—-.-^ i^-^«. Hagai:>an Library liiaat Havon, Conn 51 ,1 Page Eight THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16,1930 is I -aiwinftu—gs THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A TIlE HOME TOWN PAPER •:? EYE OPENERS".by Bob Crosby Thirteen Hundred VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TO\VN — of — PORTRAYING AS IT DOES BRANFORD — NORTH IIRANFORD '^ ) Calendar Of Events STONY CREEK — PINE ORCHARD Continued from Page One. LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK tHE PEANOT IS week that the work would continue /VOT A NUT. IT FAJIILIAB LANGUAGE Che GRANMS CORNER — MORRIS 2IK1 and 'lUi Tnosdny iiiKlit, Nnsliaweiwi Council, ne};ree of I'o- for about three months, longer. vmtotii i^bietn COVE — EAST HAVEN calionlas in Hed Men's Hall, Dredging was necessary-at the AND EAST HAVEN NEWS 2n(l and 'llli Friday Nlglits—Vasa Star Lodge No. l.W, Svca Hull docks before the cumbersome bar­ ges could be received. Piles were VOL. XI—NO. 40 Branford, Comiecticut, Thursday, February 23, 1939 KVERY WEEK driven in successive -- clusters of Price Five Oenta TlHirsdiiy-—I'uwKoii Tribe, No. 01, Sooiiil in Itedmen's Hall, I'ul)- threes close to the mainland. ! llc Invited. Operated by a single m&n a BUcy- Fridiiy—BinRo-Uonclll of St. Mary's Keclory Fund, Trysl, 8:;!0 rus Eric Machine digs Into the mas­ Zoning Would 'Senior Class To Explanation Of I'VidayH—Pawson Tribe, I. 0. K. M. at 8 1'. M. in Redmen's Hall. sive mountain of granite at Dodd's Human Compass Good Teaching Device quarry scooping into Its monstrous Nurses Committee Report PEBBUAUY 17th paw, stone for truck after truck- ''Save" Branford Present Play Sources Of Tax nUi Unidc North (Juilford HpoHNoi-H motion picture slio.w. load for transportation, jj- . Curd Tarty, Women's Guild,, Clirist Cliureli,8 ]'. M. Dodd's quarry, reopenisd recently, Says Authority In East Haven Revenue Printed Emphasizes Wide Scope (-'ojil'or Degree, I'awson 'J'rilie, 8 1". M., Kcd Men's Ilall, is the oldest quarry at the Atlanitc iiVleuliMo DcHHcrt-Bridge, Trinity Aid in l'ari«li IlouKe. seaboard. Forsaken many years ago The senior class play cast will the rusty rails, engines,,, machines, Woman's Republican Club Hears Eevcals Figures Interesting To iMrH. (I. Herbert Pooto oiilcrtains Woman's Missionary Society, Splendid Talk on Toivn score a definite hit tonight in Its (.'iird.s,'Annex Fire lleparlinenl. and buildings are a reminder of Inierpretatlon of "The Mummy and Local Taxpayers Of Health Supervision more prosperous days.' Planning the Mumps", a farce in three acts FEBRUARY 20th A million and a half tons of loose by Larry E. Johnson, the first an­ Continuing a custom Inaugurated In 1930 there Is now published a Rotary—12:15—Cnn(,'regational Church Parlors. sranite are the property awaiting with satisfactory Zoning and nual senior class dramatic produc­ Nurses Are Constantly On The Look-Out For Symptoms a bidder, and solid ledges' run hun-' careful planning Branford's "Little tion. A large crowd will witness comparative statement of actual JilioiT licaeh I'TA 4 P. M. dreds of feet beyond the tracks, lax receipts by the state govern­ Of Communicable Diseases—Dental Clinic Is Form Initiatory DogrccM, 0. U. S. Marbleheads" should be able to de- the single evening performance, cranes and cables. velope golden opportunities, Mr. and a large number of grade school ment of Connecticut for each ot,)ts Of Preventive Tubercular Work. Indian Ni'clt Fire Co., 8 P.M. "OESCUE your pet cat, madam?" All in a day's adventure tor Senior students attended the matinee on six fiscal years ended on Juno 90, Women's Repulilieaii Club, 2:'l.'), lioKtess, Mrs. Cliaiineey Upson I IV ScoutB (Boy Scouts past tlieir IStli birthday) is tliis good turn Leslie Williams said Monday after­ for a stranded pussy. The culprit who caused the feline's dilemma is now OBSERVE FOUNDING noon at the regular meeting of the Tuesday. 193B, with references to the statutes (Feb. 1, 1038—Jan. 31, 1939) FEBRUARY 2lBt lecurely held by the woodsman.. The Indian Neck PTA ^ observed Womens' Republican Club. Under the splendid directing of providing for their Imposition^ Day Of Prayer In planning for the report of the Annual McetinK, St. Andrew's Parisli. Founders' Day at its regular meet­ He complimented the town on its Miss Louise Scott, Thespian spon­ The statement, was prepared tor Nurses' Committee for the year ^.THE OOiMUANf, Covered Dish Innelieon, Short Beacli Snnaliincrs. ing recently held in the school. Fol­ beautiful shore line and possibilities sor, every character Is so admir­ the purpose of presenting In slmpl}- there must always bo selected some lowing a brief business session con­ for improved beautlfioation and ably portrayed that It would be