Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol XLIX No. 22 November 21, 2018 www.philippinerevolution.info EDITORIAL AFP suffers 39 Duterte is putting the casualties country in the middle of the THE ARMED FORCES of the Philippines suffered not less battle of imperialist giants than 39 casualties—23 killed and 16 wounded— from suc- cessful military actions resident Rodrigo Duterte recently expressed apprehension over launched by the New People’s the possible break-out of armed confrontation between the US Army (NPA) in Bukidnon, and China in the South China Sea (SCS). He claims, China is Iloilo, Northern Samar and P"already in possession" of the sea and that US military drills are only Camarines Sur this October. provoking counter-action. The Philippines will suffer in the event of such Bukidnon. Successive a war in the area. armed actions were mounted Duterte is washing his hands of people's wealth and national by the NPA-Bukidnon from responsibility for the rising tensions freedom, which further November 10 to 16, killing 13 in the SCS. The fact is he has a lot to strengthens imperialist power and soldiers and wounding at least answer for in the state of affairs in domination. 10 others. the SCS which arose partly because On the one hand, Duterte is On November 16, a unit of of his two-sided betrayal of Philip- completely selling out to China the the NPA-Bukidnon ambushed pine national sovereignty allowing country's wealth and rights in the 65th IB troopers operating in both the US and China to militarize SCS. In the past two years, he has the boundary of the province or heighten their military presence in set aside Philippine sovereignty in and Pinilayan, Tagoloan 2, the sea. the Spratly islands when he acted Lanao del Sur. Two enemy The Filipino people are suffering meek while China engaged in the units were slain in the incid- from Duterte's spineless foreign reclamation of close to 1,300 ent. The troopers were de- policy and his refusal to uphold the hectares of land on which it erec- ployed as reinforcement to country’s sovereignty on various is- ted various facilities. Several the military elements already sues. Duterte's betrayal is tan- thousand hectares of reefs and operating in the area. tamount to selling off the Filipino "Imperialist giants...," continued on page 2 "39 casualties...," continued on page 4 "Imperialist giants...," from page 1 secure vast resources under the sea. completed in 2007 but China has ex- fishing ground were ruined by these In the face of all these, the ob- clusively held on the results. China construction. sequious Duterte has acted like a estimates that the SCS holds as much Duterte set aside the 2016 Ar- meek lamb who knows no profanity. as $60 trillion worth of oil, natural bitral Tribunal decision which de- With complete servility, he recently gas and other minerals. In the name cided that the Spratly islands, the declared to China: "So you’re there, of "exploration," China hopes to de- Scarborough Shoals and other you’re in possession, you occupied it. termine whether it is commercially areas of the SCS as part of the Then tell us what route shall we take viable to mine these resources. Philippine exclusive economic zone and what kind of behavior." Just like how China dangled a and extended continental shelf and Duterte's servility is absolutely ob- $904 million loan package in 2004 recognizes Philippine rights under scene. He has no sense of national for Arroyo in exchange for the the UN Convention on the Law of integrity. JMSU, China is now dangling several the Seas. Duterte is inciting base- Duterte's shameless servility billion dollars of loans for Duterte less fear that "the Philippines can- and submission to China has no oth- including funds for rail projects, not afford to go to war with China" er aim but to plead for more loans to roads and others to have the "joint as if war is the only way to assert fund his ambitious Build, Build, Build exploration" agreement which the country's rights. program. The visit by China Presid- China wants to be presumed on its With Duterte's refusal to uphold ent Xi Jinping this November will sovereignty claims. In exchange for such decision, China was given free serve as occasion to sign an agree- these few billion dollars of loans, rein to build its military bases in the ment for "joint exploration" of the Duterte wants to give China not Spratly islands to strengthen its Philippine seas, violating even the only trillions of dollars worth of re- military presence in the area against 1987 constitution which reserves sources, but the country's sover- the US. Among others, China built such right to the State. eignty as well. With Duterte's ap- an airfield with a 10,000-foot run- Similarly questionable is the petite for high-interest China loans, way, ports