Ecole CentraleSupélec Course Massive Data Processing & Analytics Vassilis Christophides Programming Assignment Winter 2018 Exercise 0: Setting up the computing environment -Nothing to submit here- due: 05 February a) Spark is available in Cloudera’s CDH and can be used out-of-the-box: open a terminal and type /usr/bin/spark-shell to start the Spark shell. Note though, that it may be slow to run (depending on the resources of your machine); as an alternative (and in contrast to Hadoop) Spark can also be installed in linux environments quite simply following the next steps: 1. Download the latest pre-built version from here: http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html 2. Unzip and move Spark to directory: cd ~/Downloads/ tar xzvf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz mv spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7/ spark sudo mv spark/ /usr/lib/ 3. Make sure Java is installed. If not install Java. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer 4. Install SBT echo "deb https://dl.bintray.com/sbt/debian /" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sbt.list sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 2EE0EA64E40A89B84B2DF73499E82A75642AC823 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sbt 5. Configure Spark. cd /usr/lib/spark/conf/ cp spark-env.sh.template spark-env.sh → Open spark-env.sh and add the following lines : JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY=4g 6. Configure .bashrc export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle export SPARK_HOME=/usr/lib/spark export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin export PATH=$PATH:$SBT_HOME/bin:$SPARK_HOME/bin:$SPARK_HOME/sbin 7. Now you are ready to interact with Spark: type /usr/lib/spark-shell and start spark-shell Get acquainted with Spark and run some simple tasks. Visit Spark’s documentation (http://spark.apache.org/documentation.html ) and watch Screencasts 3 & 4 of the Screencast Tutorial Videos under the Videos section. b) In this section we are going to write simple Scala functions to get used to the language. 1. Write a function that returns the second to last element of a list of integers. e.g. list=(1,2,3,4,5,6) → returns : 5 2. Write the same function but now use zipWithIndex and filter to obtain the same result. 3. Eliminate consecutive duplicates of a list elements. If a list contains repeated elements they should be replaced with a single copy of the element. The element order should not be changed. e.g. list=(1,2,3,3,5,5,8,10) → returns : (1,2,3,5,8,10) 4. Find the most frequent substring of size k on a list of strings.Assume k=4 and that all strings have length greater than k. Note: Apache Spark is coded in Scala, but exposes bindings to many languages, including Python, Java and R. One reason why companies nevertheless may prefer to use Scala is that, while the bindings will allow you to interface to Spark, they will only allow you to access pre-programmed methods. These may be sufficient for many use-cases, but companies often wish to customise open source they are using, and Scala comes in handy here as Spark is written in it. Of course for the purpose of this assignment you can use your preferred programming language supported by Apache Spark. You are referred to online tutorials for more details on how to use the different language bindings, e.g., https://www.coursera.org/learn/exploring-visualizing-iot- data/lecture/g34Ty/programming-language-options-on-apachespark https://www.dezyre.com/apache-spark-tutorial/pyspark-tutorial Exercise 1 (60/100): Explore Web Logs with Spark In this exercise you are goint to explore the page views of Wikimedia projects. Download the page view statistics generated between 0-1am on Jan 1, 2016 from the url : http://bit.ly/2xetC18 Each line, delimited by a space, contains the statistics for one Wikimedia page. The schema looks as follows: field meaning project code the project identifier for each page page title a string containing the title of the page num hits number of requests on the specific hour page size size of the page → Launch the Spark shell and then create an RDD named pagecounts from the input file (the file must be copied on the same directory as the spark-shell ) : val pagecounts = sc.textFile("/pagecounts-20160101-000000") For each of the following queries implement a function in your preferred programming language that takes as input an RDD and prints requested values. You must also include all of those results in your report. --max 6 points-- 1. Retrieve the first k records and beautify. Use the take() operation of an RDD to get the first k records, with k = 15. The take() operation returns an array and Scala simply prints the array with each element separated by a comma. This is not easy to read. Make the output prettier by traversing the array to print each record on its own line. 3 points 2. Determine the number of records the dataset has in total. 3 points 3. Compute the min, max, and average page size. 5 points Hint: Use MapReduce. spark function 4. Determine the record with the largest page size. 3 points If multiple records have the same size, list all of them. 5. Determine the record with the largest page size. 5 points If multiple records have the same size, pick the most popular. 6. Determine the record with the longest page title. 3 points If multiple titles have the same length, list all of them. 7. Use the results of question 3, and create a new RDD with the records that have greater page size from the average. 5 points Hint : Use filters. --spark function-- 8. Pageviews per project: compute the total number of pageviews for each project (as the schema shows, the first field of each record contains the project code). 3 points 9. Report the 10 most popular pageviews of all projects , sorted by the total number of hits. 5 points 10. Determine the number of page titles that start with the article ”The”. How many of those page titles are not part of the English project (Pages that are part of the English project have “en” as first field)? 5 points 11. Determine the percentage of pages that have only received a single page view in this one hour of log data. 5 points 12. Determine the number of unique terms appearing in the page titles. Note that in page titles, terms are delimited by “ ” instead of a whitespace. You can use any number of normalization steps (e.g. lowercasing, removal of non-alphanumeric characters). 5 points 13. Determine the most frequently occurring page title term in this dataset. 5 points Exercise 2 (40/100): Spark Pseudo-distributed Execution On this exercise you are going to experiment with the the -pseudo- distributed execution on Spark. Your have to change the default configurations in order to emulate a local cluster environment with more than one nodes. Follow the examples of the given link to setup the cluster settings : http://bit.ly/2xrphYx Configure the number of slaves and memory/cores that you think is more suitable for your PC, and create two simpletypologies: ● Small cluster: with small number of workers, number of cores and slaves. ● Big cluster : with the maximum computation power that you can give. For each setup mentioned above, run again queries 3,5,6,7,13 of Ex.1, and compare the execution time on the two emulated clusters. Compare the results and discuss the configutarion for each cluster. --details for design on report-- ● Hints: Experiment with the following variables : ○ SPARK_WORKER_CORES ○ SPARK_WORKER_INSTANCES ○ SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY ● Useful tools to understand better your cluster environment are: ○ Master node web UI : localhost:8080 ○ Spark web UI (while running job) : localhost:4040 ○ Spark history server web UI : localhost:18080 History server is useful to inspect past jobs. For example when using spark-submit instead of spark-shell. More info on how to start and config history server here: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/monitoring.html .
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