John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll Quarterly Student Winter 1968 The aC rroll Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollquarterly Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll Quarterly, vol. 22, no. 2" (1968). The Carroll Quarterly. 70. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollquarterly/70 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll Quarterly by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Carroll Quarterly, a literary magazine produced by an undergraduate staff and written by the students, alumni, and faculty of John Carroll University, Univer­ sity Heights, Ohio. •' 196 by the Carroll Quarterly. All CQ rights reserved to authors. Volume 22 Winter, 196 umber 2 Editor-in-Chief RODERICK PORTEH Assistant Editor WILLIAM DeLO G Managing Editor JAMES L. :lvlcCHYSTAL Literary Editor PAUL E. HELTZEL Poetry Editor MICHAEL PELLEGRI II Art Editor GEORGE ~~IERCER Copy Editor PATRICK \V. PEN OCK General Editor GEORGE MACKEY Circulation Manager KURT L. SHELLE 1BEH.GER Associate Editor PAUL MYSLENSKI CHRISTOPHER SCI-IRAFF Honorary Associate Editor HICHARD W. CLA CEY Senior Contributing Editor JAMES F. i\lcCO !NELL JH.. Contributing Editors DENNIS M. FOGARTY GREGORY SCHOE JAMES I. O'CONNOR Editorial Assistants RICHAH.D CLARK RICHARD TAYLOR JANET MO T\VIELEH Faculty Advisor DAVID M. LaGUAH.DIA Contents IT CRIES FOR MUSIC Joseph T. Cotter 5 TO PENELOPE P. E. H. 8 HOW MA Y BOYHOOD DAYS I PASSED WITH BOOKS G. L. Bronooe .. .. ...... 9 PIIOTOGRAPHS Paul C. Bailey- Gates . 10 PHOTOGRAPH Frank Poole 11 THE OWL AND THE HAWK, OH VAlUATIONS 0 A THEME OF IMPOSITION Robert A. Englert 12 MY LORD IS FULL OF DELIGHT Alice Keating 14 GOOD- ATURED CRITICS, DE 1ATURED CRITICS, A D JUDICIAL CRITICS Arther S. T race Jr . 15 THERE WILL BE CHILDRE Michael Pellegrini . ............................................. 20 APRIL IS OT THE CRUELLEST MO TH ]ames L . Bourke Jr. .. ........................................................... 21 I THE CREE -SHROUD SEA ]ames L . Bourke ]r. ............................... ·············· 22 SO NET: TO CHARLE1 E W alter Onk 23 PROBLEM: 1968 Dougald B. MacEachen 24 iA I MODER FICTIO : A REVIEW Roderick Porter . ... .. ... .... ........... ...... .. 25 UNTITLED William Butala ................ ············ ··· ···················· ···················· ················ 28 A PERSO AL A1 D PSYCHOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY OF THE E 1PRESS ALEXANDRA fames F. McConnell Jr. ........... .. .... .... ... .... 29 MOO ]ames L. Bourke Jr. .. ... .. ........... ......... .... .. .. ·············· 38 Here & There: speaks in soft tones of Lowelrs the View from No. 11, D.S. observation that "the dead don't say anything to the living." If it were It is with deep regret that we note another person, if it were not Anne the departure of two Quarterly S xton speaking, one would be em­ editors. Literary Editor Paul E. barrassed by the frankness of her Heltzel, completing his studies at the poetry, and the frankness of those University this month, is going on words she spoke to so many be­ to graduate studies. Poetry Editor wild red admirers here at Carroll. }.lichael Pellegrini, whose studies are taking him to Loyola College in At a time when poetry is silent, Rome for the spring semester, will Anne Sexton has given it a voice, one be on a leave of absence. The that can be enjoyed for its clear and Quarterly thanks both editors for intense beauty. their contributions to the success of • the publication. We are certain they A View of Values ... both deserve some sort of purple The problem of the end of litera­ heart for having to deal for so long ture is a part of any discussion of the (both are three-year staff members) value of a writer's work. J\Iulk Raj with an irrascible Editor and con­ Anand's novels, according to an essay tributors who were occasionally late by Encrlish professor Dr. largaret contributing. Berry entitled Mulk Raj Anand: the o persons have as yet been ap­ Man and the ovelist, are finally pointed to fill the vacancies. valuable for the witness they give of India's • agonizing attempt to break out H er poetry has an elegant wit, a of massive stagnation and create tension, and a great looming, if a society in which men and sometimes disturbing, talent behind women are free and equal, in it. She is skilled in her craft, but her which they can, therefore, live hold is not simply the splendid verbal dynamically and creatively ... mastery of her poetry. It is the force (for) the testimony they give of of a public, as well as a personal, a