Mountaineers (Society) file://///files/shareddocs/librarycollections/manuscriptsarchives/findaidsi... UNIVERSITY UBRARIES w UNIVERSITY of WASH INCTON Spe, ial Colle tions. Mountaineers (Society) Inventory Accession No: 1984-013 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Guide to the Mountaineers (society). To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/Mountaineers1294_1946_1984/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search 1 of 1 9/22/2015 11:22 AM MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 INVENTORY Box/Folders Dates ORGANIZATIONAL FEATURES 1/1-2 Bylaws & Constitution 1906-1980, n.d. 1/1 Notices 1913 1/2-3 Operations Manual 1966-1967 11 Miscellaneous OVERSIZED 1959-1978, n.d. INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE 1/4 Friends of the Western Mountains 1928-1930 1/5 Greeting Cards (Mainly Christmas) 1931-1966, n.d. 1/6-7 A – Z Miscellaneous 1907-1969 1/8 A – Z Miscellaneous 1970-1988 OUTGOING CORRESPONDENCE 1/9 Edmond S. Meany 1921-1927 1/10 Servicemen’s letters 1918-1919, n.d. 1/11 Miscellaneous 1916-1971 1/12 INTERDEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE 1920, 1966-1971 1/13-14 MINUTES Director’s minutes 1908 Mountaineer Planning Conference 1969 Outing Coordinating Committee 1970 Unidentified 1975 FINANCIAL RECORDS 1/15-16 Ledgers 1930-1954 8 Ledgers OVERSIZED 1940-1950 1/17 Miscellaneous 1926-1971 REPORTS 1926-1971 1/18 Outing/Trip Mount Rainier 1916 Glacier National Park, British Columbia 1943 Alpine Lookout Trail 1971 1/19 Miscellaneous 1926-1955 SPEECHES AND WRITINGS MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 Page 2 Box/Folders Dates 1/20 Meany, Edmond S. 1909-1914, 1972 1/21 Poems 1909-1937, n.d. 1/22 Reminiscences “Mount Rainier” (George James) 1885 “Ascent of Mount Shuksan” (Asahel Curtis) 1907 “Dedication of Kitsap Cabin” (Dagmar Georgeson) 1917 “The Wonders of Wonderland Trail” 1926 “The Stampede of 1927 to Rainier” 1927 “Rainier, Friday the 13th” (Harriet Geithmann) 1931 “Washington State – A Skiing Paradise” (Dwight Watson) 1939 [Trip to Mount Rainier] 1946 “Mountain Trails” (Patience L. Paschall) 1957 “Rhododendron Preserve” (Harriet Walker & Bob Landon) 1960 [Mount Rainier Climb, 1885-1886] (A.L. Brown) n.d. [Trip to Paradise Valley, 1895] (J.B. Flatt & H.H. Barratson) n.d. “Twenty-eight Glaciers in Seven Days” (Harriet Geithmann) n.d. “Skiing in Paradise” (Harriet Geithman) n.d. “Top O’ the World” n.d. “Skii Winters in the Pacific Northwest” n.d. “The Mount Adams Skii Trip” (Dwight Watson) n.d. [Trip to the Skagit] n.d. [Skiing in Washington] n.d. Songs 1/23 “Banquet Verses” n.d. 1/23 “Calling” n.d. 1/23 “Ea-Lay-Lee” (Patience Paschall) 1946 1/23 “I Am a Mountaineer” (Gardner Hicks) 1969 1/23 “Mountain Voices, The” (J. Van Horn) 1909 1/23 “Mountaineer Outing of 1930” (Patience Paschall) 1930 1/23 “Mountaineer Song” n.d. 1/23 “They Lie in France Where Lilies Bloom” n.d. 1/23-25 Song Sheets 1924-1942, n.d. 1/24-25 Song Books 1922, 1966, n.d. 1/26 Speech - Van Trump, Philemon Beecher 1911 1/27-28 Miscellaneous 1919-1988 11 Miscellaneous OVERSIZED