THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. •• Sttvrtititg 1«, Stanton C. Moore, SATURDAY. SfYTEMBBB ISST A-23 MALUNOrr. TITTA. Thera win to ILIFFI. EMMA JOHNSON. OB Satur- C. D. Hudson, 67, a monument to Judges an unvelltnc ot the Dies;; Juvenile ,0 l 0t , Retired GPO Aide ?liftA° on 'Bu{l- IT. , MAsill«rar^ at 12:30 ILIPPE. beloved mother of Mite Ruth Stanton Clyde Moore, retired !U Hlffa, Reject M. IllfTe and WUliam O Proposal slater Reds of Mrs. Carl Bjorn at WorootVor. Box Association Official proof deader of the Government Relative! and friends invited. M»»*. Three grandchildren alee I E sur> Vive. Friends may at Ar* Printing Office, died of cancer Plan WITTLIN. MORRIS. There call the Clough D. Hudson, 67, execu-> Liaison will be en or e to hngton Punoral Hoate, .MOl North unvelnni memorial none tive president Ns- yesterday at . the memory of the law MORRIS Fairfax dr.. Arlington, Va.. where I vice of the Arlington Hospital. Three experts on juvenile To Exchange TV Data nmn on Sunday. September IS, service* will be held on Monday, p.m.. September ; tion&l Wooden Box Association, He was 60, and a resident problems met last night to 18S7, at l at the Adat leraei u. at 11. am. Burial of By . Cemetery. Friend* end service private. IS died yesterday in Emergency compare tha Aaaoclatad Praia United States policy remains as / Arlington notes and lay the ,A - Hr a County 45 years. I by Secretary « Lo™.i^;r ! Hospital of a heart attack, ig| v groundwork for an extensive Russia has turned down a! j laid down of State 11. 1867, tha WarrentonasasHoe- Mr. Moore Uved at 3420 North United States proposal an , at Mr. Hudson presl- Interchange of common experi- for Dulles: (ftarb 3U)&itk* pital. Warrenton. Va.. LUCILLEi was vice cCustls road, Arlington; Mn. swap Representatives at LACEY JACKSON, beloved wife of of Washington •I ‘M r ence. Immediate of television 1. of 2ft t dent the Federa- county ptTER Mr. Leo Jaekaon, devoted mother es jagk mk Moore la the child care data, but has agreed to talk American news agencies may go GRICO. I. The wife Os the Mr». Lucille Lacey Dean and Mr tion of Churches and a trustee In a joint statement Issued Into FETZR S. ORECO wishes to Lacey, Washing- gWKw B B counselor. ; the whole field to Red China on an experi- express her appreciation Luther J. both et of Davis Memorial Goodwill by Judge over broad of many and sratl- ton. D. CL: mother-in-law oflJre. Orm W. Ketcham of tude tor the kindnesses and Lacey, He was a member of the cultural, scientific and techni- mental six months basis. expressions of sympathy Csthenne B. wife of tht late > Industries. the District Juvenile Court, vrhieh were Wallaoe Lacey. Also surviving are cCherrydale cal exchanges. extended durlne her late bereave- agree Mrs. Teksmsii, Masonic Lodge, a Judge Hugh of Arlington -1 2. Any applications by Red ment. ETHEL E. ORECO. devoted nteeet.. Thelms A native of Nebr., past high priest of Reid State Chief Sliver. Mrs. Mary Hobson of New the Arling- Court Judge Al- Department Press Chinese newsmen to come to York City, N. V. and Mrs. Masle [ Mr. Hudson attended Huron yUB ton1 Royal Arch Chapter and Juvenile and ' Lincoln White told a news con- United would be Moore of Warrenton. Va.: three > College, Dak., L a fred Noyes, who sits on the the States arandchildren and many other rela- Huron. 8. and pastp patron of the Arlington ference yesterday that the considered in the light of tives and friends. Remains may he the University of Denver, where ¦k. juvenile branch of the Mont- p.m. Friday. Sep- i Chapterc meeting place In immigration ATWILL. WALTER SCOTT. On Thurs- viewed after 2 he and of the Order of East- gomery County People’s Court, will take United States laws day. .September 12. 10S7. WALTER tember 13. at the Joynee Funeral i received BA. MA ern He ’ Washington Home. Warrenton. Ve. Funeral serv- Star. was also a mem- the jurists late in October. which require special waives SCOTT ATWXLL. beloved son of the September ; degrees. He once was city editor said: late Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott At- ices on Sunday. 18, at 2 berb of the Columbia Typograph- Mr. White said the Soviet to admit Communists. wtn of Wathlntton. D. C. He Is pm., at the Mount Eton Baptist i of the Spokane (Wash.) Chrqn- “There is full agreement survived by his son, Church, tha Rev. B, B, Cunningham if It: icali: Union. ' Embassy agreed to this Thurs- The American readiness to Walter 8. AtwllL officiating. | and entered the lufh- among the three and two sisters. Florence AtwtH Roan Interment Warrenton lcle later by of us that the ! day in a note handed the de- deal case-by-case with Red and Mrs Ruby F. Treeee. and a niece. Cemetery. 