E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2004 No. 52 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL Mr. COLLINS. Mr. Speaker, I rise called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The today to salute the Reverend Woodrow pore (Mr. BASS). Chair has examined the Journal of the Hudson, who gave this morning’s open- last day’s proceedings and announces ing prayer. Reverend Hudson is the Di- f to the House his approval thereof. rector of Chaplaincy Services for the Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Georgia Department of Corrections. He DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER nal stands approved. leads 118 field chaplains and approxi- PRO TEMPORE f mately 4,000 certified prison volunteers The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- in 39 of our State prisons, six transi- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE fore the House the following commu- tional centers, six probation detention nication from the Speaker: The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the centers, and three private prisons in gentleman from Georgia (Mr. COLLINS) WASHINGTON, DC, the State of Georgia. April 21, 2004. come forward and lead the House in the In the Reverend’s Chaplaincy Serv- I hereby appoint the Honorable CHARLES F. Pledge of Allegiance. ices section are the Prison Volunteers BASS to act as Speaker pro tempore on this Mr. COLLINS led the Pledge of Alle- and the Reentry Aftercare Partnership. day. giance as follows: These volunteers offer and provide spir- J. DENNIS HASTERT, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the itual guidance to over 50,000 inmates in Speaker of the House of Representatives. United States of America, and to the Repub- all of Georgia’s correctional institu- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tions. The Reentry Aftercare Partner- f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ship works with churches to provide f guidance to inmates returning to their PRAYER MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE communities. The Reverend Dr. Woodrow Hudson, A message from the Senate by Mr. Before Reverend Hudson became Di- Chaplain, Georgia Department of Cor- Monahan, one of its clerks, announced rector of Chaplaincy Services in Geor- rections, Atlanta, Georgia, offered the that the Senate has passed without gia, he was a pastor for 32 years in following prayer: amendment bills of the House of the churches in Mississippi and Georgia. He Gracious and merciful God, as we following titles: was active in many community organi- gather in this hallowed hall with the zations in each community where he Members of the House of Representa- H.R. 1274. An act, to direct the Adminis- trator of General Services to convey to Fres- served as pastor. Reverend Hudson re- tives, we thank You for the great herit- no County, California, the existing Federal sides in Carollton, Georgia, with his age of this body. May our interactions courthouse in that county. wife, Betty, and we welcome his wife in with others bring hope and courage. H.R. 2489. An act to provide for the dis- the gallery. They have been married May our times together teach us pa- tribution of judgment funds to the Cowlitz for 45 years and have three children. tience and perseverance. May our ses- Indian Tribe. And, Mr. Speaker, one of his daughters sion together be a time of learning and H.R. 3118. An act to designate the Orville Wright Federal Building and the Wilbur serves this Nation as an officer in the growth with productive results. Wright Federal Building in Washington, Dis- Secret Service. O God, protect us from knowledge trict of Columbia. Mr. Speaker, as a Member of Con- that has no benefit. Protect us from a The message also announced that the gress, I ask my colleagues to please heart that is not humble. Protect us Senate has passed a bill of the fol- join me in welcoming Reverend Wood- from a soul that is never satisfied. And lowing title in which the concurrence row Hudson, Jr., for his outstanding protect us from a prayer that is never of the House is requested: service to Georgia and for his out- answered. S. 1814. An act to transfer Federal lands be- standing opening prayer this morning. Help us to remember You, to rev- tween the Secretary of Agriculture and the f erence You, to obey You, to humble Secretary of the Interior. NATIONAL DAY OF SILENCE ourselves before You, to turn toward f You in repentance. (Mr. FARR asked and was given per- Bless, O Lord, these women and men IN RECOGNITION OF THE mission to address the House for 1 who are defending our country and our REVEREND WOODROW HUDSON minute and to revise and extend his re- freedoms in these days of war. (Mr. COLLINS asked and was given marks.) We ask these things in the name of permission to address the House for 1 Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today our Saviour. Amen. minute.) to provide a voice to those who too b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2203 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 17:30 Jun 23, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\ERIC\H21AP4.REC H21AP4 gechino on DSK3YST671PROD with HOUSE H2204 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 21, 2004 often are silenced: the gay, lesbian, bi- Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, Lake Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. sexual or transgender students who Michigan and the other Great Lakes Speaker, I do not think anything can face verbal, nonverbal, and physical are the largest body of freshwater in negate the fact that this President has harassment in our schools. North America. They contain literally lost more jobs, 3 million jobs, than any Today is the National Day of Silence 20 percent of the entire world’s fresh- President in our history. across this country. Students have water. Twenty-eight million Americans But, Mr. Speaker, I stand today to taken a vow of silence to protest the get their daily drinking water from offer a word of condolence, but also to discrimination and intolerance that Lake Michigan and the other Great pay tribute to those who have lost gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Lakes, and yet we treat it as just an their lives in Iraq, the men and women students face on a daily basis. overgrown pond. Today it is being pol- of the United States military, innocent In my district I am especially proud luted with invasive species, urban run- citizens, and to challenge the Presi- of Safe Schools Project of Santa Cruz off, and mercury hot spots. dent, as the 9/11 Commission families County, which is coordinated by Santa We have a bipartisan bill endorsed by have challenged him, to apologize to Cruz County High School senior Nikira every Governor, every Senator from the American people for misdirecting Hernandez. This program focuses on the Great Lakes, and 108 Members out men and women of the military, now making K-through-12 schools in Santa of 125 from the Great Lakes region to reservists and National Guard, young Cruz County a safe place for all youth clean up the Great Lakes, dedicate $4 men and women, into a war that one regardless of their sexual orientation billion over 5 years, just like we are in- wonders whether it matters, into a war or gender identity. vesting in Iraq’s water and sewage sys- where there was not the kind of equip- Considering our country’s commit- tem, here in the United States to pre- ment that those soldiers needed, rein- ment to equality and liberty, it is dis- serve the largest body of freshwater in forced Humvees and other equipment, turbing that anyone is subjected to all of North America. flak jackets that they needed. harassment and discrimination based This issue is not an issue of left I am here to apologize and ask the on their sexual orientation or gender versus right. It is an issue of right President that he provide the nec- identity. We must work to protect our versus wrong. And it is time to make essary resources for these troops so youth from violence and hatred while our investments in our future and our that lives will not continue to be lost, fostering a positive academic environ- environmental quality and water qual- so that mothers and fathers, wives and ment free of derogatory statements, ity in what is truly a great national relatives will not have to continue to taunts, and slurs. For that reason I am proud to co- heritage, our Great Lakes. mourn. It is a tragedy the policy that sponsor H. Con. Res. 86, which memori- f we have seen in this United States, a policy of reckless direction of men and alizes the National Day of Silence. SENATOR KERRY’S ECONOMIC women in war, bloodshed unnecessary. PLAN WOULD HARM OUR ECON- f Mr. President and the administra- OMY TAX RELIEF tion, Mr. Vice President, we need a (Mr. SHIMKUS asked and was given (Mr. PITTS asked and was given per- plan, and you need to offer it to the permission to address the House for 1 mission to address the House for 1 American people now. minute and to revise and extend his re- minute and to revise and extend his re- f marks.) marks.) Mr.
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