n.d. 1/29-30 MEMBERS LISTS 1914-1972, n.d. 1/31 MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION n.d. 1/32 COURSE MATERIAL (Orienteering, Camping, and Climbing) 1968-1969 MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 Page 3 Box/Folders Dates OUTING FILES 1/33 Mount Baker (Summer Outing 1908) 1908 1/34 San Juan Islands (1910) 1910 1/35 Mount Rainier National Park (1912) 1912 1/36 Mount Rainier National Park (1914) 1914 1/37 Mount Rainier National Park (1916-1917) 1916-1917 1/38 Mount Rainier National Park (1917-1918) 1917-1918 1/39 Mount Rainier National Park (1920) 1920 1/40 Mount Rainier National Park (1922-1923) 1922-1923 1/41 Paradise Valley (Winter Outing 1925-1926) 1925-1926 1/42 Lake O’Hara (Summer Outing 1929) 1929 1/43 Mount Rainier National Park (Winter Outing 1929-1930) 1929-1930 1/44 Mount Rainier National Park (Summer Outing 1930) 1930 1/45 Garibaldi Park (Summer Outing 1931) 1931 1/46 Glacier Peak, Mount St. Helens, Mount Adams, Mount Hood (Summer Outing 1932) 1932 1/47 Glacier Peak (1934) 1934 2/1 [Unidentified] (1934) 1934 2/2 Mount Rainier National Park (Summer 1936) 1936 2/3-4 Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park (Summer Outing 1939) 1939 2/5 Olympic National Park (Summer Outing 1940) 1940 2/6 Lake O’Hara (Summer Outing 1941) 1941 2/7 Reflection Lake (Summer Outing 1942) 1942 2/8 Paradise Valley (Summer Outing 1944) 1944 2/9 Mount Rainier National Park (Summer Outing 1946) 1946 2/10 Grand Teton National Park (Summer Outing 1947) 1947 2/11 Glacier National Park (1950) 1950 2/12 Mount Robson (Summer Outing 1950) 1950 2/13 [Unidentified] (Summer Outing 1951) 1951 2/14 Glacier National Park (Summer Outing 1952) 1952 2/15 Lake O’Hara (Summer Outing 1953) 1953 2/16-17 Mount Rainier National Park (Summer Outing 1954) 1954 2/18 Grand Teton National Park (Summer Outing 1955) 1954-1955 2/19 Sierras (Summer Outing 1956) 1956 2/20 Port Townsend (1956-1957) 1956-1957 2/21 Glacier Peak (Summer Outing 1957) 1957 2/22 Wallowa (Summer Outing 1958) 1958 2/23 Little Yoho Valley (Summer Outing 1961) 1961 2/24 Northern Cascades (Summer Outing 1963) 1963 2/25 Sawtooth Mountains (1967) 1967 2/26 Miscellaneous (1970) 1970 2/27 Mount Olympus – Bailey Range (1971) 1971 OUTING FILES (cont'd) MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 Page 4 Box/Folders Dates 2/28 Miscellaneous (1971) 1970-1971 2/29 Banff National Park (Summer Outing 1975) 1975 2/30 Yoho National Park (Summer Outing 1978) 1978 2/31 Mount Olympus (Early Climbs of Mount Olympus 1899-?) 1920 2/32 Miscellaneous n.d. SUBJECT SERIES Round Robin 2/33-34 Incoming Letters 1923-1934, n.d. 2/35 Outgoing Letters 1930, 1933 2/36 Nominations 1926-1934, n.d. 2/37 Election Tallies n.d. 2/38 MAPS 1903, 1909, 1915, 1919, 1938, 1944 2/39 MENUS n.d. PROGRAMS 2/40 Annual Banquets 1955-1982 2/41 Dedications 1934-1939 2/42 Memorials 1982, n.d. 2/43 Photographic Exhibitions 1921-1941 2/44 Summer Outing Reunions 1934-1954, n.d. 2/45 Miscellaneous 1934-1954 2/46 AWARDS & HONORS 1947-1955 PUBLICATIONS 2/47 Appalachian Mountain Club 1914-1919 2/48 Colorado Mountain Club 