great cause of WORLD MISSIONS. C. W. HATCH Gospel Trumpet Company ANDERSON Executive Director INDIANA 5 ANDERSON COLLEGE AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF ANDERSON COLLEGE John A. Monison, President AND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Russell Olt, Dean is a service organization - Owned, Operated, and Controlled by the Church - (Member of Amel"ican Alumni Council) WE'RE WORKING FOR A NEW LIBRARY BUILDING FOR OUR ALMA MATER A CHRISTIAN PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION STRONG FACULTY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE FULL ACCREDITATION WELL-ROUNDED SOCIAL AND ATHLETIC PROGRAM COURSES OFFERED: 1. Standard Col1ege Courses 2. Professional Humanities Ministry Sciences Christian Education Social Sciences Physical Education Warren C. Roark, President Hillery C. Rice, Jr., Vice-President Bible and Religion Public School Teaching Opal Bengston, Secretary Music Business Music Home Economics ALUMNI RED-LETTER DAYS 3. Preprofessional 1. Alumni Membership Renewal Day May 15, 1951 Medicine 2. Reunion Banquet June 15, 1951 Nursing 3. Home-Coming October 12-13, 1951 Dentistry 4. College Sunday October 28, 1951 Engineering Social Work JOHN H. KANE, Director of Alumni Service Address all inquiries to the OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS, ANDERSON COLLEGE IN MEMORIAM ANDERSON, INDIANA Agee, 0 liver Perry Monk, W.
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