FREE FREE TO READ! FREE TO WRITE! Submit your story online by Feb. 28 at wbvobserver.com Tufted Titmouse VOLUME 12 • ISSUE 4 | Community News Powered by the Citizens of Westlake and Bay Village | 18 FEBRUARY 2020 Help is on the way! MultitaskMultitask Read this, then vote for judges SleddingSledding by JANICE PATTERSON County,” a publication pre- Court of Common Pleas and pared and distributed by the the municipal courts in our oon you will be face- League of Women Voters of county. to-face with your Greater Cleveland. All appellate court S2020 primary ballot, One listing on the ballot judges are elected to six-year pondering over the long list is under the category “Ohio terms. Candidates must be of judgeships that appear Court of Appeals, 8th Dis- attorneys licensed to practice there. Here is some informa- trict.” Ohio has 12 appel- law in the State of Ohio and tion that may help you figure late districts. Populous must have six years of legal out what to do with those Cuyahoga County comprises experience. They must reside races. These details have the entire 8th District which within the jurisdiction of the been distilled from the 2018 has 12 judges in total. This court on which they serve. edition of “Here’s Cuyahoga court hears appeals from the See JUDGES page 2 WESTLAKE CITY SCHOOLS PHOTO BY DENNY WENDELL BY PHOTO DIS students work on mousetrap challenge Temperatures in the 20s were no deterrent for having fun as Razan Almallad and Noor Al-Kolak captured a video while coasting down by KIM BONVISSUTO from Troy Intermediate School ment periods. The the Westlake Recreation Center’s sledding hill on Feb. 14. in Avon Lake and East Interme- students are really over Intermediate diate School in Midview. DIS excited and work- School students are in Principal Nick Miller said the ing together on their designs its race on Feb. 24) to crown the school with minimal adult assis- Dthe middle of the first race was born out of discussions and builds,” Miller said. “This is top four teams, who will face off tance. Students are working in Mousetrap Interschool Design by three principals looking for the first time we’re doing some- against each other on Feb. 28 at small groups and were provided Challenge with two neighboring a friendly competition among thing like this. We might create Troy Intermediate on a 15-foot- with the following supplies: two schools. buildings. a traveling trophy and make it long track. dowel rods, two straws, three feet DIS students are busy “It’s a STEM (science, tech- an annual event if it goes well.” The student-led process of kite string, four zip ties and designing mousetrap cars to nology, engineering, mathemat- Each school will host their involves designing, building, one mousetrap. rally for a spot in a race with cars ics) activity during our enrich- own competition (DIS will hold modifying and racing cars at See MOUSETRAP page 2 Stop the bleed! by CHRISTOPHER LYONS, Bay Village Fire Chief aculty and staff of the Bay Village City Schools have Fopened the second half of the academic year more pre- pared for emergency situations. Through a cooperative part- nership with University Hospi- tals St. John Medical Center and the Bay Village Fire Department, school district officials are being trained in a program called “Stop the Bleed.” This training prepares par- ticipants in the use of special STUMP DAVE CAPT. BVFD BY PHOTO dressings and tourniquets to Pictured above amid the donated Stop the Bleed trauma kits are (from left): UH EMS Institute Stop the Bleed instructors Ken assist in a bleeding emergency Hehnen, Nate Gardner and Jake Nakel; St. John Medical Center Manager of Community Outreach Paul Forthofer; Bay Village before the city’s firefighter- Fire Chief Chris Lyons; Bay Village Mayor Paul Koomar; St. John Medical Center President Robert David; Bay Village Schools paramedics arrive. Superintendent Jodie Hausmann; Bay High School Principal Jason Martin; Bay Middle School Principal Aaron Ereditario; and See STOP page 2 Bay Village Police Chief Mark Spaetzel. More stories, photos and events online at The Observer – Dedicated to the ideal /wbvobserver wbvobserver.com that volunteers define a community. 2 18 FEBRUARY 2020 • WESTLAKE | BAY VILLAGE OBSERVER in criminal and civil cases from front page CELEBRATING JUDGES arising in the county as well MOUSETRAP from front page as in juvenile, probate and 12 YEARS Community Powered News of CITIZEN domestic relations matters. The only required an enrichment activity Citizens participate JOURNALISM Likewise, candidates In Cuyahoga County, as well item to use in constructing for select students. Fifty- 1,127 in writing, editing, for the Court of Common as many others, special dock- the car is the mousetrap. four students comprising photographing and delivering this newspaper. Pleas are elected for six-year ets have been created for Students were able to bring two- to three-member The Westlake | Bay Village Observer is a hyperlocal terms and