1915, 1918-1919 2/49 Klahhane Club 1922-1927 2/50 Mazamas 1907, 1919, 1931 Mountaineers 2/51-55 Bulletin/Prospectus 1908-1983 2/56 Rules & Regulations 1915, n.d. 3/1 Miscellaneous 1922, 1931, 1964, n.d. 3/2 New York Botanical Garden 1915, 1919 3/3 Sierra Club 1910, 1912, 1916, n.d. PUBLICATIONS (cont'd) MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 Page 5 Box/Folders Dates 3/4 American Clubs Colorado Clubs Colorado Chautauqua Association 1918-1920 Washington Clubs Co-Operative Campers. Seattle n.d. Mount Baker Club 1927 Washington Alpine Club 1933, n.d. Miscellaneous 12 American Alpine Club OVERSIZED 1914 American Civic Association 1912 Associated Mountaineering Clubs of North America 1916, 1924 Federation of Western Outdoor Clubs 1949 Green Mountain Club 1920 Wilderness Society 1956-1957 Foreign Clubs 3/6 Alpine Club of Canada 1915, 1921 3/6 British Columbia Mountaineering Club 1913, 1924 3/6 Club Alpin Francais 1920 3/5 Zeitschrift Des Deutschen Und Osterreichischen Alpenvereins 1909 United States Government 3/7 Department of Agriculture 1920 3/8 Geographic Board 1917 3/9 Department of the Interior 1907-1928 3/10-18 Miscellaneous 1906-1986, n.d. 3/19 NEWSLETTERS (Miscellaneous) 1952-1980 3/20 FLAG 1913 3/21 NOTES n.d. 9 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1906-1969 GUEST BOOKS 3/22 Kitsap Cabin 1916-1922 3/23 Kitsap Cabin 1922-1933 4/1 Mountaineer Club Rooms 1930-1936 8 Meany Ski Hut OVERSIZED 1927-1935 8 Meany Ski Hut OVERSIZED 1935-1942 8 Meany Ski Hut OVERSIZED 1942-1948 8 Meany Ski Hut OVERSIZED 1948-1955 8 Meany Ski Hut OVERSIZED 1955-1972 MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 Page 6 Box/Folders Dates 4/2 DRAWINGS n.d. 11 DRAWINGS OVERSIZED n.d. 4/3-17 PHOTOGRAPHS & PHOTO ALBUMS n.d. 9, 12, 13 PHOTOGRAPHS & PHOTO ALBUMS OVERSIZED n.d. 4/18 BUTTON n.d. 12 POSTERS OVERSIZED n.d. 10 PATCHES n.d. SCRAPBOOKS 4/19 Flora of the Lodge Country 1936 4/20-21 Scrapbook Material 1934, n.d. 5/1 Pressed Flowers n.d. 5 SLIDES n.d. 9 MOUNT RAINIER SEED INDEX 1913 5/2 – 6/2 CLIPPINGS n.d. 6/3 EPHEMERA n.d. 6/4 MISCELLANEY n.d. Subgroups 6/5 BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1929-1971, n.d. CLIMBING COMMITTEE 6/6 Course Attendence Lists 1950, 1956 6/7 Speeches and Writings 1971 Publications 6/8-9 Climbers Notebook 1940 6/10-11 Climbing Course Lecture 1953 6/12 Beginning Mountaineering School Instructor’s Manual 1957 6/13-14 Intermediate Climbing Course 1986 LOCAL WALKS COMMITTEE MOUNTAINEERS (SOCIETY) Accession No. 1984-13 Page 7 Box/Folders Dates 6/15 Ledgers 1908-1911 6/16-20 Logs 1909-1916 6/21 Card n.d. MOUNTAINEER PLAYERS 6/22 Organizational Features n.d. 6/23 Speeches and Writings 1973, 1976, n.d. 6/24 Financial Records 1933-1966 12 Financial Records OVERSIZED 1933-1957 6/25 Programs 1930-1977 6/26-27 Guest Books 1934-1952, 1963 7/1-2 Photographs n.d. 7/3 OUTDOOR COORDINATION COMMITTEE 1966 SKI MOUNTAINEERING COMMITTEE 6/4-6 Publications 1942, 1949 SUMMER OUTING COMMITTEE 7/7 Incoming Letters 1952 7/8 Outgoing Letters 1952 7/9 Reports n.d.
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