g neration of Indians familiar sense of the drama of her life. with the best and the worst of Anne Sexton is a beautiful woman. the West and with the b est and A fuller Anne Bancroft, she reads the worst of India . (for) the with a warm, almost wooden voice. evidence they afford of the And her reading was, perhaps, the modern educated Indian's strug­ most enjoyable ever pre ented by the gle to identify him elf and his Contemporary Poets Series. country in the context of modern Mrs. Sexton was a student of world society and to find roots Robert Lovvell at Boston University. that yet live in a mouldering In a relatively short time, she has heritage ... (and for) the search become th e most honored woman they pursue for a . principle poet in the United States. Without of unity ... which Anand knows stooping to the categorical, it is suf­ as blwkli. ficient to say that she concerns her­ This brief review will consider the self with love and death, with this value of the values in Mulk H.aj world a its victim would see it, and Anand's work as novelist. -3- An ori ginal definition of what con­ As Dr. Berry ju tly criticizes, ),titutes excell ence in a novel is of­ Anand' doctrinaire aesthetic is stulti­ fered hy Dr. Berry: fying and misplaces the emphasi of A good novel present intercstin~ his efforts. We are not altogether and beli vahle human beings in certain that a writer cannot disregard reaction with their environment how men will understand his work so as to S11ggcst ri chly and in­ on ce the pol iti cal import of it has tensely the 1111 ivcrsal experiences disappeared. This is, again, the prob­ of man. lem of the uniH'r a] in lit erature. This definition tH111ircs that the end of the literary form of the no,·cl he 'I hC're is one other aspect of lo "suggest richly and intense!\' the .\ nand·s work that, as it were. tran­ universal experi ences of man.'; The StC'nds the difficulty of his too clo ·ely classical norm, th at literature's end t~ ing his no,·cls to this time and this is to c!Piight and to inform and placC'; and that is the search for the instruct hy imitating P.:ature, is per­ priiJc;ple of unity, or bhakti. Bhakti haps implied here; we arc not certain. H' ry closely resembles Christian love However, th e valu es of Anand's - charily - as Dr. Berry points out. novels fall short in three areas of the (ll is interesting th at Anand rejected norm of the definition posited in C hris ti anity, for the resembl ance as the essay. If a novel offers witne s a philosophical concept between of a country' stru ggle to break free charity and bhakti is incredible.) In of massive stagnation and create a presenting this search, Anand at­ free society, or testimony of a genera­ tempts to portray a wholeness in man tion of persons familiar with the be t that comprehends his goodness and of two worlds, as well as the worst his evil, hi personal development of two worlds, or evidence of a strug­ and his love for all men, his constant gle for a na tional identity, th en that problem of revivifying the necessary novel docs not suggest richly and forms and institutions that relate to intensely the universal experience of his life. H ere Anand approaches a man. \ V c may he accused of too universal problem - one that would narrowly limiting the scope of the h? familiar to St. Thomas Aquinas, universa l xpcri enccs of man, but Su· Isaac Tewton, l\Iulk Raj Anand, love, hate, 11assion disaust agony and presumably any future man; and ' b ' ) ),ea rching for knowledge and h·uth, familiar as well (and this is signifi­ good, and evil seem to us to provide cant) to almost any other man living the wides t possible range of experi­ now. D cpcndmg on how well Anand ence in which to ground good litera­ rc ·olves the problems of this search ture. .Insofar as the experiences of for bhakti, and th e abilities h can \n:md's novels arc primarily under­ bring to bear as a writer, Anand's standable in terms of a particu Jar work may survive as - if not great - ti me or place, or with a specific then certain ly good literatur . Tran­ poht1cal or sociological problem, their scendin g th e first three of th e four genuinene ·s as great literature fails, va lu es, Dr. Berry concludes, will and th ey arc doomed to be no more probably he too great a task, even than character pieces of a particular for the skill and talent of ;\Iulk Haj time in the rich panorama and history Anand. of literature. - Roderick PoTter -4- "KENl\'EDY IS DEAD.'' The exhilarated proclamation c:amc two weeks before the event in Los Angeles.
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