FOOTBALL AT&T Stadium to once again host state title games in 2018 All 12championship foocball gamcs for 1he 201aand a1 RcUan1 s1a<11um In 11ous1on. games will be played 2019 seasons will be pbycd at •weare pleased 10 bring the AT&'r Stadium. UIL fooLbalJ state champion· Dec.19-22. The schedule wtll place all ships back 10 AT&T Stadium 12 tttle games In both 11-man for another rwo years.· said eyThOfflasJones and six-man foo1baD In a four• UIL execui Ive dlreclor Charles t~one$@statesmJl'l oom day span. Breithaupt Ill a press release. The 2018 championship "The UIL ls excllcd to show­ For the truly optimist!< foot· games w1IJ lake place Dec. 19-22. case the best high school foot· baJJ fans In CentraJTexas, go •rflc UIL has nor )'Cf announced ball In Texasdurtng this unJque ahe.:id and book a hotel room the schedules for the 2019 ode championship experience ... In Arllng1on 1n 1he nex, Lwo games. Decembers. Sbtce 2011. AT&TSladlum has contact re()()(t«Tnomas.Jones The Unlverslly lnterscholas· hosted all 11 -man slate lilies by l8l8Ph(ln0 at 512 -445-3527. ttc League announced Wednes· games every year except ror You can 1eachhimon Twitter The L.u..e T!' .....-,~Cav aJiers run out fnto the footbaO field. JOHNOUTIS!llU day 1haran sta1echamp10nshtp 201s, when the ~neswcn, held @ThomwonesAAS /f<)Q/IMf.fAIC.AN-ST.tttf'SMAN Cavs spring into season Lake Travis Cavaliers head coach Hank Carter recaps the game with both teams after the spring varsity football game Friday at cavalier Stadium. After coming within two points of wlMlng their second consecutive state championship last year against the Allen Eagles, the cavs are In quest of their seventh state title. Seethe spring football game story and more photos on Page A6. JOHNCUTIERQEZtFOA AMERICA"­ STATESMAN Lake Travis Cavallers White wide receiver Garrett WIison (5) hurdles over Lake Travis Cavallers Black defensive back Darrell Pantalone (38) In a run for a touchdown during the lake Travis Cavaliers' spring varsity football game at Lake Travis High School on Friday. .JOHNCtmERIIEZtFOIHAKE TRAVISvtEW Card, Wilson connection clicks Lake Travis spring day night at cavalier Stadium. And like predecessors Char· New offensive coordinator wm game shows how pair After being sacked on his first lie Brewer (Baylor) and Matthew Sleln said Lile offense Is Sllll find· play and misfiring on his first Ba ldwin (Ohio State), card's ing its way with a new sc_heme, work well together. pass, Card settled in. He con· already very adept at getting but behind Card and Wilson, nected on 12 ofhis next 13 passes, the ball Into WIison's hands. they are on I he right Lrack. By Jay Plotkln including touchdown passes Lo The S·slar receiver committed ·They're bolh really good play· Contributing writer Wilson covering 64, 22 and 56 to Ohio State finished with 199 ers, • Stein said. "They are still yards. Card finished with 276 yards on eight catches wilh one learning whal we're trying lo Hudson card connec1ed wilh passing yards. acrobatic hurdle. do on offense, so !his Is Just !he Garrett Wilson for a Oiooftouch· •we have things to work on "We're clicking every day in beginning." down passes to highlight Lake for sure, bu1 it was a good day,· practice," Card said. "ll's pretty Travis' spring football game Fri· Card sa id. easy 10 ge1 him !he ball.· Football continued on A8 SPORTS Lake Travis Cavaliers Whltewlde receiver Garrett Wilson (5) makes a touchdown against the Black team ror the Lake Travis Cavaliers spring varsity football game at Lake Travis High School on Friday. PHOTOS BY JOHNCUTIERREZ/FOIILAKE TRAVIS VIEW Football contlnued from A6 Despite playing without receivers Grayson Sandlin (injured) and Kyle Eaves (baseball), seven d ifferent l'l'Celvers caught passes from card, including Counland Denisio, Reid Donegan, Sal· vador Alanis and Sterling Hupp. "I'm really liked the way we caught the foot· ball tonight,• Stein said. "We had some guys miss tonight. but the ones who played really stepped up and caught the ball, guys like Sterli ng Hupp, Sal Alanis stepped In, Jack• son Scruggs as well. They all did a really nice job." The Cavaliers· start• ing defense, despite play· ing without a handful of expected starters - sur­ rendered just 47 yards on 39 plays working against the second-team offense. "Defensively, we want to play hard, play tough and play with leverage and we did some good things tonight,· said head coach Hank Caner. Led by Simo Hunter and Aurelius Sofia, the defense sacked quanerbacks Pey· ton Janecek and Nate Yar­ nell five times and came away with thre,e intercep­ tions, two by safety Reece Anderson and another by Copeland Gothard. .... ,.,,..,.