MONEY - MORE WASTE AND LOSSES Chedet.co.cc July 22, 2008 By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad The Government of Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi has lost billions of Ringgit by cancelling the bridge project to replace the causeway, postponing the double-tracking and electrification of the North-South railway and the sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton. The Government had also wasted money - RM2 billion in Terengganu. Thinking that he had the right to use Wang Ehsan , the royalty from Petronas to the State of Terengganu totalling more than five billion Ringgit over several years Dato Seri Abdullah together with Dato Seri Idris Jusoh, the former Menteri Besar of Terengganu went on a spending spree. Without any proper study and planning, without bothering about the rules and regulations about how Government money should be allocated and used, Dato Seri Abdullah and Dato Seri Idris and their cronies spent huge sums of the "Wang Ehsan" on a theme park (Crystal Mosque), Monsoon Cup, development of Setiu etc etc. More than two billion Ringgit were poured into Terengganu. Then in 2008, Barisan Nasional won and Abdullah happily decided to spend more of the Wang Ehsan on fancy projects. Unfortunately the Sultan of Terengganu refused to have Idris Jusoh as Menteri Besar. It was a slap in the face fo Abdullah when he was forced to accept the Sultan's nominee as Menteri Besar. This new Menteri Besar insisted that the royalty due to Terengganu should be paid to the State and the State should manage the fund. This was as it should be. But the Menteri Besar insisted that what was spent before this in building the theme park, organising the Monsoon Cup etc worth about RM 2 billion was not from the royalty due to Terengganu. It was from Federal fund. He demanded that the full amount of royalty over the years should be paid to Terengganu. So RM2 billion of Federal funds have been expended on Terengganu, the richest State in Malaysia. Failing this Terengganu has a court case initiated by the PAS Government which the BN State Government has not withdrawn. The Federal Government will now have to find some RM5 billion to give to Terengganu. Where is this money going to come from? Obviously from the Federal Consolidated Fund. Basically the Federal Government will lose RM5 billion because it had assumed that a tame Terengganu Menteri Besar would collaborate in some of the most wasteful projects for the State and the country. I am told that a Disneyland designer was engaged to design the "Crystal Mosque" and theme park. Must cost a lot. Some contractors made tons of money getting projects without proper processes. 596 Comments By rizuwan on July 22, 2008 12:31 PM What a waste.This time i hope i am the first. By zali lampai on July 22, 2008 12:31 PM http://www.anakmalaysia81.blogspot.com/ Assalamualaikum Tun Inilah kerajaan yang tiada WAWASAN & PERANCANGAN. Mereka hanya tahu duit itu banyak... tapi tak tahu duit akan habis jika tidak dijanakan. By Johorian on July 22, 2008 12:31 PM Salam Tun... crystal mosque.... sekarang masjid hanya layak untuk pameran agaknya..... By (MFMS)d on July 22, 2008 12:31 PM Inilah kerajaan PakLah yang haru biru. Ekonomi makin tepu. Bersiap sedia menghadapi inflasi! By azee72 on July 22, 2008 12:31 PM Salam Tun.. Antara Tun dan Pak Lah, rasanya siapa yang lebih membazir dan lebih korup? Wassalam By kamal ahmad on July 22, 2008 12:35 PM Salam Ayahanda Tun, “Unfortunately the Sultan of Terengganu refused to have Idris Jusoh as Menteri Besar. It was a slap in the face fo Abdullah when he was forced to accept the Sultan's nominee as Menteri Besar.” First time in Malaysian politics, cable PM tak laku… Perlis, Terengganu. Sangat memalukan. Kemaluan yang amat besar pada pendapat saya. By wakmeskam on July 22, 2008 12:38 PM Assalamualaikum Ybg Tun. Ya Allah bilalah balak akibat pemerintah yang zalim kepada rakyat ini akan berakhir. Tolonglah beri petua kepada kami. Semuga tun walfiat sekeluarga. By Audi on July 22, 2008 12:42 PM Assalamualaikum Tun, Saya anak Terengganu. Saya sangat sedih apabila duit rakyat dibelanjakan sesuka hati mereka. Harap-harap MB baru ni membuat perancangan yang betul untuk kesejahteraan rakyat Terengganu. Tapi isu beli kereta Merz membuatkan nama nya tercalit sedikit Audi By beforedark on July 22, 2008 12:42 PM I dono wat 2 say... sigh... By Ayoi on July 22, 2008 12:43 PM Assalamualaikum Tun dan semua peminat blog TDM, Dengan penjelasan yang sebegini jelas, lancar dan berterus terang kenapa masih pak pek menteri buta mata dan hati menyokong AAB yang kononnya telus dan sebagainya.. Semoga ALLAH S.W.T melindungi negara tercinta ini daripada pengkhianat agama, bangsa dan negara. Semoga Tun dan keluarga terus dilimpahi rahmat ALLAH dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang baik dan sempurna. Wassalam By donadoni on July 22, 2008 12:43 PM Assalammualaikum Tun, I think the present government led by Pak Lah is bringing the country to doom; and all his advisors panicking in giving advices. They are running after time. Now Trengganu state is giving Pak lah headaches. Spending money like "the red indians got hold of rifles; shooting(spending money) like nobody's business. May ALLAH bless you and your family. By artmart on July 22, 2008 12:43 PM Tun, Saya dah pergi ke Theme Park ni. Dibina oleh Patrick Lim (pakcik kepada isteri Kamarudin). Memang betul Tun pernah kata ini kerajaan Dollah Badawi. Masa perasmian Monsoon Cup ramai tengok KJ begitu rapat dgn Patrick Lim. KJ ada kaitan apa dgn projek2 tu. Yang peliknya kenapa Taman Tamadun Islam diberi kpd Patrick Lim. Orang Islam Terengganu tak bolehkah manage sendiri. Adakah ini Islam Hadhari yang Idris Jusoh dok memekik sampai sultan pun menyampah. Pak Lah pulak dgn bangga bazirkan duit rakyat. Masjid tu pulak tak boleh buat solat jumaat sebab tak dak kariah. Ini perancangan jenis apa. Cuba Tun selidik sikit pasal alignment Penang Bridge II. Dengar cerita dibengkokkan ke projek Equine sebab nak bantu projek Patrick Lim.. Betul ke atau `kebetulan' yang `Pak Lah ni semuanya betul' (itu kata2 Menteri2 sekarang) By cinonek on July 22, 2008 12:44 PM Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kabulkanlah permintaan rakyatmu yang sedang menderita dek kerana Perdana Menterinya yang.... huh ...huhhh...sedih By heicalmy on July 22, 2008 12:44 PM Salam Tun, cronies spent huge sums of the "Wang Ehsan" on a theme park (Crystal Mosque), Monsoon Cup, development of Setiu etc etc. Audit Negara kena check dan beritahu rakyat secara detail kemana dibelanjakan wang rakyat. Patutlah kecoh Sultan tak mahu MB lama. By mohd saifuddin on July 22, 2008 12:44 PM saya tak sangka betul , pak lah sanggup buat begini. saya se olah rasa tertipu dengan barisan nasional yang sekarang. patut lah barisan hilang banyak undi. saya kesal betul undi barisan nasional dan rasa amat malu kerana undi BN. Tun betul ke , apa yang tun kata ni ? kenapa pak lah sanggup habis kan duit rakyat begini. susah payah kita bayar cukai dengan kerajaan ,dia orang habis kan duit rakyat untuk isi kan poket sendiri. saya doa supaya allah akan memberi hukuman yang amat keras pada orang yang tipu duit rakyat. By kaychin on July 22, 2008 12:45 PM Dear Tun, Thanks for your "insider" info. on these. Please let us know more, as we can't get to know these thru our main stream media. Thank you Tun, you are so "umm"!! Mr. Lah is probably still thinking he strike a lottery.. By MataHatiJohor on July 22, 2008 12:45 PM chedet.com Fan Club http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=27391957109 By Jinggo on July 22, 2008 12:45 PM Tun, I previously read several blogs with photos of a compass showing the kiblat direction of the masjid kristal is also wrong. Is it true? -Jinggo Rock- By slimgang on July 22, 2008 12:46 PM Salam Tun Saya teramat bersetuju dengan pendapat Tun. AAB dan Idris Jusoh nampak memang meyakinkan rakyat Terengganu pada mulanya menjadi menteri besar. Beliau nampak seakan membawa Terengganu kearah pemodenan. Tetapi sebenarnya beliau adalah penghabis duit dan kekayaan negeri Terengganu dari hasil minyak. Itu sebabnya sultan telah menyedari akan hakikat ini dan tidak suka pada beliau untuk menjadi MB selepas PRU 12. AAB memang mempunyai kepentingan secara langsung dari Idris Jusoh selagi beliau menjadi MB. Tetapi malang nasib Idris Jusoh hanya setakat di situ sahaja. P/S. Tun, kenapa BPR tak siasat AAB dan Idris Jusoh tu. Rasa-rasa??? Semoga Tun sihat selalu. By amydala on July 22, 2008 12:46 PM Salam Tun, 3.43 juta utk bli Mercz tu celah gigi jaa tun...kalo tolong org2 miskin kat pedalaman memang macam tak tolong jaa pasai RM3.43 juta tu 'sikit' sgttt... By Haikal1978 on July 22, 2008 12:46 PM Dear Tun and Malaysians, It was the joke of the century when the PM (Abdullah Badawi) commented on the DNA. The funny part is he got the facts wrong. When the experts collect blood samples the get the coding, it is translated into a chart which is on permanent record. This record is done once, and that's it. It is something like profiling a blood test. If you are in the group of A+, then you are forever A+. It is unnecessary to withdraw blood to get the grouping after 10 years or 20 years. The grouping will not change. Likewise, DNA profiling is permanent. The idea that the current government and police force need to have Anwar's blood for new DNA profiling is illogical. This simply shows the lack of knowledge among this group of people and to paint bad picture about DSAI refusing to allow blood sample taken from him.
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