and other facilities. China-funded 2005 Joint Marine the Philippines is bound to be a Chinese coast guards continue to Seismic Undertaking (JMSU) which debt-slave. interdict Filipino fisherfolk as if they sought to determine the wealth in On the other hand, Duterte is own the Philippine seas. Heightened more than 142,886-square-kilometer also shameless for his subservience Chinese military presence in the SCS of seas (almost half of the total Phil- to the US imperialists. He has cas- aim to curb US military presence and ippine land mass). The study was tigated the SCS naval exercises of the US for risking an armed con- ANG Contents frontation with China, but has al- lowed the US’ full military use of the Editorial: Duterte is putting the country's ports for US warships. country in the middle of the battle of Issue XLIX No. 22 | November 21, 2018 imperialist giants 1 The Philippines serves as a base of the US for mounting so-called AFP suffers 39 casualties 1 "freedom of navigation operations" Ang Bayan is published China accelerates econ colonization 3 in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, to supposedly secure trade routes Xi Jinping protests 4 Hiligaynon, Waray and English. but in fact ensure only US presence NPA-Zamboanga foils AFP attacks 5 Ang Bayan welcomes and power in the SCS. contributions in the form Imelda, sentenced but remains free 5 At any time, the US military of articles and news items. Building the Party in Regata 6 can use Philippine airports and other facilities to stockpile war Readers are encouraged International Students' Day 7 materiél and for rest and recre- to send feedback and Justice evades HLI victims 8 recommendations ation of American troops. NDFP consultant, arrested 8 for improving our newspaper. Under Duterte, the number of Terror and disinformation in Negros 9 joint exercises and war games instagram.com/sine.proletaryo Fascist attacks in Cebu 9 mounted by the US military is in- creasing. @prwc_info AFP vs Lumad school in Talaingod 10 Maguindanao Massacre 10 Duterte's proclamation that he fb.com/groups/prwcnewsroom would not allow stockpiling of France protest 10 weapons in Palawan is meaning- [email protected] The bias of corporate media 11 less. In fact, the US has long been Anti-worker capitalist media 11 using the Ulungan naval base which Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee it expanded in 2014 to be used as of the Communist Party of the Philippines. "Imperialist giants...," continued on page 3 2 November 2 1 , 2 01 8 ANG BAYAN China accelerates economic colonization of the Philippines* hina aims to overwhelm the Philippine economy with its excess capital, China seeks to accelerate its Cmake it dependent on Chinese loans and grants, impose neoliberal eco- economic domination of the Philip- nomic policies, plunder and exploit the country's labor and natural resources, pines by investing in large infra- control the key aspects of the economy, and lock the Philippines in a perennial structure projects in order to mo- state of exporting cheap and low value-added raw and semi-processed goods bilize its idle capital and provide a and importing capital goods and consumer commodities. market for its surplus steel and ce- ment. It has enticed Duterte with Having been at the center of the assistance has shot up to $63.5 mil- promises to spend $15 billion in imperialist global value chain, China lion last year from $1.5 million in dams, roads, bridges, sea ports and has long become the top destination 2016. Foreign direct investments railway projects and provide loans of Philippine exports of raw materi- (FDI) from China grew at a faster of up to $9 billion in the next few als and semi-manufactures and has rate reaching $1.043 billion in the years. become the primary source of the first two years under Duterte, close These promises of fund infusion, country's imports. to 85% of its total FDI over six years however, remain largely unfulfilled. Over the past two years, China under the previous Aquino regime But bureaucrat capitalists are has moved more quickly to further ($1.231 billion) and more than that drooling over the potential kick- strengthen its economic presence in ($825 million) under Arroyo's nine- backs to be pocketed in the form of the country. Its official development year reign. "Imperialist giants...," from page 2 now used as platform for US inter- crisis of the global capitalist system port and storage under EDCA. It has vention in the country. By extend- and rising China challenge to US constructed a series of radars along ing martial law in Mindanao, US ini- power, the Philippines is a tool and the Palawan stretch to spy on the tiative is also strengthened through target of both imperialist powers.
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