__.. ~ ........ ... ....__._............ "Simo and Sofia are both long, lengthy guys and they were active,• carter said. "They're going to have 10 be because they don't weigh 230 poumds. They're going to have to play with great leverage and great effort.· Projected defensive start­ ers Kaleb Wenson, Hunter Henry and Mau.hew Peter­ man were among those who sat out Friday night, as did offensive lineman Chad Wolf, among others. "We had probably 15 players who dldn"l play.• Can er said. •1r they were even a little bit banged up and we fell we didn't need 10 see anything more from them this spring, we held them out." LEFT:L.ake Travis cavaliers quarterback Hudson card (1) throws a pass against the Black team for the Lake Travis Cavaliers spring varsity football game at Lake Travis High School on Fflday. RIG HT: Lake Travis cavaliers White wide receiver Garrett WIison (5) Is brought down by Lake Travis cavaliers Black linebacker Matthew Ramos (46) duringthe spring varsity football game on Fflday. Llili:e ['i:a\ds drops baseball series opener By Thomas Jones t(IOOOS@Stal8:St'nal\.COt'I) PlAYOFF SCHEDULE Area baseball teams and the Elp, softball ■ CLASS SA The 1.al:e Travis base· team are competa,glntheUlt.s~te ball 1eam faced a m11sr-w1n playoff>tnis~ -. Game1:~l,MagJ,QOa0 game Friday night In Drip­ RoUnCI RodtanCIStonYPolnt l)lekedUP GameZ:M.18t)Olla4,Geol88lewtn O ping Springs after San ,lnlo­ wins t0-os:,en1.helrr8$i(nll'Qwtter'flnal Gaine3:ff'ldayatNutr.mott.Stadli.m. --­llcyM,late nlo Reagan's 6-4 "1n In the b.1Seb.11SOl'leS. Th00r,18<)<1Slle.llKleln first game ora best-of-three Colins 3-2 and the T'9E"rsknod(edoff ■ CLASS4A Class 6A lhlrd•round SN'IC'S KJein 2-0.8othserM!::$reSl,JlTledF'fiday. Wlmber'Myvs.Avdw blq at san AnlOTIIO'S WollTSfa· Here'sa1ootc~tthl$weekend'sSClleOule$; Onepne.:kldayatSt. Ma,y'sUrvversn:;y, SASEBAU sanAntonto.Ll.te ..., dl~~~Ulebases Se-wint>aseballteamsrmmtheA&.$li'l.-e.1 ____■ CLASS 3A loaded In both the W\h and haw1eachedthere;siona!QU.artef1'1nals: S1xth Innings as Reai:;u, held ■ CLASS6A Came1:Gearae,._,7,Marianl onfor1tx-"1n. 1'hctWOSlalC­ Round Aocltvs.Kleln COlln9 Game 2.: Fridayat~ MartQsHS,late ranked 1eams - Reagan lS Game t:Roun,H>ock3,•181ColllnS2 Came3(dneec1e<1J:Saruroayot~ NO. 2 Ill d>e latest Texas Higll Game 2:Fll(layat Fteman P;m.Bremam, s,,tlnSSHS, I J)Jll, School Baseball Coaches late ■ CLASS2A Assodallon poll. whflet:.t.e Game3(ttneeded):Satt.sda¥atFhman TraVISIS No. 5-resumed Ille Park,Brenham, time T84 Came 1: Fridayat Sam Houston State ''"""la 1e 1'1'1d.!y at or1pp1ng StonyPDlntvs.KleM \.Klhlerstty, Hll1t$V9e, late Spring:; lllgh school. Game l:StonyPol,t 2, ....,0 ---Gamet: $atll'day at SamHoUstonS~e Reagan meed out to a 5·0 Game2: RIC&a)'atNutr.lbOltSt.:dUm, IXll...-sltY,2PJ!l. lead by the end of the sec· Bry.nlate Came 3 (ffneeded):Arl«Game 2 ond Inning Thursday. but e.,,,.,3 (~-d): Saturday al Fireman SOl'TIIALL Lake Tm1s trimmed l1sdefi. Parl<,lkenham,noon Onesoftba.lteam from theAust.In area has c,110 H 1n 1he fllih. ~Tt-·•i, vs.S...Ant:GNOAeae,an feac:ned the regional semtmals Game 1:$¥1Antonk>Rea&,11'1'16, ■ CLASSSA P1~~~l~~~ci ~~~1::1: Llk&Tr.lVIS4 .......... _, PIIChlngcarrledCeorge101<n Game2:FridayatDr10PinSS,:mssHS.late came 1: FrldayatMa$rl(>la 'West HS. late to a 1-0 wtn over Magnolia came 3 (tt needed).SatLWday at New Game 2: saturday>t Mail,lOlaWest.4 pm. 1n me firS1 game ofa heS1-of- Braunfels Canyon liS, 4 pm. Came3(rfneeded):Aft«G.ame 2 1h"" C~'lSS SA lhlrd round series Thursday In Bryan. Grayson Smith gave up Just one hit for the Eagles In a become executive director The GJO Academy. In the complete-game w1n. STATESMAH.COM of the CIO Academy FC. a CUemavac.a neighborhood On Frtday afternoon the Get late soores and new soccer club 1n Austtn. In the Eanes school district, r;;igles dropped came 2 or otlle<toosl>SC,_SQO<I$ Rebe 1wee1ed 1he news •w,iscrcaicd 10s uppon t~ lhe sencs 4·0. QUIOIOII Cir• coverase onOt.Wvairstty llfeSLyle or fam ilies wuh peuter pitched a complete Newsbl0Qatpr9p1. ThJ==~l tOd>e young athlell'S who desire ~ me tV.'O·hltter 1ogtve Mag· ~ 2017Cl.tss6AsGttechatnpl· a higher level of athleUc noUa the vtctory. The series onshlp, her lirsl Slate Utle In de\-elopment year-round.· finale was being played late acconllng ID 1he academy'< l'rlday at Nmraboll Stadium ~!~f=~~:;kg~~~fi: wcbsne. In Bryan. T11le-wlnnlng coach 10 state mle rn any 1eam spon. rnmanl)lfocusroonsp('<.'(I In a Cl.tss 3A third-round leave Heod1ickson: A year Her career has also Included and strength training.
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