Rockland Gazette The Largest Rockland Tribune Circulation Union Times Consolidated March 17, 1897 T he Courier-Gazette. In Eastern Maine — T W / C £ - 4 - W E E / < . TUESDAY AND SATURDAY. Two Dollars a Year R o c k la n d Maine Saturday September 18 1897 V ol. 5 2 . N o . 6 4 WITH GRANITE WORKERS THE PLYMOUTH PILGRIMS THE FALL CAMPAIGNS KITE FLYING AT COOPER'S IN A CORNER OF THE LIBRARY What, a Live Industry W ill I>o for Even a The Facts In the Case of John Itllllngton, PAINLESS EXTRACTING W arming Up In Good Benson—Rrpuhlicnn Terrible Dnvloe of a N ow Orlenna Hoy— A new volume of stones by M t. Kipling it Small Place-North Jay, Then and Now. Hanged For No Adequate Keason. Sneer,, Confidently Looked For. Distinguished Mon nt Play. one of the plums promised lor the publishing Have been trying for a number of year* to From the Livermore Falls Express and Ad­ Permit me to correct some errors which WxXHlNOTON, D . O.. B»pt. 11. 1 K»T. The Courier-Gazette in frequent para season of neat spring, produce a preparation for Painlbrb B x - The politic,I campaigns in the vaiioua tbaotiho F iif.k PROM Cocainb and at last vertiser we clip ihe following interesting re­ have lately been repeated in The Courier- graph* tbit Summer hat told of the enthusi A novel bv Henry Steton Merriman it to be have succeeded. No bad after effect* or sore Fred F. Burpee, » t,le , are winning up— growing very warm, view of N o r’h Jay and its leading industry Gazette in relation to John Billington, who asm in kite Hying developed among the cot- launched in Harper's Magazine before long. mouth* same b« with majority of cocaine mix­ An old barn, and old fashioned house, two came over in the Mayflower with his wife and in fact. I'artie, arriving here from New York, tagers at Cooper’s Beach. N ot the least en tures. It is called “ Roden’s Corner.” rickely sheds, a few cows quietly grazing on Nebraska, Kentucky, Iowa, and Ohio report thurlastic in pursuit of the sport has been two sons, Francis and John, Tr. They joined Roberts Brothers will have ready in Octo­ the hillside, . im all railroad atation where the the M aylow er company at Lo ndon or near ealreme activity and intereit in the tight Harry E. Krebbiel, musical critic of the New ber Ihe “Quest of Happiness," hy the late FREE EXTRACTING, birds fovnd shelter and built nests beneath j by, with Miles Standish, Stephen H opkins, which ia to be made in thoae Statea. Remark­ York Trihunej hence we find it easy tobe Philip Gilbert llsm m eito n ; and will also soon Or in other words, all those desiring artificial Practical its eaves and once in a great while a passen- 1 Ilicks and others who were not members of able aa it ia that tbe silver cauae ahould atill lieve that tbe following article, printed in teeth money paid for extracting will be allowed bring out a translation by Prof. E. S. G.Gros- ger alighted on tbe platform from the regular the church but cast their lo tln with them and have any life left in it, it it a fact. It it to back when teeth made. last Sunday’aTribune, ia from that gentleman’s venor of Amherst of Theodore Zenos’s histor­ trains that pass by— that was North Jay four signed the compact at Cap-cod with the be made the haait of the battle in every atite pen. The persona named in the article are where there are important electiona thia Fall. ical novel, “Andronlke Ihe Heroine of Ihe years ago. A pretty little village nestled at others. readily recognizable to our readers, I he il‘ fireek Revolution.” Pharmacist the foot of a mountain, a large railroad depot Billington was the possessor of more wealth One year ago one ounce o f silver would buy lustration of the kite cutter which accompa­ PAINLESS FILLING. wi'h fine freight sheds and all modern rail­ than any of the other Pilgrims. He built one one buahel of wheat in N ew Y ork; now it nied itrepreaenta a murderous looking instru­ Professor M otet Coit Tyler will publish st road conveniences, several large stores and of the first houses in tbe colony; was fond of takes two ounces, and silver ia alill falling and ment well calculated to accomplish its pur- once through Ihe Putnams the second and restaurants, hotels and boarding houses,every­ hunting, fishing, etc.; a strong, resolute man, wheat still riting. It would scarcely aecm pose: concluding volume of hit “ Literary History of Hale Method. Rockland, Plaine. thing with a lively