Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Published by ASIC ASIC Gazette Contents Banking Act Unclaimed Money as at 31 December 2007 RIGHTS OF REVIEW Persons affected by certain decisions made by ASIC under the Corporations Act 2001 and the other legislation administered by ASIC may have rights of review. ASIC has published Regulatory Guide 57 Notification of rights of review (RG57) and Information Sheet ASIC decisions – your rights (INFO 9) to assist you to determine whether you have a right of review. You can obtain a copy of these documents from the ASIC Digest, the ASIC website at www.asic.gov.au or from the Administrative Law Co-ordinator in the ASIC office with which you have been dealing. ISSN 1445-6060 (Online version) Available from www.asic.gov.au ISSN 1445-6079 (CD-ROM version) Email [email protected] © Commonwealth of Australia, 2008 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all rights are reserved. Requests for authorisation to reproduce, publish or communicate this work should be made to: Gazette Publisher, Australian Securities and Investment Commission, GPO Box 9827, Melbourne Vic 3001 ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 2 of 463 Specific disclaimer for Special Gazette relating to Banking Unclaimed Monies The information in this Gazette is provided by Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions to ASIC pursuant to the Banking Act (Commonwealth) 1959. The information is published by ASIC as supplied by the relevant Authorised Deposit-taking Institution and ASIC does not add to the information. ASIC does not verify or accept responsibility in respect of the accuracy, currency or completeness of the information, and, if there are any queries or enquiries, these should be made direct to the Authorised Deposit-taking Institution ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 3 of 463 Banking Unclaimed Money as at 31 December 2007 Section 69 of Banking Act 1959 Statement of Unclaimed Money under the Banking Act General Information The publication contains details of amounts of $500.00 or more which Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions have paid to the Commonwealth Government as unclaimed moneys in accordance with Section 69 of the Banking Act 1959 for the year ended 31 December 2007. These moneys, and also the amounts which trading and savings banks have paid to the Commonwealth Government as unclaimed moneys in previous years, may be claimed by depositors or their legal representatives by applying to the ADI concerned. Approach your local branch of the Bank, Building Society or Credit Union concerned in order to lodge a claim to recover your funds. ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 4 of 463 Adelaide Bank Limited Account Name Address Amount A$ BAILEY, SCOTT & GLENN 26 GLENEAGLES ROAD, ABERFOYLE 1,105.45 PARK, SA 5159 BAIN, MALCOLM UNIT 3, 115 DAWS ROAD, CLOVELLY 10,976.33 PARK, SA 9997 BENNETT, PETER & GENENE 73-75 BERRINGA ROAD, PARK 569.53 ORCHARDS, VIC 9997 BOHNER, ALEX & BETTY 61 CROMWELL DRIVE, ALICE 8,486.53 SPRINGS, NT 9997 BROCK, ANDREW FLAT 22 ST JAMES COURT, 3 NOBLET 1,235.47 STREET, FINDON, SA 5023 BROOKS, PAM UNIT 12, 18 BELMORE ROAD, 3,188.69 RANDWICK, NSW 9997 CHEATLE, MEDINA 257 GREENHILL RD, DULWICH, SA 1,014.22 5065 COGHLAN & SCHOOP, MARTIN UNIT 1, 18 SANDO AVENUE, 502.86 RICHARD & MIRIAM CORINNA TRANMERE, SA 5073 DENHARTOG, EMMA 9 SUMMER HILL COURT, WYNN VALE, 519.90 SA 5127 DICKSON, ALYSSA PO BOX 1179, NARACOORTE, SA 5271 2,536.09 ED CANNAN ROOFING PTY LTD C/-ED CANNAN ROOFING P/L SUPER 14,316.99 FUND, 377A WILLARONG ROAD, SOUTH CARINGBAH, NSW 2229 ENDERSBY, PAMELA P O BOX 10, KANGARILLA, SA 5157 701.99 EXTRABON PTY LTD 9 TELOPEA DRIVE, ATHELSTONE, SA 2,398.94 5076 FAHEY, NOEL UNIT 1, 3 MANGOLA COURT, 1,000.42 LARRAKEYAH, NT 9997 FAUL, DULCIE UNIT 40, 155 EDWARD STREET, 8,860.58 MELROSE PARK, SA 5039 FENTIMAN, KRISTY 24 EDDY STREET, CLEARVIEW, SA 625.91 5085 GENTLES, ELLIE L (ESTATE OF THE 39 PALM STREET, ST IVES, NSW 2075 1,181.49 LATE) GERKENS, CHRISTOPHER 53 WARDALE ROAD, SPRINGVALE 4,304.81 SOUTH, VIC 3172 GOODMAN, ZELMA 79 HARBOUR DRIVE, HARBOUR 2,982.97 TOWN, PATTERSON LAKES, VIC 3197 GOW, DENISE FLAT 1, 2 BOGOTA AVENUE, NEUTRAL 17,732.95 BAY, NSW 9997 GREENWOOD, GLYNN & ROMANA 7 ZENOBIA CRES, MODBURY, SA 5092 1,188.25 GRIFFEN CREATIVE PTY LTD LEVEL 2, 506 MILLER STREET, 532.69 CAMMERAY, NSW 2062 HANKIN, MAY FLAT 4, 227 BEULAH ROAD, BEULAH 4,112.09 PARK, SA 5067 ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 5 of 463 Account Name Address Amount A$ HARCOURT, RICHARD 749 CHERRY GARDENS ROAD, 1,275.21 CHERRY GARDENS, SA 9997 HARPER, PAMELA FLAT 27, 91 ROBSART STREET, 767.76 PARKSIDE, SA 9997 HARRIS, MARGARET 38 KINGFISHER DRIVE, SEMAPHORE 1,545.38 PARK, SA 5019 HOOPER, ROBERT 38 HALSBURY AVE, KINGSWOOD, SA 1,705.04 5062 IZZO, ANGELO 390 WRIGHT ROAD, PARA VISTA, SA 14,870.44 5093 JAMES, JOSEPHINE PO BOX 102, MOUNT BARKER, SA 5251 2,624.94 JESSOP, EDWARD (ESTATE OF THE C/- CURRIE WICKENS, PO BOX 3065 30,233.22 LATE) BORADWAY, NEDLANDS, WA 6009 JOHNSON, HERBERT 7 ELIZABETH ST, ROSEWATER, SA 12,111.62 9997 JOHNSON, JOHN 68 GLYDE STREET, ALBERT PARK, SA 2,982.72 5014 JONGENELIS, SUSANNA 22 WREN STREET, O'HALLORAN HILL, 1,680.89 SA 5158 JUSTIN, GARY PO BOX 380, TANUNDA, SA 5352 1,417.10 KASELOURIS, EFTALIA 100 HARROW RD, COLLEGE PARK, SA 1,607.56 5069 KERI ANN SMYTHE TRUST LEVEL 16, 101 COLLINS STREET, 21,717.26 MELBOURNE, VIC 3000 KRAEHE, CONDOR PO BOX 180, TANUNDA, SA 5352 3,281.78 KUHL, AUDREY 3 VICTORIA TCE, MOUNT GAMBIER, SA 6,585.28 5290 LEE, SHERRY 14 MIDDLE HARBOUR ROAD, 4,737.84 LINDFIELD, NSW 2070 LEE & LOH, CHONG KEE & KIM FONG 3 WAIGEN CLOSE, WESTLAKE, QLD 1,087.79 4074 MARCH, RODNEY P O BOX 296, HENLEY BEACH, SA 5022 1,306.17 MATTERS, GRAHAM & NORMA 9 DARRAGH STREET, WHYALLA 14,319.87 PLAYFORD, SA 5600 MCLEAN, KOULLA & MATTHEW 8 KENIHANS ROAD, HAPPY VALLEY, 3,005.29 SA 5159 MERCHANT, CLEMENT 15A PRICE ST, MELROSE PARK, SA 2,831.99 9997 MOORE, ELSIE 2A GARDNER STREET, PLYMPTON, SA 14,621.15 5038 MOT VINDEN PTY LTD UNIT 30, 237 WAKEFIELD STREET, 588.01 ADELAIDE, SA 5000 MURABITO, SAM 2 TAIT AVENUE, MARION, SA 5043 