July 15, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5787 I want to take this opportunity to The question was taken. Reza Asghari, Ahmad Vahidi, and Mohsen commend our former colleague, Admin- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the Razaee from Iran and Imad Fayez Moughnieh istrator Mark Green, for his hard work opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being from Lebanon; in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Whereas Interpol currently has 4 red alerts at USAID. I have had many construc- in place in relation to the AMIA attack; tive conversations with him since be- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, on that I Whereas, on January 13, 2015, prosecutor coming the lead Republican on the For- demand the yeas and nays. Alberto Nisman alleged in a complaint that eign Affairs Committee, and I look for- The yeas and nays were ordered. then-Argentinian President Cristina ward to many more. This bill is actu- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Fernandez de Kirchner and then-Minister of ally his idea. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, further pro- Foreign Relations Hector Timerman con- While the primary goal of such as- ceedings on this motion will be post- spired to cover up Iranian involvement in sistance is to save the lives of people in poned. the 1994 terrorist bombing, and reportedly agreed to negotiate immunity for Iranian desperate need, we also want to ensure f suspects and help get their names removed the recipients know that it is a gift CONDEMNING ATTACK ON THE from the INTERPOL list; from the people of the United States of AMIA JEWISH COMMUNITY CEN- Whereas prosecutor Alberto Nisman was America. scheduled to present his new findings to the TER IN BUENOS AIRES IN JULY We hear a lot about the need to maxi- Argentinian Congress on January 19, 2015; 1994 mize America’s ‘‘soft power.’’ There is Whereas prosecutor Alberto Nisman was no better way to win hearts and minds Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I move to found shot in the head in his apartment in than by saving lives, feeding hungry suspend the rules and agree to the reso- Buenos Aires on January 18, 2015; lution (H. Res. 441) a resolution con- Whereas the investigation of the AMIA children, and helping impoverished bombing has been marked by judicial mis- populations. demning the attack on the AMIA Jew- conduct; This is why I introduced the Brand- ish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Whereas, in March 2019, an Argentine court ing Modernization Act, together with Argentina, in July 1994 and expressing handed down convictions and sentences, find- Chairman ENGEL. the concern of the United States re- ing that the judge, prosecutors, and head of While this bill places no mandates on garding the continuing, 25-year-long the Argentina’s secret services—the individ- USAID and maintains the Administra- delay in the resolution of this case and uals responsible for investigating the AMIA tor’s flexibility, it does empower him encouraging accountability for the at- bombing, Argentina’s deadliest terrorist at- tack. tack—had interfered with the inquiry, di- to brand all of our humanitarian as- verting the investigation away from the sistance. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- truth; It also expands the tools and logos tion. Whereas former Federal judge Juan Jose´ available to the Administrator for im- The text of the resolution is as fol- Galeano was handed down a 6-year convic- plementing a comprehensive branding lows: tion by the court, which will not be enforced strategy. H. RES. 441 until the sentence is confirmed by a higher tribunal; Finally, it requires an audit by the Whereas, 25 years ago, on July 18, 1994, 85 Whereas former State Intelligence Secre- agency’s inspector general to ensure innocent people were killed and 300 were tariat (SIDE) intelligence head Hugo that our personnel are complying with wounded when the Argentine Jewish Mutual Anzorreguy was handed a prison sentence of Association (AMIA) was bombed in Buenos branding regulations. 54 months; Aires, Argentina; This bill represents smart diplomacy, Whereas Carlos Telleldı´n, a used car dealer Whereas, 2 years earlier, Hezbollah good governance, and the true compas- who sold the van that contained the bomb operatives also blew up the Israeli embassy sion of the American people. I believe used to attack AMIA and received a bribe to in Buenos Aires, killing 29 civilians; incriminate police officers falsely, was sen- it deserves our unanimous support. Whereas it is reported that considerable tenced to 42 months in jail; and Mr. Speaker, I want to thank Chair- evidence links the attack to the terrorist Whereas no Iranian suspects for the AMIA man ENGEL again for working with me, group Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon, bombing have yet faced prosecution: Now, as usual, on this bill as well as many supported by the Government