air and a ppirit of life and selected by Standish, who knew him well, as possible that anybody could successfully argue "M any an old heart hat been made y< ung the American Revulutiun.” Il will contain Have been using IIalk Method por P a in - activity, everybody apparently happy and his right-hand man and lieutenant— probably in favor ol currency made from metal whose again ol late by the discovery that kite-flying an exhaustive index and a full biography. The LB hr Fillino for past threo year* and can value hat fallen over 25 per cent, in eighteen tame publishers are going to print in one v il- cheerfully recommend It to tho*o who Buffer prospering since the marvelous growth of the the second best soldier in the colony. Mour- can now be indulged in by others than boys through having teeth filled. village since the discovery and unearthing o f ton describes him an being much beloved and months. Yet that ia a fact as to silver. On without loss of dignity. W hat was once ume ’ he papers on historic New York which the finest quality of granite in the world, al­ respected. His wife was one of the most March 7th of last year it waa worth 70 cents merely pastime has now been reduced, or ad various nuihora have contributed to tbc " H a lf No Injurylto Teeth in Any E ery thing appertaining to a ready famous for its whiteness, lasting and quiet, pious and motherly o f women, kind, an ounce in New York, now it ia worth 52 vanced, to a science. In Ihe city, of course, Moon Series." cents. W a y . First-Class Pharmacy tremendous crushing power. generc us and tender-hearted. Francis, her no one hut scientific men, or such as pursue Brenlano't announce for immediate publica­ H ow it ia that any party can now aaaumc It works so satisfactorily that it makes the No sooner had tbe discovery of this line oldest son, resembled his mother in kind and their amusements under the guise of science, tion “ Colonial Verses— Mount Vernon," by operation of teeth filling a thing not to bo granite been made, than a company was or­ generous qualities, and his father in his love to win a battle with silver aa the chief issue have been able to play with kites. They Ruth l.swrence. This it a series of verses, dreaded In the loa*l No extra charge. Elm Street. ganized and issued stock which readily found of hunting and woodcraft. H e was tbe dis­ in States where they could not win on that have sent them up from the roofs of tall with accompanying illustrations of the home Tho saving of broken down natural teeth a market. This company is known as the coverer of the large lake which still bears his issue a year ago, ia hard to understand. On buildings and told us how they contrived to ol Washington, showing tbe drawing room, condemned by other dentists a specialty. Dis- last presidential election day silver was worth colored front teeth restored to natural color. Maine and New Hampshire Granite Co., who name, "Billington Sea.’’ avoid being dragged off and dashed to pieces Ihe banquet room, the music room, the stair All operations pertaining to modern dentistry also operate large quarries in N ew H am p ­ The youngest boy, John, Jr., was a smart, 65.7. Today it is worth 51 cents, a fall ol on the paving stones; how the reels or way, Washington's room, the east front of the performed In skillful manner. shire. The officers of the company are bright, intelligent youth, but rather mis­ over 20 pet cent. I f the Democrats could windlasses were handled; how much superior house, the garden, the spinning house and Ira B. Cushman, president; Payson Tucker, chievous. H e played some mischievous trick not carrv Ohio, Kentucky, Iowa, Maryland, piano-wire is to rope when one wishes to put Washington's tomb, or New York on the stiver issue in November, treasurer. on Capt. Jones of the Mayflower, who, with up a flight of kites a-tsndem, and all that sort Taine’s "Journeys T hrough France” it to 1896, with their proposed dollar worth 51 At this North Jay quarry may be seen the his father’s assistance, tied his neck and o( thing. All this without causing the hearts he published in an English translation hy cents, how can they expect to win this Fall F.E.FOLLETT, D.D.S. largest piece of granite ever quarried out of heels together for punishment. This punish­ o f mature readers to beat any quicker. At Henry H o lt A Co.
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