lled and convenient form aperiodic Tomorrow At central Idea around which to focus A FISH, IS DRIED Musical Art Souiety, Miss Isabel MacLeod, hostess, 8 P. JL Civil Service ducted by Mrs. Harold Roth, a play bird's-eye view of the tax system AND BURNED AS A civic conditions but was not so flat­ most difficult to select one as LL Scouts know the 16 principal points of'thc compaEB backward'and the figures This year I have decided Pilgrim Brotherhood Supper, 0:30. entitled "Reminiscence", was pre­ tering when he stated briefly what being superior to the others. The of Connecticut so far as the state to discuss the patients—somewhat r CANOLE By sented, telling the story of the A forward., This SEA SCOU'T Rame makes compass bearings como Baptist Church FEBRUARY 22nd Examination residents had done to ruin these taleilted cast included Harry Law to life. SEA SCOUTS are Scouts fittccn or more years old enrolled in government is concerned. of how they como to us and how ALASKAN \NDIAMSS founding of P T A. Members taking bits of "Little Marbehead" by not ler soon as Sir Hector Fish who im­ one of tbe senior programs of the Boy Scouts of America. There are now The Report of the tax commis­ they are "dismissed" as the toohl- Baked Ilnm Snppcr, Ludies Aid, St. Andrew's Church part were 0. Haskell. Bush,, Mrs. more than 100.000 members of the Sea Scout alumni. The World Day of Prayer, held In Annual WasliiiiKton Party, Princess Chapter, O.E.S. and Assem­ awakening to the fact that Zoning personates the mummy; Larry Be- sioner for the biennial period 1037 every country of the world, will be cal term goes. Tho usual formula In The United States Civil Service James Rourke, Mrs. William Krem- was vital to the development of the langer as Francis Briscoe, who im­ and 1938 distributed this week by describing tho objectives of a visit­ Alaskan Indians iniicrt the pitli The millions of American houae- bly 17. • • ""HB^'gftMfflSl ser and Mrs. Frederick Howe. A bir­ observed In Branford at the First jf a rush, or a allp of cypress bork wivcs who pride themselves on Commission has announced that It town. personates Sir Hector; Maurice the State of Connecticut list under ing nurse association Is to say that X^' Joint Wiishington Social, O.E.S. and Lodge 08, A. F. & A. M. thday cake was made by. Mrs. Krem- Sarasohn as William Laldlaw, who Baptist Church, tomorrow after­ It provides nursing caro for tho sick nto the mouth of the oolachan, a tliclr delicious biscuita, baked so will accept applications not later CAPTURED BARRIER FORTS Through the ages from the con­ Dedication Of St. Mary's Church "Amounts Apportioned to and Paid noon at 3 o'clock. The women of all quickly in the temperature regu­ than March 13 It received from Sta­ ser and the attractive favors by helps as much as possible; John by Towns on Account of the Sup­ In their homes and by teaching and intlvo fish, and burn It A member FEBRUARY 23rd Mrs. Rourke and Mrs.' Eitzinger. struction of the pyramids through Protestant churches In this vicin­ lated ovens of modem gas ranges, tes east of Colorado, and not later Holding on with bulldog deter­ the reign of Caesar, the Middle Scalla as James Slammon or "Rac- port, Maintenance, and Expense of other means helps to maintain bet­ iF the salmon family, the fish la wouldn't think of double baking. "Miimniy and Uie Mumps" Baai Ilaven Higli School Aiicl,itQriHm Other hostesses were C. A. Newton Junior High Give Supper For ity will attend this annual service M 'cry oily and must be dried before than March 10 if received from mination to a Cantonese fort which Ages, 20th Century to the industrial ker," who has three men's work to- the Connecticut National Guard ter health conditions In tho com­ Yet the Latin derivation of the Smorgasbord.—^Tabor Lullicran-Chiircli. Mrs. Andrew Lawrence, Mrs. D. do—but doesn't do It; Harold Par- for which the women of the Baptist munity. Following this thought fur­ t can bo utilized for purpoacs of word means just that —"twice Colardo and States westward, for had been wrested from the Chinese, Barba and Mrs. J. Kenney. revolution he discussed social and Christmas Party and Organized Mllltla." payable on Church win act as hostesses. lumlnatlon in this primitive vray. B. V. N. A. Finance Committee miiels at 2 P. M. at borne ol: Mrs. the positions named below. business ideals. rltt as Perkins, the sheriff, who March 10th or before November 10, 1038 ther one may como to tho conclusion cooked." G.E. Evans. .-.v' a small group of U. S. Marines re­ does his "dooty"; Ella Slocum as Following are the members of the that a visiting nurso association ex­ Mineral economist, and senior, pulsed three desperate attempts Washington, D.
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