14 ber business. Mr. Moore is survived his problems children Dorothy v | of are not partment by Sergei Chinese newsmen and spe- Dolan. Funeral from the KING. FRANK. Suddenly, on Thurs- wife. Hazel; a son. J. Donald single jurisdic- -1 Counselor with W. W. Deal Funeral Home, 4812 day. September 12, 1967. at hie resi- In 1033 he became executive .Moore, 1 confined to any Striganov, acting of the Oeorsla eve. n.w., on Monday. Sep- dence. 728 Olrard st. n.w.. FRANK and a daughter, Mrs. tional head cific United States-Soviet ex- tember is. at 10 a.m. Interment KINO, beloved husband of Mrs. fllxa- : vice president of the National Phyllis area. Soviet Embassy. changes waft expression of Cemetery. ; i M. Dodd, both of Mc- an Arllntton National IS beth Klnr. father of Mrs. Thelma Wooden Box here ¦ BHBHBBBBBBH “In our opinion, the Wash- relatively flexibility Clarke. Archie. Uton and Wayne \ Association Lean, Va.; and eight grand- He said the Soviet note a new in ROSTWICR. OSCAR JAMB*. On ington Metropolitan Area is Wednesday. Kint. Also surviving are one broth- : and became known as a pack- CLOUGH D. HUDSON ], a brushed aside a specific area of foreign policy. September 11. 1957, at er. seven grandchllaren. one great- chUdren. social and economic entity.” 1 United this his residence. Waldorf. Md., OSCAR grandchild, one brother-tn-law. one ; aging authority in the industry States proposal for an exchange During the coldest days of XW B TW K h UJb nd son-in-law. two danahters-ln-law and Masonic services will be The judges, who So th e r o‘ many i and for the Government. He .con- conferred of experts In advance the cold war, the United States R. andi.. w% T^n^ other relatives and friends. six daughters. Mrs. Arthur C. d at the Community after dinner [ television J Rexford O. Boltwickr of Rndl- After 1 p.m. Sunday. Beitcmbcr I*,. has been president for the last ducted a at the home of of the meeting to study had as little to do as possible cott. N. Y., and Mrs. Howard Rlts friends may call at hie late resi- ' Churchill, Memphis, Tenn.; Methodistt Church in Arlington, Judge in Chevy October of Sayre. Pa.. and Clarence X. Boat- dence Funeral on Monday. ; 13 years of the American Box i Ketcham [ each other’s TV techniques and with Iron Curtain countries. erlek Washington. September services Mrs. Weme C. Baum. Delmar, ofc which he was ; agreed may of D. C. Friends 16. at 11 a.m.. at the • Export a member, at Chase, on an initial call at the Lee Funeral Home. Calvary Bptecopal Church. Shook Association. 1 progress. The Russians said With the thaw, dating around 4th st and Maas. ave. no.. where Protestant N. Y.; Mrs. Charles R. Ward. 3 p.m. tomorrow with private : four-point liasion program: Monday. 8 He was a member of the Cal- this could be talked about in the Geneva summit conference services will be held on &°.t «:• 'IJuMJP. Springfield, Va.; Miss Janice burial.t 1. To share information September 18, at 10 a.m. Inter- ?m&tcemetery. vary Baptist here, about * October along with other ex- of 1055. the general rule has ment Artins ton National Cemetery Memorial Arrantementa ¦ Church R. Hudson, Miss Dorothy C. family requests and by Henry S. Waehiniton 4t Sons. 16‘ chairman of the Building The that ex. offenses social histories of change Ideas. been relaxed. Com- Hudson and Miss Virginia L. t'pressions of sympathy be in previously -1 BRISCOE. THOMAS C. On Friday. 'KING. WILLIAM HENRY. Os 4328 mittee and teacher of i children known to ’ The States two days Further evidence of this Oeoreia ave. n.w., on September ) the Hudson, all of McLean; 11 tthe form of contributions tq United is - Friendship of I another court. ago rejected a Chinese current United States willing- SfijSSK kU^sFESSrIS Class the church 1 grandchildren and a brother, JJudge Hugh Arlington 2. To exchange probation Red of- Wilder Briscoe and father of lan ! Reid. i fer make government-to- ness to resume relations, if a RrlsoM. Friends may call Qaw- school. George F. Hudson, Longmont, County< House, -1 to a at Ernest R. King of utndrum. 8. C.: 'Court In the services when children living Hi way ler’s Chapel. 17S8 Pa. ave. n.w. (cour- Mr. Hudson is survived by ' i -1 government deal on visits by can be found, with Com* tesy parkin* opposite), where serv- brother of Mrs John Hitaffer and Mrs. Colo. rname of the Stanton C. Moore i one jurisdiction commit of- Bulgaria Monday. Sep- V. R. Brannon. Seven crandchtldron newsmen.
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