1204 June 29 / Administration of William J. Clinton, 1993 pendence can be heard. Thomas Jefferson's FEMA Director James Lee Witt reports words are being spoken in dozens of nations that his Agency already has placed survey in hundreds of languages. teams in the field where they are working We are justly proud of the influence that with the State emergency operating centers. our beliefs have had on the world. But the These teams are laying the groundwork nec- mission of America is far from complete. essary for Federal disaster assistance. We in- While the world is filled with opportunity, tend to speed the recovery of the affected it is rife with uncertainty. We must dedicate communities and ensure disaster victims re- ourselves to carrying on the dreams of the ceive the help they need as rapidly as pos- Founders and adding our own chapter to the sible. unfinished American autobiography. By em- Upon his return, Secretary Espy will brief bracing the changes that are altering the me on the condition of the area and make landscape of the world today, we help ensure a brighter, more democratic, and more recommendations that will help our fellow peaceful world. On this Independence Day, citizens living in the region. I encourage all Americans to rededicate As you know, nine counties in southwest- themselves to the conviction that our heroic ern Minnesota were declared disaster areas journey must go forever upward. in late May. Last week, I granted Governor Best wishes to everyone for a wonderful Arne Carlson's request to extend the incident day. period to allow for coverage for the torrential rains after May 19th through June. Bill Clinton Wisconsin has been hard hit. The break in the dam at Blackriver Falls has destroyed Statement on Flooding in the or damaged over 100 homes. Many of the Midwest town's residents have no flood insurance. Governor Tommy Thompson has already June 29, 1993 asked the National Guard to assist the evacu- ation of flood victims. I am very concerned about the flooding Iowa's Governor Branstad also is using the in the heartland of our country, and I've National Guard to assist flood victims in the asked Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy to survey the region and see firsthand what the eastern part of his State. He has told us that excessive rains have done to agriculture pro- many homes and businesses have been flood- duction there. I also have directed the Fed- ed out, and thousands more are at risk if the eral Emergency Management Agency to levee breaks. keep me fully informed of their activities on The Mississippi River continues to rise in behalf of the affected States. Missouri, threatening towns still dealing with The Mississippi River is closed to naviga- the ravages of the May floods. FEMA teams tion over a 500-mile stretch from the Twin are in eastern Missouri, continuing to mon- Cities in Minnesota to St. Louis. Clearly, this itor the flooding of the Mississippi. Some is one of the most significant natural disasters areas have been evacuated, and preliminary midwestern residents, business owners, and damage assessment teams are in place for a agricultural producers have faced in a very formal assessment request, pending a call long time. This region of the country is de- from Governor Mel Carnahan. pendent upon agricultural production, and I commend the bravery and endurance of when agriculture faces a disaster like this the many midwesterners facing torrents of one, everyone is adversely affected. rain and rivers that have not yet crested. We Tomorrow Secretary Espy will travel to will work together to rebuild your commu- Iowa, Wisconsin (weather permitting), Min- nities as we work together to rebuild Amer- nesota, and South Dakota to view the rain- ica. related damage and talk face to face with farmers and area residents about the damage. VerDate 14-MAY-98 13:59 May 26, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P26JN4.030 INET01 Administration of William J. Clinton, 1993 / June 30 1205 Nomination for Chairman of the The President. Well, most of them are Federal Communications pretty discouraging, and some are encourag- Commission ing. But the most important thing is to look June 29, 1993 at this thing over the long run. We've had 3 or 4 very tough years. And there's a global The President today announced his inten- recession. Two-thirds of our jobs in the late tion to nominate attorney Reed E. Hundt as eighties came from exports, and it's hard to a member of the Federal Communications generate jobs from exports when many Euro- Commission. Once Mr. Hundt is confirmed pean countries have actually negative growth as a member, the President intends to des- and Japan has no growth. And one of the ignate him Chairman of the FCC. reasons that we're having this meeting today ``Telecommunications innovations are con- is to talk about what the United States can stantly changing the way we as Americans do at the meeting of the G±7 to try to get communicate with each other and with the growth going in the global economy. world. With his years of experience, I am We have low interest rates now; people confident Reed Hundt will do an excellent can invest; a lot of people are refinancing job steering the FCC through the challenges their business and home loans, so there's it will face over the next 5 years,'' the Presi- money out there to invest. But they've got dent said. to be able to know that if we create jobs, that people will be able to sell their products NOTE: A biography of the nominee was made and services. And that's why this G±7 meet- available by the Office of the Press Secretary. ing is so important, trying to get some growth back into the global economy that will get Exchange With Reporters Prior to a the export portion of our job growth going again. Meeting With Congressional Leaders Q. And what would you like the other G± June 30, 1993 7 nations to do, sir? The President. What would I like Nuclear Testing themÐÐ Q. Mr. President, why not resume nuclear Q. Yes, sir. testing? There are a lot of people who argue The President. I think Japan ought to that it's necessary to ensure the safety of the stimulate their economy and open their mar- stockpile. kets. And the Europeans should resolve their The President. I'll have a statement on own differences about agriculture and other that in the next few days. I've been working things and help us to sign the GATT agree- very hard on it. I will say this then, the story ment before the end of the year. And the I read about it today is not quite accurate. Germans have worked very hard, the Ger- But I have made a decision, and the adminis- man Government has, but I think the Ger- tration will have a policy, and we'll announce man central bank should continue to lower it sometime in the next few days. We're interest rates there so that all of us together working out some of the details, and we can expand the economy. haven't finished our congressional consulta- It's very hard for the United States alone tions yet. to grow jobs without help from other nations. Q. You mean if somebody else tests first, So those are the things that I hope we can you won't then test? keep working on. And if we get a good trade The President. I have nothing else to say agreement, if we could open the markets of about it. I justÐI'll talk about it whenÐÐ other countries, then I think you'll see some real growth coming into the economy. National and International Economy Q. Is that possible given the political situa- Q. Mr. President, what do you think of tion of the leaders? the new economic figures that have come out The President. It's harder, but it's pos- over the last couple of days? sible. VerDate 14-MAY-98 13:59 May 26, 1998 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 W:\DISC\P26JN4.030 INET01.
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