require licensure specific issues, such as drug in additional materials and teams are working with community newspaper and website written by, for and legal experience as for court. were encouraged to deco- fifth- and sixth-grade sci- and about the residents of Westlake and Bay Village, appellate court judges. The 2020 primary ballot rate their cars. ence teachers on their providing perspectives and information about topics and events in our community. The mission of the Voting for judges for also contains two candidates At DIS, the mouse- cars during enrichment Westlake | Bay Village Observer is to inform, involve Cuyahoga County’s Court of for Ohio’s Supreme Court. trap design challenge is periods. and energize the community through the participation Common Pleas is confusing The websites for all of of the 1,100+ community volunteers. All Westlake and for two reasons. First, there Cuyahoga County’s courts Bay Village residents are invited to participate. are four divisions within are a good source for addi- To join in, sign up through the Member Center at this court (general, probate, tional information about wbvobserver.com/members to submit your stories, domestic relations and juve- their workings: www.appeals. photos and events. nile) and candidates file to cuyahogacounty.us, and All content should be submitted through the online run for a specific division, so www.cp.cuyahogacounty.us. Member Center, not by email. noted on the ballot. Second, An additional source for Letters to the editor (max. 300 words) may be sent the six-year terms have stag- decision making about judge to [email protected]. Please include full contact gered start dates, such as Jan. candidates is the compiled information. 1, Jan. 2, Jan. 3. (The Court rankings from the several Business promotional articles will not be published. of Appeals candidates also bar associations in Cuyahoga Contact us for advertising rates. show staggered term start County, available at www. QUESTIONS? Contact: [email protected] or dates.) judge4yourself.com. (Note, 440-409-0114 Another bafflement for not all candidates have par- The views and opinions expressed in this publication Ohio voters is that judge ticipated in this compilation.) do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of candidates for all courts are And, before turning the the Westlake | Bay Village Observer staff. nominated in party elec- page to leap over the many PRODUCTION OFFICE tions at primary time and judgeship candidates, stop to 451 Queenswood Drive their political advertisements consider that your vote has Bay Village, Ohio 44140 440-409-0114 • Fax 440-409-0118 generally note their party significance in the careers of affiliation. However, when these candidates. Of course, Fifth-grade students Trudy Rocco and Dylan Baesel Copyright ©2020 The Westlake | Bay Village Observer. the nominees appear on the many of those on the ballot work on their mousetrap car. All rights reserved. general election ballot in will go on to win judgeships Any reproduction is forbidden without written permission. November, party affiliations in November. Many will Denny Wendell will be absent. reappear in future primary term on the court they were serve on the Supreme Court Co-Publisher, Designer The courts of common elections, perhaps as can- first elected to serve. Some of Ohio or aim to be selected [email protected] pleas in all Ohio counties didates for a different level will seek another kind of as a federal-level attorney. Tara Wendell have original jurisdiction court or for another six-year elective office or aspire to Your vote counts! Co-Publisher, Senior Editor [email protected] Laura Gonzalez Institute have been working along- Advertising from front page side members of the Bay Village Fire [email protected] STOP Department to train school employ- CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Toward this end, UH St. John ees throughout the month and Jeff Bing, Kim Bonvissuto, Nancy Brown, Julie Cantrell, donated 250 Stop the Bleed buckets will continue their training for the Cristine Hoffmann, Susan Iceman, William Krause, and trauma kits – enough for every remainder of the school year. Christopher Lyons, Tara McGuinness, Susan Murnane, building classroom, school bus, and Developed after the 2012 Sandy Beth Patterson, Janice Patterson, Diana Pi, Victor vehicle. Valued at more than $25,000, Hook Elementary school shooting in Rutkoski, Tak Sato, Jessica Stockdale, Elaine Willis these buckets and trauma kits contain Connecticut, the “Stop the Bleed” pro- PHOTOGRAPHERS the tools necessary to help control gram equips and empowers trained William Krause, Victor Rutkoski, Dave Stump, bleeding in an emergency, and include bystanders to take life-saving action Denny Wendell such items as protective gloves, ban- if quickly needed – regardless of the ALSO HELPING dages, gauze and tourniquets. situation or cause of severe bleeding.
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