H a rtfo rd - Emanuel Lutheran Brotherhood Mona Tpraa suxlUary, B.W.V, tors, Chariaa Smith and John Grif- Hole’s and House’s tor yoatorday'a , wlU hold ita ragular maaUng to­ 5,868 will have a lawn party this evening SEIECTMEirS M O N m T fla; dalegBta^ atato eoaveatlan, coupon In connection with the anni­ Fair toedidA and ______ ABOUT TOWN on the parsonage grounds, or In morrow evening at 8 o’clock In the SMITH PURCHASES MAKING PROCRESS JoMph Bkoaaakl; altarnoU, Frank versary oalM now going on. The MemlMr of Om Audit Burgos of grealaWana. iBghtto oMrier toidght oad o« case of rain In the church vestry Army and Navy olubbouaa. Braonan; •toward, Walter Moske; lucky number was 30799 and was ooaot Thuboraday. ' . Sttijr** Junior ebolr win haT« Clarence Anderson, chairman of the MEEnNG ON JDIY 20 rep resen tailva on house committos, drawn by Ethel lalelb of 24 Modiaon MANCHESTER — A aTY OF VILLAGE C ^ KM ' _ toniftat at 6:30 In the rducatlonal group, ;rblch Is In Mr. and Mra. Cliarlea W. King of NORTH END T R A Q ONVF.W .’SHOME Charles Connors. street. charge, urges members and friends 398 Main atreet who recently com­ bonae to plan for the out- Severs! Important Matters to A oommittoo ccaststlng of In view of the Merchants annual VOL. LV.. NO. 244. Advactlatog on Poga lA), Brery member la urged to be to attend, and to come as eariy — pleted their new cottage at Oom- Chozlaa Oonnora, Lawrence Moonan, tJl-day holiday tomorrow the next MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 15,1936 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Dt possible, to enjoy a fuU evening fleld Point and art there for the Be Considered— May Ree- Waltor lloaka, Reymmid Oolsman drawing wIB not b« held until Thurs­ PRICE THREE CEf games and good fellowship. summer, have as their guests, Mias onunend Bond Issue. and Gleim Petorsem, waa named to day morning. Katherine and Miae Evelyn Palmer Adds to Elizabeth Park De- Entire Second Floor of ' Sllaa Faith and PtaylUe FaHow of arrange for the annual outing of the REANTOWN BELLS BEER Main atreet left yeeterday In Members of Msrstlc Review. of Main street The regular monthly meeting of company wdth power to select the ^:'4ap(ipany with frlende from Nor- Woman’s Beneflt association, will velopmeDt in Obtaining the Board of Selectmen adU be held Loomis Hoose Remodeled date and place. BREAK IN HEAT BUT CANNOT M M - BEANS. Ex-Naval Officer Accused As Spy ' ■ for a two weeke’ vacation, meet tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock Monday evening, July 30, In the BRECKINRIDGE left by ateamer for Virginia at Main and Hilliard street, and wlU Municipal building. Besides rou­ WATKINS BROS. Boiton, July 16.— (AP) —Bog- - 9 where they wUl be gueeta at proceed to the home of Miss Ann OLD TOWN RECORDS Starkweather Property. tine buslneoa and approval of by Members of P o ^ MRS. W. J. BRAND WINS INCORPORATED too. aomettmes called Beantown, Keating who died yesterday after­ SEEN AS END OF bans tos sale of a can of baked ALCORN DECLARATIOI CavaUer hotel for a few days, monthly bUla the board ha con­ TAKES A WALK; rUd win visit other placea of In- noon. Miss Keating Imd been a fronted with several Important mat- ROBERT K. ANDERSON beans on Sunday, but permiU member of the association for 39 the sola of bear. : takeat in that vldnlty. PUT IN ^ D ORDER Robert J. Smith yesterday an­ tora for consideration including pos­ Work la promaaing aatiafaetory HALE’S-HOUSE’S PRIZE Funeral Director years. sibly the recommendation to the TORRIDTERROR The allagad aala of two’ cans of nounced the purchase of the Stark­ on the remodeling of the former beans on a Sunday morning land­ JOINSJANDON l^dnlty Paat Grands' Association voters of a special bond laaua of Loomis property at Blanchoster Funeral service in home­ 'Win have a picnic Thursday after- The Rev. Robert Bell who was the weather property botmded by North Summit Street Woman la ed toe propriator of a variety HE WOULD RUN STIR WPA Project Brings Instra- $160,000 to refund a^ool district Green for a home .for Andersoa-Sbee like surroondings. at Highland Park. Each uest speaker at the special service, Elm street and Green Road, part ot temporary notes --- Fortunate in Drawing at Big atore btfore toe city licensing funday, July H, at St. Mary's Epis­ Foot, Veterans of Foreign Wars end ^lal Now of Record Spe board. attending Is requested to which was used for many yeara in' Action yesterday token Iw the Atixlllary. A large amount of glass Store Today. 