of the Syrian therefore, be it Arab Republic, and sponsored by the Govern- others, and I yield back the balance of Resolved, That the House of Representa- my time. ment of the Islamic Republic of Iran; tives— Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Whereas the 25 years since the bombing (1) reiterates its strongest condemnation of self such time as I may consume for have been marked by a failure to bring those the 1994 attack on the AMIA Jewish Commu- the purpose of closing. responsible, including Iranian officials and nity Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and their Hezbollah proxies, to justice; honors the victims of this heinous act; Mr. Speaker, let me again thank my Whereas, in September 2004, Alberto friend, Ranking Member MCCAUL, for (2) expresses its sympathy to the relatives Nisman was appointed as the Special Pros- of the victims, who have waited a quarter of his leadership on this bill. ecutor in charge of the 1994 AMIA bombing One of the things that makes Amer- a century without justice for the loss of investigation; their loved ones, and may have to wait even ican foreign policy unique is that when Whereas, on October 25, 2006, Argentine longer for justice to be served; we are at our best, our values are at prosecutors Alberto Nisman and Marcelo (3) underscores the concern of the United ´ the center of everything we do. I think Martınez Burgos formally accused the Gov- States regarding the continuing, 25-year- one of the most important American ernment of Iran of directing the bombing, long delay in the proper resolution of this and the Hezbollah militia of carrying it out; case; and values is that we are a generous and Whereas Ibrahim Hussein Berro, a member big-hearted country. We invest in de- (4) expresses strong support for account- of the terrorist group Hezbollah, was identi- ability for this attack, including against velopment because development and fied as the AMIA bomber; security go hand-in-hand, but also be- those Iranian and Hezbollah operatives who Whereas, in November 2006, an Argentine were responsible. cause it is the right thing to do. It al- judge issued arrest warrants for Iranian na- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lows more people to live fuller, tionals Ali Fallahijan (former Iranian intel- ant to the rule, the gentleman from healthier, more prosperous lives. ligence minister), Mohsen Rabbani (former ´ New York (Mr. ENGEL) and the gen- We should take credit for that. We Iranian cultural attache), Ahmad Reza Asghari (former Iranian diplomat), Ahmad tleman from South Carolina (Mr. WIL- should let people know it is the United Vahidi (former Iranian defense minister), Ali SON) each will control 20 minutes. States extending a hand of friendship Akbar Velayati (former Iranian foreign min- The Chair recognizes the gentleman and assistance. That is the goal that ister), Mohsen Rezaee (former chief com- from New York. this bill is pursuing. mander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I yield my- Mr. Speaker, I am glad to support Guards Corps), Ali Akbar Hashemi self as much time as I may consume. this bill, I encourage all Members to do Rafsanjani (former President of Iran), Hadi Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support the same, and I yield back the balance Soleimanpour (former Iranian Ambassador of H. Res. 441, a resolution condemning to Argentina), and Lebanese national Imad of my time. the attack on the AMIA Jewish Com- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Fayez Moughnieh who were named as sus- pects in the AMIA bombing; munity Center in Buenos Aires, Argen- question is on the motion offered by Whereas, in November 2007, INTERPOL tina, in July 1994, 25 years ago this the gentleman from New York (Mr. voted to put the following suspects in the month. ENGEL) that the House suspend the 1994 AMIA attack on its most wanted list— I have been to that community cen- rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2744. Ali Fallahijan, Mohsen Rabbani, Ahmad ter. It is a vibrant community center. VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:29 Jul 16, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K15JY7.014 H15JYPT1 H5788 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 15, 2019 It was a horrific bombing that hap- This important resolution condemns yet to face accountability for their ac- pened 25 years ago. the attack, expresses concern over the tions. Mr. Speaker, first of all, I would like continued delay in the resolution of We encourage all responsible nations to thank Mr. DEUTCH for authoring this the case, and it encourages account- to not allow the perpetrators of this at- resolution and for his years of leader- ability for those responsible. tack to continue to escape justice. ship advocating for justice for the vic- The resolution also recognizes a se- After the previous President of Ar- tims of the AMIA bombing.
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