1,910.19 NASINSKI, TADEUSZ & MARGARET 55 RAWLINGS ROAD, MODBURY 2,828.58 NORTH, SA 5092 ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 6 of 463 Account Name Address Amount A$ NEWMAN, NICHOLAS 32A ISLAND DRIVE, WEST LAKES, SA 505.71 9997 NORMAN, BERNADETTE 47 HARDYS ROAD, UNDERDALE, SA 1,524.16 5032 PAZIOS, SPIRO & NINA PO BOX 3766, MANUKA, ACT 2603 639.63 RHODES, CATHERINE 36 ALFRED AVENUE, SEATON, SA 5023 531.03 RIDGWAY, MARGARET 12 JELLICOE AVENUE, KINGS PARK, 3,985.41 SA 9997 ROBINSON, WILLIAM 605 BRIGHTON RD, SEACLIFF, SA 9997 1,143.56 RODRICKS, PATRICIA 22 JAMES STREET, PROSPECT, SA 7,874.88 9997 RULE, JOAN C/- ABN AMRO MORGAN MPS, GPO 11,085.51 BOX 582, BRISBANE, QLD 4001 RUNCALE PTY LTD PO BOX 962, KENT TOWN DC, SA 5071 88,227.26 SDI SYSTEMS DESGN & INTGRTN AUS 85 TAPLEYS HILL ROAD, HENDON, SA 1,982.32 P/L 5014 VANDEHEYDE, JANTJE 19 CUNNINGHAM STREET, MOUNT 20,350.36 GAMBIER, SA 5290 WAI, YUK C/- ZHI BIAO DENG & YUK KUEN WAI, 1,009.84 433 MILLER STREET, CAMMERAY, NSW 2062 WALLACE, ROHAN UNIT 2, 25 COLLINS STREET, 1,319.43 COLLINSWOOD, SA 9997 WAN, TERESA C/- BURNSIDE BOARDING HOUSE, PO 1,221.32 BOX 222, CLAREMONT, WA 9997 WAN, TRACY CARE BURNSIDE BOARDING HOUSE, 1,221.32 PO BOX 222, CLAREMONT, WA 9997 WARREN, SARA 33 COLTON AVENUE, MAGILL, SA 9997 1,371.56 WATERS, ROBERT UNIT 1, 11 ENID AVENUE, OSBORNE, 30,955.14 SA 5017 WATTERS, ROGER 14 FOLKSTONE STREET, PARA HILLS, 1,011.36 SA 5096 WEDDERBURN, JOHN 11 ALLEN DRV, PARA HILLS, SA 9997 3,386.73 WHITE, ANDREW & GEOFF 13 AIRPORT RD, BROOKLYN PARK, SA 1,520.28 5032 WHYTE, COLIN & JOSEPHINE 38 VINGARA DRIVE, DERNANCOURT, 1,090.17 SA 5075 WILLCOX, REGINALD S M (ESTATE OF C/- MELLOR OLSSON, GPO BOX 74, 1,366.69 LATE) ADELAIDE, SA 5001 WILSON, ROGER 22 PANTER ST, WILLASTON, SA 5118 51,915.10 WILSON, ROY & SARAH 50 CARDIGAN STREET, ANGLE PARK, 2,578.73 SA 9997 WILSON, BEVAN CHAFFEYS ROAD, MCLAREN VALE, SA 4,657.82 9997 WING, WILLIAM 5 MELLOR ROAD, GLANVILLE, SA 5015 848.61 ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 7 of 463 Account Name Address Amount A$ YEATMAN, DARIA 12 CHELMSFORD AV, MITCHAM, SA 1,027.67 9997 YON, DOROTHY CARE R A YON, 7A SANDISON 1,405.06 AVENUE, PARK HOLME, SA 5043 ASIC GAZETTE Commonwealth of Australia Gazette ASIC 40A/08, Wednesday, 21 May 2008 Banking Act Unclaimed Money Page 8 of 463 AMP Bank Limited Account Name Address Amount A$ Curtis, Robby 35 Mckenzie Avenue, POTTSVILLE 1,180.01 BEACH NSW 2489 Australia Hibbins, Scott 7/24 Brixton Rise, GLEN IRIS VIC 3146 1,505.03 Australia Jenkins, Barry 8 Buxton Rd, WEMBLEY DOWNS WA 14,271.35 6019 Australia Karner, Sascha 27 Stuart Street, NOBLE PARK VIC 3174 675.14 Australia Kich, Wassil 8 Emily Circuit, BOWRAL NSW 2576 15,894.39 Australia Lee, Flora G01/117 Murray Street, PYRMONT NSW 1,503.09 2009 Australia May, Jenny 685 Yaruga Street, TOM PRICE WA 6751 73,189.05 Australia Mclaren, Kirsten 32/The Grange, MALVERN EAST VIC 586.39 3145 Australia Northcott, Mark 27 Stanleigh Crescent, WOLLONGONG 797.71 NSW 2500 Australia Parkers Edge Pty Ltd, ACN
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