142 EAST CENTER ST. 4de her own cup,, plate and sU- copal church under auspices of the Commenting from toe bench. Democratic New Deal Critic local Orangemen, has tendered bis ments from 1824 Right the winter for ice cutting purposes Selectmen appropriating $900 for a was set in the wlndaws and the rare. Headquarters wUI be at two year audit of the Tax Collec­ entire second floor timbers strength­ Telephone: Miss Mary Driscoll, mepiber of resignation as rector of the Church by the late Fred Starkweather. The The name of Mrs. W. J. Brand of Rated as Bad as Fh toe commiaolon sold: "Thera la EUgbland Park Community tor’s accounts over the yeara 1926 ened with stoel truss bars to aUow 16 Summit street waa drawn this Office 5171 House 7494 Says G. 0. P. Victory WiU use. of the ^Iphany, New Haven, giving Up to Date. purchase of this property rounds ■omsthtog funny about laws that SUPPORTERS OF BROW! and 1937 ramoves that matter from the removal of cross-timbers and as bis reason that he “passed the morning as the winner of the. $29.96 permit toe sale of bear yet for­ normal age retirement some time out Mr. Smith’s well known real conslderatlOD at S apaclal town portlUona. G. E. vacuum cleaner given away by Floor City; Fatality List Is Mra. Joseph Jobnaon of IS Haw- eatato development. BUsabetb Park meeting. New electric wiring has been tn- bid toe sals of a couple of cans Mean End of Many Pres­ 1 - ago.” Mr. Ben is 71. of baked beans!" Btreet has as her weekend The local WPA project, new In giving him a frontage now of about It la expected that reports of the atoUed and the building is now con­ goMts, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Dixon progress In the vault erf the Town several school district commlttcM, nected with the water maina. This ADVBRTTSEMBNT— Now Set at 3,291 lives. Prosecution waa suapanded and Two State’s Attorneys No' ^ Amsterdam, N. T. All services at the Swedish Con Clerk’s office is about one-tblrd a baU mile or more on Green Road. toe store owner waa warned to ent Day Evils. St Ami gregational church on Spruce atreet on meatings all of which will be week a work crew, members of the Mr. and Mra. Kronlck of the Wll- Doctor Furnishes Clue complete to date. A corps of typ­ peat, are installing homasote board­ sell no more beans on Sunday. win be discontinued during the held this week, will be transmitted rose Dress Shop have returned ---------------------------------------------- g, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Norton and ists has been engaged In copying to the Selectmen next Monday night ing on the second floor and new Chicago, July 16. — (AP) — Rain Seeking Repohlican Ni ' lUas BUxabetb Norton of Main Eastern Missionary association land records of the Town of Man­ from a New York buying trip with which begins Saturday, July 18, and for action on laying the proposed floors will be laid throughout the aome cotton dresses and a aelection id cool air hovered today near the Topeka, Kaa„ July 18.— (AP) — In Waterford Murder b tM t are absent on a vacation chester during the past three equalisation tax. building. Meetings of the poet and Col. Henry Breckenridge, toe Dem­ ination for Governor ttlp through New Tork state. They at the Swedish Tabernacle In Crom- months, beglm ^g with records of auxiliary wilhbe held at the home of new fall dresses. last strongholds of a record-break­ in to spend the major part o t contlnues through Sunday, July 28 1824 to date. soon as the second floor reraodellag ing 13-day heat wave which took ocratic New Deal critic who ran ge time in Woodstock In that well. An Index system of filing wrlll be Is completed. 8,291 Uvea. FLOOR BATTLE against President Roosevelt to )the New London, July 16__ (A P )—* TTiay have been unable to find the Expect Sentiment | ' State. established upon completion of the The building originally containing Armed with clues which ma^ laod^ bullet which boUlstles expertc say Rev. K. B. Erickson of Emanuel An early morning downpour gt Presidential prlmorUa of four record searching showing the cor­ 14 rooms will provide a large meetr Springfield, In ce n t^ Dllnola,. and states, stepped Into toe Republican them to a solution of tos otw a, a was fired from one chamber of a .M ‘ The Women’s Home League of Lutheran church, Mra. Erickson and rect location of the property rec­ 500 DELINQUENT ing room on the second floor and detail of atato police pressed toelr calibre revolver which belonge4 to Crystalize Tomorrow i their daughters have returned after Walter N.Leclerc breezes which dropped the Mercury OVER TOWNSEND camp today with a formal declars' ftia Salvation Army will have a orded, the name of the granter and reception rooms on the first floor. A Into the high 70's In the Chicago search today for toe robben.
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